This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2020-04-29 19:39:38 +03:00
parent 392fb4135a
commit ba2e6d26e5
23 changed files with 730 additions and 1029 deletions

View file

@ -906,11 +906,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Zobrazit trvalé upozor
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Označuje hlavní město
Monument = Pomník
Monastery = Klášter
Temple = Chrám
Palace = Palác
Monument = Pomník
Granary = Sýpka
@ -969,7 +967,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Maják na ostrově Faru
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% produkce při výcviku jízdních jednotek v tomto městě
Stable = Stáje
Colosseum = Koloseum
Circus Maximus = Circus Maximus
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Myslím, že kdyby někdy smrtelník slyšel Boží slovo, bylo by to v zahradě po poledni.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -979,10 +976,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Odstraní zvýšenou nespokojenos
Can only be built in annexed cities = Lze vybudovat pouze v anektovaných městech
Courthouse = Soud
Colosseum = Koloseum
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Považuj své vojáky za své děti a budou tě následovat do nejhlubších údolí; dívej se na ně jako na své milované syny a budou při tobě stát až za hrob.' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Terakotová armáda
Temple = Chrám
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Dvojnásobný zisk zlata při obsazení města nepřítelem
Burial Tomb = Hrobka
@ -1008,6 +1007,7 @@ Aqueduct = Akvadukt
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Nepřátelské pozemní jednotky spotřebují navíc 1 bod pohybu uvnitř našeho území (do vynalezení dynamitu)
Great Wall = Velká čínská zeď
Monastery = Klášter
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Stoupá do výšky, aby se vyrovnal nebi, a jako by stoupal z ostatních budov, stojí vysoko a dívá se dolů na zbytek města, zdobí jej, protože je jeho součástí, oslavován svou vlastní krásou' - Procopius, De Aedificis
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% produkce velkých osobností ve všech městech
@ -1167,10 +1167,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Zámek Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% jídla je zachováno poté, co se město rozroste o nového obyvatele
Medical Lab = Lékařská laboratoř
Solar Plant = Solární elektrárna
Nuclear Plant = Jaderná elektrárna
Must be next to desert = Musí být vedle pouště
Solar Plant = Solární elektrárna
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = Ti, kteří ztratili sny, jsou ztraceni - Australské domorodé přísloví
Sydney Opera House = Opera v Sydney
@ -3963,34 +3963,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Barbarský tábor
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Pastvina
Cattle = Dobytek
Sheep = Ovce
Camp = Tábor
Deer = Jeleni
Plantation = Plantáž
Bananas = Banány
Farm = Farma
Wheat = Pšenice
Quarry = Lom
Stone = Kámen
Fishing Boats = Rybářské lodě
Fish = Ryby
Horses = Koně
Mine = Důl
Iron = Železo
Coal = Uhlí
Oil well = Ropný vrt
Oil = Ropa
Aluminum = Hliník
@ -4206,14 +4198,12 @@ Scout = Zvěd
Ignores terrain cost = Pohyb v obtížném terénu bez penalizace
Warrior = Válečník
Swordsman = Šermíř
Maori Warrior = Maorský válěčník
Brute = Surovec
Archer = Lučištník
Crossbowman = Kušník
Bowman = Lepší lučištník
@ -4225,12 +4215,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Nelze vyplout na oceán před objevem
Trireme = Triréma
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Nelze vyplout na oceán
Caravel = Karavela
Chariot Archer = Lučištník ve válečném vozu
Rough terrain penalty = Penalizace v obtížném terénu
No defensive terrain bonus = Žádný terénní obranný bonus
Knight = Rytíř
War Chariot = Válečný vůz
@ -4238,7 +4226,6 @@ War Elephant = Válečný slon
Spearman = Kopiník
Bonus vs [unitType] = Výhoda proti [unitType]
Pikeman = Pikenýr
Hoplite = Hoplita
@ -4247,11 +4234,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Nesmrtelný
Catapult = Katapult
Must set up to ranged attack = Lze použít pouze na boj na dálku
Trebuchet = Trebuchet
Ballista = Balista
Longswordsman = Šermíř s dlouhým mečem
Swordsman = Šermíř
Legion = Legie
Can construct roads = Může budovat cesty
@ -4265,18 +4251,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Může se pohybovat po útoku
Companion Cavalry = Makedonská jízda
Gatling Gun = Gatlingův kulomet
Crossbowman = Kušník
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Střelec s dlouhým lukem
Trebuchet = Trebuchet
Limited Visibility = Omezená viditelnost
Cannon = Dělo
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Střelec s mušketou
Longswordsman = Šermíř s dlouhým mečem
Samurai = Samuraj
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Má velkou šanci získat Velkého generála v bitvě
@ -4285,14 +4271,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Má velkou šanci získat Velkého
Berserker =
Amphibious = Obojživelný
Pikeman = Pikenýr
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Can move immediately once bought = Může se pohybovat ihned po nákupu
Galleass = Galéra
Frigate = Fregata
Cavalry = Kavalérie
Knight = Rytíř
Camel Archer = Lučištník na velbloudu
@ -4307,15 +4293,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Mandekalská kavalérie
Keshik = Keshik
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% bonus získávání XP
Caravel = Karavela
May withdraw before melee = Může ustoupit před bojem zblízka
+1 Visibility Range = +1 dohled
Ironclad = Obrněná loď
Turtle Ship = Želví loď
Artillery = Dělostřelectvo
Cannon = Dělo
Rifleman = Střelec s puškou
Musketman = Střelec s mušketou
Musketeer = Mušketýr
@ -4327,19 +4313,18 @@ Minuteman = Minutemen
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = Bitevní loď
Frigate = Fregata
Ship of the Line = Řadová loď
Lancer = Kopiník na koni
Anti-Tank Gun = Protitanková zbraň
Sipahi = Sipahi
No movement cost to pillage = Drancování nestojí žádný pohyb
Machine Gun = Kulometčík
Gatling Gun = Gatlingův kulomet
Great War Infantry = Velká válečná pěchota
Rifleman = Střelec s puškou
Carrier = Letadlová loď
Can carry 2 aircraft = Uveze 2 letadla
@ -4347,61 +4332,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Uveze 2 letadla
Triplane = Trojplošník
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% šance zabránit leteckým útokům
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 políček ve všech směrech je vždy viditelných
Fighter = Stíhač
Great War Bomber = Velký válečný bombardér
Bomber = Bombardér
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Norská lyžařská pěchota
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Dvojnásobný pohyb na poli Sníh, Tundra a Kopce
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% bonus na poli Sníh, Tundra and Kopce
Landship = Pozemní obrněnec
Cavalry = Kavalérie
Cossack = Kozák
Artillery = Dělostřelectvo
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Útoky na dálku lze provádět i přes překážky
Rocket Artillery = Raketové dělostřelectvo
Ironclad = Obrněná loď
Double movement in coast = Dvojnásobný pohyb na pobřeží
Destroyer = Torpédoborec
Fighter = Stíhač
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bombardér
B17 = B-17
Nuclear Missile = Jaderná raketa
Requires Manhattan Project = Vyžaduje Projekt Manhattan
Tank = Tank
Landship = Pozemní obrněnec
Destroyer = Torpédoborec
Can attack submarines = Může útočit na ponorky
Battleship = Bitevní loď
Submarine = Ponorka
Can only attack water = Může útočit pouze ve vodě
Can enter ice tiles = Může vstoupit na ledové pole.
Invisible to others = Neviditelná pro ostatní
Infantry = Pěchota
Great War Infantry = Velká válečná pěchota
Foreign Legion = Cizinecká legie
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% bonus mimo přátelské území
Mechanized Infantry = Mechanizovaná pěchota
Infantry = Pěchota
Machine Gun = Kulometčík
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Protiletadlová zbraň
Modern Armor = Moderní tank
Tank = Tank
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Protitanková zbraň
Rocket Artillery = Raketové dělostřelectvo
Mechanized Infantry = Mechanizovaná pěchota
Modern Armor = Moderní tank
Great Artist = Velký umělec
Can build improvement: Landmark = Může vybudovat: Dominanta

View file

@ -1434,12 +1434,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service =
# Requires translation!
Indicates the capital city =
Monument = Monument
# Requires translation!
Monastery =
Temple = Tempel
Palace = Paleis
Monument = Monument
# Requires translation!
Granary =
@ -1523,8 +1520,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse =
# Requires translation!
Stable =
# Requires translation!
Colosseum =
# Requires translation!
Circus Maximus =
@ -1539,12 +1534,15 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities =
Can only be built in annexed cities =
Courthouse = Gerechtsgebouw
# Requires translation!
Colosseum =
# Requires translation!
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu =
# Requires translation!
Terracotta Army =
Temple = Tempel
# Requires translation!
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured =
@ -1582,6 +1580,8 @@ Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (o
# Requires translation!
Great Wall =
# Requires translation!
Monastery =
# Requires translation!
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis =
@ -1837,12 +1837,12 @@ Neuschwanstein =
# Requires translation!
Medical Lab =
# Requires translation!
Solar Plant =
# Requires translation!
Nuclear Plant =
Must be next to desert = Moet aan een woestijn grenzen
# Requires translation!
Solar Plant =
# Requires translation!
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying =
@ -5092,36 +5092,27 @@ Barbarian encampment =
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Weide
Cattle = Rundvee
Sheep = Schaap
Camp = Kamp
Deer = Hert
Plantation = Plantage
Bananas = Bananen
Farm = Boerderij
Wheat = Tarwe
Quarry = Steengroeve
Stone = Steen
# Requires translation!
Fishing Boats =
# Requires translation!
Fish =
Horses = Paarden
Mine = Mijn
Iron = Ijzer
Coal = Kool
Oil well = Oliebron
Oil = Olie
Aluminum = Aluminium
@ -5432,8 +5423,6 @@ Ignores terrain cost = Negeert terreinskosten
# Requires translation!
Warrior =
# Requires translation!
Swordsman =
# Requires translation!
Maori Warrior =
@ -5443,8 +5432,6 @@ Brute =
# Requires translation!
Archer =
# Requires translation!
Crossbowman =
# Requires translation!
Bowman =
@ -5463,15 +5450,11 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy =
Trireme =
# Requires translation!
Cannot enter ocean tiles =
# Requires translation!
Caravel =
# Requires translation!
Chariot Archer =
Rough terrain penalty = Nadeel in ruig terrein
No defensive terrain bonus = Geen defensiefe terreinsbonussen
# Requires translation!
Knight =
# Requires translation!
War Chariot =
@ -5482,8 +5465,6 @@ War Elephant =
# Requires translation!
Spearman =
Bonus vs [unitType] = Voordeel tegen [unitType]
# Requires translation!
Pikeman =
# Requires translation!
Hoplite =
@ -5496,14 +5477,12 @@ Persian Immortal =
# Requires translation!
Catapult =
Must set up to ranged attack = Moet opstellen voordat er een aanval op afstand kan worden gemaakt
# Requires translation!
Trebuchet =
# Requires translation!
Ballista =
# Requires translation!
Longswordsman =
Swordsman =
# Requires translation!
Legion =
@ -5524,7 +5503,7 @@ Can move after attacking = Kan zich verplaatsen na het aanvallen
Companion Cavalry =
# Requires translation!
Gatling Gun =
Crossbowman =
# Requires translation!
Chu-Ko-Nu =
@ -5532,15 +5511,15 @@ Chu-Ko-Nu =
# Requires translation!
Longbowman =
Limited Visibility = Gelimiteerd zicht
# Requires translation!
Cannon =
Trebuchet =
Limited Visibility = Gelimiteerd zicht
# Requires translation!
Hwach'a =
# Requires translation!
Musketman =
Longswordsman =
# Requires translation!
Samurai =
@ -5552,6 +5531,8 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
# Requires translation!
Pikeman =
# Requires translation!
Landsknecht =
@ -5560,11 +5541,9 @@ Can move immediately once bought =
# Requires translation!
Galleass =
# Requires translation!
Frigate =
# Requires translation!
Cavalry =
Knight =
# Requires translation!
Camel Archer =
@ -5587,21 +5566,21 @@ Keshik =
# Requires translation!
50% Bonus XP gain =
# Requires translation!
Caravel =
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
# Requires translation!
+1 Visibility Range =
# Requires translation!
Ironclad =
# Requires translation!
Turtle Ship =
# Requires translation!
Artillery =
Cannon =
# Requires translation!
Rifleman =
Musketman =
# Requires translation!
Musketeer =
@ -5620,15 +5599,13 @@ Minuteman =
Tercio =
# Requires translation!
Battleship =
Frigate =
# Requires translation!
Ship of the Line =
# Requires translation!
Lancer =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Tank Gun =
# Requires translation!
Sipahi =
@ -5636,10 +5613,10 @@ Sipahi =
No movement cost to pillage =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =
Gatling Gun =
# Requires translation!
Great War Infantry =
Rifleman =
# Requires translation!
Carrier =
@ -5652,13 +5629,9 @@ Triplane =
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks =
# Requires translation!
6 tiles in every direction always visible =
# Requires translation!
Fighter =
# Requires translation!
Great War Bomber =
# Requires translation!
Bomber =
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -5668,25 +5641,29 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
Landship =
Cavalry =
# Requires translation!
Cossack =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles =
Artillery =
# Requires translation!
Rocket Artillery =
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles =
# Requires translation!
Ironclad =
# Requires translation!
Double movement in coast =
# Requires translation!
Destroyer =
# Requires translation!
Fighter =
# Requires translation!
Zero =
# Requires translation!
Bomber =
# Requires translation!
B17 =
@ -5697,11 +5674,15 @@ Nuclear Missile =
Requires Manhattan Project =
# Requires translation!
Tank =
Landship =
# Requires translation!
Destroyer =
# Requires translation!
Can attack submarines =
# Requires translation!
Battleship =
# Requires translation!
Submarine =
@ -5713,7 +5694,7 @@ Can enter ice tiles =
Invisible to others =
# Requires translation!
Infantry =
Great War Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Foreign Legion =
@ -5721,21 +5702,31 @@ Foreign Legion =
+20% bonus outside friendly territory =
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Aircraft Gun =
# Requires translation!
Modern Armor =
Tank =
# Requires translation!
Panzer =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Tank Gun =
# Requires translation!
Rocket Artillery =
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Modern Armor =
# Requires translation!
Great Artist =

View file

@ -1647,14 +1647,10 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service =
# Requires translation!
Indicates the capital city =
# Requires translation!
Monument =
# Requires translation!
Monastery =
# Requires translation!
Temple =
# Requires translation!
Palace =
# Requires translation!
Monument =
# Requires translation!
Granary =
@ -1752,8 +1748,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse =
# Requires translation!
Stable =
# Requires translation!
Colosseum =
# Requires translation!
Circus Maximus =
@ -1769,12 +1763,16 @@ Can only be built in annexed cities =
# Requires translation!
Courthouse =
# Requires translation!
Colosseum =
# Requires translation!
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu =
# Requires translation!
Terracotta Army =
# Requires translation!
Temple =
# Requires translation!
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured =
@ -1816,6 +1814,8 @@ Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (o
# Requires translation!
Great Wall =
# Requires translation!
Monastery =
# Requires translation!
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis =
@ -2079,13 +2079,13 @@ Neuschwanstein =
# Requires translation!
Medical Lab =
# Requires translation!
Solar Plant =
# Requires translation!
Nuclear Plant =
# Requires translation!
Must be next to desert =
# Requires translation!
Solar Plant =
# Requires translation!
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying =
@ -5452,52 +5452,36 @@ Barbarian encampment =
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Pasture =
# Requires translation!
Cattle =
# Requires translation!
Sheep =
# Requires translation!
Camp =
# Requires translation!
Deer =
# Requires translation!
Plantation =
# Requires translation!
Bananas =
# Requires translation!
Farm =
# Requires translation!
Wheat =
# Requires translation!
Quarry =
# Requires translation!
Stone =
# Requires translation!
Fishing Boats =
# Requires translation!
Fish =
# Requires translation!
Horses =
# Requires translation!
Mine =
# Requires translation!
Iron =
# Requires translation!
Coal =
# Requires translation!
Oil well =
# Requires translation!
Oil =
@ -5823,8 +5807,6 @@ Ignores terrain cost =
# Requires translation!
Warrior =
# Requires translation!
Swordsman =
# Requires translation!
Maori Warrior =
@ -5834,8 +5816,6 @@ Brute =
# Requires translation!
Archer =
# Requires translation!
Crossbowman =
# Requires translation!
Bowman =
@ -5854,8 +5834,6 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy =
Trireme =
# Requires translation!
Cannot enter ocean tiles =
# Requires translation!
Caravel =
# Requires translation!
Chariot Archer =
@ -5863,8 +5841,6 @@ Chariot Archer =
Rough terrain penalty =
# Requires translation!
No defensive terrain bonus =
# Requires translation!
Knight =
# Requires translation!
War Chariot =
@ -5876,8 +5852,6 @@ War Elephant =
Spearman =
# Requires translation!
Bonus vs [unitType] =
# Requires translation!
Pikeman =
# Requires translation!
Hoplite =
@ -5891,14 +5865,12 @@ Persian Immortal =
Catapult =
# Requires translation!
Must set up to ranged attack =
# Requires translation!
Trebuchet =
# Requires translation!
Ballista =
# Requires translation!
Longswordsman =
Swordsman =
# Requires translation!
Legion =
@ -5921,7 +5893,7 @@ Can move after attacking =
Companion Cavalry =
# Requires translation!
Gatling Gun =
Crossbowman =
# Requires translation!
Chu-Ko-Nu =
@ -5930,15 +5902,15 @@ Chu-Ko-Nu =
Longbowman =
# Requires translation!
Limited Visibility =
Trebuchet =
# Requires translation!
Cannon =
Limited Visibility =
# Requires translation!
Hwach'a =
# Requires translation!
Musketman =
Longswordsman =
# Requires translation!
Samurai =
@ -5950,6 +5922,8 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
# Requires translation!
Pikeman =
# Requires translation!
Landsknecht =
@ -5958,11 +5932,9 @@ Can move immediately once bought =
# Requires translation!
Galleass =
# Requires translation!
Frigate =
# Requires translation!
Cavalry =
Knight =
# Requires translation!
Camel Archer =
@ -5985,21 +5957,21 @@ Keshik =
# Requires translation!
50% Bonus XP gain =
# Requires translation!
Caravel =
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
# Requires translation!
+1 Visibility Range =
# Requires translation!
Ironclad =
# Requires translation!
Turtle Ship =
# Requires translation!
Artillery =
Cannon =
# Requires translation!
Rifleman =
Musketman =
# Requires translation!
Musketeer =
@ -6018,15 +5990,13 @@ Minuteman =
Tercio =
# Requires translation!
Battleship =
Frigate =
# Requires translation!
Ship of the Line =
# Requires translation!
Lancer =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Tank Gun =
# Requires translation!
Sipahi =
@ -6034,10 +6004,10 @@ Sipahi =
No movement cost to pillage =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =
Gatling Gun =
# Requires translation!
Great War Infantry =
Rifleman =
# Requires translation!
Carrier =
@ -6049,13 +6019,9 @@ Triplane =
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks =
# Requires translation!
6 tiles in every direction always visible =
# Requires translation!
Fighter =
# Requires translation!
Great War Bomber =
# Requires translation!
Bomber =
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -6065,25 +6031,29 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
Landship =
Cavalry =
# Requires translation!
Cossack =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles =
Artillery =
# Requires translation!
Rocket Artillery =
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles =
# Requires translation!
Ironclad =
# Requires translation!
Double movement in coast =
# Requires translation!
Destroyer =
# Requires translation!
Fighter =
# Requires translation!
Zero =
# Requires translation!
Bomber =
# Requires translation!
B17 =
@ -6094,11 +6064,15 @@ Nuclear Missile =
Requires Manhattan Project =
# Requires translation!
Tank =
Landship =
# Requires translation!
Destroyer =
# Requires translation!
Can attack submarines =
# Requires translation!
Battleship =
# Requires translation!
Submarine =
@ -6110,7 +6084,7 @@ Can enter ice tiles =
Invisible to others =
# Requires translation!
Infantry =
Great War Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Foreign Legion =
@ -6118,21 +6092,31 @@ Foreign Legion =
+20% bonus outside friendly territory =
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Aircraft Gun =
# Requires translation!
Modern Armor =
Tank =
# Requires translation!
Panzer =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Tank Gun =
# Requires translation!
Rocket Artillery =
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Modern Armor =
# Requires translation!
Great Artist =

