name: 'Gradle Wrapper Validation' description: 'Validates Gradle Wrapper JAR Files' author: 'Gradle' inputs: min-wrapper-count: description: 'Minimum number expected gradle-wrapper.jar files found in the repository. Non-negative number. Higher number is useful in monorepos where each project might have their own wrapper.' required: false default: '1' allow-snapshots: description: 'Allow Gradle snapshot versions during checksum verification. Boolean, true or false.' required: false default: 'false' allow-checksums: description: 'Accept arbitrary user-defined checksums as valid. Comma separated list of SHA256 checksums (lowercase hex).' required: false default: '' outputs: failed-wrapper: description: 'The path of the Gradle Wrapper(s) JAR that failed validation. Path is a platform-dependent relative path to git repository root. Multiple paths are separated by a | character.' runs: using: 'node20' main: '../dist/wrapper-validation/main/index.js' branding: icon: 'shield' color: gray-dark