module.exports = function(grunt) { var exec = require("child_process").exec; var path = require("path"); var fs = require("fs"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-less"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-watch"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-compress"); grunt.initConfig({ less: { light: { files: { "css/caret.css": "css/seed.less", "css/caret-dark.css": "css/seed-dark.less" } } }, watch: { css: { files: ["css/*.less"], tasks: ["less"] }, options: { spawn: false } }, compress: { store: { options: { archive: "build/", pretty: true, level: 2 }, files: [ {cwd: "build/unpacked", expand: true, src: "**", dest: "/", isFile: true} ] } }, copy: [ "config/**", "js/**", "css/*.css",//leave the LESS behind "**/*.html",//both main.html and the templates "require.js", "background.js", "installer.js", "**/*.png" //in case we add images at some point ] }); grunt.registerTask("default", ["less", "watch"]); grunt.registerTask("prep", ["less", "cleanup", "copyUnpacked"]); grunt.registerTask("package", ["prep", "chrome", "webstore", "compress:store"]); grunt.registerTask("store", ["prep", "webstore", "compress:store"]); grunt.registerTask("crx", ["prep", "chrome"]); grunt.registerTask("copyUnpacked", "Copies files to the build directory", function() { var srcPatterns = grunt.config.get("copy"); srcPatterns.forEach(function(pattern) { var files = grunt.file.expandMapping(pattern, "./build/unpacked", { filter: "isFile" }); files.forEach(function(f) { grunt.file.copy(f.src[0], f.dest); }); }); }); grunt.registerTask("chrome", "Makes a new CRX package", function() { var manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./manifest.json")); manifest.icons["128"] = "icon-128-inverted.png"; fs.writeFileSync("./build/unpacked/manifest.json", JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2)); //perform the Chrome packaging var c = this.async(); var here = fs.realpathSync(__dirname); var chrome = { win32: '"' + (process.env["ProgramFiles(x86)"] || process.env.ProgramFiles) + "\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" + '"', linux: "/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome", osx: "Beats me." }; var cmd = [ chrome[process.platform] ]; cmd.push("--pack-extension=" + path.join(here, "build/unpacked")); cmd.push("--pack-extension-key=" + path.join(here, "../Caret.pem")); cmd = cmd.join(" "); exec(cmd,function(err, out, stderr) { if (err) { console.log("Unable to run Chrome for CRX packaging."); return c(); } fs.renameSync("./build/unpacked.crx", "./build/Caret.crx"); c(); }); }); grunt.registerTask("webstore", "Prepares the manifest for the web store", function() { var manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./manifest.json")); delete manifest.update_url; delete manifest.key; manifest = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2); fs.writeFileSync("./build/unpacked/manifest.json", manifest); }); grunt.registerTask("cleanup", "Removes the build/unpacked directory", function() { var c = this.async(); exec("rm -rf ./build/*", c); }); grunt.registerTask("types", "Update supported file types from ace.json", function() { var json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("config/ace.json", { encoding: "utf8" })); var types = {}; json.modes.forEach(function(mode) { mode.extensions.forEach(function(ext) { types[ext] = true; }); }); var manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("manifest.json")); manifest.file_handlers.text.extensions = Object.keys(types).sort(); fs.writeFileSync("manifest.json", JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2)); }); };