View file

@ -902,11 +902,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Affichier des notes per
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Indique la capitale
Monument = Monument
Monastery = Monastère
Temple = Temple
Palace = Palais
Monument = Monument
Granary = Grenier
@ -965,7 +963,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = le Grand Phare
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% Production lorsqu'une unité montée est produite dans cette ville
Stable = Écurie
Colosseum = Collisée
Circus Maximus = Circus Maximus
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Je pense que si jamais un mortel entendait un mot de Dieu ce serait dans un jardin à la fraicheur du jour.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -975,10 +972,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Enlève le mécontentement suppl
Can only be built in annexed cities = Ne peut-être construit que dans des cités annexées
Courthouse = Palais de justice
Colosseum = Collisée
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Occupe toi de tes soldats comme tes enfants et ils te suivront dans les vallées les plus profondes ; regarde les comme tes fils chéris et ils te serviront jusqu'à la mort.' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Armée de Terre Cuite
Temple = Temple
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Double l'Or donné à un ennemi si une cité est capturée
Burial Tomb = Tombeau
@ -1004,6 +1003,7 @@ Aqueduct = Aqueduc
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Les unités terrestre ennemies doivent dépenser un point de déplacement supplémentaires quand elles sont dans votre territoire (rendus obsolète par la Dynamite)
Great Wall = La Grande Muraille
Monastery = Monastère
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Car il s'élève en hauteur pour rencontrer le ciel, et comme s'il surgissait des autres bâtiments, il se dresse et regarde d'en haut le reste de la ville, l'ornant, car il en fait partie, mais se glorifiant dans sa propre beauté' - Procope de Césarée, De Aedificis
+33% great person generation in all cities = + 33% de génération de Personnages illustres dans toutes les villes
@ -1163,10 +1163,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Château de Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% de la nourriture est préservée après la naissance d'un nouveau citoyen
Medical Lab = Laboratoire médical
Solar Plant = Centrale solaire
Nuclear Plant = Centrale nucléaire
Must be next to desert = Doit être à côté d'un désert
Solar Plant = Centrale solaire
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Ceux qui perdent leurs rêves sont perdus.' - Dicton arborigène australien
Sydney Opera House = Opéra de Sydney
@ -3250,34 +3250,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Campement barbare
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Pâturage
Cattle = Bétail
Sheep = Moutons
Camp = Campement
Deer = Cerfs
Plantation = Plantation
Bananas = Bananes
Farm = Ferme
Wheat = Blé
Quarry = Carrière
Stone = Pierre
Fishing Boats = Bateaux de pêche
Fish = Poisson
Horses = Chevaux
Mine = Mine
Iron = Fer
Coal = Charbon
Oil well = Puits de pétrole
Oil = Pétrole
Aluminum = Aluminium
@ -3493,14 +3485,12 @@ Scout = Éclaireur
Ignores terrain cost = Ignore le coût du terrain
Warrior = Guerrier
Swordsman = Épéiste
Maori Warrior = Guerrier Maori
Brute = Sauvage
Archer = Archer
Crossbowman = Arbalétrier
Bowman = Archer Babylonien
@ -3512,12 +3502,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Ne peut pas aller sur les cases d'oc
Trireme = Trirème
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Ne peut pas aller sur les case océan
Caravel = Caravelle
Chariot Archer = Archer sur char
Rough terrain penalty = Pénalité de terrain difficile
No defensive terrain bonus = Aucun bonus de terrain défensif
Knight = Chevalier
War Chariot = Char de guerre
@ -3525,7 +3513,6 @@ War Elephant = Éléphant de Guerre
Spearman = Lancier
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus contre [unitType]
Pikeman = Piquier
Hoplite = Hoplite
@ -3534,11 +3521,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Immortel
Catapult = Catapulte
Must set up to ranged attack = Doit être installé pour attaquer à distance
Trebuchet = Trébuchet
Ballista = Balliste
Longswordsman = Spadassin à épée longue
Swordsman = Épéiste
Legion = Légion
Can construct roads = Peut construire des routes
@ -3552,18 +3538,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Peut se déplacer après avoir attaqué
Companion Cavalry = Cavalerie des Compagnons
Gatling Gun = Mitrailleuse Gatling
Crossbowman = Arbalétrier
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Archer long
Trebuchet = Trébuchet
Limited Visibility = Visibilité réduite
Cannon = Canon
Hwach'a = Hwacha
Musketman = Arquebusier
Longswordsman = Spadassin à épée longue
Samurai = Samuraï
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = A de grande chance de faire apparaitre un général illustre suite à un combat
@ -3573,14 +3559,14 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
Pikeman = Piquier
Landsknecht = Lansquenet
Can move immediately once bought = Peut se déplacer immédiatement après achat
Galleass = Galléasse
Frigate = Frégate
Cavalry = Cavalerie
Knight = Chevalier
Camel Archer = Archer méhariste
@ -3595,15 +3581,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Cavalrie Mandékalou
Keshik = Keshig
50% Bonus XP gain = +50% de gain d'expérience
Caravel = Caravelle
May withdraw before melee = Capable de fuite du combat rapproché
+1 Visibility Range = +1 à la Portée de Vision
Ironclad = Cuirassé
Turtle Ship = Bateau Tortue
Artillery = Artillerie
Cannon = Canon
Rifleman = Fusilier
Musketman = Arquebusier
Musketeer = Mousquetaire
@ -3615,19 +3601,18 @@ Minuteman = Minuteman
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = cuirassé
Frigate = Frégate
Ship of the Line = Navire de ligne
Lancer = Lancier monté
Anti-Tank Gun = Canon antichar
Sipahi = Sipahi
No movement cost to pillage = L'action pillage ne coûte pas de point de mouvement
Machine Gun = Mitrailleuse
Gatling Gun = Mitrailleuse Gatling
Great War Infantry = Infanterie de la grande guerre
Rifleman = Fusilier
Carrier = Porte-avions
Can carry 2 aircraft = Peut transporter 2 avions
@ -3635,10 +3620,8 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Peut transporter 2 avions
Triplane = Triplan
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% chance d'intercepter une attaque aérienne
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 cases dans chaque direction sont toujours visibles
Fighter = Chasseur
Great War Bomber = Bombardier de la grande guerre
Bomber = Bombardier
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -3647,52 +3630,61 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
Landship = Véhicule terrestre
Cavalry = Cavalerie
Cossack = Cosaque
Artillery = Artillerie
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Les attaques à distances peuvent être effectuées à travers des obstacles
Rocket Artillery = Lance-roquettes
Ironclad = Cuirassé
Double movement in coast = Double mouvement le long des côtes
Destroyer = Destroyer
Fighter = Chasseur
Zero = Zéro
Bomber = Bombardier
B17 = B-17
Nuclear Missile = Missile Nucléaire
Requires Manhattan Project = Necessite le projet Manhattan
Tank = Char
Landship = Véhicule terrestre
Destroyer = Destroyer
Can attack submarines = Peut attaquer les sous-marins
Battleship = cuirassé
Submarine = Sous-marin
Can only attack water = Ne peut attaquer que les unités marines
Can enter ice tiles = Peut se déplacer sur la glace
Invisible to others = Invisible aux autres
Infantry = Infanterie
Great War Infantry = Infanterie de la grande guerre
Foreign Legion = Légion étrangère
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% bonus lors de combat hors d'un territoire allié
Mechanized Infantry = Infantrie mécanisée
Infantry = Infanterie
Machine Gun = Mitrailleuse
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Canon anti-aérien
Modern Armor = Blindé moderne
Tank = Char
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Canon antichar
Rocket Artillery = Lance-roquettes
Mechanized Infantry = Infantrie mécanisée
Modern Armor = Blindé moderne
Great Artist = Artiste illustre
Can build improvement: Landmark = Peut construire l'aménagement suivant: Monument culturel

View file

@ -804,11 +804,6 @@ Strategic Resource = Strategische Ressource
Unhappiness = Unzufriedenheit
Victory Types = Siegestypen
Workers = Arbeiter
City Expansion = Stadt-Wachstum
Combat = Gefechte
Experience = Erfahrung
Pillaging = Plündern
Research Agreements = Forschungsabkommen
# Other civilopedia things
Nations = Nationen
@ -895,11 +890,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Zeige persistente Benac
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Gibt die Hauptstadt an
Monument = Monument
Monastery = Kloster
Temple = Tempel
Palace = Palast
Monument = Monument
Granary = Kornspeicher
@ -958,7 +951,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Der Große Leuchtturm
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% Produktion beim Ausbilden von berittenen Einheiten in dieser Stadt
Stable = Stall
Colosseum = Kolosseum
Circus Maximus = Circus Maximus
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Wenn ein sterbliches Wesen je die Stimme Gottes hören würde, dann in einem Garten beim Wehen des Abendwindes.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -968,10 +960,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Entferne zusätzliche Unzufrieden
Can only be built in annexed cities = Kann nur in annektierten Städten gebaut werden.
Courthouse = Gerichtsgebäude
Colosseum = Kolosseum
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Behandle Deine Soldaten als seien sie Deine Kinder und sie werden Dir in die tiefsten Täler folgen; betrachte sie als Deine geliebten Söhne und sie werden an Deiner Seite stehen, sogar bis zum Tode.' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Terrakotta-Armee
Temple = Tempel
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Verdoppelt die Menge an Gold für den Feind, falls die Stadt erorbert wird
Burial Tomb = Grabstätte
@ -997,6 +991,7 @@ Aqueduct = Aquädukt
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Feindliche Landeinheiten müssen 1 extra Bewegungspunkt innerhalb deines Territoriums ausgeben (veraltet durch Dynamit)
Great Wall = die Große Mauer
Monastery = Kloster
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Weil sie sich in eine Höhe erhebt, um es dem Himmel gleichzutun, und als ob sie zwischen den anderen Gebäuden aufsteigt, steht sie in der Höhe und schaut auf den Rest der Stadt hinab und schmückt sie, weil sie ein Teil davon ist, doch sie erblüht in ihrer eigenen Schönheit.' - Prokop, De Aedificiis
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% erhöhte Wahrscheinlichkeit für die Geburt Großer Persönlichkeiten
@ -1156,10 +1151,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% vom Essensvorrat wird behalten, wenn ein neuer Bewohner geboren wird
Medical Lab = Medizinisches Labor
Solar Plant = Solarkraftwerk
Nuclear Plant = Atomkraftwerk
Must be next to desert = Muss an eine Wüste grenzen
Solar Plant = Solarkraftwerk
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Jene, die ihre Träume verlieren, sind verloren.' - Sprichwort der australischen Ureinwohner
Sydney Opera House = Opernhaus Sydney
@ -3348,7 +3343,7 @@ Farm = Farm
Lumber mill = Sägewerk
Mine = Bergwerk
Mine = Mine
Trading post = Handelsposten
@ -3365,7 +3360,6 @@ Quarry = Steinbruch
Fishing Boats = Fischerboote
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% = Gibt einen Verteidigungsbonus von 50%
Fort = Festung
Road = Straße
@ -3415,34 +3409,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Barbarenlager
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Weide
Cattle = Rinder
Sheep = Schafe
Camp = Lager
Deer = Rotwild
Plantation = Plantage
Bananas = Bananen
Farm = Farm
Wheat = Weizen
Quarry = Steinbruch
Stone = Stein
Fishing Boats = Fischerboote
Fish = Fisch
Horses = Pferde
Mine = Bergwerk
Iron = Eisen
Coal = Kohle
Oil well = Ölbohrloch
Oil = Erdöl
Aluminum = Aluminium
@ -3658,14 +3644,12 @@ Scout = Kundschafter/Späher
Ignores terrain cost = Ignoriert Geländekosten
Warrior = Krieger
Swordsman = Schwertkämpfer
Maori Warrior = Maori Krieger
Brute = Barbar
Archer = Bogenschütze
Crossbowman = Armbrustschütze
Bowman = Kampfbogenschütze
@ -3677,12 +3661,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Ozeanfelder können nicht befahren we
Trireme = Trireme
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Ozeanfelder können nicht befahren werden
Caravel = Karavelle
Chariot Archer = Streitwagen-Bogenschütze
Rough terrain penalty = Im Nachteil auf rauem Gelände
No defensive terrain bonus = Kein geländeabhängiger Verteidigungsbonus
Knight = Ritter
War Chariot = Streitwagen
@ -3690,7 +3672,6 @@ War Elephant = Kriegselefant
Spearman = Speerkrieger
Bonus vs [unitType] = Im Vorteil gegen [unitType]
Pikeman = Pikenier
Hoplite = Hoplit
@ -3699,11 +3680,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Persischer Unsterblicher
Catapult = Katapult
Must set up to ranged attack = Muss aufgestellt werden, um Fernattacken auszuführen
Trebuchet = Trebuchet
Ballista = Ballista
Longswordsman = Langschwertkämpfer
Swordsman = Schwertkämpfer
Legion = Legionär
Can construct roads = Kann Straßen bauen
@ -3717,18 +3697,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Kann sich nach dem Angriff bewegen
Companion Cavalry = Begleitkavallerie
Gatling Gun = Gatling Kanone
Crossbowman = Armbrustschütze
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Langbogenschütze
Trebuchet = Trebuchet
Limited Visibility = Begrenzte Sichtweite
Cannon = Kanone
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Musketschütze
Longswordsman = Langschwertkämpfer
Samurai = Samurai
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Der Kampf wird sehr wahrscheinlich große Generäle schaffen.
@ -3736,14 +3716,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Der Kampf wird sehr wahrscheinlich
Berserker = Berserker
Amphibious = Amphibisch
Pikeman = Pikenier
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Can move immediately once bought = Kann sich nach dem Kauf sofort bewegen
Galleass = Galeere
Frigate = Fregatte
Cavalry = Kavallerie
Knight = Ritter
Camel Archer = Kamel-Bogenschütze
@ -3758,15 +3738,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Mandekalu-Kavallerie
Keshik = Kheshig
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% Erfahrungsbonus
Caravel = Karavelle
May withdraw before melee = Kann sich vor Nahkampf zurückziehen
+1 Visibility Range = +1 Sichtweite
Ironclad = Panzerschiff
Turtle Ship = Schildkrötenboot
Artillery = Artillerie
Cannon = Kanone
Rifleman = Gewehrschütze
Musketman = Musketschütze
Musketeer = Musketier
@ -3778,19 +3758,18 @@ Minuteman = Minuteman
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = Schlachtschiff
Frigate = Fregatte
Ship of the Line = Linienschiff
Lancer = Lanzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Panzerabwehr-Kanone
Sipahi = Sipahi
No movement cost to pillage = Keine Bewegungskosten beim Plündern
Machine Gun = Maschinengewehr
Gatling Gun = Gatling Kanone
Great War Infantry = Weltkriegs-Infanterie
Rifleman = Gewehrschütze
Carrier = Flugzeugträger
Can carry 2 aircraft = Kann 2 Flugzeuge tragen
@ -3798,61 +3777,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Kann 2 Flugzeuge tragen
Triplane = Dreidecker
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% Chance, Luftangriffe abzufangen
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 Felder in jede Richtung sichtbar
Fighter = Jagdflugzeug
Great War Bomber = Weltkriegsbomber
Bomber = Bomber
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Norwegische Ski-Infanterie
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Doppelte Bewegung in Schnee, Tundra und Hügeln
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% Bonus in Schnee, Tundra und Hügeln
Landship = Landschiff
Cavalry = Kavallerie
Cossack = Kosak
Artillery = Artillerie
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Fernangriffe können über Hindernisse hinweg ausgeführt werden
Rocket Artillery = Raketenartillerie
Ironclad = Panzerschiff
Double movement in coast = Doppelte Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit an der Küste
Destroyer = Zerstörer
Fighter = Jagdflugzeug
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bomber
B17 = B-17
Nuclear Missile = Nuklearrakete
Requires Manhattan Project = Benötigt Manhattan Projekt
Tank = Panzer
Landship = Landschiff
Destroyer = Zerstörer
Can attack submarines = Kann U-Boote angreifen
Battleship = Schlachtschiff
Submarine = U-Boot
Can only attack water = Kann nur auf Wasser angreifen
Can enter ice tiles = Kann Eis befahren
Invisible to others = Unsichtbar für andere
Infantry = Infanterie
Great War Infantry = Weltkriegs-Infanterie
Foreign Legion = Fremdenlegion
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% Bonus außerhalb befreundeten Gebiets
Mechanized Infantry = Mechanisierte Infanterie
Infantry = Infanterie
Machine Gun = Maschinengewehr
Anti-Aircraft Gun = FLAK
Modern Armor = Moderner Panzer
Tank = Panzer
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Panzerabwehr-Kanone
Rocket Artillery = Raketenartillerie
Mechanized Infantry = Mechanisierte Infanterie
Modern Armor = Moderner Panzer
Great Artist = Großer Künstler
Can build improvement: Landmark = Kann Verbesserung errichten: Sehenswürdigkeit
@ -3880,24 +3866,24 @@ Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = Heile angrenzende Einheit
#################### Lines from Tutorials.json ####################
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Willkommen zu Unciv!\n Weil es ein komplexes Spiel ist, gibt es Einführungsaufgaben,\nwelche dich mit dem Spiel vertraut machen sollen.\nDiese sind optional, und du bist eingeladen, das Spiel selbst zu erkunden!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = Willkommen zu Unciv!\n Weil es ein komplexes Spiel ist, gibt es Einführungsaufgaben, welche dich mit dem Spiel vertraut machen.\nDiese sind optional, und du bist eingeladen das Spiel selbst zu erkunden!
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Deine erste Aufgabe ist es, die Hauptstadt zu gründen.\nDies ist eine wichtige Aufgabe, da deine Hauptstadt wahrscheinlich deine blühendste Stadt sein wird.\nViele Spielvorteile gelten nur in deiner Hauptstadt, und sie wird bestimmt das Zentrum deines Imperiums bleiben.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThats not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Woher weißt du, daß ein Ort geeignet ist?\nEs ist nicht einfach zu beantworten, aber in der Nähe von Luxusressourcen ist eine gute Faustregel.\nLuxusressourcen sind Felder, welche Dinge wie Diamanten, Baumwolle, oder Seide beinhalten (gezeigt durch ein Smiley neben dem Ressourcen-Symbol)\nDiese Ressourcen machen deine Zivilisation fröhlich. Du solltest auch ein Auge auf Ressourcen werfen, die für Einheiten gebraucht werden, wie zum Beispiel Eisen.
However, cities dont have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you dont have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLets say, for example, that you want access to some iron but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou dont have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately \n which might be the case now and then, but youll usually have the luxury of time. = Wie auch immer, Städte haben keine feste Fläche die sie bearbeiten können - mehr dazu später!\nDas heißt, du musst deine Städte nicht direkt neben die Ressourcen setzen.\nSagen wir als Beispiel, daß du Zugang zu Eisen möchtest, aber die Ressource ist direkt neben einer Wüste .\nDu musst die Stadt nicht direkt neben die Wüste setzen, du kannst ein paar Felder weiter in besserer Umgebung siedeln.\nDeine Stadt wird wachsen und irgendwann Zugriff auf die Ressource erhalten.\nDu musst nur dann direkt daneben siedeln, wenn du sie sofort brauchst \n Was hin und wieder vorkommt aber meistens hast du die Zeit.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts dont suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf youre a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Die erste produzierte Einheit der Stadt sollte ein Späher oder Krieger sein.\nIch (der Programmierer, nicht der Übersetzer) bevorzuge allgemein den Krieger, weil er auch für die Verteidigung brauchbar ist,\n und weil er später zu einem Schwertkämpfer verbessert werden kann, und das für eine moderate Summe Gold.\nSpäher können auch effektiv sein, wenn du in einem Gebiet mit Wald und Hügeln bist.\nSpäher werden in solchem Gelände nicht gebremst wie andere Einheiten.\nWenn du schon Erfahrung mit dem 4X Strategie-Genre hast, wird deinem Krieger oder Späher ein Siedler folgen.\nSchnelle Expansion ist in den meisten Spielen dieser Art absolut notwendig.
Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = Deine erste Aufgabe ist die Hauptstadt zu gründen.\nDies ist eine wichtige Aufgabe, da deine Hauptstadt wahrscheinlich deine beste Stadt ist.\nViele Spielvorteile gelten nur in deiner Hauptstadt und es and ist wahrscheinlich das Zentrum deines Imperiums.
How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThats not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. = Woher weißt du das ein Ort gut ist?\nEs ist nicht einfach zu beantworten, aber in der Nähe von Luxusressourcen ist gut.\nLuxusressourcen sind Felder, welche Dinge wie Diamanten, Baumwolle, oder Seide (gezeigt durch ein Smiley direktzum Ressourcenicon)\nDiese Ressourcen machen deine Civilisation fröhlich. Du solltest auch ein Auge auf Ressources werfen, die für Einheiten gebraucht werden, wie die Ressource Eisen.
However, cities dont have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you dont have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLets say, for example, that you want access to some iron but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou dont have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately \n which might be the case now and then, but youll usually have the luxury of time. = Wieauchimmer, Städte aben keine feste Fläche wo gearbeitet werden kann - mehr dazu später!\nDas meint du musst deine Städte nicht direkt neben die Ressourcen setzen.\nSagen wir als Beispiel, das du etwas Eisen möchtest, aber die Ressource ist direkt neben einer Wüste .\nDu musst die Stadt nicht in die Nähe der wüste setzen. du kannst ein paar Felder weiter in besserer Umgebung siedeln.\nDeine Stadt wird größer werden und irgendwann Zugriff auf die Ressource erhalten.\ndu musst nur direkt daneben siedeln, wenn du sie sofort brauchst \n Was hin unt wieder vorkommt, aber meisents hast du die Zeit.
The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts dont suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf youre a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = Die erste produzierte einheit der Stadt sollte ein Späher oder Krieger sein.\nIch (der Programmierer, nicht der Übersetzer) bevorzuge allgemein den Krieger, weil er für die Verteidigung gut ist,\n und da er später zu einem Schwertkämpfer verbessert werden kann, und das für eine moderate Summe Gold.\nSpäher können auch effektiv sein, wenn du in einem Gebiet mit Wald und Hügeln bist.\nSpäher erhalten durch sowas keine Nachteile in der Bewegung.\nWenn du schon lange 4x strategy genre spielst, wird deinem Krieger oder Späher ein Siedler folgen.\nSchnelle Expansion ist in den meisten Spielen dieser Art notwendig.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = In deinen ersten Runden gibt es wenig zu tun,\n aber sobald deine Zivilation wächst, \n wächst auch die Zahl der Dinge, auf die du achten musst.
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = In deinen ersten Runden\n gibt es wenig zu tun,\n aber sobald deine Zivilation wächst, \n wächst auch die Zahl der Dinge auf die du achten musst
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Jede Runde wird die in deinen Städten produzierte Kultur\n zu der Kultur deiner Zivilisation dazugerechnet.\nWenn du ausreichend Kultur gesammelt hast, kannst du eine neue\n Sozialpolitik wählen (im Spiel auch Grundsätze genannt). Jede Sozialpolitik gibt dir einen bestimmten Bonus.
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = Jede Runde wird die Produktion von Kultur der Städte \n zu der Kultur deiner Zivilisation dazugerechnet.\nWenn du ausreichend Kultur hast, kannst du eine neue \n Sozialpolitik wählen. Jede Sozialpolitik gibt dir einen bestimmten Bonus.
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = Die Politiken sind in Äste sortiert.\n Jeder Ast gibt besondere Vorteile, wenn er vollständig erforscht wurde.
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Die Kosten für die nächste Politik steigen mit jeder gebauten\ Stadt und mit jeder gewählten Politik - wähle deshalb weise!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = Mit jeder gewählten Politik, und mit jeder gebauten Stadt,\n steigen die Kosten für die nächsten Politiken - wähle deshalb weise!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Sobald eine Stadt genügend Kultur gesammelt hat, wird sie auf ein\nweiteres Feld expandieren. Du kannst das Feld nicht bestimmen,\naber wertvolle Felder werden bevorzugt (Ressourcen).
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Jedes weitere Feld kostet mehr Kultur, aber meistens\n werden deine ersten Städte irgendwann ein großes Gebiet einnehmen.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Auch wenn deine Stadt sich immer weiter ausbreiten wird, können deine Einwohner nur bis zu 3 Felder vom Stadtzentrum entfernt arbeiten.\n Dies sollte beim siedeln beachtet werden.
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = Sobald eine Stadt genügend Kultur gesammelt hat, wird sie auf ein weiteres Feld expandieren.\nDu kannst das Feld nicht bestimmen, aber wertvolle Felder werden bevorzugt (Ressourcen).
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = Jedes Weitere Feld kostet mehr Kultur,\n aber meistens wird deine 1. Stadt ein großes Gebiet einnehmen.
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = Auch wenn deine Stadt sich immer weiter ausbreitet, können deine Einwohner nur bis zu 3 Felder vom Stadtzentrum entfernt arbeiten.\n Dies sollte beim siedeln beachtet werden.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population youll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Mit der Zeit wachsen die Städte und ihr Einfluss wird größer. Bald musst du mit der Zufriedenheitsmechanik umgehen, welche nicht mehr alle Städte einzeln betrachtet.\nStattdessen ist das Niveau der Zufriedenheit überall in deiner Zivilation gleich.\nDu wirst feststellen, je mehr Deine die Städte wachsen, destso schwieriger wird es, alle glücklich zu machen.
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population youll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Sobald die Städte und ihr Einfluss größer wird, musst du mit der Glücklichkeitsmechanik umgehen, welche nicht mehr alle Städte einzelnd betrachtet.\nStattdessen ist das Level der Glücklichkeit überall in deiner Zivilation gleich.\nWenn die Städte wachsen wird es immer schwieriger alle glücklich zu machen.
In addition, you cant even build any city improvements that increase happiness until youve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empires happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Erschwerend kommt hinzu, daß Du erst die nötigen Technologien erforschen mußt, die den Bau von Gebäuden erlauben, welche\n die Zufriedenheit erhöhen. Sollte das Niveau der Zufriedenheit unter Null sinken, gibt es immer\n mehr Nachteile, so sinkt die Wachstumsrate der Bevölkerung und Deine Armeen bekommen ein ordentlichen\n Abzug auf ihre Kampfstärke aufgebrummt. Also achte auf den gelben oder roten Smiley ganz oben auf dem Bildschirm!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldnt do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Das bedeutet, daß es in Unciv ziemlich schwierig ist, schnell zu expandieren.\nEs ist nicht unmöglich, aber als Frischling solltest du dich wahrscheinlich ein wenig zurückhalten.\nBleib entspannt, erkunde die Landschaft und verbessere Dein Gebiet indem du Arbeiter baust.\nBaue die nächste Stadt erst, wenn Du einen wirklich guten Platz gefunden hast.
@ -3907,7 +3893,7 @@ There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings
You have entered a golden age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Ein goldenes Zeitalter hat für dich begonnen!\nPunkte für goldene Zeitalter ist die Summe jede Runde der totalen Zufriedenheit.\ndeiner Zivilisation\nWenn du in einem goldenen Zeitalter bist, steigert sich die Produktion von Kultur und Produktion um 20%,\n und jedes Feld welches mindestens ein Gold produziert, produziert ein weiteres Gold.
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Verbindungen von deinen Städten zu deiner Hauptstadt\n produzieren Gold über einen Handelsweg.\nBeachte, daß Straßen pro Feld ein Gold Unterhalt pro Runde kosten, und Eisenbahnlinien 2 Gold.\nEs kann ökonomischer sein, mit dem Straßenbau zu warten, bis die Städte gewachsen sind!
Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = Verbindungen von deinen Städten zu deiner Hauptstadt\n produziert Gold über einen Handelsweg.\nBeachte das jedes Feld Straße Kosten von einem Gold pro Runde verursacht, und jede Schine 2 Gold,\n so ist kann es ökonomischer sein zu warten bis die Städte gewachsen sind!
Once youve settled your first two or three cities youre probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win if you havent already. = Nach 100 bis 150 Runden besitzt Du vielleicht 2 oder drei gesunde Städte.\nNun ist es an der Zeit, darüber nachzudenken, wie genau Du gewinnen willst (oder Du weißt das längst).
There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = Es gibt drei Wege Unciv zu gewinnen - dies sind:\n - Kultursieg: Fünf Zweige der Sozialpolitiken vervollständigen\n - Dominanzsieg: Als letzte Nationüberleben\n - Wissenschaftssieg: Zuerst ein Raumschiff nach Alpha Centauri erbauen
@ -3924,9 +3910,9 @@ The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must
When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = Nach der Einnahme einer Stadt besteht die Wahl, diese zu annektieren, zur Marionette zu machen, oder sie niederzubrennen.\nAbreißen wird die Bevölkerung pro Runde um eins reduzieren, bis nur noch Trümmer übrig sind.
Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = Marionetten-Städte erlauben keine Kontrolle ihrer Produktion, sie tragen nicht zu den Technologie-\n oder Sozialpolitik-Kosten bei, sie generieren allerdings 50% mehr Unzufriedenheit als üblich.\nEine annektierte Stadt erlaubt sofort über ihre Produktion zu bestimmen, dafür ist die Unzufriedenheit\n der Bevölkerung verdoppelt gegenüber dem normalen Niveau - bis ein Gerichtsgebäude errichtet wird.\nMarionetten-Städte können jederzeit irreversibel annektiert werden.
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Du hast eine Einheit der Barbaren gefunden!\nBarbaren greifen rücksichtslos jeden an, also lasse sie nicht deine zivilen\n Einheiten erwischen. Und sei vorsichtig mit deinen Spähern!
You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = Du hast eine Einheit der Barbaren gefunden!\nBarbaren greifen jeden an, also lasse \n ,deine zivilen Einheiten nicht in die Nähe von ihnen. und sei vorsictig mit den Spähern!
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Du hast eine andere Zivilisation gefunden!\nAndere Zivilisationen sind anfangs friedlich, und du kannst mit ihnen handeln,\n aber möglicherweise erklären sie dir später den Krieg.
You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = Du hast eine andere Zivilisation gefunden!\nAndere Zivilisationen starten friedlich, und du kannst mit ihnen handeln,\n aber möglicherweise erklären sie dir später den Krieg.
Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = Sobald Du das Apollo-Progamm vervollständigt hast, kannst du in deinen Städten\n mit dem Bau der Raumschiffteile beginnen - sofern die nötigen Technologien bereitstehen -\n... um den Wissenschaftssieg anzustreben!
@ -3940,8 +3926,8 @@ Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to
If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = Solltest Du eine Einheit diese Runde nicht mit neuen Befehlen versorgen wollen,\n kannst Du einfach die Schaltfläche 'Nächste Einheit' noch einmal anklicken.\nWenn die Einheit eine Weile stehen bleiben soll, befiehl ihr zu schlafen\n oder sich zu befestigen. Solche Einheiten zählen nicht als unbeschäftigt.\nDu kannst das Anbieten von unbeschäftigten Einheiten\n im Options-Menü auch ganz deaktivieren.
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Hallo! Wenn du soweit gespielt hast, hast du wahrscheinlich gemerkt,\n dass das Spiel nicht ganz fertig ist.\nUnCiv ist open-source und kostenlos/frei, für immer.\n Das heißt auch: Keine Werbung oder irgendein sonstiger Unsinn.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Was mich (den Entwickler, nicht den Übersetzer) motiviert, daran weiterzuarbeiten, ist\n- abgesehen von dem Fakt, dass es wirklich cool ist, dass ich es kann -\ die Unterstützung von den Spielern - Ihr seid die Besten!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Hallo! When du soweit gespielt hast, hast du wahrscheinlich gemerkt,\n dass das Spiel nicht fertig ist.\nUnCiv ist open-source und kostenlos/frei, für immer.\n Das meint auch keine Werbung und andere sinnlose Dinge.
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Was mich (den Entwickler, nicht den Übersetzer) motiviert daran weiterzuarbeiten, \n abgesehen von dem Fact, dass es wirklich cool ist\n , ist die Unterstützung von den Spielern - Ihr seid die Besten!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Jede Bewertung oder Rezension, die das Spiel erhält, bringt mich zum Lächeln =)\n Also sprecht mich an! Schickt mir eine mail, Kritik, Github-issue oder Brieftaube, und laßt uns herausfinden, wie wir dieses Spiel noch besser machen können!\n(Kontaktinformation findet sich z.B. im Play Store)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Militäreinheiten können Verbesserungen plündern, was diese unbrauchbar macht und die Einheit\n für 25 Punkte heilt. Das Feld bringt nur noch den Grundertrag, bis ein Arbeiter die\n Verbesserung repariert - was deutlich weniger Zeit kostet als sie neu zu errichten.
@ -3961,3 +3947,4 @@ Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a m
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Stadt-Staaten belohnen hohen Einfluß ab 30 Punkten.\nWenn Dein Einfluß 60 Punkte oder mehr beträgt und größer ist als der aller Konkurrenten, dann wirst Du als Allierter eingestuft und erhälst neben höheren Belohnungen auch Zugang zu ihren Luxus- und Strategischen Ressourcen.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Naturwunder wie der Mount Fuji, der Felsen von Gibraltar oder das Große Barriere-Riff sind einzigartige Geländeformen, Meisterwerke der Mutter Natur, die außergewöhnliche Qualitäten besitzen, die sich komplett von gewöhnlichem Gelände unterscheiden.\n\nEinheiten können sie nicht betreten, aber Städte können sie bewirtschaften und besondere Erträge erlangen - was vielleicht Grund genug ist, sie bald unter Kontrolle Deines Imperiums zu bringen.\n\nAllein ihre Entdeckung erhöht bereits die Zufriedenheit der Bevölkerung.

