/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Distributed under the BSD license: * * Copyright (c) 2010, Ajax.org B.V. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Ajax.org B.V. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AJAX.ORG B.V. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ ace.define('ace/keyboard/emacs', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/dom', 'ace/incremental_search', 'ace/commands/incremental_search_commands', 'ace/keyboard/hash_handler', 'ace/lib/keys'], function(require, exports, module) { var dom = require("../lib/dom"); require("../incremental_search"); var iSearchCommandModule = require("../commands/incremental_search_commands"); var screenToTextBlockCoordinates = function(x, y) { var canvasPos = this.scroller.getBoundingClientRect(); var col = Math.floor( (x + this.scrollLeft - canvasPos.left - this.$padding) / this.characterWidth ); var row = Math.floor( (y + this.scrollTop - canvasPos.top) / this.lineHeight ); return this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(row, col); }; var HashHandler = require("./hash_handler").HashHandler; exports.handler = new HashHandler(); exports.handler.isEmacs = true; exports.handler.$id = "ace/keyboard/emacs"; var initialized = false; var $formerLongWords; var $formerLineStart; exports.handler.attach = function(editor) { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; dom.importCssString('\ .emacs-mode .ace_cursor{\ border: 2px rgba(50,250,50,0.8) solid!important;\ -moz-box-sizing: border-box!important;\ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box!important;\ box-sizing: border-box!important;\ background-color: rgba(0,250,0,0.9);\ opacity: 0.5;\ }\ .emacs-mode .ace_hidden-cursors .ace_cursor{\ opacity: 1;\ background-color: transparent;\ }\ .emacs-mode .ace_overwrite-cursors .ace_cursor {\ opacity: 1;\ background-color: transparent;\ border-width: 0 0 2px 2px !important;\ }\ .emacs-mode .ace_text-layer {\ z-index: 4\ }\ .emacs-mode .ace_cursor-layer {\ z-index: 2\ }', 'emacsMode' ); } $formerLongWords = editor.session.$selectLongWords; editor.session.$selectLongWords = true; $formerLineStart = editor.session.$useEmacsStyleLineStart; editor.session.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = true; editor.session.$emacsMark = null; // the active mark editor.session.$emacsMarkRing = editor.session.$emacsMarkRing || []; editor.emacsMark = function() { return this.session.$emacsMark; } editor.setEmacsMark = function(p) { this.session.$emacsMark = p; } editor.pushEmacsMark = function(p, activate) { var prevMark = this.session.$emacsMark; if (prevMark) this.session.$emacsMarkRing.push(prevMark); if (!p || activate) this.setEmacsMark(p) else this.session.$emacsMarkRing.push(p); } editor.popEmacsMark = function() { var mark = this.emacsMark(); if (mark) { this.setEmacsMark(null); return mark; } return this.session.$emacsMarkRing.pop(); } editor.getLastEmacsMark = function(p) { return this.session.$emacsMark || this.session.$emacsMarkRing.slice(-1)[0]; } editor.on("click", $resetMarkMode); editor.on("changeSession", $kbSessionChange); editor.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates = screenToTextBlockCoordinates; editor.setStyle("emacs-mode"); editor.commands.addCommands(commands); exports.handler.platform = editor.commands.platform; editor.$emacsModeHandler = this; editor.addEventListener('copy', this.onCopy); editor.addEventListener('paste', this.onPaste); }; exports.handler.detach = function(editor) { delete editor.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates; editor.session.$selectLongWords = $formerLongWords; editor.session.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = $formerLineStart; editor.removeEventListener("click", $resetMarkMode); editor.removeEventListener("changeSession", $kbSessionChange); editor.unsetStyle("emacs-mode"); editor.commands.removeCommands(commands); editor.removeEventListener('copy', this.onCopy); editor.removeEventListener('paste', this.onPaste); }; var $kbSessionChange = function(e) { if (e.oldSession) { e.oldSession.$selectLongWords = $formerLongWords; e.oldSession.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = $formerLineStart; } $formerLongWords = e.session.$selectLongWords; e.session.$selectLongWords = true; $formerLineStart = e.session.$useEmacsStyleLineStart; e.session.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = true; if (!e.session.hasOwnProperty('$emacsMark')) e.session.