define(["file", "command", "settings!ace,user", "dom2"], function(File, command, Settings) { /* Module for loading the editor, adding window resizing and other events. Returns the editor straight from Ace. */ var userConfig = Settings.get("user"); var aceConfig = Settings.get("ace"); var editor = window.editor = ace.edit("editor"); var themes = document.querySelector(".theme"); //one-time startup var init = function() { aceConfig.themes.forEach(function(theme) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.innerHTML = theme.label; option.setAttribute("value",; themes.append(option); }); if (userConfig.emulateVim) { ace.require("ace/lib/net").loadScript("js/ace/keybinding-vim.js", function() { editor.setKeyboardHandler(ace.require("ace/keyboard/vim").handler); }); } reset(); }; //reloaded when settings change var reset = function() { userConfig = Settings.get("user"); themes.value = userConfig.defaultTheme; editor.setTheme("ace/theme/" + themes.value); editor.setShowPrintMargin(userConfig.showMargin || false); editor.setPrintMarginColumn(userConfig.wrapLimit || 80); editor.setShowInvisibles(userConfig.showWhitespace || false); = userConfig.fontFamily || null; defaultFontSize(); ace.config.loadModule("ace/ext/language_tools", function() { editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: userConfig.autocomplete }); }); }; var defaultFontSize = function() { var size = Settings.get("user").fontSize; = size ? size + "px" : null; }; var adjustFontSize = function(delta) { var current =; if (current) { current = current.replace("px", "") * 1; } else { current = Settings.get("user").fontSize; } var adjusted = current + delta; = adjusted + "px"; } command.on("editor:default-zoom", defaultFontSize); command.on("editor:adjust-zoom", adjustFontSize); command.on("init:startup", init); command.on("init:restart", reset); command.on("editor:theme", function(theme) { editor.setTheme("ace/theme/" + theme); editor.focus(); }); //disable focusing on the editor except by program document.find("textarea").setAttribute("tabindex", -1); return editor; });