View file

@ -890,11 +890,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Tampilkan notifikasi se
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Menandakan ibu kota
Monument = Monumen
Monastery = Biara
Temple = Kuil
Palace = Istana
Monument = Monumen
Granary = Lumbung
@ -953,7 +951,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Mercusuar Besar
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% Produksi saat membangun unit berkuda di kota ini
Stable = Kandang Kuda
Colosseum = Koloseum
Circus Maximus = Sirkus Maximus
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Kurasa jika seorang insan pernah mendengar firman dari Tuhan, ia akan berada di sebuah taman di waktu yang sejuk' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -963,10 +960,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Menghapus ketidakbahagiaan dari d
Can only be built in annexed cities = Hanya bisa dibangun di kota yang baru dicaplok
Courthouse = Pengadilan
Colosseum = Koloseum
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Perlakukan prajuritmu sebagai putramu, maka mereka akan mengikutimu hingga jurang terdalam; lihatlah mereka bagaikan putra yang kau cintai, dan mereka akan membelamu bahkan hingga kematian' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Pasukan Tanah Liat
Temple = Kuil
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Dua kali Emas dari biasanya diberikan ke musuh jika kota dikuasai
Burial Tomb = Kuburan
@ -992,6 +991,7 @@ Aqueduct = Saluran Air
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Unit darat musuh harus menggunakan ekstra 1 pergerakan saat berada di dalam daerahmu
Great Wall = Tembok Besar
Monastery = Biara
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Ia menjulang sampai ketinggian yang menandingi langit, dan bagaikan timbul dari bangunan-bangunan lain ia berdiri, tinggi, dan bisa melihat hamparan kota di bawahnya, mempercantik kota, karena ia adalah bagian darinya, tetapi juga membanggakan dalam keindahannya sendiri' - Procopius, De Aedificis
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% kemunculan orang hebat di setiap kota
@ -1151,10 +1151,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% makanan dibawa saat penduduk baru lahir
Medical Lab = Lab Medis
Solar Plant = Panel Surya
Nuclear Plant = PLTN
Must be next to desert = Harus dibuat di sekitar gurun
Solar Plant = Panel Surya
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Mereka yang tidak lagi bermimpi sedang tersessat.' - pepatah orang Aborigin Australia
Sydney Opera House = Gedung Opera Sydney
@ -2927,34 +2927,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Pekemahan orang barbar
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Padang Rumput
Cattle = Ternak
Sheep = Domba
Camp = Perkemahan
Deer = Rusa
Plantation = Perkebunan
Bananas = Pisang
Farm = Pertanian
Wheat = Gandum
Quarry = Tambang
Stone = Batu
Fishing Boats = Perahu Penangkap Ikan
Fish = Ikan
Horses = Kuda
Mine = Pertambangan
Iron = Besi
Coal = Batu Bara
Oil well = Kilang minyak
Oil = Minyak
Aluminum = Aluminium
@ -3170,14 +3162,12 @@ Scout = Pengintai
Ignores terrain cost = Mengabaikan medan
Warrior = Pejuang
Swordsman = Prajurit Berpedang
Maori Warrior = Pejuang Maori
Brute = Penyerang Kasar
Archer = Pemanah
Crossbowman = Pemanah Busur Silang
Bowman = Pemanah
@ -3189,12 +3179,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Tidak dapat memasuki daerah samudra h
Trireme = Trireme
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Tidak dapat memasuki daerah samudra
Caravel = Karavel
Chariot Archer = Pemanah Berkereta Kuda
Rough terrain penalty = Penalti di medan kasar
No defensive terrain bonus = Tidak ada bonus perlindungan medan
Knight = Ksatria
War Chariot = Kereta Perang
@ -3202,7 +3190,6 @@ War Elephant = Gajah Perang
Spearman = Prajurit Bertombak
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus vs [unitType]
Pikeman = Pikeman
Hoplite = Hoplite
@ -3211,11 +3198,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Pasukan Abadi Persia
Catapult = Katapel Tempur
Must set up to ranged attack = Harus mempersiapkan dulu sebelum menyerang jarak jauh
Trebuchet = Trebuset
Ballista = Balista
Longswordsman = Prajurit Pedang Panjang
Swordsman = Prajurit Berpedang
Legion = Legiun
Can construct roads = Dapat membangun jalan
@ -3229,18 +3215,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Dapat bergerak setelah menyerang
Companion Cavalry = Kavaleri Kompani
Gatling Gun = Senapan Gatling
Crossbowman = Pemanah Busur Silang
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Pemanah Jauh
Trebuchet = Trebuset
Limited Visibility = Penglihatan Terbatas
Cannon = Meriam
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Musketman
Longswordsman = Prajurit Pedang Panjang
Samurai = Samurai
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Pertempuran sangat mungkin untuk menghasilkan Jenderal Hebat
@ -3248,14 +3234,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Pertempuran sangat mungkin untuk m
Berserker = Berserker
Amphibious = Amfibi
Pikeman = Pikeman
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Can move immediately once bought = Dapat langsung bergerak setelah dibeli
Galleass = Galeas
Frigate = Fregat
Cavalry = Kavaleri
Knight = Ksatria
Camel Archer = Pemanah Berunta
@ -3270,15 +3256,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Kavaleri Mandekalu
Keshik = Keshik
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% bonus tambahan XP
Caravel = Karavel
May withdraw before melee = Dapat mundur sebelum diserang jarak dekat
+1 Visibility Range = +1 Jangkauan Penglihatan
Ironclad = Ironclad
Turtle Ship = Kapal Kura-kura
Artillery = Artileri
Cannon = Meriam
Rifleman = Rifleman
Musketman = Musketman
Musketeer = Musketeer
@ -3290,19 +3276,18 @@ Minuteman = Minuteman
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = Kapal Tempur
Frigate = Fregat
Ship of the Line = Kapal The Line
Lancer = Kavaleri Bertombak
Anti-Tank Gun = Senjata Anti-Tank
Sipahi = Sipahi
No movement cost to pillage = Tidak memakai biaya pergerakan untuk menjarah
Machine Gun = Senapan Mesin
Gatling Gun = Senapan Gatling
Great War Infantry = Infanteri Perang Besar
Rifleman = Rifleman
Carrier = Kapal Induk
Can carry 2 aircraft = Bisa membawa 2 pesawat
@ -3310,61 +3295,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Bisa membawa 2 pesawat
Triplane = Triplane
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% kemungkinan untuk mencegah serangan udara
6 tiles in every direction always visible = Setiap arah sejauh 6 daerah selalu kelihatan
Fighter = Penyerang
Great War Bomber = Pengebom Perang Besar
Bomber = Pengebom
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Infanteri Ski Norwegia
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Pergerakan 2x lebih cepat di Salju, Tundra, dan Bukit
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% bonus di Salju, Tundra, dan Bukit
Landship = Tank Kapaldarat
Cavalry = Kavaleri
Cossack = Cossack
Artillery = Artileri
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Serangan berjarak mungkin dilakukan melalui halangan
Rocket Artillery = Artileri Roket
Ironclad = Ironclad
Double movement in coast = Pergerakan 2x lebih cepat di pesisir
Destroyer = Kapal Perusak
Fighter = Penyerang
Zero = Pesawat Zero
Bomber = Pengebom
B17 = B17
Nuclear Missile = Rudal Nuklir
Requires Manhattan Project = Membutuhkan Proyek Manhattan
Tank = Tank
Landship = Tank Kapaldarat
Destroyer = Kapal Perusak
Can attack submarines = Bisa menyerang kapal selam
Battleship = Kapal Tempur
Submarine = Kapal Selam
Can only attack water = Hanya bisa menyerang unit air
Can enter ice tiles = Bisa memasuki daerah es
Invisible to others = Tidak terlihat bangsa lain
Infantry = Infanteri
Great War Infantry = Infanteri Perang Besar
Foreign Legion = Legiun Asing
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% bonus di luar wilayah sendiri
Mechanized Infantry = Pasukan Mekanis
Infantry = Infanteri
Machine Gun = Senapan Mesin
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Senjata Antipesawat Udara
Modern Armor = Tank Modern
Tank = Tank
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Senjata Anti-Tank
Rocket Artillery = Artileri Roket
Mechanized Infantry = Pasukan Mekanis
Modern Armor = Tank Modern
Great Artist = Seniman Hebat
Can build improvement: Landmark = Dapat membangun improvisasi daerah: Landmark

View file

@ -890,11 +890,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Mostra notifiche persis
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Indica la città capitale
Monument = Monumento
Monastery = Monastero
Temple = Tempio
Palace = Palazzo
Monument = Monumento
Granary = Granaio
@ -953,7 +951,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Grande Faro
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% Produzione per le unità a cavallo
Stable = Scuderia
Colosseum = Colosseo
Circus Maximus = Circo Massimo
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Penso che se mai un mortale ha sentito la voce di Dio, sarà stato in un giardino sul far della sera.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -963,10 +960,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Elimina l'Infelicità extra prove
Can only be built in annexed cities = Costruibile solamente nelle città annesse
Courthouse = Palazzo di giustizia
Colosseum = Colosseo
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Trattate i soldati come figli, e vi seguiranno nelle valli più profonde; considerateli la vostra amata progenie, e resteranno accanto a voi fino alla morte.' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Esercito di terracotta
Temple = Tempio
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Raddoppia la quantità d'Oro saccheggiato se la città viene conquistata.
Burial Tomb = Sepolcro
@ -992,6 +991,7 @@ Aqueduct = Acquedotto
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Le unità nemiche impiegano un punto Movimento extra se all'interno del tuo territorio (diventa obsoleta con la Dinamite).
Great Wall = Grande Muraglia
Monastery = Monastero
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Perché si erge così alta da toccare il cielo, e come fluttuando sugli altri edifici guarda dall'alto in basso il resto della città, abbellendola, perché fa parte di essa, ma gloriandosi della propria bellezza.' - Procopio, De Aedificis (Sugli edifici)
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% di generazione di Grandi Personaggi in tutte le città
@ -1151,10 +1151,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Castello di Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = Il 25% del cibo viene immagazzinato dopo la nascita di un nuovo cittadino
Medical Lab = Laboratorio medico
Solar Plant = Centrale ad energia solare
Nuclear Plant = Centrale nucleare
Must be next to desert = Deve rasentare Deserto
Solar Plant = Centrale ad energia solare
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Quelli che perdono i sogni sono perduti.' - Massima degli aborigeni australiani
Sydney Opera House = Teatro dell'Opera di Sidney
@ -2926,34 +2926,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Accampamento barbaro
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Pascolo
Cattle = Bestiame
Sheep = Pecora
Camp = Campo
Deer = Cervi
Plantation = Piantagione
Bananas = Banane
Farm = Fattoria
Wheat = Grano
Quarry = Cava
Stone = Pietra
Fishing Boats = Peschereccio
Fish = Pesce
Horses = Cavalli
Mine = Miniera
Iron = Ferro
Coal = Carbone
Oil well = Pozzo di petrolio
Oil = Petrolio
Aluminum = Alluminio
@ -3169,14 +3161,12 @@ Scout = Scout
Ignores terrain cost = Ignora i costi di movimento su terreno
Warrior = Guerriero
Swordsman = Spadaccino
Maori Warrior = Guerriero Maori
Brute = Bruto
Archer = Arciere
Crossbowman = Balestriere
Bowman = Guerriero con arco
@ -3188,12 +3178,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Può entrare nell'oceano solo dopo av
Trireme = Trireme
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Non può entrare nelle caselle oceaniche
Caravel = Caravella
Chariot Archer = Arciere su carro
Rough terrain penalty = Penalità su terreno accidentato
No defensive terrain bonus = Nessun bonus difensivo su terreno
Knight = Cavaliere
War Chariot = Carro da guerra
@ -3201,7 +3189,6 @@ War Elephant = Elefante da guerra
Spearman = Lanciere
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus contro [unitType]
Pikeman = Picchiere
Hoplite = Oplita
@ -3210,11 +3197,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Immortale
Catapult = Catapulta
Must set up to ranged attack = Deve allestirsi per attaccare a distanza
Trebuchet = Trabocco
Ballista = Ballista
Longswordsman = Guerriero con spada lunga
Swordsman = Spadaccino
Legion = Legionario
Can construct roads = Può costruire Strade
@ -3228,18 +3214,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Può muoversi dopo aver attaccato
Companion Cavalry = Cavalleria dei Compagni
Gatling Gun = Mitragliatrice Gatling
Crossbowman = Balestriere
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-ko-nu
Longbowman = Arciere con arco lungo
Trebuchet = Trabocco
Limited Visibility = Visibilità limitata
Cannon = Cannone
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Soldato con moschetto
Longswordsman = Guerriero con spada lunga
Samurai = Samurai
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Può generare un Grande Generale combattendo
@ -3247,14 +3233,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Può generare un Grande Generale c
Berserker = Berserkr
Amphibious = Attacco anfibio
Pikeman = Picchiere
Landsknecht = Lanzichenecco
Can move immediately once bought = Può muoversi immediatamente dopo l'acquisto
Galleass = Galeazza
Frigate = Fregata
Cavalry = Cavalleria
Knight = Cavaliere
Camel Archer = Arciere su cammello
@ -3269,15 +3255,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Cavalleria Mandekalu
Keshik = Keshik
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% XP bonus
Caravel = Caravella
May withdraw before melee = Può ritirarsi prima di uno scontro ravvicinato
+1 Visibility Range = +1 raggio di Visione
Ironclad = Ironclad
Turtle Ship = Nave tartaruga
Artillery = Artiglieria
Cannon = Cannone
Rifleman = Fuciliere
Musketman = Soldato con moschetto
Musketeer = Moschettiere
@ -3289,19 +3275,18 @@ Minuteman = Minuteman
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = Corazzata
Frigate = Fregata
Ship of the Line = Nave di linea
Lancer = Lanciere a cavallo
Anti-Tank Gun = Cannone anticarro
Sipahi = Sipahi
No movement cost to pillage = Nessun costo di movimento per il saccheggio
Machine Gun = Mitragliatrice
Gatling Gun = Mitragliatrice Gatling
Great War Infantry = Fante della Grande Guerra
Rifleman = Fuciliere
Carrier = Portaerei
Can carry 2 aircraft = Trasporta due unità aeree
@ -3309,61 +3294,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Trasporta due unità aeree
Triplane = Triplano
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% probabilità di intercettare attacchi aerei
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 caselle in ogni direzione sempre visibili
Fighter = Caccia
Great War Bomber = Bombardiere della Grande Guerra
Bomber = Bombardiere
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Fanteria norvegese sugli sci
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Doppio movimento su Neve, Tundra e Colline
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% Bonus su Neve, Tundra e Colline
Landship = Nave di terra
Cavalry = Cavalleria
Cossack = Cosacco
Artillery = Artiglieria
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Permette di sparare a distanza superando gli ostacoli
Rocket Artillery = Artiglieria lanciarazzi
Ironclad = Ironclad
Double movement in coast = Doppio movimento sulla costa
Destroyer = Cacciatorpediniere
Fighter = Caccia
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bombardiere
B17 = B-17
Nuclear Missile = Missile nucleare
Requires Manhattan Project = Richiede Progetto Manhattan
Tank = Carro armato
Landship = Nave di terra
Destroyer = Cacciatorpediniere
Can attack submarines = Può attaccare i sottomarini
Battleship = Corazzata
Submarine = Sottomarino
Can only attack water = Può attaccare solo unità acquatiche
Can enter ice tiles = Può entrare nelle caselle Ghiaccio
Invisible to others = Invisibile per le altre unità
Infantry = Fanteria
Great War Infantry = Fante della Grande Guerra
Foreign Legion = Legione straniera
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% Forza fuori da territorio amico
Mechanized Infantry = Fanteria meccanizzata
Infantry = Fanteria
Machine Gun = Mitragliatrice
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Cannone antiaereo
Modern Armor = Armatura moderna
Tank = Carro armato
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Cannone anticarro
Rocket Artillery = Artiglieria lanciarazzi
Mechanized Infantry = Fanteria meccanizzata
Modern Armor = Armatura moderna
Great Artist = Grande Artista
Can build improvement: Landmark = Può costruire il miglioramento: Punto di riferimento

