define(["command", "editor", "statusbar", "settings!user"], function(command, editor, status, Settings) { var userConfig = Settings.get("user"); command.on("init:restart", function() { userConfig = Settings.get("user"); }); //this is a place to put bindings that don't have direct equivalents in Ace, but are required for Sublime compatibility command.on("sublime:expand-to-line", function() { editor.execCommand("gotolinestart"); editor.execCommand("selecttolineend"); }); command.on("sublime:expand-to-paragraph", function() { var session = editor.getSession(); var selection = editor.getSelection(); var currentLine = editor.getCursorPosition().row; var startLine = currentLine; var endLine = currentLine; while (startLine > 0) { startLine--; var line = session.getLine(startLine); if (line == "") { //we'll skip the preceding space startLine += 1; break; } } var length = session.getLength(); while (endLine < length) { endLine++; var line = session.getLine(endLine); if (line == "") { break; } } editor.clearSelection(); editor.moveCursorTo(startLine); selection.selectTo(endLine); }); command.on("sublime:expand-to-matching", function() { var Range = ace.require("ace/range").Range; var position = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = editor.getSession().getLine(position.row); var depth = 0; var openers = { "(": ")", "{": "}" }; var closers = { ")": "(", "}": "{" }; //look for tokens inside the line first var matchable = /(['"({])/; for (var i = position.column; i >= 0; i--) { if (matchable.test(line[i])) { var match = line[i]; if (match in openers) { match = openers[match]; } for (var j = position.column + 1; j < line.length; j++) { if (line[j] == match && depth == 0) { var selection = editor.getSession().getSelection(); selection.setRange(new Range(position.row, i + 1, position.row, j)); return; } else if (line[j] == match) { depth--; } else if (line[j] == closers[match]) { depth++; } } } } //if we couldn't find any matching pairs, we'll just use the default multiline bracket selection //this is a little wonky, but it's better than nothing. editor.execCommand("jumptomatching"); editor.execCommand("selecttomatching"); }); command.on("sublime:tabs-to-spaces", function() { var session = editor.getSession(); var text = session.getValue(); var spaces = new Array(userConfig.indentation + 1).join(" "); text = text.replace(/\t/g, spaces); session.setValue(text); }); command.on("sublime:spaces-to-tabs", function() { var session = editor.getSession(); var text = session.getValue(); var replace = new RegExp(new Array(userConfig.indentation + 1).join(" "), "g"); text = text.replace(replace, "\t"); session.setValue(text); }); //we also add a command redirect for firing Ace commands via regular command attributes command.on("ace:command", editor.execCommand.bind(editor)); //unbind the keys for the palette, whatever it does. editor.commands.bindKey("Ctrl-P", null); editor.commands.bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-P", null); //filter some Ace commands for UI purposes var isRecording = false; command.on("ace:togglemacro", function() { isRecording = !isRecording; editor.execCommand("togglerecording"); editor.focus(); if (isRecording) { status.setMessage("Recording macro..."); } else { status.clearMessage(); } }) });