{ //If you want to disable update checks at startup, change this "promptForUpdates": true, "defaultTheme": "chrome", //This should be any of the supported Ace themes /* Ace theme names are usually underscored, lowercase versions of the "friendly" names: ambiance chaos chrome clouds clouds_midnight cobalt crimson_editor dawn dreamweaver eclipse github idle_fingers merbivore merbivore_soft monokai mono_industrial pastel_on_dark solarized_dark solarized_light terminal textmate tomorrow tomorrow_night tomorrow_night_blue tomorrow_night_bright tomorrow_night_eighties twilight vibrant_ink xcode */ "uiTheme": "light", //dark or light, your pick "cursor": "slim", //"ace", "slim", "smooth", "wide", "highlightLine": false, "showWhitespace": false, //show whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, returns) "indentation": 2, //indentation size "useTabs": false, //will turn off Ace's setUseSoftTabs() option and use tab characters instead "wordWrap": true, "wrapLimit":false, //Set to the number of characters you want or false for full window "showMargin": false, "lineEndings": "auto", //newline format - "windows", "unix", or "auto" "scrollPastEnd": true, //allow the editor to scroll past the end of the document "trimTrailingWhitespace": true, //remove whitespace from the end of lines on save //only fixed-width fonts supported, for now "fontFamily": "", "fontSize": 13, //Web workers are used for code hinting in PHP, JavaScript, and JSON. //We don't yet have a way to set the worker options, but you can disable it. "useWorker": true, //autocomplete triggers on Ctrl-Space "autocomplete": true, //By default, the palette searches the current file only unless you widen the scope. //If you'd like it to search all open files by default, set this option to true. "searchAllFiles": false, //set a regex to ignore in project view/search "ignoreFiles": "node_modules", //Crazy? You might like Vim keybindings. Only takes effect on restart "emulateVim": false }