$emacsMark = null; if (!e.session.hasOwnProperty('$emacsMarkRing')) e.session.$emacsMarkRing = []; } var $resetMarkMode = function(e) { e.editor.session.$emacsMark = null; } var keys = require("../lib/keys").KEY_MODS, eMods = {C: "ctrl", S: "shift", M: "alt", CMD: "command"}, combinations = ["C-S-M-CMD", "S-M-CMD", "C-M-CMD", "C-S-CMD", "C-S-M", "M-CMD", "S-CMD", "S-M", "C-CMD", "C-M", "C-S", "CMD", "M", "S", "C"]; combinations.forEach(function(c) { var hashId = 0; c.split("-").forEach(function(c) { hashId = hashId | keys[eMods[c]]; }); eMods[hashId] = c.toLowerCase() + "-"; }); exports.handler.onCopy = function(e, editor) { if (editor.$handlesEmacsOnCopy) return; editor.$handlesEmacsOnCopy = true; exports.handler.commands.killRingSave.exec(editor); delete editor.$handlesEmacsOnCopy; } exports.handler.onPaste = function(e, editor) { editor.pushEmacsMark(editor.getCursorPosition()); } exports.handler.bindKey = function(key, command) { if (!key) return; var ckb = this.commandKeyBinding; key.split("|").forEach(function(keyPart) { keyPart = keyPart.toLowerCase(); ckb[keyPart] = command; var keyParts = keyPart.split(" ").slice(0,-1); keyParts.reduce(function(keyMapKeys, keyPart, i) { var prefix = keyMapKeys[i-1] ? keyMapKeys[i-1] + ' ' : ''; return keyMapKeys.concat([prefix + keyPart]); }, []).forEach(function(keyPart) { if (!ckb[keyPart]) ckb[keyPart] = "null"; }); }, this); } exports.handler.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, key, keyCode) { var editor = data.editor; if (hashId == -1) { editor.pushEmacsMark(); if (data.count) { var str = Array(data.count + 1).join(key); data.count = null; return {command: "insertstring", args: str}; } } if (key == "\x00") return undefined; var modifier = eMods[hashId]; if (modifier == "c-" || data.universalArgument) { var prevCount = String(data.count || 0); var count = parseInt(key[key.length - 1]); if (typeof count === 'number' && !isNaN(count)) { data.count = parseInt(prevCount + count); return {command: "null"}; } else if (data.universalArgument) { data.count = 4; } } data.universalArgument = false; if (modifier) key = modifier + key; if (data.keyChain) key = data.keyChain += " " + key; var command = this.commandKeyBinding[key]; data.keyChain = command == "null" ? key : ""; if (!command) return undefined; if (command === "null") return {command: "null"}; if (command === "universalArgument") { data.universalArgument = true; return {command: "null"}; } var args; if (typeof command !== "string") { args = command.args; if (command.command) command = command.command; if (command === "goorselect") { command = editor.emacsMark() ? args[1] : args[0]; args = null; } } if (typeof command === "string") { if (command === "insertstring" || command === "splitline" || command === "togglecomment") { editor.pushEmacsMark(); } command = this.commands[command] || editor.commands.commands[command]; if (!command) return undefined; } if (!command.readonly && !command.isYank) data.lastCommand = null; if (data.count) { var count = data.count; data.count = 0; if (!command || !command.handlesCount) { return { args: args, command: { exec: function(editor, args) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) command.exec(editor, args); } } }; } else { if (!args) args = {} if (typeof args === 'object') args.count = count; } } return {command: command, args: args}; }; exports.emacsKeys = { "Up|C-p" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["golineup","selectup"]}, "Down|C-n" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["golinedown","selectdown"]}, "Left|C-b" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotoleft","selectleft"]}, "Right|C-f" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotoright","selectright"]}, "C-Left|M-b" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotowordleft","selectwordleft"]}, "C-Right|M-f" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotowordright","selectwordright"]}, "Home|C-a" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotolinestart","selecttolinestart"]}, "End|C-e" : {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotolineend","selecttolineend"]}, "C-Home|S-M-,": {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotostart","selecttostart"]}, "C-End|S-M-." : {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotoend","selecttoend"]}, "S-Up|S-C-p" : "selectup", "S-Down|S-C-n" : "selectdown", "S-Left|S-C-b" : "selectleft", "S-Right|S-C-f" : "selectright", "S-C-Left|S-M-b" : "selectwordleft", "S-C-Right|S-M-f" : "selectwordright", "S-Home|S-C-a" : "selecttolinestart", "S-End|S-C-e" : "selecttolineend", "S-C-Home" : "selecttostart", "S-C-End" : "selecttoend", "C-l" : "recenterTopBottom", "M-s" : "centerselection", "M-g": "gotoline", "C-x