define([ "sessions", "command", "editor", "settings!menus,user", "ui/statusbar", "ui/projectManager", "util/template!templates/paletteItem.html", "util/dom2" ], function(sessions, command, editor, Settings, status, project, inflate) { var TokenIterator = ace.require("ace/token_iterator").TokenIterator; var refTest = /identifier|variable|function/; var jsRefTest = /entity\.name\.function/; //build a regex that finds special regex characters for sanitization var antiregex = new RegExp("(\\\\|\\" + "?.*+[](){}|^$".split("").join("|\\") + ")", "g"); var sanitize = function(text) { //turn HTML into escaped text for presentation return text.replace(/\/g, ">").trim(); }; var re = { file: /^([^:#@]*)/, line: /:(\d*)/, reference: /@([^:#]*)/, search: /#([^:@]*)/ }; var prefixes = { ":": "line", "@": "reference", "#": "search" }; var modes = { "line": ":", "search": "#", "reference": "@" }; var DEBOUNCE = 50; var Palette = function() { this.homeTab = null; this.results = []; this.cache = {}; this.allFiles = []; this.files = []; this.pending = null; this.selected = 0; this.element = document.find(".palette"); this.input = this.element.find("input"); this.resultList = this.element.find(".results"); this.commandMode = false; this.searchAll = false; this.bindInput(); }; Palette.prototype = { bindInput: function() { var input = this.input; var self = this; input.on("blur", function() { self.deactivate(); }); input.on("keydown", function(e) { //escape if (e.keyCode == 27) { sessions.restoreLocation(); editor.clearSelection(); return input.blur(); } //enter if (e.keyCode == 13) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); self.executeCurrent(); return; } //up/down if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); self.navigateList(e.keyCode == 38 ? -1 : 1); self.render(); return; } //backspace -- falls through if (e.keyCode == 8) { //clear search progress cache self.files = self.allFiles; } self.selected = 0; }); input.on("keyup", function(e) { if (self.pending) { return; } self.pending = setTimeout(function() { self.pending = null; self.parse(input.value); }, DEBOUNCE); }); }, parse: function(query) { var startsWith = query[0]; if (startsWith in prefixes) { this.commandMode = false; } if (this.commandMode) { this.findCommands(query); } else { this.findLocations(query); } this.render(); }, findCommands: function(query) { if (query.length == 0) return this.results = []; var fuzzyCommand = new RegExp(query .split("") .map(function(char) { return char.replace(antiregex, "\\$1")}) .join(".*"), "i"); var results = []; var menus = Settings.get("menus"); var menuWalker = function(menu) { for (var i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) { var item = menu[i]; //skip dividers and other special cases if (typeof item == "string") continue; if (item.minVersion && item.minVersion > window.navigator.version) continue; if (item.command && fuzzyCommand.test(item.palette || item.label)) { results.push(item); } if (item.sub) { menuWalker(item.sub); } } }; menuWalker(menus); this.results = results.slice(0, 10); if (this.results.length < 10) { var commandMap = {}; //do not duplicate results from menu this.results.forEach(function(r) { commandMap[r.command] = true; }); for (var i = 0; i < command.list.length; i++) { var c = command.list[i]; if (c.command in commandMap) continue; if (fuzzyCommand.test(c.label)) { this.results.push(c); //once we have 10, quit if (this.results.length >= 10) { break; } } } } }, getTabValues: function(tab) { var name = tab.fileName; if (!this.cache[name]) { return this.cacheTab(tab); } var cache = this.cache[name]; for (var i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) { if (cache[i].tab == tab) { return cache[i]; } } return this.cacheTab(tab); }, cacheTab: function(tab) { //create cache entry var entry = { tab: tab, refs: [], text: tab.getValue() }; //create token iterator, search for all references var ti = new TokenIterator(tab, 0); var token; while (token = ti.stepForward()) { if (tab.syntaxMode == "javascript" ? jsRefTest.test(token.type) : refTest.test(token.type)) { //this is a match, let's store it as a valid result object var row = ti.getCurrentTokenRow(); var col = ti.getCurrentTokenColumn(); var line = sanitize(tab.getLine(row)); entry.refs.push({ tab: tab, line: row, value: token.value, label: tab.fileName + ":" + row, sublabel: line, column: col }); } } var name = tab.fileName; if (!this.cache[name]) { this.cache[name] = [ entry ]; } else { this.cache[name].push(entry); } return entry; }, //note: this function is WAY TOO LONG findLocations: function(query) { var file = re.file.test(query) && re.file.exec(query)[1]; var line = re.line.test(query) && Number(re.line.exec(query)[1]) - 1; var search = &&[1]; var reference = re.reference.test(query) && re.reference.exec(query)[1]; var results = []; var self = this; var tabs, projectFiles = []; if (file) { //search through open files by name var fuzzyFile = new RegExp(file .replace(/ /g, "") .split("") .map(function(char) { return char.replace(antiregex, "\\$1") }) .join(".