View file

@ -960,11 +960,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = ターン通知機能
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = 首都を示します
Monument = モニュメント
Monastery = 修道院
Temple = 寺院
Palace = 宮殿
Monument = モニュメント
Granary = 穀物庫
@ -1030,7 +1028,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = ファロス灯台
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = 騎乗ユニット生産時に生産力+15
Stable = 厩舎
Colosseum = コロシアム
Circus Maximus = キルクス・マクシムス
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 「はかなき者が主のお言葉を聞いたなら、晴れの日に麗しき庭園にいるかのごときであろう」 - フランクフォート・ムーア
@ -1040,10 +1037,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = 占領による不満度を減少
Can only be built in annexed cities = 占領された都市のみ建設可能
Courthouse = 裁判所
Colosseum = コロシアム
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 「兵士たちを自分の子と考えよ。そうすれば兵たちはお前に従い深い渓谷にも入るであろう。兵士たちを自分の愛する息子と考えよ。そうすれば死の際まで共にいることができるであろう」 - 孫子
Terracotta Army = 兵馬俑
Temple = 寺院
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = 都市を占領した文明がゴールドを2倍得る
Burial Tomb = 陵墓
@ -1069,6 +1068,7 @@ Aqueduct = 用水路
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = 領土内に侵入した敵陸上ユニットが消費する移動ポイントが1タイルにつき+1増加(ダイナマイトを発見すると陳腐化)
Great Wall = 万里の長城
Monastery = 修道院
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 「それは空に届かんばかりの高さでそびえ、他の建物から沸きあがってでもいるかのような高みから自分以外の街の部分を見下ろし、街の一部であるからにはそこに光彩を添え、しかし自らの美しさに喜びを感じている。」 - プロコピオス『建築論』
+33% great person generation in all cities = 全都市で偉人誕生の速度が33%上昇
@ -1230,10 +1230,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 食料の25%を、新しく生まれる市民用に持ち越させる
Medical Lab = 医学研究所
Solar Plant = 太陽熱発電
Nuclear Plant = 原子力発電所
Must be next to desert = 砂漠か、砂漠の隣で建設可能
Solar Plant = 太陽熱発電
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 「夢を失ったものは敗者である」 - オーストラリア先住民の言葉
Sydney Opera House = シドニー・オペラハウス
@ -3992,34 +3992,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = 野営地
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = 牧草地
Cattle =
Sheep =
Camp = キャンプ
Deer = 鹿
Plantation = 大規模農場
Bananas = バナナ
Farm = 農場
Wheat = 小麦
Quarry = 採石場
Stone = 石材
Fishing Boats = 漁船
Fish =
Horses =
Mine = 鉱山
Iron =
Coal = 石炭
Oil well = 油井
Oil = 石油
Aluminum = アルミニウム
@ -4237,14 +4229,12 @@ Scout = 偵察ユニット
Ignores terrain cost = 地形を無視
Warrior = 戦士
Swordsman = 剣士
Maori Warrior = マオリの戦士
Brute = 蛮族
Archer = 弓兵
Crossbowman = 弩兵
Bowman = バビロニア弓兵
@ -4257,12 +4247,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = 天文学まで海上タイルに進
Trireme = 三段櫂船
Cannot enter ocean tiles = 海上ユニットへ進出できない
Caravel = キャラベル船
Chariot Archer = 戦車弓兵
Rough terrain penalty = 粗い地形でのペナルティ
No defensive terrain bonus = 地形の防御ボーナスなし
Knight = 騎士
War Chariot = 重装チャリオット兵
@ -4270,7 +4258,6 @@ War Elephant = 軍用象
Spearman = 槍兵
Bonus vs [unitType] = ボーナスvs[unitType]
Pikeman = 長槍兵
Hoplite = 重装歩兵
@ -4279,11 +4266,10 @@ Persian Immortal = 不死隊
Catapult = カタパルト
Must set up to ranged attack = 攻撃時に準備する必要がある
Trebuchet = トレビュシェット
Ballista = 投石機
Longswordsman = 剣士
Swordsman = 剣士
Legion = レギオン
Can construct roads = 道路を建設できる
@ -4297,18 +4283,18 @@ Can move after attacking = 攻撃後に移動可能
Companion Cavalry = ヘタイロイ
Gatling Gun = ガトリング砲
Crossbowman = 弩兵
Chu-Ko-Nu = 連弩兵
Longbowman = 長弓兵
Trebuchet = トレビュシェット
Limited Visibility = 限られた視野
Cannon = カノン砲
Hwach'a = 火車
Musketman = マスケット兵
Longswordsman = 長剣士
Samurai =
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 大将軍の獲得率が高い
@ -4318,15 +4304,15 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
Pikeman = 長槍兵
Landsknecht = ランツクネヒト
# Requires translation!
Can move immediately once bought =
Galleass = ガレアス船
Frigate = フリゲート艦
Cavalry = 騎兵隊
Knight = 騎士
Camel Archer = ラクダ弓兵
@ -4341,16 +4327,16 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = イスラム騎兵隊
Keshik = ケシク
50% Bonus XP gain = 獲得経験値+50%
Caravel = キャラベル船
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
+1 Visibility Range = 視野+1
Ironclad = 装甲艦
Turtle Ship = 亀甲船
Artillery =
Cannon = カノン
Rifleman = ライフル
Musketman = マスケット
Musketeer = 銃士隊
@ -4362,19 +4348,18 @@ Minuteman = ミニットマン
Tercio = テルシオ
Battleship =
Frigate = フリゲート
Ship of the Line = 戦列艦
Lancer = 槍騎兵
Anti-Tank Gun = 対戦車砲
Sipahi = スィパーヒー
No movement cost to pillage = 略奪時の移動ポイント消費なし
Machine Gun = マシンガン
Gatling Gun = ガトリング砲
Great War Infantry = 第1次大戦歩
Rifleman = ライフル
Carrier = 航空母艦
Can carry 2 aircraft = 航空ユニットの輸送スロット2つ追加
@ -4382,10 +4367,8 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = 航空ユニットの輸送スロット2つ追加
Triplane = 三翼飛行機
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]%で空襲を阻止できる
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 距離6以内のタイル常に視認
Fighter = 戦闘機
Great War Bomber = 第1次大戦爆撃機
Bomber = 爆撃機
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -4394,29 +4377,33 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
Landship = 陸上船
Cavalry = 騎兵隊
Cossack = コサック騎馬兵
Artillery = 大砲
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = 障害物に対して遠隔攻撃が実行される可能性があります
Rocket Artillery = ロケット砲
Ironclad = 装甲艦
Double movement in coast = 近海タイルでの移動2倍
Destroyer = 駆逐艦
Fighter = 戦闘機
Zero = ゼロ戦
Bomber = 爆撃機
B17 = B17
Nuclear Missile = 核ミサイル
Requires Manhattan Project = マンハッタン計画を終わらせなければならない
Tank = 戦車
Landship = 陸上船
Destroyer = 駆逐艦
Can attack submarines = 潜水ユニットを攻撃できる
Battleship = 戦艦
Submarine = 潜水艦
Can only attack water = 海上ユニットのみに攻撃可能
@ -4424,23 +4411,28 @@ Can only attack water = 海上ユニットのみに攻撃可能
Can enter ice tiles =
Invisible to others = 他文明には表示されない
Infantry = 歩兵
Great War Infantry = 第1次大戦歩兵
Foreign Legion = 外人部隊
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = 自友国領外での戦闘ボーナス20%
Mechanized Infantry = 機械化歩兵
Infantry = 歩兵
Machine Gun = マシンガン
Anti-Aircraft Gun = 対空砲
Modern Armor = 現代機甲部隊
Tank = 戦車
Panzer = パンツァー
Anti-Tank Gun = 対戦車砲
Rocket Artillery = ロケット砲
Mechanized Infantry = 機械化歩兵
Modern Armor = 現代機甲部隊
Great Artist = 大芸術家
Can build improvement: Landmark = 特殊施設が建設可能:ランドマーク

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@ -1,37 +1,22 @@
# Tutorial tasks
# Requires translation!
Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup = 유닛을 움직이세요!\n유닛을 선택하세요 > 유닛을 움직일 위치를 누르세요 > 화살표 버튼을 누르세요
# Requires translation!
Found a city!\nSelect the Settler (flag unit) > Click on 'Found city' (bottom-left corner) = 도시를 세우세요!\n개척자를 선택하세요(깃발 모양의 유닛) > '도시 설립'을 누르세요(좌하단)
# Requires translation!
Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice = 도시 정보 화면에 들어가보세요!\n도시를 더블클릭하세요
# Requires translation!
Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n select technology > click 'Research' (bottom right) = 연구할 기술을 고르세요!\n '기술 선택!' 버튼을 누르세요(좌상단) > \n 연구할 기술을 선택하세요
# Requires translation!
Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (bottom left side) > \n click 'add to queue' = 생산을 시작하세요!\n도시 정보 화면으로 들어가세요 > 유닛 혹은 건물을 선택하세요(좌하단) > \n '항목 추가'를 누르세요
# Requires translation!
Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' = 차례를 넘기세요!\n'다음 유닛'버튼을 활용하여 모든 행동을 완료하세요
# Requires translation!
Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n click an unassigned tile to assign population = 생산 타일을 재할당해보세요!\n도시 정보 화면으로 들어가세요 > 생산이 할당된 타일(초록색으로 빛나는 사람)을 선택하면 할당을 취소할 수 있습니다. > \n 할당되지 않은 타일에 인구를 할당해보세요
# Requires translation!
Meet another civilization!\nExplore the map until you encounter another civilization! = 다른 문명을 만나세요!\n다른 문명과 조우할 때까지 탐험해보세요!
# Requires translation!
Open the options table!\nClick the menu button (top left) > click 'Options' = 설정창을 열어보세요!\n메뉴 버튼(좌상단) > '설정'
# Requires translation!
Construct an improvement!\nConstruct a Worker unit > Move to a Plains or Grassland tile > \n Click 'Create improvement' (above the unit table, bottom left)\n > Choose the farm > \n Leave the worker there until it's finished = 시설을 건설하세요!\n노동자를 생산하세요 > 노동자를 평원이나 초원에 위치시키세요 > \n '시설 건설'을 누르세요(유닛 테이블 위, 좌하단)\n > 농장을 선택하세요 > \n노동자를 건설이 끝날 때까지 움직이지 마세요
# Requires translation!
Create a trade route!\nConstruct roads between your capital and another city\nOr, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually = 교역로를 만드세요!\n수도와 도시 사이에 도로를 건설하거나 노동자를 이용해 자동으로 교역하게 하세요
# Requires translation!
Conquer a city!\nBring an enemy city down to low health > \nEnter the city with a melee unit = 도시를 정복하세요!\n상대방의 도시를 낮은 체력으로 만드세요 > \n근거리 유닛을 체력이 닳은 도시에 배치하세요
# Requires translation!
Move an air unit!\nSelect an air unit > select another city within range > \nMove the unit to the other city = 공중 유닛을 움직여보세요!\n공중 유닛 선택 > 이동 가능한 거리 내의 다른 도시 선택 > \n다른 도시로 유닛 이동
# Requires translation!
See your stats breakdown!\nEnter the Overview screen (top right corner) >\nClick on 'Stats' = 통계 화면을 살펴보세요!\'문명 상태' 클릭(우상단) >\n'통계' 선택
Oh no! It looks like something went DISASTROUSLY wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY not supposed to happen! Please send me ( an email with the game information (menu -> save game -> copy game info -> paste into email) and I'll try to fix it as fast as I can! = 이런, 뭔가 심각한 일이 일어난 것 같군요! 원래라면 일어나지 않아야 하는 일인데 말이죠! ( 이메일로 게임 정보를 함께 보내주세요. (메뉴 -> 게임 저장 -> 게임 정보 복사 -> 이메일에 붙여넣기) 하루빨리 찾아서 이런 일이 일어나지 않도록 하겠습니다!
# Requires translation!
Oh no! It looks like something went DISASTROUSLY wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY not supposed to happen! Please send us an report and we'll try to fix it as fast as we can! = 이런, 뭔가 심각한 일이 일어난 것 같군요! 원래라면 일어나지 않아야 하는 일인데 말이죠! 우리에게 제보해주세요. 가능한 빨리 고치도록 하겠습니다!
# Buildings
@ -1062,11 +1047,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service =
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = 수도를 나타내는 건물
Monument = 기념비
Monastery = 수도원
Temple = 사원
Palace = 궁전
Monument = 기념비
Granary = 곡창
@ -1132,7 +1115,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = 알렉산드리아 등대
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = 기마 유닛을 생산할 때 생산력 +15%
Stable = 마구간
Colosseum = 콜로세움
Circus Maximus = 원형 경기장
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = '만에 하나 인간이 신의 말씀을 듣게 된다면, 그것은 서늘한 아침 정원에서일 것이다.' - F. 프랭크포트 무어
@ -1142,10 +1124,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = 점령 후 합병한 도시에서
Can only be built in annexed cities = 점령한 도시에만 건설 가능
Courthouse = 법원
Colosseum = 콜로세움
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = '병사를 자식처럼 부르면 어디든 따를 것이다. 병사를 사랑하는 자식 대하듯 하면 목숨을 바쳐 충성할 것이다.' - 손자
Terracotta Army = 병마용
Temple = 사원
# Requires translation!
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured =
@ -1173,6 +1157,7 @@ Aqueduct = 송수로
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = 당신의 영토에서 적군의 지상 유닛이 이동할 때 행동력을 추가로 1 더 소모 (다이너마이트 기술 연구 전까지)
Great Wall = 만리장성
Monastery = 수도원
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = '하늘에 닿을 만큼 높이 솟아, 마치 다른 건물들의 복판에서 바로 솟아난 듯 높은 곳에 서서 도시를 내려다보며, 도시의 일부로서 도시를 장식하는 한편으로 그 자체의 아름다움으로 찬연히 빛나고 있다.' - 프로코피오스, 건물론
+33% great person generation in all cities = 모든 도시의 위인 출현률 +33%
@ -1338,10 +1323,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = 노이슈반슈타인 성
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 새로운 시민이 태어난 후 25%의 식량이 보전됨
Medical Lab = 의학 연구소
Solar Plant = 태양열 발전소
Nuclear Plant = 원자력 발전소
Must be next to desert = 도시가 사막 옆에 있어야 함
Solar Plant = 태양열 발전소
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = '꿈을 잃어버리면 길도 잃는다.' - 호주 원주민 속담
Sydney Opera House = 시드니 오페라 하우스
@ -3482,34 +3467,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = 야만인 야영지
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = 목장
Cattle =
Sheep =
Camp = 야영지
Deer = 사슴
Plantation = 대농장
Bananas = 바나나
Farm = 농장
Wheat =
Quarry = 채석장
Stone = 석재
Fishing Boats = 어선
Fish = 생선
Horses =
Mine = 광산
Iron =
Coal = 석탄
Oil well = 유정
Oil = 석유
Aluminum = 알루미늄
@ -3738,14 +3715,12 @@ Scout = 정찰병
Ignores terrain cost = 지형에 의한 이동력 감소 무시
Warrior = 전사
Swordsman = 검사
Maori Warrior = 마오리 전사
Brute = 야만인
Archer = 궁수
Crossbowman = 석궁병
Bowman = 궁병
@ -3758,12 +3733,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = 천문학을 연구하기 전까지
Trireme = 삼단노선
Cannot enter ocean tiles = 대양 타일 위로 이동할 수 없습니다.
Caravel = 캐러벨
Chariot Archer = 궁전차
Rough terrain penalty = 험지 타일에서 페널티
No defensive terrain bonus = 지형에 의한 방어 보너스 없음
Knight = 기사
War Chariot = 이륜전차
@ -3771,7 +3744,6 @@ War Elephant = 전투 코끼리
Spearman = 창병
Bonus vs [unitType] = [unitType]에 대항하여 전투력 보너스
Pikeman = 장창병
Hoplite = 호플리테스
@ -3780,11 +3752,10 @@ Persian Immortal = 이모탈
Catapult = 투석기
Must set up to ranged attack = 설치를 해야만 원거리 공격 가능
Trebuchet = 트레뷰셋
Ballista = 발리스타
Longswordsman = 장검병
Swordsman = 검사
Legion = 군단병
Can construct roads = 도로 건설 가능
@ -3798,18 +3769,18 @@ Can move after attacking = 공격 후 이동 가능
Companion Cavalry = 헤타이로이
Gatling Gun = 개틀링 기관총
Crossbowman = 석궁병
Chu-Ko-Nu = 연노병
Longbowman = 장궁병
Trebuchet = 트레뷰셋
Limited Visibility = 시야 제한
Cannon = 대포
Hwach'a = 화차
Musketman = 머스킷총
Longswordsman = 장검
Samurai = 사무라이
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 전투 시 위대한 장군 출현율 크게 증가
@ -3819,15 +3790,15 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
Pikeman = 장창병
Landsknecht = 란츠크네흐트
# Requires translation!
Can move immediately once bought =
Galleass = 갈레아스
Frigate = 프리깃
Cavalry = 기병대
Knight = 기사
Camel Archer = 낙타궁병
@ -3848,16 +3819,16 @@ Keshik =
# Requires translation!
50% Bonus XP gain =
Caravel = 캐러벨
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
+1 Visibility Range = 시야 범위 +1
Ironclad = 철갑함
Turtle Ship = 거북선
Artillery =
Cannon =
Rifleman = 총병
Musketman = 머스킷총병
Musketeer = 총사대
@ -3870,19 +3841,18 @@ Minuteman = 민병대
# Requires translation!
Tercio =
Battleship = 전함
Frigate = 프리깃
Ship of the Line = 전열함
Lancer = 창기병
Anti-Tank Gun = 대전차포
Sipahi = 시파히 기병
No movement cost to pillage = 약탈 시 행동력 소모 없음
Machine Gun = 기관총
Gatling Gun = 개틀링 기관총
Great War Infantry = 1차 세계대전 보
Rifleman = 소총
Carrier = 항공모함
# Requires translation!
@ -3891,10 +3861,8 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft =
Triplane = 1차 세계대전 전투기
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = 공중 공격을 요격할 확률 [amount]%
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 각 방향으로 6개의 타일이 항상 보임
Fighter = 전투기
Great War Bomber = 1차 세계대전 폭격기
Bomber = 폭격기
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -3903,29 +3871,33 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
Landship = 지상함
Cavalry = 기병대
Cossack = 코사크
Artillery = 야포
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = 장애물을 넘어 원거리 공격을 할 수 있음
Rocket Artillery = 다연장 로켓포
Ironclad = 철갑함
Double movement in coast = 연안에서 행동력 두 배
Destroyer = 구축함
Fighter = 전투기
Zero = 제로센
Bomber = 폭격기
B17 = B-17 폭격기
Nuclear Missile = 핵미사일
Requires Manhattan Project = 맨해튼 프로젝트 필요
Tank = 전차
Landship = 지상함
Destroyer = 구축함
Can attack submarines = 잠수함 공격 가능
Battleship = 전함
Submarine = 잠수함
Can only attack water = 해상 유닛에만 공격 가능
@ -3933,23 +3905,28 @@ Can only attack water = 해상 유닛에만 공격 가능
Can enter ice tiles =
Invisible to others = 다른 유닛에게 은폐
Infantry = 보병
Great War Infantry = 1차 세계대전 보병
Foreign Legion = 외인부대
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = 우호적인 영토 밖에서 전투 시 전투력 +20%
Mechanized Infantry = 기계화보병
Infantry = 보병
Machine Gun = 기관총
Anti-Aircraft Gun = 대공포
Modern Armor = 현대 전차
Tank = 전차
Panzer = 팬저
Anti-Tank Gun = 대전차포
Rocket Artillery = 다연장 로켓포
Mechanized Infantry = 기계화보병
Modern Armor = 현대 전차
Great Artist = 위대한 예술가
Can build improvement: Landmark = 타일 시설 '랜드마크' 건설 가능