C-p": "selectall", "C-Down": {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotopagedown","selectpagedown"]}, "C-Up": {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotopageup","selectpageup"]}, "PageDown|C-v": {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotopagedown","selectpagedown"]}, "PageUp|M-v": {command: "goorselect", args: ["gotopageup","selectpageup"]}, "S-C-Down": "selectpagedown", "S-C-Up": "selectpageup", "C-s": "iSearch", "C-r": "iSearchBackwards", "M-C-s": "findnext", "M-C-r": "findprevious", "S-M-5": "replace", "Backspace": "backspace", "Delete|C-d": "del", "Return|C-m": {command: "insertstring", args: "\n"}, // "newline" "C-o": "splitline", "M-d|C-Delete": {command: "killWord", args: "right"}, "C-Backspace|M-Backspace|M-Delete": {command: "killWord", args: "left"}, "C-k": "killLine", "C-y|S-Delete": "yank", "M-y": "yankRotate", "C-g": "keyboardQuit", "C-w": "killRegion", "M-w": "killRingSave", "C-Space": "setMark", "C-x C-x": "exchangePointAndMark", "C-t": "transposeletters", "M-u": "touppercase", // Doesn't work "M-l": "tolowercase", "M-/": "autocomplete", // Doesn't work "C-u": "universalArgument", "M-;": "togglecomment", "C-/|C-x u|S-C--|C-z": "undo", "S-C-/|S-C-x u|C--|S-C-z": "redo", //infinite undo? "C-x r": "selectRectangularRegion", "M-x": {command: "focusCommandLine", args: "M-x "} }; exports.handler.bindKeys(exports.emacsKeys); exports.handler.addCommands({ recenterTopBottom: function(editor) { var renderer = editor.renderer; var pos = renderer.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(); var h = renderer.$size.scrollerHeight - renderer.lineHeight; var scrollTop = renderer.scrollTop; if (Math.abs(pos.top - scrollTop) < 2) { scrollTop = pos.top - h; } else if (Math.abs(pos.top - scrollTop - h * 0.5) < 2) { scrollTop = pos.top; } else { scrollTop = pos.top - h * 0.5; } editor.session.setScrollTop(scrollTop); }, selectRectangularRegion: function(editor) { editor.multiSelect.toggleBlockSelection(); }, setMark: { exec: function(editor, args) { if (args && args.count) { var mark = editor.popEmacsMark(); mark && editor.selection.moveCursorToPosition(mark); return; } var mark = editor.emacsMark(), transientMarkModeActive = true; if (transientMarkModeActive && (mark || !editor.selection.isEmpty())) { editor.pushEmacsMark(); editor.clearSelection(); return; } if (mark) { var cp = editor.getCursorPosition(); if (editor.selection.isEmpty() && mark.row == cp.row && mark.column == cp.column) { editor.pushEmacsMark(); return; } } mark = editor.getCursorPosition(); editor.setEmacsMark(mark); editor.selection.setSelectionAnchor(mark.row, mark.column); }, readonly: true, handlesCount: true, multiSelectAction: "forEach" }, exchangePointAndMark: { exec: function(editor, args) { var sel = editor.selection; if (args.count) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); sel.clearSelection(); sel.moveCursorToPosition(editor.popEmacsMark()); editor.pushEmacsMark(pos); return; } var lastMark = editor.getLastEmacsMark(); var range = sel.getRange(); if (range.isEmpty()) { sel.selectToPosition(lastMark); return; } sel.setSelectionRange(range, !sel.isBackwards()); }, readonly: true, handlesCount: true, multiSelectAction: "forEach" }, killWord: { exec: function(editor, dir) { editor.clearSelection(); if (dir == "left") editor.selection.selectWordLeft(); else editor.selection.selectWordRight(); var range = editor.getSelectionRange(); var text = editor.session.getTextRange(range); exports.killRing.add(text); editor.session.remove(range); editor.clearSelection(); }, multiSelectAction: "forEach" }, killLine: function(editor) { editor.pushEmacsMark(null); var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); if (pos.column == 0 && editor.session.doc.getLine(pos.row).length == 0) { editor.selection.selectLine(); } else { editor.clearSelection(); editor.selection.selectLineEnd(); } var range = editor.getSelectionRange(); var text = editor.session.getTextRange(range); exports.killRing.add(text); editor.session.remove(range); editor.clearSelection(); }, yank: function(editor) { editor.onPaste(exports.killRing.get() || ''); editor.keyBinding.