* Gradle Wrapper (all) 3.3 -> 4.1
* Gradle plugin for Android 2.3.2 -> 3.0.0-beta2
This requires upgrading the errorprone plugin to 0.0.11. Also, see
gradle plugin
* SDK Build Tools 25.0.2 -> 26.0.1
* Remove retrolambda
* Log error from subscription on PersistingStoreActivity for consistency
* Update dependency inclusion directives to those of the 3.0 plugin
Also, jsr305 and javax usages have been taken from compile to compileOnly
since they are not required beyond.
* Add dependencies that previously were resolved through leaked ones from other artifacts
Now dependency leaks are eliminated thanks to 'implementation' from the 3.0 version of the gradle plugin.
* Remove coupling between middlewares and cache
* Replace mockito-all by mockito-core
mockito-all causes problems related to hamcrest when used with JUnit. See
* Remove unused dependency.
* Build Tools 26.0.1 on Travis
* Suppress PMD.AvoidThrowingNullPointerException for the time being
* Avoid PMD synthetic accessor warning
* Add Result
* Make Store return Result<Parsed> objects
* Add basic tests
* Fix checkstyle & PMD
* Remove get name from Result
* Fix Result equality
* Enumerate Source
* Remove .DS_Store files
* Add store-kotlin module
* Remove useless file
* Fix package in AndroidManifest
* Refactor module tests to assertJ
* Remove wrong annotation
* Add store-kotlin artifact to README
* Add module README
* Add KDoc to Javadoc jar
* Add Experimental annotation
* Mark all public store-kotlin classes as @Experimental
* Replace use of rx's @Experimental with local one instead
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Update README.md (#175)
* Update README.md
* Close source after write to filesystem
* Refactor FSFileTest to rx2 package
* remove null check on source and annotate arg with NonNull
* Standardize store.stream() to only emit new items
* Standardize store.stream() to only emit new items
* Remove unneeded call to asObservable()
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Fixed PMD violation God Class for RealInternalStore (#179)
* Update README.md
* Fixing dependency importation typo (#186)
* Mike/test (#195)
* new test
* Refactor NoNetworkTest to rx2 package
* Typo fixed (#202)
* Typo fixed
* Simplified by removing generics
* Update build.gradle (#193)
rename app id for sample app
* Add a missing Source.close() call (#200)
* Add Retrolambda plugin on the rest modules (#205)
* Add Retrolambda plugin on the rest modules and modify sample app for new config
* Suppress PMD violation on equals()
* Add Raw to BufferedSource transformer (#198)
* expireAfterAccess added to MemoryPolicy (#199)
* Add test coverage for MemoryPolicyBuilder (#210)
* Add test coverage for MemoryPolicyBuilder
* Checkstyle new line at EOF
* Fix PMD
* Refactor MemoryPolicyBuilderTest to rx2 package
* Deprecate setExpireAfter and getExpireAfter (#211)
* RxJava2 Migration: Return single/maybe where appropriate.
* Remove no longer used class.
* Pull in the fix for #181 from develop.
* Re-iterated solution #181 issue.