View file

@ -1603,12 +1603,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service =
# Requires translation!
Indicates the capital city =
Monument = Tugu
# Requires translation!
Monastery =
Temple = Kuil
Palace = Istana
Monument = Tugu
# Requires translation!
Granary =
@ -1695,7 +1692,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse =
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city =
Stable = Stabil
Colosseum = Kolosseum
# Requires translation!
Circus Maximus =
@ -1709,12 +1705,14 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities =
Can only be built in annexed cities =
Courthouse = Makamah
Colosseum = Kolosseum
# Requires translation!
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu =
# Requires translation!
Terracotta Army =
Temple = Kuil
# Requires translation!
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured =
@ -1753,6 +1751,8 @@ Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (o
# Requires translation!
Great Wall =
# Requires translation!
Monastery =
# Requires translation!
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis =
@ -1997,12 +1997,12 @@ Neuschwanstein =
# Requires translation!
Medical Lab =
# Requires translation!
Solar Plant =
Nuclear Plant = Penjana Nuklear
# Requires translation!
Must be next to desert =
# Requires translation!
Solar Plant =
# Requires translation!
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying =
@ -5268,52 +5268,36 @@ Barbarian encampment =
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
# Requires translation!
Pasture =
# Requires translation!
Cattle =
# Requires translation!
Sheep =
# Requires translation!
Camp =
# Requires translation!
Deer =
# Requires translation!
Plantation =
# Requires translation!
Bananas =
# Requires translation!
Farm =
# Requires translation!
Wheat =
# Requires translation!
Quarry =
# Requires translation!
Stone =
# Requires translation!
Fishing Boats =
# Requires translation!
Fish =
# Requires translation!
Horses =
# Requires translation!
Mine =
# Requires translation!
Iron =
# Requires translation!
Coal =
# Requires translation!
Oil well =
# Requires translation!
Oil =
@ -5647,8 +5631,6 @@ Ignores terrain cost =
# Requires translation!
Warrior =
# Requires translation!
Swordsman =
# Requires translation!
Maori Warrior =
@ -5658,8 +5640,6 @@ Brute =
# Requires translation!
Archer =
# Requires translation!
Crossbowman =
# Requires translation!
Bowman =
@ -5678,8 +5658,6 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy =
Trireme =
# Requires translation!
Cannot enter ocean tiles =
# Requires translation!
Caravel =
# Requires translation!
Chariot Archer =
@ -5687,8 +5665,6 @@ Chariot Archer =
Rough terrain penalty =
# Requires translation!
No defensive terrain bonus =
# Requires translation!
Knight =
# Requires translation!
War Chariot =
@ -5700,8 +5676,6 @@ War Elephant =
Spearman =
# Requires translation!
Bonus vs [unitType] =
# Requires translation!
Pikeman =
# Requires translation!
Hoplite =
@ -5715,14 +5689,12 @@ Persian Immortal =
Catapult =
# Requires translation!
Must set up to ranged attack =
# Requires translation!
Trebuchet =
# Requires translation!
Ballista =
# Requires translation!
Longswordsman =
Swordsman =
# Requires translation!
Legion =
@ -5745,7 +5717,7 @@ Can move after attacking =
Companion Cavalry =
# Requires translation!
Gatling Gun =
Crossbowman =
# Requires translation!
Chu-Ko-Nu =
@ -5754,15 +5726,15 @@ Chu-Ko-Nu =
Longbowman =
# Requires translation!
Limited Visibility =
Trebuchet =
# Requires translation!
Cannon =
Limited Visibility =
# Requires translation!
Hwach'a =
# Requires translation!
Musketman =
Longswordsman =
# Requires translation!
Samurai =
@ -5774,6 +5746,8 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
# Requires translation!
Pikeman =
# Requires translation!
Landsknecht =
@ -5782,11 +5756,9 @@ Can move immediately once bought =
# Requires translation!
Galleass =
# Requires translation!
Frigate =
# Requires translation!
Cavalry =
Knight =
# Requires translation!
Camel Archer =
@ -5809,21 +5781,21 @@ Keshik =
# Requires translation!
50% Bonus XP gain =
# Requires translation!
Caravel =
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
# Requires translation!
+1 Visibility Range =
# Requires translation!
Ironclad =
# Requires translation!
Turtle Ship =
# Requires translation!
Artillery =
Cannon =
# Requires translation!
Rifleman =
Musketman =
# Requires translation!
Musketeer =
@ -5842,15 +5814,13 @@ Minuteman =
Tercio =
# Requires translation!
Battleship =
Frigate =
# Requires translation!
Ship of the Line =
# Requires translation!
Lancer =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Tank Gun =
# Requires translation!
Sipahi =
@ -5858,10 +5828,10 @@ Sipahi =
No movement cost to pillage =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =
Gatling Gun =
# Requires translation!
Great War Infantry =
Rifleman =
# Requires translation!
Carrier =
@ -5874,13 +5844,9 @@ Triplane =
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks =
# Requires translation!
6 tiles in every direction always visible =
# Requires translation!
Fighter =
# Requires translation!
Great War Bomber =
# Requires translation!
Bomber =
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -5890,25 +5856,29 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
Landship =
Cavalry =
# Requires translation!
Cossack =
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles =
Artillery =
# Requires translation!
Rocket Artillery =
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles =
# Requires translation!
Ironclad =
# Requires translation!
Double movement in coast =
# Requires translation!
Destroyer =
# Requires translation!
Fighter =
# Requires translation!
Zero =
# Requires translation!
Bomber =
# Requires translation!
B17 =
@ -5919,11 +5889,15 @@ Nuclear Missile =
Requires Manhattan Project =
# Requires translation!
Tank =
Landship =
# Requires translation!
Destroyer =
# Requires translation!
Can attack submarines =
# Requires translation!
Battleship =
# Requires translation!
Submarine =
@ -5935,7 +5909,7 @@ Can enter ice tiles =
Invisible to others =
# Requires translation!
Infantry =
Great War Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Foreign Legion =
@ -5943,21 +5917,31 @@ Foreign Legion =
+20% bonus outside friendly territory =
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Machine Gun =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Aircraft Gun =
# Requires translation!
Modern Armor =
Tank =
# Requires translation!
Panzer =
# Requires translation!
Anti-Tank Gun =
# Requires translation!
Rocket Artillery =
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
# Requires translation!
Modern Armor =
# Requires translation!
Great Artist =

View file

@ -912,11 +912,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Pokaż trwałe powiadom
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Wskazuje stolicę
Monument = Pomnik
Monastery = Klasztor
Temple = Świątynia
Palace = Pałac
Monument = Pomnik
Granary = Spichlerz
@ -982,7 +980,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Latarnia z Faros
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% do produkcji jednostek konnych w tym mieście
Stable = Stajnia
Colosseum = Koloseum
Circus Maximus = Circus Maximus
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Gdyby śmiertelnik usłyszał głos Pana Boga, znalazłby w sadzie wraz z wiatren dniowym.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -992,10 +989,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Usuwa niezadowolenie z okupowanyc
Can only be built in annexed cities = Budowa możliwa tylko w okupowanych miastach
Courthouse = Sąd
Colosseum = Koloseum
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Traktuj swoich żołnierzy jak ukochane dzieci, a z chęcią zginą wraz z Tobą.' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Terakotowa Armia
Temple = Świątynia
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Podwaja przeciwnikowi złoto, jeśli miasto jest zdobyte
Burial Tomb = Grobowiec
@ -1021,6 +1020,7 @@ Aqueduct = Akwedukt
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Każda lądowa jednostka wroga musi zużyć dodatkowy 1 punkt ruchu by wejść na twoje terytorium (przestarzały po odkryciu dynamitu)
Great Wall = Wielki Mur Chiński
Monastery = Klasztor
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Wyrasta aż po sam nieboskłon, jakby wystrzeliwując spośród innych budynków, stoi wysoko i spogląda w dół na resztę miasta, podziwiając je, bo jest jego częścią, a jednocześnie pławi się we własnym pięknie.' Prokopiusz De Aedificis
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% do produkcji Wielkich Ludzi we wszystkich miastach
@ -1180,10 +1180,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Zamek Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% więcej żywności po pojawieniu się nowego obywatela
Medical Lab = Laboratorium medyczne
Solar Plant = Elektrownia słoneczna
Nuclear Plant = Elektrownia atomowa
Must be next to desert = Musi być obok pustyni
Solar Plant = Elektrownia słoneczna
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Ci, którzy zgubią marzenia, sami są zgubieni.' - przysłowie Aborygenów
Sydney Opera House = Opera w Sydney
@ -3089,34 +3089,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Obóz barbarzyńców
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Pastwisko
Cattle = Bydło
Sheep = Owca
Camp = Obozowisko
Deer = Jeleń
Plantation = Plantacja
Bananas = Banany
Farm = Farma
Wheat = Zboże
Quarry = Kamieniołom
Stone = Kamień
Fishing Boats = Statki rybackie
Fish = Ryba
Horses = Konie
Mine = Kopalnia
Iron = Żelazo
Coal = Węgiel
Oil well = Szyb naftowy
Oil = Ropa
Aluminum = Aluminium
@ -3332,14 +3324,12 @@ Scout = Zwiadowca
Ignores terrain cost = Ignoruje trudności terenu
Warrior = Wojownik
Swordsman = Zbrojny
Maori Warrior = Wojownik Maori
Brute = Dzikus
Archer = Łucznik
Crossbowman = Kusznik
Bowman = Łucznik babiloński
@ -3351,12 +3341,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Nie może wejść na pole oceanu do m
Trireme = Trirema
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Nie może wejsć na pola oceanu
Caravel = Karawela
Chariot Archer = Łuczik rydwanowy
Rough terrain penalty = Utrudnienia wynikające z terenu
No defensive terrain bonus = Brak bonusów do obrony wynikających z terenu
Knight = Rycerz
War Chariot = Rydwan wojenny
@ -3364,7 +3352,6 @@ War Elephant = Słoń bojowy
Spearman = Włócznik
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus przeciwko [unitType]
Pikeman = Pikinier
Hoplite = Hoplita
@ -3373,11 +3360,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Perski Nieśmiertelny
Catapult = Katapulta
Must set up to ranged attack = Musi być przygotowany/a na atak dystansowy
Trebuchet = Trebusz
Ballista = Balista
Longswordsman = Ciężkozbrojny
Swordsman = Zbrojny
Legion = Legion
Can construct roads = Może budować drogi
@ -3391,18 +3377,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Może się poruszać po ataku
Companion Cavalry = Kawaleria Towarzysząca
Gatling Gun = Karabin Gatlinga
Crossbowman = Kusznik
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Łucznik angielski
Trebuchet = Trebusz
Limited Visibility = Ograniczona widoczność
Cannon = Armata
Hwach'a = Hwacha
Musketman = Arkebuzer
Longswordsman = Ciężkozbrojny
Samurai = Samuraj
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Walka może wyłonić Wielkich Generałów
@ -3412,14 +3398,14 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
Pikeman = Pikinier
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Can move immediately once bought = Można poruszyć natychmiast po zakupie
Galleass = Galeas
Frigate = Fregata
Cavalry = Kawaleria
Knight = Rycerz
Camel Archer = Łucznik na wielbłądzie
@ -3434,15 +3420,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Kawaleria Mandekalu
Keshik = Keshikowie
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% bonusu do doświadczenia
Caravel = Karawela
May withdraw before melee = Może wycować się przed walczącymi w zwarciu
+1 Visibility Range = +1 do pola widzenia
Ironclad = Pancernik
Turtle Ship = Geobukseon
Artillery = Artyleria
Cannon = Armata
Rifleman = Strzelec
Musketman = Arkebuzer
Musketeer = Muszkieter
@ -3454,19 +3440,18 @@ Minuteman = Milicja
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = Okręt wojenny
Frigate = Fregata
Ship of the Line = Okręt liniowy
Lancer = Lansjer
Anti-Tank Gun = Działo przeciwpancerne
Sipahi = Spahisi
No movement cost to pillage = Plądrowanie nie zabiera ruchu
Machine Gun = Karabin Maszynowy
Gatling Gun = Karabin Gatlinga
Great War Infantry = Piechota Wielkiej Wojny
Rifleman = Strzelec
Carrier = Lotniskowiec
Can carry 2 aircraft = Może przenieść dwa samoloty
@ -3474,10 +3459,8 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Może przenieść dwa samoloty
Triplane = Samolot trójpłaszczycnowy
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% szans na przechwycenie ataku w powietrzu
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 pól w każdą stronę jest zawsze widoczne
Fighter = Myśliwiec
Great War Bomber = Bombowiec Wielkiej Wojny
Bomber = Bombowiec
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -3486,52 +3469,61 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
Landship = Statek lądowy
Cavalry = Kawaleria
Cossack = Kozak
Artillery = Artyleria
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Atak dystansowy może zostać przeprowadzony nad przeszkodą
Rocket Artillery = Artyleria rakietowa
Ironclad = Pancernik
Double movement in coast = Podwojony ruch na wybrzeżu
Destroyer = Niszczyciel
Fighter = Myśliwiec
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bombowiec
B17 = B-17
Nuclear Missile = Pocisk nuklearny
Requires Manhattan Project = Wymaga projektu Manhattan
Tank = Czołg
Landship = Statek lądowy
Destroyer = Niszczyciel
Can attack submarines = Może atakować łodzie podwodne
Battleship = Okręt wojenny
Submarine = Łódź podwodna
Can only attack water = Może atakować tylko na wodzie
Can enter ice tiles = Może przemieszczać się po polach z lodem
Invisible to others = Niewidoczny dla innych
Infantry = Piechota
Great War Infantry = Piechota Wielkiej Wojny
Foreign Legion = Legia Cudzoziemska
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% do walki poza przyjaznym terytorium
Mechanized Infantry = Piechota zmechanizowana
Infantry = Piechota
Machine Gun = Karabin Maszynowy
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Działo przeciwlotnicze
Modern Armor = Nowoczesny czołg
Tank = Czołg
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Działo przeciwpancerne
Rocket Artillery = Artyleria rakietowa
Mechanized Infantry = Piechota zmechanizowana
Modern Armor = Nowoczesny czołg
Great Artist = Wielki Artysta
Can build improvement: Landmark = Może zbudować ulepszenie: Słynne miejsce

