### How to merge a Dependabot PR The "distribution" for a GitHub Action is checked into the repository itself. In the case of these actions, the transpiled sources are committed to the `dist` directory. Any production dependencies are inlined into the distribution. So if a Dependabot PR updates a production dependency (or a dev dependency that changes the distribution, like the Typescript compiler), then a manual step is required to rebuild the dist and commit. The simplest process to follow is: 1. Checkout the dependabot branch locally eg: `git checkout dependabot/npm_and_yarn/actions/github-5.1.0` 2. In the `sources` directory, run `npm install` to download NPM dependencies 3. In the `sources` directory, run `npm run build` to regenerate the distribution 4. Push the changes to the dependabot branch 5. If/when the checks pass, you can merge the dependabot PR