description:When 'true', the action will attempt to remove any stale/unused entries from the Gradle User Home prior to saving to the GitHub Actions cache.
description:Specifies if a GitHub dependency snapshot should be generated for each Gradle build, and if so, how. Valid values are 'disabled' (default), 'generate', 'generate-and-submit' and 'download-and-submit'.
description:Specifies the number of days to retain any artifacts generated by the action. If not set, the default retention settings for the repository will apply.
description:Gradle command line arguments (supports multi-line input)
deprecation-message:The `gradle-build-action` will configure your runner so that any subsequent Gradle execution will benefit. Using the action to execute Gradle directly is deprecated in favor of executing Gradle in a subsequent Step. See
# These properties are experimental and not (yet) designed for production use, and may change without notice in a subsequent release of `gradle-build-action`.
description:Used to uniquely identify the current job invocation. Defaults to the matrix values for this job; this should not be overridden by users (INTERNAL).
description:Link to the Build Scan® generated by a Gradle build. Note that this output applies to a Step executing Gradle, not to the `gradle-build-action` Step itself.
description:Path to the GitHub Dependency Graph snapshot file generated by a Gradle build. Note that this output applies to a Step executing Gradle, not to the `gradle-build-action` Step itself.