$data.lastCommand = "yank"; }, yankRotate: function(editor) { if (editor.keyBinding.$data.lastCommand != "yank") return; editor.undo(); editor.onPaste(exports.killRing.rotate()); editor.keyBinding.$data.lastCommand = "yank"; }, killRegion: { exec: function(editor) { exports.killRing.add(editor.getCopyText()); editor.commands.byName.cut.exec(editor); }, readonly: true, multiSelectAction: "forEach" }, killRingSave: { exec: function(editor) { exports.killRing.add(editor.getCopyText()); setTimeout(function() { var sel = editor.selection, range = sel.getRange(); editor.pushEmacsMark(sel.isBackwards() ? range.end : range.start); sel.clearSelection(); }, 0); }, readonly: true }, keyboardQuit: function(editor) { editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.setEmacsMark(null); }, focusCommandLine: function(editor, arg) { if (editor.showCommandLine) editor.showCommandLine(arg); } }); exports.handler.addCommands(iSearchCommandModule.iSearchStartCommands); var commands = exports.handler.commands; commands.yank.isYank = true; commands.yankRotate.isYank = true; exports.killRing = { $data: [], add: function(str) { str && this.$data.push(str); if (this.$data.length > 30) this.$data.shift(); }, get: function(n) { n = n || 1; return this.$data.slice(this.$data.length-n, this.$data.length).reverse().join('\n'); }, pop: function() { if (this.$data.length > 1) this.$data.pop(); return this.get(); }, rotate: function() { this.$data.unshift(this.$data.pop()); return this.get(); } }; }); ace.define('ace/incremental_search', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/range', 'ace/search', 'ace/search_highlight', 'ace/commands/incremental_search_commands', 'ace/lib/dom', 'ace/commands/command_manager', 'ace/editor', 'ace/config'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var Range = require("./range").Range; var Search = require("./search").Search; var SearchHighlight = require("./search_highlight").SearchHighlight; var iSearchCommandModule = require("./commands/incremental_search_commands"); var ISearchKbd = iSearchCommandModule.IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler; function IncrementalSearch() { this.$options = {wrap: false, skipCurrent: false}; this.$keyboardHandler = new ISearchKbd(this); } oop.inherits(IncrementalSearch, Search); ;(function() { this.activate = function(ed, backwards) { this.$editor = ed; this.$startPos = this.$currentPos = ed.getCursorPosition(); this.$options.needle = ''; this.$options.backwards = backwards; ed.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.$keyboardHandler); this.$mousedownHandler = ed.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this)); this.selectionFix(ed); this.statusMessage(true); } this.deactivate = function(reset) { this.cancelSearch(reset); this.$editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.$keyboardHandler); if (this.$mousedownHandler) { this.$editor.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.$mousedownHandler); delete this.$mousedownHandler; } this.message(''); } this.selectionFix = function(editor) { if (editor.selection.isEmpty() && !editor.session.$emacsMark) { editor.clearSelection(); } } this.highlight = function(regexp) { var sess = this.$editor.session, hl = sess.$isearchHighlight = sess.$isearchHighlight || sess.addDynamicMarker( new SearchHighlight(null, "ace_isearch-result", "text")); hl.setRegexp(regexp); sess._emit("changeBackMarker"); // force highlight layer redraw } this.cancelSearch = function(reset) { var e = this.$editor; this.$prevNeedle = this.$options.needle; this.$options.needle = ''; if (reset) { e.moveCursorToPosition(this.$startPos); this.$currentPos = this.$startPos; } else { e.pushEmacsMark && e.pushEmacsMark(this.$startPos, false); } this.highlight(null); return Range.fromPoints(this.$currentPos, this.$currentPos); } this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle = function(moveToNext, needleUpdateFunc) { if (!this.$editor) return null; var options = this.$options; if (needleUpdateFunc) { options.needle = needleUpdateFunc.call(this, options.needle || '') || ''; } if (options.needle.length === 0) { this.statusMessage(true); return this.cancelSearch(true); }; options.start = this.$currentPos; var session = this.$editor.session, found = this.find(session); if (found) { if (options.backwards) found = Range.fromPoints(found.end, found.start); this.$editor.moveCursorToPosition(found.end); if (moveToNext) this.