define(function() { /* Unfortunately, mimicking Node isn't really feasible given the Chrome OS security model, but we still don't want to deal with the annoying Chrome filesystem APIs. This module wraps those in a more usable File object. We should make */ var File = function() { this.entry = null; }; File.prototype = { open: function(mode, c) { var self = this; if (typeof mode == "function") { c = mode; mode = "open"; } //mode is "open" or "save" var modes = { "open": "openWritableFile", "save": "saveFile" }; chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({ type: modes[mode] }, function(entry) { if (!entry) return; self.entry = entry; c(self) }); }, read: function(c) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(data) { c(null, reader.result); }; reader.onerror = function(err) { c(err, null); }; this.entry.file(function(f) { reader.readAsText(f); }); }, write: function(data, options, c) { var self = this; this.entry.createWriter(function(writer) { writer.onerror = function(err) { c(err, self); } writer.onwriteend = function() { //after truncation, actually write the file writer.onwriteend = function() { c(null, self); } var blob = new Blob(data); writer.write(blob); }; writer.trunctate(0); }); }, stat: function(c) { if (this.entry) { return this.entry.file(function(f) { c(null, f); }); } return c("No entry"); }, retain: function() { return chrome.fileSystem.retainEntry(this.entry); }, restore: function(id, c) { var self = this; chrome.fileSystem.isRestorable(id, function(is) { if (is) { chrome.fileSystem.restoreEntry(id, function(entry) { self.entry = entry; c(null, self); }); } else { c("Could not restore file"); } }); } }; return File; });