View file

@ -204,11 +204,9 @@ All land military units have +1 sight, 50% discount when purchasing tiles = Toda
Manifest Destiny = Destino Manifesto
Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged = Unidades lutam como se estivessem em força total mesmo quando danificadas
# Requires translation!
Bushido = Bushido
67% chance to earn 25 Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit from a conquered encampment, -25% land units maintenance. = 67% de chance de ganhar 25 de ouro e recrutar uma unidade bárbara de um acampamento conquistado e -25% de manutenção para unidades terrestres
# Requires translation!
Furor Teutonicus = Fúria Teutônica
Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled, Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved. = Tristeza por número de cidades dobrada e tristeza por número de cidadões reduzida pela metade
@ -244,9 +242,7 @@ Mongol Terror = Terror Mongol
Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere. = Unidades ignoram custos de terreno quando se movimentando em qualquer ladrilho com Colinas. Sem custos de manutenção para melhorias em Colinas; metade do custo nos outros lugares.
Great Andean Road = Grande Estrada Andina
# Requires translation!
+1 Movement to all embarked units, units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark. Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage. = +1 Movimento para todas unidades embarcadas, as unidades pagam apenas 1 ponto de movimento para embarcar e desembarcar. Unidades mão a mão não pagam custo de movimento para pilhar.
# Requires translation!
Viking Fury = Fúria Viking
# New game screen
@ -265,7 +261,6 @@ Custom = Customizado
Map generation type = Tipo de geração de mapa
Default = Padrão
Pangaea = Pangeia
# Requires translation!
Perlin = Perlin
Continents = Continentes
Number of city-states = Número de cidades-estado
@ -282,27 +277,16 @@ Map shape = Formato do mapa
Hexagonal = Hexagonal
Rectangular = Retangular
# Requires translation!
Show advanced settings = Mostra configurações avançadas
# Requires translation!
Hide advanced settings = Esconde configurações avançadas
# Requires translation!
Map Height = Altura do Mapa
# Requires translation!
Temperature extremeness = Severidade da temperatura
# Requires translation!
Resource richness = Abundância de recursos
# Requires translation!
Vegetation richness = Abundância de vegetação
# Requires translation!
Rare features richness = Abundância de recursos raros
# Requires translation!
Max Coast extension = Extensão máxima de costa
# Requires translation!
Biome areas extension = Extensão de áreas de bioma
# Requires translation!
Water level = Nível d'água
# Requires translation!
Reset to default = Reconfigurar para prédifinição
@ -336,7 +320,6 @@ Starting Era = Era inicial
It looks like we can't make a map with the parameters you requested! = Parece que não podemos criar um mapa com as configurações que você pediu!
Maybe you put too many players into too small a map? = Talvez você tenha colocado muitos jogadores num mapa muito pequeno?
No human players selected! = Sem jogadores humanos selecionados!
# Requires translation!
Mods: = Customizaões
# Multiplayer
@ -349,47 +332,28 @@ Join Game = Entrar na partida
Invalid game ID! = ID de partida inválida
Copy User ID = Copiar ID de usuário
Copy Game ID = Copiar ID de jogo
# Requires translation!
UserID copied to clipboard = Identificação do usuário copiada para área de transferência
# Requires translation!
GameID copied to clipboard = Identificação da partida copiada para área de transferência
Set current user = Definir usuário atual
Player ID from clipboard = ID de jogador da prancheta
To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID. = Para criar um jogo multijogador, verifique a opção 'multiplayer' na tela de Nova Partida, e para cada jogador, coloque o ID de usuário.
You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game. = Você pode por seu próprio ID de usuário lá fácilmente, e outros jogadores podem copiar os IDs de usuário aqui e mandar para você, assim você pode colocá-los na partida.
# Requires translation!
Once you've created your game, the Game ID gets automatically copied to your clipboard so you can send it to the other players. = Uma vez que você tenha criado sua partida, a identificação da partida é automaticamente copiada para sua área de transferência para que você possa enviar para outros jogadores.
# Requires translation!
Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the 'Add Multiplayer Game' button = Jogadores podem entrar no seu jogo ao copiar a identificação da partida para a área de transfrência, e tocando no botão "Adiconar Partida Multijogadora"
# Requires translation!
The symbol of your nation will appear next to the game when it's your turn = O símbulo de sua nação aparecerá após ao jogo quando for a sua vez
# Requires translation!
Back = Voltar
# Requires translation!
Rename = Renomear
# Requires translation!
Edit Game Info = Editar Informações da Partida
# Requires translation!
Add Multiplayer Game = Adicionar Partida Multijogador
# Requires translation!
Refresh List = Atualizar a Lista
# Requires translation!
Could not save game! = Não pôde salvar a partida!
# Requires translation!
Could not delete game! = Não pôde apagar a partida!
# Requires translation!
Could not refresh! = Não pôde atualizar!
# Requires translation!
Last refresh: [time] minutes ago = Ultima atualização: [time] minutos atrás
# Requires translation!
Current Turn: = Rodada Atual:
# Requires translation!
Add Currently Running Game = Adicionar Partida Atualmente Rodando
# Requires translation!
Game name = Nome da partida
# Requires translation!
Loading latest game state... = Carregando último estado da partida
# Requires translation!
Couldn't download the latest game state! = Não pôde baixar o último estado da partida!
# Save game menu
@ -410,15 +374,10 @@ Upload map = Carregar mapa
Could not upload map! = Não foi possível carregar mapa!
Map uploaded successfully! = Mapa carregado com sucesso!
Saving... = Salvando...
# Requires translation!
It looks like your saved game can't be loaded! = Parece que sua partida salva não pode ser carregada!
# Requires translation!
If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - = Se você puder copiar os dados da sua partida ("Copiar partida salva para área de trabalho" -
# Requires translation!
paste into an email to = cole em um email para
# Requires translation!
I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! = Talvez eu pudesse te ajudar a descobrir o que deu de errado, uma vez que isso não deveria acontecer!
# Requires translation!
Missing mods: [mods] = Faltando as customizações: [mods]
# Options
@ -447,15 +406,10 @@ Show pixel units = Mostrar unidades de pixel
Show pixel improvements = Mostrar melhorias de pixels
Enable nuclear weapons = Permitir armas nucleares
Fontset = Tipo da fonte
# Requires translation!
Continuous rendering = Renderização contínua
# Requires translation!
When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = Quando desabilitado, salva vida de bateria mas algumas animações ficarão suspensas
# Requires translation!
Order trade offers by amount = Ordenar ofertas de comércio por quantidade
# Requires translation!
Generate translation files = Gerar arquivos de tradução
# Requires translation!
Translation files are generated successfully. = Arquivos de tradução foram gerados com sucesso.
# Notifications
@ -483,55 +437,35 @@ Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = A cidade inimiga [cityName] a
An enemy [unit] has captured [cityname] = Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) capturou [cityname]
An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit] = Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) capturou nosso(a) [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) destruiu nosso(a) [ourUnit]
# Requires translation!
An enemy [RangedUnit] has destroyed the defence of [cityname] = Um(a) [RangedUnit] inimigo(a) destruiu a defesa de [cityname]
# Requires translation!
Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Cidade inimiga [cityName] destruiu nosso(a) [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityname] = Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) foi destruido enquanto atacava [cityname]
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] = Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) foi destruido(a) enquanto atacando nosso(a) [ourUnit]
# Requires translation!
Our [attackerName] was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] = Nosso(a) [attackerName] foi destruido(a) por um(a) [interceptorName] interceptor(a)
# Requires translation!
Our [interceptorName] intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] = Nosso(a) [interceptorName] interceptou e destruiu um(a) [attackerName] inimigo(a)
# Requires translation!
Our [$attackerName] was attacked by an intercepting [$interceptorName] = Nosso(a) [$attackerName] foi atacado(a) por um(a) [$interceptorName] interceptor(a)
# Requires translation!
Our [$interceptorName] intercepted and attacked an enemy [$attackerName] = Nosso(a) [$interceptorName] interceptou e atacou um(a) [$attackerName] inimigo(a)
An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = Um(a) [unit] foi visto perto de nosso território
An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) foi vista dentro de nosso território
# Requires translation!
[amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = [amount] unidades inimigas foram observadas perto de nosso território
# Requires translation!
[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = [amount] unidades inimigas foram observadas em nosso território
The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = A civilização de [civName] foi destruida!
# Requires translation!
The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = A Cidade-estado nomeada [name] foi destruída!
# Requires translation!
We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = Nós capturamos um encampamento bárbaro e recuperamos [goldAmount] de ouro!
# Requires translation!
A barbarian [unitType] has joined us! = Um(a) [unitType] bárbaro(a) se uniu à nós!
We have found survivors in the ruins - population added to [cityName] = Encontramos sobreviventes nas ruínas - população adicionada a [cityName]
We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins! = Nós descobrimos a tecnologia perdida de [techName] nas ruínas!
A [unitName] has joined us! = Um [unitName] se juntou a nós!
An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat! = Uma antiga tribo treina nosso [unitName] em suas formas de combate!
We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins! = Encontramos um estoque de [amount] de ouro nas ruínas!
# Requires translation!
We have found a crudely-drawn map in the ruins! = Nós encontramos um mapa grosseiramente traçado nas ruinas!
# Requires translation!
[unit] finished exploring. = [unit] terminou de explorar.
# Requires translation!
[unit] has no work to do. = [unit] não tem trabalho a fazer.
# Requires translation!
You're losing control of [name]. = Você está erdendo controle de [name].
# Requires translation!
You and [name] are no longer friends! = Você e [name] não são mais amigos!
# Requires translation!
Your alliance with [name] is faltering. = Sua aliança com [name] está fraquejando.
# Requires translation!
You and [name] are no longer allies! = Você e [name] não são mais aliados!
# Requires translation!
[civName] gave us a [unitName] as gift near [cityName]! = [civName] nos deu um(a) [unitName] como presente, perto de [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has denounced us! = [civName] nos denunciou!
# Requires translation!
[cityName] has been connected to your capital! =
@ -1098,11 +1032,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service =
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Indica a Capital!
Monument = Monumento
Monastery = Monastério
Temple = Templo
Palace = Palácio
Monument = Monumento
Granary = Granario
@ -1168,7 +1100,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = O Grande Farol
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% de Produção quando estiver construindo unidades montadas nessa cidade
Stable = Estábulos
Colosseum = Coliseu
Circus Maximus = Circo Máximo
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Eu penso que se algum dia um mortal escutasse as palavras de Deus, seria em um jardim no frescor do dia.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -1178,10 +1109,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Remove infelicidade extra das cid
Can only be built in annexed cities = Somente pode ser construído em cidades anexadas
Courthouse = Tribunal
Colosseum = Coliseu
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Trate seus soldados como seus próprios filhos, e eles lhe seguirão para os mais profundos vales; olhe para eles como seus queridos filhos, e eles ficarão ao seu lado até a sua morte.' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Exército de Terracota
Temple = Templo
# Requires translation!
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured =
@ -1209,6 +1142,7 @@ Aqueduct = Aqueduto
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Unidades terrestres inimigas terão que gastar 1 ponto extra de movimento quando dentro do seu território (obsoleto com Dinamite)
Great Wall = Grande Muralha
Monastery = Monastério
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Pois ele se eleva para se combinar com o céu, e como se erguesse dos outros edifícios, fica no alto e olha para o restante da cidade, adornando-a, porque é parte dela, mas é gloriosa em sua própria beleza.' - Procópio, De Aedificis
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% de geração de grandes pessoas em todas as cidades
@ -1374,10 +1308,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Castelo de Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% da comida é mantida depois de um novo cidadão nascer
Medical Lab = Laboratório médico
Solar Plant = Planta Solar
Nuclear Plant = Planta Nuclear
Must be next to desert = Nescessário que esteja proximo ao deserto
Solar Plant = Planta Solar
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Aqueles que perderam seus sonhos estão perdidos.' - Ditado abrorigéne Australiano
Sydney Opera House = Ópera de Sydney
@ -2505,81 +2439,43 @@ Ota =
Tottori =
India = Índia
# Requires translation!
Gandhi = Gandhi
# Requires translation!
I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. = Eu acabei de recerber um informe de que um grande número de minhas tropas cruzaram suas fronteiras.
# Requires translation!
My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind. = Minhas tentativas de evitar violência falharam. Olho por olho e o mundo acabará cego.
# Requires translation!
You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. = Você pode me acorrentar, você pode me torturar, você pode até destruir este corpo, mas você nunca imrpisionará minha mente.
# Requires translation!
Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend. = Saudações, Eu sou Mahatma Gandhi . Meu povo me chama de Bapu, mas por favor, me chame de amigo.
# Requires translation!
My friend, are you interested in this arrangement? = Meu amigo, você está interessado neste acordo?
# Requires translation!
I wish you peace. = Lhe desejo paz.
# Requires translation!
Delhi = Délhi
# Requires translation!
Mumbai = Mumbai
# Requires translation!
Vijayanagara = Bisnaga
# Requires translation!
Pataliputra = Pataliputra
# Requires translation!
Varanasi = Varanássi
# Requires translation!
Agra = Agra
# Requires translation!
Calcutta = Calcutá
# Requires translation!
Lahore = Lahore
# Requires translation!
Bangalore = Bengaluru
# Requires translation!
Hyderabad = Hiderabade
# Requires translation!
Madurai = Madurai
# Requires translation!
Ahmedabad = Ahmedabad
# Requires translation!
Kolhapur = Kolapur
# Requires translation!
Prayaga = Prayagraj
# Requires translation!
Ayodhya = Ayodhya
# Requires translation!
Indraprastha = Indraprastha
# Requires translation!
Mathura = Matura
# Requires translation!
Ujjain = Ujaim
# Requires translation!
Gulbarga = Gulbarga
# Requires translation!
Jaunpur = Jaunpur
# Requires translation!
Rajagriha = Rajgir
# Requires translation!
Sravasti = Sravasti
# Requires translation!
Tiruchirapalli = Tiruchirapalli
# Requires translation!
Thanjavur = Thanjavur
# Requires translation!
Bodhgaya = Bodh Gaya
# Requires translation!
Kushinagar = Kushinagar
# Requires translation!
Amaravati = Amaravati
# Requires translation!
Gaur = Gaur
# Requires translation!
Gwalior = Gwalior
# Requires translation!
Jaipur = Jaipur
# Requires translation!
Karachi = Carachi
Germany = Alemanha
@ -4441,34 +4337,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Acampamento bárbaro
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Pasto
Cattle = Gado
Sheep = Ovelhas
Camp = Campo
Deer = Cervos
Plantation = Plantação
Bananas = Bananas
Farm = Fazenda
Wheat = Trigo
Quarry = Pedreira
Stone = Pedra
Fishing Boats = Barcos de pesca
Fish = Peixes
Horses = Cavalos
Mine = Mina
Iron = Ferro
Coal = Carvão
Oil well = Poço de petróleo
Oil = Petróleo
Aluminum = Alumínio
@ -4685,14 +4573,12 @@ Scout = Explorador
Ignores terrain cost = Ignora custo de movimento em terrenos
Warrior = Guerreiro
Swordsman = Espadachim
Maori Warrior = Guerreiro Maori
Brute = Bruto
Archer = Arqueiro
Crossbowman = Besteiro
Bowman = Arqueiro Experiente
@ -4704,12 +4590,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Não pode entrar o terreno 'oceano' a
Trireme = Trireme
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Não pode entrar o terreno 'oceano'
Caravel = Caravela
Chariot Archer = Arqueiro de Biga
Rough terrain penalty = Penalidade de terreno díficil
No defensive terrain bonus = Nenhum bonus de defesa do terreno
Knight = Cavaleiro
War Chariot = Carruagem de guerra
@ -4717,7 +4601,6 @@ War Elephant = Elefante de guerra
Spearman = Lanceiro
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bônus contra [unitType]
Pikeman = Piqueiro
Hoplite = Hoplita
@ -4726,11 +4609,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Imortal Persa
Catapult = Catapulta
Must set up to ranged attack = Precisa de preparação para atacar a distância
Trebuchet = Trabuco
Ballista = Balista
Longswordsman = Espadachim de espada longa
Swordsman = Espadachim
Legion = Legião
Can construct roads = Pode construir estradas
@ -4744,18 +4626,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Pode se mover após atacar
Companion Cavalry = Cavalaria companheira
Gatling Gun = Metralhadora
Crossbowman = Besteiro
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Arqueiro de arco longo
Trebuchet = Trabuco
Limited Visibility = Visibilidade limitada
Cannon = Canhão
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Soldado com mosquete
Longswordsman = Espadachim de espada longa
Samurai = Samurai
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Combate muito provável de criar Grandes Generais
@ -4763,14 +4645,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Combate muito provável de criar G
Berserker = Furioso
Amphibious = Anfíbio
Pikeman = Piqueiro
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Can move immediately once bought = Pode se mover imediatamente uma vez comprado
Galleass = Galeaças
Frigate = Fragata
Cavalry = Cavalaria
Knight = Cavaleiro
Camel Archer = Arqueiro de camelo
@ -4785,15 +4667,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Cavalaria Mandekalu
Keshik = Keshik
50% Bonus XP gain = Ganho de 50% de bonus de XP
Caravel = Caravela
May withdraw before melee = Pode se retirar antes do corpo a corpo
+1 Visibility Range = +1 de alcance do campo de visão
Ironclad = Navio revestido de ferro
Turtle Ship = Navio Tartaruga
Artillery = Artilharia
Cannon = Canhão
Rifleman = Fuzileiro
Musketman = Soldado com mosquete
Musketeer = Mosqueteiro
@ -4805,19 +4687,18 @@ Minuteman = Mílicia
Tercio = Terço
Battleship = Navio de batalha
Frigate = Fragata
Ship of the Line = Navio de linha
Lancer = Lanceiro montado
Anti-Tank Gun = Arma anti-tanque
Sipahi = Sipahi
No movement cost to pillage = Sem custo de movimento para saquear
Machine Gun = Metralhadora robusta
Gatling Gun = Metralhadora
Great War Infantry = Infantaria da Grande Guerra
Rifleman = Fuzileiro
Carrier = Porta-aviões
Can carry 2 aircraft = Pode carregar 2 espaçonaves
@ -4825,61 +4706,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Pode carregar 2 espaçonaves
Triplane = Aeronave triplano
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% de chance de interceptar ataques aéreos
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 hexágonos em toda direção sempre visível
Fighter = Avião de combate
Great War Bomber = Bombardeiro da Grande Guerra
Bomber = Bombardeiro
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Infantaria de Esqui Norueguesa
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Dobra movimento em Neve, Tundra e Colinas
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% de bonus em Neve, Tundra e Colinas
Landship = Navio terrestre
Cavalry = Cavalaria
Cossack = Cossaco
Artillery = Artilharia
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Ataques à distância podem ser executados sobre obstáculos
Rocket Artillery = Artilharia de foguetes
Ironclad = Navio revestido de ferro
Double movement in coast = Movimento em dobro nos litorais
Destroyer = Destruidor
Fighter = Avião de combate
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bombardeiro
B17 = B17
Nuclear Missile = Míssil nuclear
Requires Manhattan Project = Necessita de Projeto Manhattan
Tank = Tanque
Landship = Navio terrestre
Destroyer = Destruidor
Can attack submarines = Pode atacar submarinos
Battleship = Navio de batalha
Submarine = Submarino
Can only attack water = Pode atacar somente aquático
Can enter ice tiles = Pode entrar em ladrilhos de gelo
Invisible to others = Invisível para outros
Infantry = Infantaria
Great War Infantry = Infantaria da Grande Guerra
Foreign Legion = Legião Estrangeira
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% de bônus fora do território amigável
Mechanized Infantry = Infantaria mecanizada
Infantry = Infantaria
Machine Gun = Metralhadora robusta
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Arma anti-aérea
Modern Armor = Panzer moderno
Tank = Tanque
Panzer = Tanque-Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Arma anti-tanque
Rocket Artillery = Artilharia de foguetes
Mechanized Infantry = Infantaria mecanizada
Modern Armor = Panzer moderno
Great Artist = Grande Artista
Can build improvement: Landmark = Pode construir melhoria: ponto de refêrencia
@ -5006,27 +4894,18 @@ If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next un
# Requires translation!
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. =
# Requires translation!
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = O que me motiva a continuar trabalhando nisso, \n além do fato de que eu acho fantastico que eu posso, é o apoio dos jogadores - vocês são demais!
# Requires translation!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Todas as classificações e avaliações que recebo me fazem sorrir =)\n Então me contate! Me mande um email, avaliação, problema do Github\n ou pombo correio, e vamos descobrir como fazer o jogo \n ainda mais incrível!\n(Informação de contato está na Play Store)
# Requires translation!
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Unidades militares podem pilhar melhorias, o que cura elas em 25 de vida e destroi a melhoria.\nAinda se pode trabalhar no ladrilho, mas vantagens da melhoria - bonus de status e recursos - se perderão.\nTrabalhadores podem consertar essas melhorias, o que demora menos tempo que fazer a melhoria do zero.
# Requires translation!
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Unidade que engajam em combate ganham experiência, a qual pode então ser aplicada em promoçoes para esta unidade.\nUnidades ganham mais experiência em combates mão a mão do que à distância, e mais atacando do que defendendo.
# Requires translation!
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Unidades só podem ganhar até 30 XP de unidades de Bárbaros - ou seja, até 2 promoçoes. Depois disso, unidades de Bárbaros não providenciarão mais experiência.
# Requires translation!
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Unidades e cidades são abatidas por combate, o que é afetado por vários valores diferentes.\nCada unidade tem um certo valor de combate 'base', o qual pode ser aprimorado por certas condições, promoçoes e localizações.
# Requires translation!
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Unidades usam o valor 'Força' como o valor de base em ataques mão a mão e defendendo.\nQuando atacando a distância, elas usam o valor 'Força a Distância' em vez.
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Ataques à distância dependem do valor de 'Alcance' da unidade.\nEnquanto ataques mão a mão permitem o defensor gerar dano ao atacante em retaliação, ataques a distância não permitem.
# Requires translation!
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = Em acordos de pesquisa, você e outra civilização decidem pesquisar em conjunto tecnologia.\nAo fim do acordo, ambos vocês irão receber um 'montante único' de ciência, o qual será direcionado a uma de suas tecnologia ainda não pesquisada.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = A quantidade de Ciência que você recebe no fim depende na ciência gerada por suas cidades e das cidades das outras civilizações durante o acordo - quanto mais. melhor!

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@ -1090,11 +1090,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service =
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Stabilește orașul capitală
Monument = Monument
Monastery = Mănăstire
Temple = Templu
Palace = Palat
Monument = Monument
Granary = Grânar
@ -1160,7 +1158,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Marele Far
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% Producție cănd se construiesc Unități Călare în aces oraș
Stable = Grajd
Colosseum = Coloseum
Circus Maximus = Circus Maximus
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Cred că dacă vreun muritor ar fi auzit cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, acesta ar fi într-o grădină la răcoarea zilei.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -1170,10 +1167,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Elimină nefericirea extra din or
Can only be built in annexed cities = Poate fi construit doar în orașele anexate
Courthouse = Tribunal
Colosseum = Coloseum
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Consideră-ți soldații ca pe copii tăi, și te vor urma în cele mai adânci văi; uită-te la ei ca la fii tăi iubiți și îți vor sta alături chiar până la moarte' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Armată de teracotă
Temple = Templu
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Dublează aurul dat inamicului dacă orașul este capturat
Burial Tomb = Loc de veci
@ -1201,6 +1200,7 @@ Aqueduct = Apeduct
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) =
Great Wall = Marele Zid
Monastery = Mănăstire
# Requires translation!
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis =
@ -1379,10 +1379,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% din hrană este păstrată după ce se naște un nou cetățean
Medical Lab = Laborator medical
Solar Plant = Centrală solară
Nuclear Plant = Centrală nucleară
Must be next to desert = Trebuie să fie lângă deșert
Solar Plant = Centrală solară
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Cei ce pierd visele sunt pierduți' - Zicală aborigenă australiană
Sydney Opera House = Opera din Sydney
@ -4446,34 +4446,26 @@ Barbarian encampment =
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Păşune
Cattle = Vite
Sheep = Oi
Camp = Tabără
Deer = Căprioare
Plantation = Plantaţie
Bananas = Banane
Farm = Fermă
Wheat = Grâu
Quarry = Carieră
Stone = Piatră
Fishing Boats = Bărci de pescuit
Fish = Pește
Horses = Cai
Mine = Mină
Iron = Fier
Coal = Cărbune
Oil well = Sondă de petrol
Oil = Petrol
Aluminum = Aluminiu
@ -4744,14 +4736,12 @@ Scout = Explorator
Ignores terrain cost = Ignoră costul terenului
Warrior = Războinic
Swordsman = Spadasin
Maori Warrior = Războinic Maori
Brute = Brut(ă)
Archer = Arcaş
Crossbowman = Trăgător cu arbaleta
Bowman = Arcaș
@ -4763,12 +4753,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Nu poate accesa celule de ocean înai
Trireme = Triremă
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Nu poate accesa celule ocean
Caravel = Caravelă
Chariot Archer = Arcaș în car
Rough terrain penalty = Penalizare pentru teren accidentat
No defensive terrain bonus = Niciun bonus defensiv de teren
Knight = Cavaler
War Chariot = Războinic în car
@ -4776,7 +4764,6 @@ War Elephant = Elefant de război
Spearman = Lăncier
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus contra [unitType]
Pikeman = Suliţaş
Hoplite = Hoplit
@ -4785,11 +4772,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Nemuritor Persan
Catapult = Catapultă
Must set up to ranged attack = Trebuie să fie montat pentru a putea ataca
Trebuchet = Aruncător de pietre
Ballista = Balistă
Longswordsman = Spadasin cu sabie lungă
Swordsman = Spadasin
Legion = Legionar
Can construct roads = Poate construi drumuri
@ -4803,18 +4789,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Poate să se deplaseze după ce a atacat
Companion Cavalry = Cavalerie de Companie
Gatling Gun = Mitralieră Gatling
Crossbowman = Trăgător cu arbaleta
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Arcaș cu arc lung
Trebuchet = Aruncător de pietre
Limited Visibility = Vizibilitate redusă
Cannon = Tun
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Mușchetar
Longswordsman = Spadasin cu sabie lungă
Samurai = Samurai
# Requires translation!
@ -4825,14 +4811,14 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
Pikeman = Suliţaş
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Can move immediately once bought = Poate fi mutat imediat ce a fost cumpărat
Galleass = Galeră
Frigate = Fregată
Cavalry = Cavalerie
Knight = Cavaler
Camel Archer = Arcaș pe cămilă
@ -4851,17 +4837,17 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Cavalerie Mandekalu
Keshik =
50% Bonus XP gain = Câștig Bonus de 50% XP
Caravel = Caravelă
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
+1 Visibility Range = +1 Rază Vizuală
Ironclad = Blindat
# Requires translation!
Turtle Ship =
Artillery = Artilerie
Cannon = Tun
Rifleman = Carabinier
Musketman = Mușchetar
Musketeer = Mușchetar
@ -4875,20 +4861,19 @@ Minuteman = Rezervist
# Requires translation!
Tercio =
Battleship = Crucișător
Frigate = Fregată
Ship of the Line = Navă de atac
Lancer = Lăncier montat
Anti-Tank Gun = Tun antitanc
Sipahi = Sipahiu
# Requires translation!
No movement cost to pillage =
Machine Gun = Mitralieră
Gatling Gun = Mitralieră Gatling
Great War Infantry = Infanteria Marelui Război
Rifleman = Carabinier
Carrier = Portavion
Can carry 2 aircraft = Poate căra 2 avioane
@ -4897,10 +4882,8 @@ Triplane = Triplan
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% șansă de interceptare a atacurilor aeriene
# Requires translation!
6 tiles in every direction always visible =
Fighter = Avion de vânătoare
Great War Bomber = Bombardier din Marele Război
Bomber = Bombardier
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -4909,30 +4892,34 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
Landship = Vehicul Terestru
Cavalry = Cavalerie
Cossack = Cazac
Artillery = Artilerie
# Requires translation!
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles =
Rocket Artillery = Artilerie de Rachete
Ironclad = Blindat
Double movement in coast = Deplasare dublă pe țărm
Destroyer = Distrugător
Fighter = Avion de vânătoare
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bombardier
B17 = B17
Nuclear Missile = Rachetă nucleară
Requires Manhattan Project = Necesită proiectul Manhattan
Tank = Tanc
Landship = Vehicul Terestru
Destroyer = Distrugător
Can attack submarines = Poate ataca submarine
Battleship = Crucișător
Submarine = Submarin
# Requires translation!
@ -4940,24 +4927,29 @@ Can only attack water =
Can enter ice tiles = Poate intra în celulele de gheață
Invisible to others = Invizibil pentru alții
Infantry = Infanterie
Great War Infantry = Infanteria Marelui Război
Foreign Legion = Legiunea Străină
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% bonus înafara teritoriilor prietenoase
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
Infantry = Infanterie
Machine Gun = Mitralieră
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Tun Anti-aerian
Modern Armor = Armură Modernă
Tank = Tanc
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Tun antitanc
Rocket Artillery = Artilerie de Rachete
# Requires translation!
Mechanized Infantry =
Modern Armor = Armură Modernă
Great Artist = Mare Artist
Can build improvement: Landmark = Poate construi îmbunătățire: Reper

