chrome.version = window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)[1] * 1 || 0; require([ "command", "storage/settingsProvider", "ui/dialog", "sessions", "util/manos", "util/i18n", "ui/projectManager", "ui/keys", "fileManager", "ui/menus", "ui/palette", "ui/cli", "api", "storage/syncfile" ], function(command, Settings, dialog, sessions, M, i18n) { //translate inline strings; var frame =; var setTheme = function() { Settings.pull("user").then(function(data) { var themes = { "dark": "css/caret-dark.css", "light": "css/caret.css" }; var theme = data.user.uiTheme || "light"; var url = themes[theme] || themes.dark; document.find("#theme").setAttribute("href", url); }); } setTheme(); //these are modules that must be loaded before init:complete var loadedModules = { "editor": false, "fileManager": false, "sessions": false }; //the settings manager may also fire init:restart to re-init components after startup"init:startup", function(mod) { //ignore callback in non-essential modules if (typeof loadedModules[mod] == "undefined") return; loadedModules[mod] = true; for (var key in loadedModules) { if (!loadedModules[key]) { return; } } //all specified modules are loaded, app is ready for init:complete"init:complete"); }); command.on("init:restart", setTheme); //code to enable update checking var updateID = "caret:update"; var checkUpdates = function(isManual) { chrome.runtime.requestUpdateCheck(function(status, details) { if (status == "update_available") { chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable.addListener(function() { chrome.notifications.clear(updateID, function() { chrome.notifications.create(updateID, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "icon-128.png", title: "Caret: Update Available", message: "An update to Caret version " + details.version + " is available. Would you like to update and restart now?", buttons: [ { title: "Yes, update and restart" }, { title: "No thanks" }] }, function(id) { updateID = id }); }); }); } }); }; Settings.pull("user").then(function(cfg) { if (cfg.user.promptForUpdates !== false) checkUpdates(); }); command.on("app:check-for-updates", checkUpdates); chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener(function(id, index) { if (id != updateID) return; if (index == 0) { chrome.runtime.reload(); } }); command.on("app:exit", function() { var cancelled = false; var tabs = sessions.getAllTabs(); M.serial(tabs, function(tab, c) { if (tab.modified && (!tab.file || !tab.file.virtual)) { return dialog( i18n.get("dialogUnsaved", tab.fileName), [ { label: i18n.get("dialogSave"), value: "save", shortcut: "s" }, { label: i18n.get("dialogDiscard"), value: "discard", shortcut: "n" }, { label: i18n.get("dialogCancel"), value: "cancel", shortcut: "c" } ], function(value) { if (!value || value == "cancel") { cancelled = true; } if (value == "save") { return; } c(); }); } c(); }, function() { if (!cancelled) frame.close(); }) }); command.on("app:minimize", function() { frame.minimize(); }); command.on("app:maximize", function() { frame.isMaximized() || frame.isFullscreen() ? frame.restore() : frame.maximize(); }); command.on("app:restart", function() { chrome.runtime.reload(); }); //handle immersive fullscreen var onFullscreen = function() { Settings.pull("user").then(function(data) { if (data.user.immersiveFullscreen) { document.find("body").addClass("immersive"); editor.resize(); } }); } frame.onFullscreened.addListener(onFullscreen); if (frame.isFullscreen()) { onFullscreen(); } frame.onRestored.addListener(function() { document.find("body").removeClass("immersive"); }); //It's nice to be able to launch the debugger from a command stroke command.on("app:debug", function() { debugger; }); command.on("app:browse", function(url) {, "target=_blank"); }); //kill middle clicks if not handled document.body.on("click", function(e) { if (e.button == 1) { e.preventDefault(); } }); });