Releasing ======== 1. Change the version in top level `` to a non-SNAPSHOT version. 2. Update the `cocoapods` version in `build.gradle.kts` in `:store`. 3. Modify `create_swift_package.yml` workflow. * 4. Update the `` for the impending release. 5. Update the `` with the new version. 6. `git commit -sam "Prepare for release X.Y.Z."` (where X.Y.Z is the new version) 7. `git tag -a X.Y.X -m "Version X.Y.Z"` (where X.Y.Z is the new version) * Run `git tag` to verify it. 8. `git push && git push --tags` * This should be pushed to your fork. 9. Create a PR with this commit and merge it. 10. Update the top level `build.gradle` to the next SNAPSHOT version. 11. Modify `create_swift_package.yml` workflow to only run manually. * 12. `git commit -am "Prepare next development version."` 13. Create a PR with this commit and merge it. 14. Login to Sonatype to promote the artifacts * This part is automated. If it fails in CI, follow the steps below. * Click on Staging Repositories under Build Promotion * Select all the Repositories that contain the content you want to release * Click on Close and refresh until the Release button is active * Click Release and submit 15. Update the sample module's `build.gradle` to point to the newly released version. (It may take ~2 hours for artifact to be available after release)