$currentPos = found.end; this.highlight(options.re) } this.statusMessage(found); return found; } this.addChar = function(c) { return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) { return needle + c; }); } this.removeChar = function(c) { return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) { return needle.length > 0 ? needle.substring(0, needle.length-1) : needle; }); } this.next = function(options) { options = options || {}; this.$options.backwards = !!options.backwards; this.$currentPos = this.$editor.getCursorPosition(); return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(true, function(needle) { return options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch && needle.length === 0 ? this.$prevNeedle || '' : needle; }); } this.onMouseDown = function(evt) { this.deactivate(); return true; } this.statusMessage = function(found) { var options = this.$options, msg = ''; msg += options.backwards ? 'reverse-' : ''; msg += 'isearch: ' + options.needle; msg += found ? '' : ' (not found)'; this.message(msg); } this.message = function(msg) { if (this.$editor.showCommandLine) { this.$editor.showCommandLine(msg); this.$editor.focus(); } else { console.log(msg); } } }).call(IncrementalSearch.prototype); exports.IncrementalSearch = IncrementalSearch; var dom = require('./lib/dom'); dom.importCssString && dom.importCssString("\ .ace_marker-layer .ace_isearch-result {\ position: absolute;\ z-index: 6;\ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\ box-sizing: border-box;\ }\ div.ace_isearch-result {\ border-radius: 4px;\ background-color: rgba(255, 200, 0, 0.5);\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(255, 200, 0);\ }\ .ace_dark div.ace_isearch-result {\ background-color: rgb(100, 110, 160);\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(80, 90, 140);\ }", "incremental-search-highlighting"); var commands = require("./commands/command_manager"); (function() { this.setupIncrementalSearch = function(editor, val) { if (this.usesIncrementalSearch == val) return; this.usesIncrementalSearch = val; var iSearchCommands = iSearchCommandModule.iSearchStartCommands; var method = val ? 'addCommands' : 'removeCommands'; this[method](iSearchCommands); }; }).call(commands.CommandManager.prototype); var Editor = require("./editor").Editor; require("./config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", { useIncrementalSearch: { set: function(val) { this.keyBinding.$handlers.forEach(function(handler) { if (handler.setupIncrementalSearch) { handler.setupIncrementalSearch(this, val); } }); this._emit('incrementalSearchSettingChanged', {isEnabled: val}); } } }); }); ace.define('ace/commands/incremental_search_commands', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/config', 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/keyboard/hash_handler', 'ace/commands/occur_commands'], function(require, exports, module) { var config = require("../config"); var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var HashHandler = require("../keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var occurStartCommand = require("./occur_commands").occurStartCommand; exports.iSearchStartCommands = [{ name: "iSearch", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-F", mac: "Command-F"}, exec: function(editor, options) { config.loadModule(["core", "ace/incremental_search"], function(e) { var iSearch = e.iSearch = e.iSearch || new e.IncrementalSearch(); iSearch.activate(editor, options.backwards); if (options.jumpToFirstMatch) iSearch.next(options); }); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "iSearchBackwards", exec: function(editor, jumpToNext) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {backwards: true}); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "iSearchAndGo", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-K", mac: "Command-G"}, exec: function(editor, jumpToNext) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {jumpToFirstMatch: true, useCurrentOrPrevSearch: true}); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "iSearchBackwardsAndGo", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Shift-K", mac: "Command-Shift-G"}, exec: function(editor) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {jumpToFirstMatch: true, backwards: true, useCurrentOrPrevSearch: true}); }, readOnly: true }]; exports.iSearchCommands = [{ name: "restartSearch", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-F", mac: "Command-F"}, exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.cancelSearch(true); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "searchForward", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-S|Ctrl-K", mac: "Ctrl-S|Command-G"}, exec: function(iSearch, options) { options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch = true; iSearch.next(options); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "searchBackward", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-R|Ctrl-Shift-K", mac: "Ctrl-R|Command-Shift-G"}, exec: function(iSearch, options) { options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch = true; options.backwards = true; iSearch.next(options); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "extendSearchTerm", exec: function(iSearch, string) { iSearch.addChar(string); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "extendSearchTermSpace", bindKey: "space", exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.addChar(' '); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "shrinkSearchTerm", bindKey: "backspace", exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.removeChar(); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: 'confirmSearch', bindKey: 'return', exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.deactivate(); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: 'cancelSearch', bindKey: 'esc|Ctrl-G', exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.deactivate(true); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: 'occurisearch', bindKey: 'Ctrl-O', exec: function(iSearch) { var options = oop.mixin({}, iSearch.$options); iSearch.deactivate(); occurStartCommand.exec(iSearch.$editor, options); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }]; function IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler(iSearch) { this.$iSearch = iSearch; } oop.inherits(IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler, HashHandler); ;(function() { this.attach = function(editor) { var iSearch = this.$iSearch; HashHandler.call(this, exports.iSearchCommands, editor.commands.platform); this.$commandExecHandler = editor.commands.addEventListener('exec', function(e) { if (!e.command.isIncrementalSearchCommand) return undefined; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return e.command.exec(iSearch, e.args || {}); }); } this.detach = function(editor) { if (!this.$commandExecHandler) return; editor.commands.removeEventListener('exec', this.$commandExecHandler); delete this.$commandExecHandler; } var handleKeyboard$super = this.handleKeyboard; this.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, key, keyCode) { var cmd = handleKeyboard$super.call(this, data, hashId, key, keyCode); if (cmd.command) { return cmd; } if (hashId == -1) { var extendCmd = this.commands.extendSearchTerm; if (extendCmd) { return {command: extendCmd, args: key}; } } return {command: "null", passEvent: hashId == 0 || hashId == 4}; } }).call(IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler.prototype); exports.IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler = IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler; }); ace.define('ace/commands/occur_commands', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/config', 'ace/occur', 'ace/keyboard/hash_handler', 'ace/lib/oop'], function(require, exports, module) { var config = require("../config"), Occur = require("../occur").Occur; var occurStartCommand = { name: "occur", exec: function(editor, options) { var alreadyInOccur = !!editor.session.$occur; var occurSessionActive = new Occur().enter(editor, options); if (occurSessionActive && !alreadyInOccur) OccurKeyboardHandler.installIn(editor); }, readOnly: true }; var occurCommands = [{ name: "occurexit", bindKey: 'esc|Ctrl-G', exec: function(editor) { var occur = editor.session.$occur; if (!occur) return; occur.exit(editor, {}); if (!editor.session.$occur) OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom(editor); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "occuraccept", bindKey: 'enter', exec: function(editor) { var occur = editor.session.$occur; if (!occur) return; occur.exit(editor, {translatePosition: true}); if (!editor.session.$occur) OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom(editor); }, readOnly: true }]; var HashHandler = require("../keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); function OccurKeyboardHandler() {} oop.inherits(OccurKeyboardHandler, HashHandler); ;(function() { this.isOccurHandler = true; this.attach = function(editor) { HashHandler.call(this, occurCommands, editor.commands.platform); this.