define([ "settings!", "command", "sessions", "file", "dom2" ], function(Settings, command, sessions, File) { var guidCounter = 0; var FSNode = function(entry) { this.children = []; = guidCounter++; if (entry) this.setEntry(entry); }; FSNode.prototype = { isDirectory: false, entry: null, tab: null, id: null, label: null, setEntry: function(entry, c) { this.entry = entry; this.label =; this.isDirectory = entry.isDirectory; }, walk: function(done) { var self = this; var entries = []; var reader = this.entry.createReader(); var inc = 1; var check = function() { inc--; if (inc == 0) { return done(self); } }; var collect = function(list) { if (list.length == 0) return complete(); entries.push.apply(entries, list); reader.readEntries(collect); }; var complete = function() { for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; if ([0] == "." && entry.isDirectory) continue; var node = new FSNode(entry); self.children.push(node); if (node.isDirectory) { inc++; node.walk(check); } } check(); }; reader.readEntries(collect); } }; var ProjectManager = function() { this.directories = []; this.tabMap = {}; }; ProjectManager.prototype = { element: null, addDirectory: function(c) { var self = this; chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({ type: "openDirectory" }, function(d) { var root = new FSNode(d); self.directories.push(root); root.walk(c); }); }, render: function() { //nested LIs with command attributes matching IDs }, bindEvents: function() { //register for tree expansion, refresh //opening files will go through standard command flow }, openFile: function(id) { //check in tabMap if it's already open //read file //open tab //map the pathname in the tabMap //register for tab close event } }; var pm = new ProjectManager(); pm.addDirectory(function() { console.log(pm) }); command.on("project:open-file", pm.openFile.bind(pm)); });