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@ -891,11 +891,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Показывать н
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Показывает столицу
Monument = Монумент
Monastery = Монастырь
Temple = Храм
Palace = Дворец
Monument = Монумент
Granary = Амбар
@ -954,7 +952,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Фаросский маяк
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% Производства при постройке конных юнитов в данном городе
Stable = Конюшня
Colosseum = Колизей
Circus Maximus = Цирк Максимус
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Если бы смертному когда-либо прозвучал голос Бога, это случилось бы в саду на закате дня.' — Ф. Франкфорт Мур
@ -964,10 +961,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Убирает дополните
Can only be built in annexed cities = Строительство возможно только в захваченных городах
Courthouse = Здание суда
Colosseum = Колизей
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Если будешь смотреть на солдат, как на детей, сможешь отправиться с ними в самое глубокое ущелье; если будешь смотреть на солдат, как на любимых сыновей, сможешь идти с ними хоть на смерть.' - Сунь Цзы
Terracotta Army = Терракотовая армия
Temple = Храм
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Враг получает удвоеное количество золота, если город был захвачен
Burial Tomb = Гробница
@ -993,6 +992,7 @@ Aqueduct = Акведук
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Вражеские наземные юниты должны тратить дополнительное очко передвижения на вашей территории (устаревает при открытии Динамита)
Great Wall = Великая стена
Monastery = Монастырь
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'В высоту он поднимается как будто до неба и, как корабль на высоких волнах моря, он выделяется среди других строений, как бы склоняясь над остальным городом, украшая его как составная его часть, и сам украшается им.' - Прокопий, 'О постройках'
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% к созданию великих людей во всех городах
@ -1152,10 +1152,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Замок Нойшванштайн
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% продовольствия сохраняется после рождения нового гражданина
Medical Lab = Медицинская лаборатория
Solar Plant = Солнечные электростанции
Nuclear Plant = АЭС
Must be next to desert = Должно быть построено рядом с пустыней
Solar Plant = Солнечные электростанции
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'У кого погибли мечты, тот и сам погиб.' - пословица австралийских аборигенов
Sydney Opera House = Сиднейский Оперный театр
@ -3239,34 +3239,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Лагерь варваров
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Выгон
Cattle = Скот
Sheep = Овцы
Camp = Лагерь
Deer = Олени
Plantation = Плантация
Bananas = Бананы
Farm = Ферма
Wheat = Пшеница
Quarry = Карьер
Stone = Камень
Fishing Boats = Рыбацкие лодки
Fish = Рыба
Horses = Лошади
Mine = Шахта
Iron = Железо
Coal = Уголь
Oil well = Нефтяная скважина
Oil = Нефть
Aluminum = Алюминий
@ -3482,14 +3474,12 @@ Scout = Разведчик
Ignores terrain cost = Игнорирует штрафы местности
Warrior = Воин
Swordsman = Мечник
Maori Warrior = Воин Маори
Brute = Громила
Archer = Лучник
Crossbowman = Арбалетчик
Bowman = Меткий лучник
@ -3501,12 +3491,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Для выхода в океан н
Trireme = Трирема
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Не может выйти в океан
Caravel = Каравелла
Chariot Archer = Лучник на колеснице
Rough terrain penalty = Штраф грубой местности
No defensive terrain bonus = Нет бонуса защиты от ландшафта
Knight = Рыцарь
War Chariot = Боевая колесница
@ -3514,7 +3502,6 @@ War Elephant = Боевой слон
Spearman = Копейщик
Bonus vs [unitType] = Бонус против [unitType]
Pikeman = Пикинер
Hoplite = Гоплит
@ -3523,11 +3510,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Персидские "Бессмертные"
Catapult = Катапульта
Must set up to ranged attack = Необходимо подготовиться к дальнобойной атаке
Trebuchet = Требушет
Ballista = Баллиста
Longswordsman = Мечник (длинный меч)
Swordsman = Мечник
Legion = Легионер
Can construct roads = Может строить дороги
@ -3541,18 +3527,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Может двигаться после атаки
Companion Cavalry = Сопутствующая кавалерия
Gatling Gun = Пулемёт Гатлинга
Crossbowman = Арбалетчик
Chu-Ko-Nu = Чу-ко-ну (арбалет)
Longbowman = Лучник (длинный лук)
Trebuchet = Требушет
Limited Visibility = Ограниченная видимость
Cannon = Пушка
Hwach'a = Хвачха
Musketman = Стрельцы
Longswordsman = Мечник (длинный меч)
Samurai = Самурай
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Большой шанс получения Великого Полководца в бою
@ -3560,14 +3546,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Большой шанс получ
Berserker = Берсерк
Amphibious = Морской десант
Pikeman = Пикинер
Landsknecht = Ландскнехт
Can move immediately once bought = Может двигаться сразу после покупки
Galleass = Галера
Frigate = Фрегат
Cavalry = Кавалерия
Knight = Рыцарь
Camel Archer = Лучник на верблюде
@ -3582,16 +3568,16 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Всадники мандекалу
Keshik = Кешиктены
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% Бонусного опыта
Caravel = Каравелла
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
+1 Visibility Range = +1 Диапазон видимости
Ironclad = Броненосец
Turtle Ship = Кобуксон
Artillery = Артиллерия
Cannon = Пушка
Rifleman = Стрелок
Musketman = Стрельцы
Musketeer = Мушкетёр
@ -3603,19 +3589,18 @@ Minuteman = Минитмэн
Tercio = Терция
Battleship = Линкор
Frigate = Фрегат
Ship of the Line = Линейный корабль
Lancer = Улан
Anti-Tank Gun = Противотанковое орудие
Sipahi = Сипаи
No movement cost to pillage = Разграбление не тратит очков передвижения
Machine Gun = Пулемёт
Gatling Gun = Пулемёт Гатлинга
Great War Infantry = Стрелок
Rifleman = Стрелок
Carrier = Авианосец
Can carry 2 aircraft = Может транспортировать 2 авиационных единицы
@ -3623,61 +3608,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Может транспортировать 2 авиац
Triplane = Триплан
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% шанс перехвата воздушных атак
6 tiles in every direction always visible = Всегда видимы 6 клеток вокруг
Fighter = Истребитель
Great War Bomber = Бомбардировщик
Bomber = Тяжелый бомбардировщик
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Норвежские лыжники
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Перемещаются по снегу, тундре и холмам с удвоенной скоростью
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% к боевой мощи в снегах, тундре и холмах
Landship = Танкетка
Cavalry = Кавалерия
Cossack = Казаки
Artillery = Артиллерия
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Дальнобойные атаки могут выполняться над препятствиями
Rocket Artillery = Ракетная Артиллерия
Ironclad = Броненосец
Double movement in coast = Двойное движение на побережье
Destroyer = Миноносец
Fighter = Истребитель
Zero = Истребитель Зеро
Bomber = Тяжелый бомбардировщик
B17 = B-17
Nuclear Missile = Ядерная ракета
Requires Manhattan Project = Требует Манхэттенский проект
Tank = Танк
Landship = Танкетка
Destroyer = Миноносец
Can attack submarines = Может атаковать подлодки
Battleship = Линкор
Submarine = Подводная лодка
Can only attack water = Может атаковать только морские юниты
Can enter ice tiles = Может проходить через лёд
Invisible to others = Невидим остальным
Infantry = Пехота
Great War Infantry = Стрелок
Foreign Legion = Иностранный легион
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% бонус вне дружественной территории
Mechanized Infantry = Мотопехота
Infantry = Пехота
Machine Gun = Пулемёт
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Зенитное орудие
Modern Armor = Современный танк
Tank = Танк
Panzer = Танк Тигр
Anti-Tank Gun = Противотанковое орудие
Rocket Artillery = Ракетная Артиллерия
Mechanized Infantry = Мотопехота
Modern Armor = Современный танк
Great Artist = Великий художник
Can build improvement: Landmark = Можно построить улучшение: Достопримечательность

View file

@ -893,11 +893,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = 显示转向通知服
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = 表示首都
Monument = 纪念碑
Monastery = 修道院
Temple = 神庙
Palace = 宫殿
Monument = 纪念碑
Granary = 粮仓
@ -958,7 +956,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = 大灯塔
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = 所在城市组建骑乘单位时产能积累速率+15%
Stable = 马厩
Colosseum = 竞技场
Circus Maximus = 大竞技场
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = “我相信如果有凡人能听到神谕,那一定是在天气凉爽时的花园之中。”——弗兰克·法兰克福·摩尔(英国作家)
@ -968,10 +965,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = 消除来自吞并的城市的额
Can only be built in annexed cities = 只能建造在吞并的城市
Courthouse = 法庭
Colosseum = 竞技场
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = “视卒如婴儿,故可与之赴深溪;视卒如爱子,故可与之俱死。”——孙子
Terracotta Army = 兵马俑
Temple = 神庙
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = 当敌方占领城市时他们将得到双倍金钱
Burial Tomb = 陵墓
@ -997,6 +996,7 @@ Aqueduct = 引水渠
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = 境内敌方陆军单位在任何地块额外消耗1移动力
Great Wall = 长城
Monastery = 修道院
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = “它高耸入云,从城市中矗立而起,俯视周遭;它是城中之物,但有超俗之美。”——《论建筑》,普罗科匹厄斯(拜占庭学者)
+33% great person generation in all cities = 所有城市伟人点数积累速率+33%
@ -1156,10 +1156,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = 新天鹅堡
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 城市增加新的市民后保留25%食物储备以加速成长
Medical Lab = 医学实验室
Solar Plant = 太阳能电站
Nuclear Plant = 核电站
Must be next to desert = 城市必须紧邻沙漠
Solar Plant = 太阳能电站
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = “没有梦想的人,人生也是迷茫的。”——澳大利亚土著谚语
Sydney Opera House = 悉尼歌剧院
@ -3225,34 +3225,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = 蛮族营地
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = 牧场
Cattle = 牛群
Sheep = 绵羊
Camp = 猎场
Deer = 野鹿
Plantation = 种植园
Bananas = 香蕉
Farm = 农场
Wheat = 小麦
Quarry = 采石场
Stone = 花岗石
Fishing Boats = 渔船
Fish = 鱼群
Horses =
Mine = 矿井
Iron =
Coal =
Oil well = 油井
Oil = 石油
Aluminum =
@ -3468,14 +3460,12 @@ Scout = 斥候
Ignores terrain cost = 所有地形都只消耗1移动力
Warrior = 勇士
Swordsman = 剑士
Maori Warrior = 毛利勇士
Brute = 蛮族勇士
Archer = 弓箭手
Crossbowman = 弩手
Bowman = 巴比伦弓手
@ -3487,12 +3477,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = 研究出天文学之前不能进入
Trireme = 三列桨战船
Cannot enter ocean tiles = 不能进入海洋地块
Caravel = 轻帆船
Chariot Archer = 战车射手
Rough terrain penalty = 复杂地形惩罚
No defensive terrain bonus = 无地形防御力加成
Knight = 骑士
War Chariot = 埃及战车
@ -3500,7 +3488,6 @@ War Elephant = 印度战象
Spearman = 枪兵
Bonus vs [unitType] = 对战[unitType]时战斗力+
Pikeman = 长枪兵
Hoplite = 希腊重步兵
@ -3509,11 +3496,10 @@ Persian Immortal = 波斯长生军
Catapult = 投石车
Must set up to ranged attack = 必须架设才能远程攻击
Trebuchet = 抛石机
Ballista = 罗马弩炮
Longswordsman = 剑士
Swordsman = 剑士
Legion = 古罗马军团
Can construct roads = 可以建造道路
@ -3527,18 +3513,18 @@ Can move after attacking = 攻击后可移动
Companion Cavalry = 马其顿禁卫骑兵
Gatling Gun = 加特林机枪
Crossbowman = 弩手
Chu-Ko-Nu = 诸葛弩兵
Longbowman = 长弓手
Trebuchet = 抛石机
Limited Visibility = 视野受限
Cannon = 加农炮
Hwach'a = 火厢车
Musketman = 火枪手
Longswordsman = 长剑士
Samurai = 日本武士
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 战斗能更快地产生出大军事家
@ -3546,14 +3532,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 战斗能更快地产生出大军
Berserker = 狂战士
Amphibious = 两栖的
Pikeman = 长枪兵
Landsknecht = 德意志雇佣兵
Can move immediately once bought = 购买后可立即移动
Galleass = 桨帆战舰
Frigate = 护卫舰
Cavalry = 近代骑兵
Knight = 骑士
Camel Archer = 骆驼骑射手
@ -3568,15 +3554,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = 曼德卡鲁骑兵
Keshik = 怯薛
50% Bonus XP gain = 战斗获得经验值+50%
Caravel = 轻帆船
May withdraw before melee = 可以在肉搏前撤退
+1 Visibility Range = +1视野
Ironclad = 铁甲舰
Turtle Ship = 龟船
Artillery =
Cannon = 加农
Rifleman = 来复枪兵
Musketman = 火枪手
Musketeer = 法国火枪手
@ -3588,19 +3574,18 @@ Minuteman = 快速民兵
Tercio = 西班牙大方阵
Battleship = 战列
Frigate = 护卫
Ship of the Line = 主力舰
Lancer = 枪骑兵
Anti-Tank Gun = 反坦克炮
Sipahi = 西帕希骑兵
No movement cost to pillage = 劫掠不消耗移动力
Machine Gun = 机关
Gatling Gun = 加特林机
Great War Infantry = 一战步
Rifleman = 来复枪
Carrier = 航空母舰
Can carry 2 aircraft = 可搭载2个空军单位
@ -3608,61 +3593,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = 可搭载2个空军单位
Triplane = 三翼机
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]%几率拦截来袭的敌军飞机
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 全方向6格视野范围
Fighter = 战斗机
Great War Bomber = 一战轰炸机
Bomber = 轰炸机
Norwegian Ski Infantry = 挪威雪地步兵
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = 在雪山冻原拥有两倍移动力
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = 在雪地、冻原和山丘上可获得25%的奖励
Landship = 履带战车
Cavalry = 近代骑兵
Cossack = 哥萨克骑兵
Artillery = 火炮
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = 越过障碍进行远程攻击
Rocket Artillery = 火箭炮
Ironclad = 铁甲舰
Double movement in coast = 海滨移动时双倍移动力
Destroyer = 驱逐舰
Fighter = 战斗机
Zero = 零式战斗机
Bomber = 轰炸机
B17 = B-17“空中堡垒”
Nuclear Missile = 核导弹
Requires Manhattan Project = 需要完成曼哈顿计划
Tank = 坦克
Landship = 履带战车
Destroyer = 驱逐舰
Can attack submarines = 能够发现和攻击潜艇单位
Battleship = 战列舰
Submarine = 潜艇
Can only attack water = 只能攻击海上目标
Can enter ice tiles = 可进入冰区
Invisible to others = 对其他单位隐形
Infantry = 现代步兵
Great War Infantry = 一战步兵
Foreign Legion = 外籍军团
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = 境外作战时战斗力+20%
Mechanized Infantry = 机械化步兵
Infantry = 现代步兵
Machine Gun = 机关枪
Anti-Aircraft Gun = 高射炮
Modern Armor = 现代坦克
Tank = 坦克
Panzer = “虎II”坦克
Anti-Tank Gun = 反坦克炮
Rocket Artillery = 火箭炮
Mechanized Infantry = 机械化步兵
Modern Armor = 现代坦克
Great Artist = 大艺术家
Can build improvement: Landmark = 可以建造设施:风景地标

View file

@ -905,11 +905,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Mostrar notificación p
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Indica la capital
Monument = Monumento
Monastery = Monasterio
Temple = Templo
Palace = Palacio
Monument = Monumento
Granary = Granero
@ -968,7 +966,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = El Gran Faro
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% de producción mientras se construyen unidades montadas en esta ciudad
Stable = Establos
Colosseum = Coliseo
Circus Maximus = Circo Máximo
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Creo que, si alguna vez un mortal ha escuchado la voz de Dios, fue en un jardín al aire fresco del día.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -978,10 +975,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Elimina la infelicidad creada por
Can only be built in annexed cities = Sólo puede ser construido en ciudades anexionadas
Courthouse = Corte de Justicia
Colosseum = Coliseo
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Trata a tus soldados como a tus niños y te seguirán hasta los valles mas profundos; Miralos como a tus amados hijos y estarán a tu lado incluso hasta la muerte' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Ejército de terracota
Temple = Templo
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Dobla la cantidad de oro que se da al enemigo si la ciudad es capturada
Burial Tomb = Tumba
@ -1007,6 +1006,7 @@ Aqueduct = Acueducto
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Las unidades terrestres enemigas deben gastar un punto de movimiento extra al moverse por dentro de tu territorio (obsoleto al investigar Dinamita)
Great Wall = Gran Muralla
Monastery = Monasterio
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Porque asciende hasta una altura como la del mismo cielo, como si emergiera de entre los demás edificios sobre los que se alza y bajara la vista hacia el resto de la ciudad, ornándola, porque es parte de ella, pero se vanagloria de su propia belleza.'- Sobre los edificios, Procopio
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% generación de Grandes Personas en todas las ciudades
@ -1166,10 +1166,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Neuschwanstein
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% de comida es conservada cada vez que nace un nuevo habitante
Medical Lab = Laboratorio médico
Solar Plant = Planta Solar
Nuclear Plant = Central nuclear
Must be next to desert = Debe estar próximo a un desierto
Solar Plant = Planta Solar
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Los que pierden sus sueños están perdidos.' - Proverbio de los aborígenes australianos
Sydney Opera House = Casa de la Opera de Sidney
@ -3712,34 +3712,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Campamento bárbaro
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Pastizal
Cattle = Ganado
Sheep = Ovejas
Camp = Campamento
Deer = Ciervos
Plantation = Plantación
Bananas = Plátanos
Farm = Granja
Wheat = Trigo
Quarry = Cantera
Stone = Piedra
Fishing Boats = Barcos pesqueros
Fish = Peces
Horses = Caballos
Mine = Mina
Iron = Hierro
Coal = Carbón
Oil well = Pozo petrolífero
Oil = Petróleo
Aluminum = Aluminio
@ -3955,14 +3947,12 @@ Scout = Explorador
Ignores terrain cost = Ignora el coste del terreno
Warrior = Guerrero
Swordsman = Espadachín
Maori Warrior = Guerrero maorí
Brute = Bestia
Archer = Arquero
Crossbowman = Ballestero
Bowman = Arquero experto
@ -3974,12 +3964,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = No puede entrar al oceanó hasta inve
Trireme = Trirreme
Cannot enter ocean tiles = No puede entrar al océano
Caravel = Caravela
Chariot Archer = Arquero a carruaje
Rough terrain penalty = Penalización en terreno escabroso
No defensive terrain bonus = Sin bonus de defensa de terreno
Knight = Caballero
War Chariot = Carruaje de guerra
@ -3987,7 +3975,6 @@ War Elephant = Elefante de guerra
Spearman = Lancero
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus contra [unitType]
Pikeman = Piquero
Hoplite = Hoplita
@ -3996,11 +3983,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Inmortal persa
Catapult = Catapulta
Must set up to ranged attack = Debe montarse para atacar a distancia
Trebuchet = Trabuquete
Ballista = Balista
Longswordsman = Espadachín de espada larga
Swordsman = Espadachín
Legion = Legionario
Can construct roads = Puede construir carreteras
@ -4014,18 +4000,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Puede mover después de atacar
Companion Cavalry = Caballería de compañia
Gatling Gun = ametralladora Gatling
Crossbowman = Ballestero
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-ko-nu
Longbowman = Arquero de arco largo
Trebuchet = Trabuquete
Limited Visibility = Visibilidad limitada
Cannon = Cañón
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Mosquetero
Longswordsman = Espadachín de espada larga
Samurai = Samurai
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Es mas probable que se creen Grandes Generales a través del combate
@ -4033,14 +4019,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Es mas probable que se creen Grand
Berserker = Berserker
Amphibious = Anfibio
Pikeman = Piquero
Landsknecht = Lansquenete
Can move immediately once bought = Puede moverse inmediatamente una vez comprado
Galleass = Galeaza
Frigate = Fragata
Cavalry = Cavallería
Knight = Caballero
Camel Archer = Arquero a camello
@ -4055,15 +4041,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Caballería mandekalu
Keshik = Keshik
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% de bonificación en ganancia de XP
Caravel = Caravela
May withdraw before melee = Puede fuir del combate cuerpo a cuerpo
+1 Visibility Range = +1 al rango de visibilidad
Ironclad = Buque a vapor
Turtle Ship = Barco tortuga
Artillery = Artillería
Cannon = Cañón
Rifleman = Fusilero
Musketman = Mosquetero
Musketeer = Mosquetero Revolucionario
@ -4075,19 +4061,18 @@ Minuteman = Milicia Revolucionaria
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = Buque de guerra
Frigate = Fragata
Ship of the Line = Barco De La Línea
Lancer = Jinete lancero
Anti-Tank Gun = Anti-Tanque
Sipahi = Cipayo
No movement cost to pillage = Saquear no supone coste de movimiento
Machine Gun = Ametralladora montada
Gatling Gun = ametralladora Gatling
Great War Infantry = Infanteria de la Gran Guerra
Rifleman = Fusilero
Carrier = Porta Aviones
Can carry 2 aircraft = Puede transportar 2 aviones
@ -4095,61 +4080,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Puede transportar 2 aviones
Triplane = Triplano
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]% de posibilidad de interceptar ataques aéreos
6 tiles in every direction always visible = Quedan visibles 6 casillas en cada dirección
Fighter = Caza
Great War Bomber = Bombardero I Guerra
Bomber = Bombardero
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Infantería de esquí noruega
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Doble movimiento en nieve, tundra y colinas
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% de bonificación en nieve, tundra y colinas
Landship = Tanque de la Gran Guerra
Cavalry = Cavallería
Cossack = Cosaco
Artillery = Artillería
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Puede realizar ataques a distancia sobre obstáculos
Rocket Artillery = Artilleria de misiles
Ironclad = Buque a vapor
Double movement in coast = Doble movimiento en costas
Destroyer = Destructor
Fighter = Caza
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bombardero
B17 = B-17
Nuclear Missile = Misil nuclear
Requires Manhattan Project = Requiere el proyecto Manhattan
Tank = Tanque
Landship = Tanque de la Gran Guerra
Destroyer = Destructor
Can attack submarines = Puede atacar a submarinos
Battleship = Buque de guerra
Submarine = Submarino
Can only attack water = Sólo puede atacar a agua
Can enter ice tiles = Puede entrar en casillas de hielo
Invisible to others = Invisible para los demás
Infantry = Infanteria
Great War Infantry = Infanteria de la Gran Guerra
Foreign Legion = Legion extranjera
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% de bonus fuera de territorio amistoso
Mechanized Infantry = Infanteria mecanizada
Infantry = Infanteria
Machine Gun = Ametralladora montada
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Cañón antiaéreo
Modern Armor = Blindado moderno
Tank = Tanque
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Anti-Tanque
Rocket Artillery = Artilleria de misiles
Mechanized Infantry = Infanteria mecanizada
Modern Armor = Blindado moderno
Great Artist = Gran Artista
Can build improvement: Landmark = Puede construir mejora: Edificio Emblematico