$editor = editor; } var handleKeyboard$super = this.handleKeyboard; this.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, key, keyCode) { var cmd = handleKeyboard$super.call(this, data, hashId, key, keyCode); return (cmd && cmd.command) ? cmd : undefined; } }).call(OccurKeyboardHandler.prototype); OccurKeyboardHandler.installIn = function(editor) { var handler = new this(); editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(handler); editor.commands.addCommands(occurCommands); } OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom = function(editor) { editor.commands.removeCommands(occurCommands); var handler = editor.getKeyboardHandler(); if (handler.isOccurHandler) editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(handler); } exports.occurStartCommand = occurStartCommand; }); ace.define('ace/occur', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/range', 'ace/search', 'ace/edit_session', 'ace/search_highlight', 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var Range = require("./range").Range; var Search = require("./search").Search; var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession; var SearchHighlight = require("./search_highlight").SearchHighlight; function Occur() {} oop.inherits(Occur, Search); (function() { this.enter = function(editor, options) { if (!options.needle) return false; var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); this.displayOccurContent(editor, options); var translatedPos = this.originalToOccurPosition(editor.session, pos); editor.moveCursorToPosition(translatedPos); return true; } this.exit = function(editor, options) { var pos = options.translatePosition && editor.getCursorPosition(); var translatedPos = pos && this.occurToOriginalPosition(editor.session, pos); this.displayOriginalContent(editor); if (translatedPos) editor.moveCursorToPosition(translatedPos); return true; } this.highlight = function(sess, regexp) { var hl = sess.$occurHighlight = sess.$occurHighlight || sess.addDynamicMarker( new SearchHighlight(null, "ace_occur-highlight", "text")); hl.setRegexp(regexp); sess._emit("changeBackMarker"); // force highlight layer redraw } this.displayOccurContent = function(editor, options) { this.$originalSession = editor.session; var found = this.matchingLines(editor.session, options); var lines = found.map(function(foundLine) { return foundLine.content; }); var occurSession = new EditSession(lines.join('\n')); occurSession.$occur = this; occurSession.$occurMatchingLines = found; editor.setSession(occurSession); this.highlight(occurSession, options.re); occurSession._emit('changeBackMarker'); } this.displayOriginalContent = function(editor) { editor.setSession(this.$originalSession); } this.originalToOccurPosition = function(session, pos) { var lines = session.$occurMatchingLines; var nullPos = {row: 0, column: 0}; if (!lines) return nullPos; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].row === pos.row) return {row: i, column: pos.column}; } return nullPos; } this.occurToOriginalPosition = function(session, pos) { var lines = session.$occurMatchingLines; if (!lines || !lines[pos.row]) return pos; return {row: lines[pos.row].row, column: pos.column}; } this.matchingLines = function(session, options) { options = oop.mixin({}, options); if (!session || !options.needle) return []; var search = new Search(); search.set(options); return search.findAll(session).reduce(function(lines, range) { var row = range.start.row; var last = lines[lines.length-1]; return last && last.row === row ? lines : lines.concat({row: row, content: session.getLine(row)}); }, []); } }).call(Occur.prototype); var dom = require('./lib/dom'); dom.importCssString(".ace_occur-highlight {\n\ border-radius: 4px;\n\ background-color: rgba(87, 255, 8, 0.25);\n\ position: absolute;\n\ z-index: 4;\n\ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n\ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n\ box-sizing: border-box;\n\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(91, 255, 50);\n\ }\n\ .ace_dark .ace_occur-highlight {\n\ background-color: rgb(80, 140, 85);\n\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(60, 120, 70);\n\ }\n", "incremental-occur-highlighting"); exports.Occur = Occur; });