#don't use jetifier, all deps are in androidX already android.enableJetifier=true android.useAndroidX=true org.gradle.caching=true org.gradle.configureondemand=true # https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues/1405 org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=2G // POM file GROUP = com.dropbox.mobile.store //e2c5cbfb31bbaa9793f430a25c750195c414ac44 was the last commit compatible with kotlin 1.4 //if a release with lower compatiblity than kotlin 1.5 is needed, branch off the above commit and cherry pick any newer changes VERSION_NAME = 4.0.5-KT15-SNAPSHOT POM_PACKAGING = pom POM_DESCRIPTION = Store4 is built with Kotlin Coroutines POM_URL = https://github.com/dropbox/Store/ POM_SCM_URL = https://github.com/dropbox/Store/ POM_SCM_CONNECTION = scm:git:https://github.com/dropbox/Store.git POM_SCM_DEV_CONNECTION = scm:git:git@github.com:dropbox/Store.git POM_LICENCE_NAME = Apache License POM_LICENCE_URL = http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 POM_LICENCE_DIST = repo POM_DEVELOPER_ID = dropbox POM_DEVELOPER_NAME = Dropbox