*?"), "i"); tabs = sessions.getAllTabs().filter(function(tab) { return fuzzyFile.test(tab.fileName); }); //check the project for matches as well this.files = this.files.filter(function(path) { return fuzzyFile.test(path) }); //sort files by relevance this.files.sort(function(a, b) { //first check the filename for each var aFile = a.split(/[\/\\]/).pop(); var bFile = b.split(/[\/\\]/).pop(); var aMatch = fuzzyFile.exec(aFile); var bMatch = fuzzyFile.exec(bFile); //if either file matches... if (aMatch || bMatch) { //and if one doesn't, the match wins if (!aMatch) { return 1; } else if (!bMatch) { return -1 } else { var aScore = aMatch.pop().length + aMatch.index; var bScore = bMatch.pop().length + bMatch.index; var comparison = aScore - bScore; //identical scores? sort on path if (comparison == 0) { return a < b ? -1 : 1; } return comparison; } } //otherwise, sort shorter full-path match sequences higher var aResult = fuzzyFile.exec(a).pop(); var bResult = fuzzyFile.exec(b).pop(); var len = aResult.length - bResult.length; //identical lengths, sort on path if (len == 0) { return a < b ? -1 : 1; } return len; }); //transform into result objects projectFiles = { return { label: path.substr([^\/\\]+$/)), sublabel: path, command: "project:open-file", argument: path }; }); } else { //the search domain is the current tab var current = this.homeTab; tabs = [ current ]; if (this.searchAll) { tabs.push.apply(tabs, sessions.getAllTabs().filter(function(t) { return t !== current })); } } tabs = { return { tab: t, line: line }; }); if (search) { //find text in open tab(s) try { var crawl = new RegExp(search.replace(antiregex, "\\$1"), "gi"); } catch (e) { return; } var results = []; tabs.forEach(function(t) { if (results.length >= 10) return; var found; var lines = []; var text = self.getTabValues(; while (found = crawl.exec(text)) { var position =; if (lines.indexOf(position.row) > -1) { continue; } lines.push(position.row); var result = { tab: }; result.label =; result.sublabel = sanitize(; result.line = position.row; results.push(result); if (results.length >= 10) return; } }); tabs = results; } else if (reference !== false) { //search by symbol reference try { var crawl = new RegExp(reference.replace(antiregex, "\\$1"), "i"); } catch (e) { return; } var results = []; tabs.forEach(function(t) { if (results.length >= 10) return; var refs = self.getTabValues(; for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { if (crawl.test(refs[i].value)) { var len = results.push(refs[i]); if (len >= 10) return; } } }); tabs = results; } this.results = tabs.concat(projectFiles).slice(0, 10); if (this.results.length) { var current = this.results[this.selected]; if (! return; sessions.raiseBlurred(; if (current.line) { editor.clearSelection(); editor.moveCursorTo(current.line, current.column || 0); if (current.column) { editor.execCommand("selectwordright"); } } } }, executeCurrent: function() { var current = this.results[this.selected]; if (!current) return; if (current.command) { status.toast("Executing: " + current.label + "...");, current.argument); } else { //must be the file search"session:check-file"); } this.deactivate(); if (!current.retainFocus) editor.focus(); }, activate: function(mode) { this.homeTab = sessions.getCurrent(); this.results = []; this.cache = {}; this.allFiles = this.files = project.getPaths(); this.selected = 0; this.searchAll = Settings.get("user").searchAllFiles; this.commandMode = mode == "command"; this.input.value = modes[mode] || ""; this.render(); this.element.addClass("active"); this.input.focus(); }, deactivate: function() { this.element.removeClass("active"); if (this.pending) clearTimeout(this.pending); }, navigateList: function(interval) { this.selected = (this.selected + interval) % this.results.length; if (this.selected < 0) { this.selected = this.results.length + this.selected; } var current = this.results[this.selected]; if (current && { sessions.raiseBlurred(; } this.render(); }, render: function() { var self = this; this.element.find(".mode").innerHTML = this.commandMode ? "Command:" : "Go To:"; this.resultList.innerHTML = ""; this.results.slice(0, 10).forEach(function(r, i) { var element = inflate.get("templates/paletteItem.html", { label: r.palette || r.label || ( ? : ""), sublabel: r.sublabel, isCurrent: i == self.selected }); self.resultList.append(element); }); } }; var palette = new Palette(); command.on("palette:open", function(mode) { sessions.saveLocation(); palette.activate(mode); }); return palette; });