Releasing ======== 1. Change the version in top level `build.gradle` to a non-SNAPSHOT verson. 2. Update the `` for the impending release. 3. Update the `` with the new version. 4. `git commit -am "Prepare for release X.Y.Z."` (where X.Y.Z is the new version) 5. `git tag -a X.Y.X -m "Version X.Y.Z"` (where X.Y.Z is the new version) * Run `git tag` to verify it. 6. Update the top level `build.gradle` to the next SNAPSHOT version. 7. `git commit -am "Prepare next development version."` 8. `git push && git push --tags` 9. Create a PR with these 2 commits. * **IMPORTANT** Add this comment to your PR "This is a release PR, it must be merged as individual commits. Do not squash commits on merge" * Longer explanation: we release automatically through Travis CI. When Travis builds on master a script is run to send either a new shapshot or a new release version to Maven. If you squash the commits in the PR, Travis will only see what's left at the end, which is your commit to change back to `SNAPSHOT` release. Thus, Travis will not end up sending a release version to Maven. If you land as multiple commits, Travis will build both and send a release build to Maven for the commit where you bumped the version to a new release version. **Note:** We are currently not pinning the sample app to the last version because the API is still fluid while `Store` is in alpha. We will resume pinning the sample app to a released version when we move to beta (see #159). When we're ready to pin, restore the final step: 10. Update the sample module's `build.gradle` to point to the newly released version. (It may take ~2 hours for artifact to be available after release)