adding one more faq question
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 56 additions and 0 deletions
@ -303,6 +303,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Aquesta aplicació fa servir les següents biblioteques de tercers que ens faciliten la feina. Gràcies.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Tato aplikace využívá následující knihovny třetích stran pro zjednodušení mého žívota. Děkuji.</string>
@ -303,6 +303,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">Jeg vil gerne støtte dig, men jeg kan ikke donere penge. Er der andet jeg kan gøre?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Ja, selvfølgelig. Du kan fortælle andre om appsene eller give god feedback og gode vurderinger. Du kan også hjælpe med at oversætte til et nyt sprog, eller med at opdatere en eksisterende oversættelse.
Du kan finde en guide på siden, eller send mig en besked på hvis du har brug for hjælp.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Denne app bruger følgende 3.-parts biblioteker der gør at mit liv bliver lidt enklere. Tak.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Diese App nutzt die folgenden Drittanbieterbilbiotheken, die mein Leben einfacher machen. Danke!</string>
@ -303,6 +303,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Esta aplicación usa las siguientes bibliotecas de terceros que hacen mi vida más fácil. Gracias.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">This app uses the following third party libraries to make my life easier. Thank you.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Cette application utilise les librairies tierces suivantes pour me simplifier la vie. Merci.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">मेरा जीवन आसान करने के लिए यह एप्प तीसरे पक्ष की लाइब्रेरी का इस्तेमाल करती हैं। धन्यवाद।</string>
@ -308,6 +308,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Ova aplikacija koristi biblioteke trećih strana kako bi olakšala moj život. Hvala Vam.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Ez az alkalmazás az alábbi könyvtárakat használja, hogy a munkám egyszerűbb legyen. Köszönöm szépen.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">This app uses the following third party libraries to make my life easier. Thank you.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Questa app usa le seguenti librerie di terze parti per semplificarmi la vita. Grazie.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">このアプリは、私の暮らしにゆとりを持たせるために、次のサードパーティのライブラリーを使用しています。 ありがとうございます。</string>
@ -307,6 +307,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">This app uses the following third party libraries to make my life easier. Thank you.</string>
@ -303,6 +303,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Ði programa naudoja treèiøjø ðaliø licensijas ir padaro mano gyvenimà geresná. Aèiû.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">This app uses the following third party libraries to make my life easier. Thank you.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Deze app maakt gebruik van de volgende libraries om het mij wat gemakkelijker te maken. Dank hiervoor.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">This app uses the following third party libraries to make my life easier. Thank you.</string>
@ -308,6 +308,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Aplikacja korzysta z następujących bibliotek innych firm:</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Este aplicativo usa as seguintes bibliotecas de terceiros para facilitar a minha vida. Obrigado.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Esta aplicação usa as seguintes bibliotecas de terceiros para facilitar a minha vida. Obrigado.</string>
@ -307,6 +307,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Это приложение использует следующие библиотеки сторонних разработчиков, чтобы облегчить мой труд. Спасибо.</string>
@ -308,6 +308,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">Chcem vás podporiť, ale neviem poslať peniaze. Viem pre vás urobiť aj niečo iné?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Áno, samozrejme. Môžete napr. šíriť apky medzi známymi, alebo nám poslať užitočnú odozvu a hodnotenia. Viete pomôcť aj preložením apiek do nových jazykov, alebo upraviť existujúce preklady.
Návod nájdete na , alebo mi v prípade potreby pošlite email na</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">Náhodou som vymazal niektoré súbory, viem ich obnoviť?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Žiaľ, nie. Súbory sú mazané okamžite po potvrdení, nie je dostupný žiadny smetný kôš.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Táto aplikácia používa na uľahčenie práce nasledovné knižnice tretích strán. Ďakujeme.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Denna app använder följande tredjepartsbibliotek för att göra mitt liv enklare. Tack.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">Bu uygulama hayatımı kolaylaştırmak için aşağıdaki üçüncü taraf kitaplıklarını kullanır. Teşekkürler.</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">此应用使用了以下三方库。谢谢。</string>
@ -303,6 +303,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">這程式使用了下列的第三方函示庫來讓我工作簡化。感謝。</string>
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
<string name="faq_2_title_commons">I want to support you, but I cannot donate money. Is there anything else I can do?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text_commons">Yes, of course. You can spread the word about the apps or give good feedback and ratings. You can also help by translating the apps in a new language, or just update some existing translations.
You can find the guide at , or just shoot me a message at if you need help.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title_commons">I deleted some files by mistake, how can I recover them?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text_commons">Sadly, you cannot. Files are deleted instantly after the confirmation dialog, there is no trashbin available.</string>
<!-- License -->
<string name="notice">This app uses the following third party libraries to make my life easier. Thank you.</string>
Reference in a new issue