define([ "command", "settings!api" ], function(command, Settings) { //handles sending custom messages based on Caret commands (builds, plugins, etc) var targets = Settings.get("api"); command.on("init:restart", function() { targets = Settings.get("api"); }); command.on("api:execute", function(id, c) { if (!id in targets) return c(); var config = targets[id]; var message = config.message; var send = function() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage(, message, null, function() { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError); } if (c) c(chrome.runtime.lastError); }); }; if (config.sendEditorContext) { //add context information to the message message.context = {}; if (editor.session.file && editor.session.file.getPath) { editor.session.file.getPath(function(err, path) { message.context = { path: path, selection: editor.session.getTextRange() }; send(); }); } else { //no path for Caret config files or unsaved "untitled.txt" message.context.path = ""; message.context.selection = editor.session.getTextRange(); send(); } } else { //send message as-is send(); } }); //External apps can send messages by matching Caret's command/argument config objects chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener(function(message, sender, c) {, message.argument, c); }); });