diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+++ b/README.md
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+# Simple-Calculator
+A simple Android opensource calculator with a widget, functional and UI tests
Running Espresso UI tests
+1. at Build Variants select "Android Instrumentation Tests"
+2. Run -> Edit Configurations
+3. create a new "Android Tests" configuration, give it a name (i.e. "MainActivityEspressoTest")
+4. choose the "app" module
+5. OK
+6. make sure MainActivityEspressoTest is selected near the Run button
+7. Run
+Running Robolectric tests
+1. at Build Variant select "Unit Tests"
+2. at the Project tab right click the folder containing the tests (i.e. "calculator.simplemobiletools.com.simple_calculator (test)")
+3. select Run 'Tests in 'calculator.simplemob...' to run all the tests
+4. if you are on Linux or Mac, go to Run -> Edit Configurations, select the new JUnit configuration and change the "Working Directory" item to "$MODULE_DIR" (without quotes)
+5. OK
+5. Run