Change Log ========== Version 1.0.4 *(2017-01-19/)* ---------------------------- * Bug Fix: Fix memory caching issue with Equivalence.Equals (#70) Version 1.0.3 *(2017-01-17)* ---------------------------- * New Feature: Multi Parser (#61) - You can now pass in a list of Parsers and do multi Parsing steps * New Feature: Jackson Middleware (#60) * New Feature: Moshi Middleware (#55) * New Feature: change GsonParsers to work with a type rather than a class (#46) - Can now parse Top Level Array * Enhancement: Preconditions for middleware module (#56) * Enhancement: checkstyle (#48) * Enhancement: pmd (#50) * Enhancement: Nullability Annotations (#52) * Bug Fix: always call sink.close() from finally block (#63) * Bug Fix: remove from repositories block (#62) * In Progress: Annotation Processor to Generate Stores for Retrofit Interfaces feature/annotations Version 1.0.2 *(2017-01-10)* ---------------------------- * API CHANGE: SourcePersisterFactory & GsonParserFactory * API CHANGE: FileSystemFactory * Addition of Travis CI, currently runs tests only