View file

@ -908,11 +908,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = 持續顯示回合通
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = 表示首都
Monument = 紀念碑
Monastery = 修道院
Temple = 神廟
Palace = 宮殿
Monument = 紀念碑
Granary = 糧倉
@ -971,7 +969,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = 大燈塔
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = 所在城市訓練騎乘單位時產能累積速率+15%
Stable = 馬廄
Colosseum = 競技場
Circus Maximus = 大競技場
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = “我相信如果有凡人能聽到神諭,那一定是在天氣涼爽時的花園之中。”——弗蘭克·法蘭克福·摩爾(英國作家)
@ -981,10 +978,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = 消除來自被併吞的城市的
Can only be built in annexed cities = 只能在被併吞的城市建造
Courthouse = 法院
Colosseum = 競技場
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = “視卒如嬰兒,故可與之赴深溪;視卒如愛子,故可與之俱死。”——孫子
Terracotta Army = 兵馬俑
Temple = 神廟
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = 當敵方佔領城市時他們將得到雙倍金錢
Burial Tomb = 陵墓
@ -1010,6 +1009,7 @@ Aqueduct = 引水渠
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = 境內敵方陸軍單位在任何地區額外消耗1移動力
Great Wall = 長城
Monastery = 修道院
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = “它高聳入雲,從城市中矗立而起,俯視周遭;它是城中之物,但有超俗之美。”——《論建築》,普羅科匹厄斯(拜占庭學者)
+33% great person generation in all cities = 所有城市偉人點數累積速率+33%
@ -1169,10 +1169,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = 新天鵝堡
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 城市增加新的市民後保留25%食物儲備以加速成長
Medical Lab = 醫學實驗室
Solar Plant = 太陽能電廠
Nuclear Plant = 核電廠
Must be next to desert = 城市必須緊鄰沙漠
Solar Plant = 太陽能電廠
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = “沒有夢想的人,人生也是迷茫的。”——澳大利亞土著諺語
Sydney Opera House = 雪梨歌劇院
@ -4085,34 +4085,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = 蠻族營地
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = 牧場
Cattle = 牛群
Sheep = 綿羊
Camp = 獵場
Deer = 野鹿
Plantation = 種植園
Bananas = 香蕉
Farm = 農場
Wheat = 小麥
Quarry = 採石場
Stone = 花崗石
Fishing Boats = 漁船
Fish = 魚群
Horses =
Mine = 礦井
Iron =
Coal =
Oil well = 油井
Oil = 石油
Aluminum =
@ -4328,14 +4320,12 @@ Scout = 偵察兵
Ignores terrain cost = 所有的地形都只消耗1單位移動力
Warrior = 勇士
Swordsman = 劍士
Maori Warrior = 毛利勇士
Brute = 蠻族勇士
Archer = 弓箭手
Crossbowman = 弩手
Bowman = 巴比倫弓箭手
@ -4347,12 +4337,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = 掌握天文學之前無法進入海
Trireme = 三列槳戰船
Cannot enter ocean tiles = 無法進入海洋
Caravel = 輕帆船
Chariot Archer = 戰車射手
Rough terrain penalty = 複雜地形懲罰
No defensive terrain bonus = 無地形防禦力加成
Knight = 騎士
War Chariot = 埃及戰車
@ -4360,7 +4348,6 @@ War Elephant = 印度戰象
Spearman = 槍兵
Bonus vs [unitType] = 對戰[unitType]時戰鬥力+
Pikeman = 長槍兵
Hoplite = 希臘重步兵
@ -4369,11 +4356,10 @@ Persian Immortal = 波斯長生軍
Catapult = 投石車
Must set up to ranged attack = 必須架設才能遠程攻擊
Trebuchet = 投石器
Ballista = 羅馬弩炮
Longswordsman = 劍士
Swordsman = 劍士
Legion = 古羅馬軍團
Can construct roads = 可以建造道路
@ -4387,18 +4373,18 @@ Can move after attacking = 攻擊後可移動
Companion Cavalry = 馬其頓禁衛騎兵
Gatling Gun = 加特林機槍
Crossbowman = 弩手
Chu-Ko-Nu = 諸葛弩兵
Longbowman = 長弓手
Trebuchet = 投石器
Limited Visibility = 視野受限
Cannon = 加農砲
Hwach'a = 火廂車
Musketman = 火槍手
Longswordsman = 長劍士
Samurai = 日本武士
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 戰鬥能更快的產生大軍事家
@ -4406,14 +4392,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 戰鬥能更快的產生大軍事
Berserker = 維京狂戰士
Amphibious = 水陸兩棲
Pikeman = 長槍兵
Landsknecht = 自由傭兵
Can move immediately once bought = 被購買後可以在同一回合立即移動
Galleass = 槳帆戰艦
Frigate = 護衛艦
Cavalry = 近代騎兵
Knight = 騎士
Camel Archer = 駱駝騎射手
@ -4428,15 +4414,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = 曼德卡魯騎兵
Keshik = 怯薛
50% Bonus XP gain = 戰鬥所得經驗值+50%
Caravel = 輕帆船
May withdraw before melee = 此單位遭遇近戰時有機會撤退而避免傷害
+1 Visibility Range = +1視野
Ironclad = 鐵甲鑑
Turtle Ship = 龜船
Artillery = 火炮
Cannon = 加農砲
Rifleman = 來福槍兵
Musketman = 火槍手
Musketeer = 法國火槍手
@ -4448,19 +4434,18 @@ Minuteman = 快速民兵
Tercio = 西班牙大方陣
Battleship = 戰列鑑
Frigate = 護衛艦
Ship of the Line = 主力艦
Lancer = 槍騎兵
Anti-Tank Gun = 反坦克炮
Sipahi = 西帕希騎兵
No movement cost to pillage = 劫掠不消耗移動力
Machine Gun = 機關
Gatling Gun = 加特林機
Great War Infantry = 一戰步
Rifleman = 來福槍
Carrier = 航空母艦
Can carry 2 aircraft = 可搭載2個空軍單位
@ -4468,61 +4453,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = 可搭載2個空軍單位
Triplane = 三翼機
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = [amount]%機率攔截來襲的敵軍飛機
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 全方向6格視野範圍內可見
Fighter = 戰鬥機
Great War Bomber = 一戰轟炸機
Bomber = 轟炸機
Norwegian Ski Infantry = 挪威雪撬步兵
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = 在雪原、凍土和丘陵地形中移動力加倍
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = 在雪原、凍土和丘陵地形上沒有森林或叢林地貌時+25%戰鬥力。
Landship = 履帶戰車
Cavalry = 近代騎兵
Cossack = 哥薩克騎兵
Artillery = 火炮
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = 越過障礙進行遠程攻擊
Rocket Artillery = 火箭炮
Ironclad = 鐵甲鑑
Double movement in coast = 海濱移動時雙倍移動力
Destroyer = 驅逐艦
Fighter = 戰鬥機
Zero = 零式戰鬥機
Bomber = 轟炸機
B17 = B-17“空中堡壘”
Nuclear Missile = 核導彈
Requires Manhattan Project = 需要完成曼哈頓計畫
Tank = 坦克
Landship = 履帶戰車
Destroyer = 驅逐艦
Can attack submarines = 能夠發現和攻擊潛艇單位
Battleship = 戰列鑑
Submarine = 潛艇
Can only attack water = 只能攻擊海上目標
Can enter ice tiles = 可進出冰區
Invisible to others = 對其他單位隱形
Infantry = 現代步兵
Great War Infantry = 一戰步兵
Foreign Legion = 外籍軍團
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = 境外作戰時戰鬥力+20%
Mechanized Infantry = 機械化步兵
Infantry = 現代步兵
Machine Gun = 機關槍
Anti-Aircraft Gun = 高射炮
Modern Armor = 現代坦克
Tank = 坦克
Panzer = 德式裝甲部隊
Anti-Tank Gun = 反坦克炮
Rocket Artillery = 火箭炮
Mechanized Infantry = 機械化步兵
Modern Armor = 現代坦克
Great Artist = 大藝術家
Can build improvement: Landmark = 可以建造設施:風景地標

View file

@ -925,11 +925,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Tur bildirici hizmeti i
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Başkenti gösterir
Monument = Anıt
Monastery = Manastır
Temple = Tapınak
Palace = Saray
Monument = Anıt
Granary = Tahıl Ambarı
@ -995,7 +993,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Büyük Deniz Feneri
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = Bu şehirde Atlı birlikler inşa edilirken +15% üretim
Stable = Ahır
Colosseum = Kolezyum
Circus Maximus = Maksimus Sirki
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Sanırım bir ölümlü Tanrı'nın sesini duysaydı bu günün serinliğinde bir bahçede olurdu.' - F. Frankfort Moore
@ -1005,10 +1002,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = İlhak edilen şehirlerdeki fazla
Can only be built in annexed cities = Sadece ilhak edilmiş şehirlerde inşa edilebilir
Courthouse = Adliye
Colosseum = Kolezyum
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Askerlerinizi çocuklarınız olarak kabul ederseniz, sizi en derin vadilere kadar takip edecekler; Onlara kendi sevgili oğullarınız olarak bakın ve onlar da ölüme kadar yanınızda olacaklardır.' - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army = Terracotta Ordusu
Temple = Tapınak
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Şehir ele geçirilirse düşmana verilen Altın'ı iki katına çıkarır
Burial Tomb = Mezar
@ -1034,6 +1033,7 @@ Aqueduct = Su Kemeri
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Düşman kara birimleri, bölgenizin içindeyken fazladan 1 hareket noktası harcamalıdır (Dinamit'e karşı geçersiz)
Great Wall = Çin Seddi
Monastery = Manastır
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Gökyüzüne ulaşacak bir yüksekliğe erişiyor ve diğer binalar arasından yükseliyormuş gibi yüksek duruyor ve şehrin geri kalanına bakıyor, süslüyor, çünkü bir parçası, ama şan kendi güzelliği'- Procopius, De Aedificis
+33% great person generation in all cities = Bütün şehirlerde +33% önemli insan üretimi
@ -1194,10 +1194,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Neuschwanstein Kalesi
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = Yiyeceklerin 25%'i yeni bir vatandaş doğduktan sonra taşınır
Medical Lab = Tıbbi Laboratuvar
Solar Plant = Güneş Paneli
Nuclear Plant = Nükleer Santral
Must be next to desert = Çölün yanında olmalı
Solar Plant = Güneş Paneli
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Rüyalarını kaybedenler kaybolur.' - Avustralya Aborijin atasözü
Sydney Opera House = Sydney Opera Binası
@ -3616,34 +3616,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Barbar Kampı
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Otlak
Cattle = Büyükbaş
Sheep = Koyun
Camp = Kamp
Deer = Geyik
Plantation = Ekili alan
Bananas = Muz
Farm = Çiftlik
Wheat = Buğday
Quarry = Taş ocağı
Stone = Taş
Fishing Boats = Balıı Tekneleri
Fish = Balık
Horses = At
Mine = Maden
Iron = Demir
Coal = Kömür
Oil well = Petrol kuyusu
Oil = Petrol
Aluminum = Alüminyum
@ -3861,14 +3853,12 @@ Scout = İzci
Ignores terrain cost = Arazi maliyetini yok sayar
Warrior = Savaşçı
Swordsman = Kılıçlı
Maori Warrior = Maori Savaşçısı
Brute = Vahşi
Archer = Okçu
Crossbowman = Tataryaylı
Bowman = Okçu
@ -3881,12 +3871,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Astronomi bulunana kadar okyanuslara
Trireme = Üç Kürekli Kadırga
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Okyanusa girilemiyor
Caravel = Karavela
Chariot Archer = Savaş Arabası Okçusu
Rough terrain penalty = Engebeli arazi cezası
No defensive terrain bonus = Defansif arazi bonusu yok
Knight = Şövalye
War Chariot = Savaş Arabası
@ -3894,7 +3882,6 @@ War Elephant = Savaş Fili
Spearman = Mızrakçı
Bonus vs [unitType] = [unitType]'e karşı bonus
Pikeman = Kargılı
Hoplite = Hoplite
@ -3903,11 +3890,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Fars Ölümsüzleri
Catapult = Mancınık
Must set up to ranged attack = Menzilli saldırıya ayarlanmalıdır
Trebuchet = Trebüşe
Ballista = Ballista
Longswordsman = Uzman Kılıçlı
Swordsman = Kılıçlı
Legion = Lejyon
Can construct roads = Yollar yapabilir
@ -3921,18 +3907,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Saldırdıktan sonra hareket edebilir
Companion Cavalry = Destek Süvarisi
Gatling Gun = Mitralyöz
Crossbowman = Tataryaylı
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Longbowman = Uzman Okçu
Trebuchet = Trebüşe
Limited Visibility = Sınırlı Görüş
Cannon = Top
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Musketman = Arkebüslü
Longswordsman = Uzman Kılıçlı
Samurai = Samuray
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Büyük General yaratma ihtimali çok yüksek
@ -3942,15 +3928,15 @@ Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Amphibious =
Pikeman = Kargılı
Landsknecht = Paralı Şövalye
# Requires translation!
Can move immediately once bought =
Galleass = Kadırga
Frigate = Firkateyn
Cavalry = Süvari
Knight = Şövalye
Camel Archer = Deve Okçusu
@ -3965,16 +3951,16 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Mandekalu Süvarisi
Keshik = Haşhaşi
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% Bonus XP kazancı
Caravel = Karavela
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee =
+1 Visibility Range = +1 Görüş Mesafesi
Ironclad = Zırhlı
Turtle Ship = Kaplumbağa Gemi
Artillery = Top
Cannon = Top
Rifleman = Tüfekli asker
Musketman = Arkebüslü
Musketeer = Silâhşör
@ -3986,19 +3972,18 @@ Minuteman = Gönüllü
Tercio = Tercio
Battleship = Savaş Gemisi
Frigate = Firkateyn
Ship of the Line = Hattın gemisi
Lancer = Mızraklı Süvari
Anti-Tank Gun = Tanksavar Silahı
Sipahi = Sipahi
No movement cost to pillage = Yağma için hareket maliyeti yoktur
Machine Gun = Makineli Tüfek
Gatling Gun = Mitralyöz
Great War Infantry = 1. Dünya Savaşı Piyadesi
Rifleman = Tüfekli asker
Carrier = Uçak Gemisi
Can carry 2 aircraft = 2 uçak taşıyabilir
@ -4006,10 +3991,8 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = 2 uçak taşıyabilir
Triplane = Üçlü uçak
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = hava saldırılarını engelleme şansı [amount]%
6 tiles in every direction always visible = Her yöne 6 blok her zaman görünür
Fighter = Savaş Uçağı
Great War Bomber = 1. Dünya Savaşı Bombacısı
Bomber = Bombardıman Uçağı
# Requires translation!
Norwegian Ski Infantry =
@ -4018,52 +4001,61 @@ Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
# Requires translation!
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills =
Landship = Kara Gemisi
Cavalry = Süvari
Cossack = Kazak
Artillery = Top
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Menzilli saldırılar engeller üzerinden yapılabilir
Rocket Artillery = Roket Topçuları
Ironclad = Zırhlı
Double movement in coast = Sahilde çift hareket
Destroyer = Destroyer
Fighter = Savaş Uçağı
Zero = Zero
Bomber = Bombardıman Uçağı
B17 = B17
Nuclear Missile = Nükleer Füze
Requires Manhattan Project = Manhattan Projesi gerektirir
Tank = Tank
Landship = Kara Gemisi
Destroyer = Destroyer
Can attack submarines = Denizaltılarına saldırabilir
Battleship = Savaş Gemisi
Submarine = Denizaltı
Can only attack water = Sadece su içindeyken saldırabilir
Can enter ice tiles = Buz çinilerine girebilir
Invisible to others = Başkalarına görünmez
Infantry = Piyade
Great War Infantry = 1. Dünya Savaşı Piyadesi
Foreign Legion = Yabancı Birlik
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = Dost bölge dışında +20% bonus
Mechanized Infantry = Mekanize Piyade
Infantry = Piyade
Machine Gun = Makineli Tüfek
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Uçak Savar
Modern Armor = Modern Zırhlı
Tank = Tank
Panzer = Panzer
Anti-Tank Gun = Tanksavar Silahı
Rocket Artillery = Roket Topçuları
Mechanized Infantry = Mekanize Piyade
Modern Armor = Modern Zırhlı
Great Artist = Harika Sanatçı
Can build improvement: Landmark = Geliştirme İnşaat edilebilir: Tarihi Eser

View file

@ -804,17 +804,6 @@ Strategic Resource = Стратегічний ресурс
Unhappiness = Нещастя
Victory Types = Види перемоги
Workers = Робітники
# Requires translation!
City Expansion = Розширення міста
# Requires translation!
Combat = Битва
# Requires translation!
Experience = Досвід
# Requires translation!
Pillaging = Мародерство
# Requires translation!
Research Agreements = Угоди про дослідження
# Other civilopedia things
Nations = Нації
@ -901,11 +890,9 @@ Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Показувати п
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
Indicates the capital city = Позначає столицю
Monument = Монумент
Monastery = Монастир
Temple = Храм
Palace = Палац
Monument = Монумент
Granary = Житниця
@ -964,7 +951,6 @@ The Great Lighthouse = Александрійський маяк
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% виробництва при створенні кінних підрозділів в цьому місті
Stable = Стайня
Colosseum = Колізей
Circus Maximus = Великий цирк
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = «Гадаю, якщо смертний почує слово Бога, це буде в садку надвечір» — Френк Франкфурт Мур.
@ -974,10 +960,12 @@ Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Видаляє надмірне
Can only be built in annexed cities = Можна збудувати тільки в анексованих містах
Courthouse = Суд
Colosseum = Колізей
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = «Стався до воїнів як до дітей, і вони підуть за тобою у найглибші долини; стався до воїнів як до улюблених синів, і вони будуть готові померти разом з тобою» — Су Цзи.
Terracotta Army = Терракотова армія
Temple = Храм
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Ворог отримує подвійну кількість золота, якщо місто було захоплено
Burial Tomb = Гробниця
@ -1003,6 +991,7 @@ Aqueduct = Акведук
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Ворожі наземні підрозділи мають витратити додатково 1 пункт руху на вашій території (до відкриття динаміту)
Great Wall = Великий китайський мур
Monastery = Монастир
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = «Він піднімається вгору до самого неба, виділяючись серед інших будівель, як ладдя в бурхливих хвилях відкритого моря… він весь сповнений сонячного світла, і здається, ніби храм сам випромінює світло» — Прокопій Кесарійський.
+33% great person generation in all cities = Cтворення видатних осіб в усіх містах +33%
@ -1162,10 +1151,10 @@ Neuschwanstein = Замок Нойшванштайн
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = Після народження нового жителя додається 25% їжі
Medical Lab = Медична лабораторія
Solar Plant = Сонячна електростанція
Nuclear Plant = Ядерна електростанція
Must be next to desert = Має бути біля пустелі
Solar Plant = Сонячна електростанція
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = «Хто не мріє, той не живе» — приказка австралійських аборигенів
Sydney Opera House = Сіднейський оперний театр
@ -2132,7 +2121,6 @@ Phitsanulok = Пхітсанулок
Kamphaeng Pet = Кампхэнг Пхет
Nakhom Chum = Нахон Чам
Vientiane = В’єнтьян
# Requires translation!
Nakhon Si Thammarat = Накхонсітхаммарат
Martaban = Моттама
Nakhon Sawan = Накхонсаван
@ -2224,7 +2212,6 @@ Argungu = Аргунгу
Gwandu = Гванду
Kebbi = Кеббі
Boussa = Боусса
# Requires translation!
Motpi = Мотпі
Bamako = Бамако
Wa = Ва
@ -2927,7 +2914,6 @@ Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Можна побудувати лише н
Moai = Моаї
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 їжа з кожної гори поруч
# Requires translation!
Cannot be built on bonus resource = Не може бути побудована на бонусному ресурсі
Terrace farm = Терасна ферма
@ -2940,34 +2926,26 @@ Barbarian encampment = Табір варварів
#################### Lines from TileResources.json ####################
Pasture = Вигін
Cattle = Худоба
Sheep = Вівці
Camp = Табір
Deer = Олені
Plantation = Плантація
Bananas = Банани
Farm = Ферма
Wheat = Пшениця
Quarry = Кар’єр
Stone = Камінь
Fishing Boats = Рибальські човни
Fish = Риба
Horses = Коні
Mine = Шахта
Iron = Залізо
Coal = Вугілля
Oil well = Нафтова свердловина
Oil = Нафта
Aluminum = Алюміній
@ -3183,14 +3161,12 @@ Scout = Розвідник
Ignores terrain cost = Ігнорує штрафи поверхні
Warrior = Воїн
Swordsman = Мечник
Maori Warrior = Воїн Маорі
Brute = Кремез
Archer = Лучник
Crossbowman = Арбалет
Bowman = Стрілець
@ -3202,12 +3178,10 @@ Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Не може заходити до
Trireme = Трієра
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Не може заходити до океанських клітинок
Caravel = Каравела
Chariot Archer = Лучник на колісниці
Rough terrain penalty = Пересічена місцевість важкопрохідна
No defensive terrain bonus = Місцевість не захищає
Knight = Лицар
War Chariot = Бойова колісниця
@ -3215,7 +3189,6 @@ War Elephant = Бойовий слон
Spearman = Списник
Bonus vs [unitType] = Перевага проти: [unitType]
Pikeman = Пікінер
Hoplite = Гопліт
@ -3224,11 +3197,10 @@ Persian Immortal = Безсмертний
Catapult = Катапульта
Must set up to ranged attack = Для дальніх атак треба розгорнути
Trebuchet = Требушет
Ballista = Баліста
Longswordsman = Довгий меч
Swordsman = Мечник
Legion = Легіон
Can construct roads = Може будувати дороги
@ -3242,18 +3214,18 @@ Can move after attacking = Може рухатись після атаки
Companion Cavalry = Гетайри
Gatling Gun = Кулемет Гатлінга
Crossbowman = Арбалет
Chu-Ko-Nu = Чо-ко-ну
Longbowman = Довгий лук
Trebuchet = Требушет
Limited Visibility = Обмежений огляд
Cannon = Гармата
Hwach'a = Хвача
Musketman = Мушкетник
Longswordsman = Довгий меч
Samurai = Самурай
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Висока вірогідність отримати у битві видатного генерала
@ -3261,14 +3233,14 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Висока вірогідніс
Berserker = Берсерк
Amphibious = Амфібій
Pikeman = Пікінер
Landsknecht = Ландскнехт
Can move immediately once bought = Може рухатись одразу після купівлі
Galleass = Галеас
Frigate = Фрегат
Cavalry = Кіннота
Knight = Лицар
Camel Archer = Лучник на верблюді
@ -3283,15 +3255,15 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Вершник Мандекалу
Keshik = Кешик
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% додаткового досвіду
Caravel = Каравела
May withdraw before melee = Може втекти від ближньобійника
+1 Visibility Range = Дальність огляду +1
Ironclad = Панцерник
Turtle Ship = Кобуксон
Artillery = Артилерія
Cannon = Гармата
Rifleman = Карабінер
Musketman = Мушкетник
Musketeer = Мушкетер
@ -3303,19 +3275,18 @@ Minuteman = Ополченець
Tercio = Терція
Battleship = Дредноут
Frigate = Фрегат
Ship of the Line = Лінкор
Lancer = Улан
Anti-Tank Gun = Протитанкова гармата
Sipahi = Сипахи
No movement cost to pillage = Для мародерства не витрачаються очки руху
Machine Gun = Кулемет
Gatling Gun = Кулемет Гатлінга
Great War Infantry = Піхота першої світової
Rifleman = Карабінер
Carrier = Авіаносець
Can carry 2 aircraft = Може нести 2 літаки
@ -3323,61 +3294,68 @@ Can carry 2 aircraft = Може нести 2 літаки
Triplane = Триплан
[amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = Можливе перехоплення повітряних атак [amount]%
6 tiles in every direction always visible = Завжди видно 6 клітинок у всіх напрямках
Fighter = Винищувач
Great War Bomber = Бомбардувальник Першої світової
Bomber = Бомбардувальник
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Норвезька лижна піхота
Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = Подвійне пересування у снігах, тундрі та на пагорбах
+25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = +25% бонус у снігах, тундрі та на пагорбах
Landship = Танкетка
Cavalry = Кіннота
Cossack = Козак
Artillery = Артилерія
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Можливий дальній бій понад перешкоди
Rocket Artillery = Ракетна артилерія
Ironclad = Панцерник
Double movement in coast = Подвійний рух на узбережжі
Destroyer = Есмінець
Fighter = Винищувач
Zero = Зеро
Bomber = Бомбардувальник
B17 = Бі-17
Nuclear Missile = Ядерна ракета
Requires Manhattan Project = Необхідний Мангеттенський проєкт
Tank = Танк
Landship = Танкетка
Destroyer = Есмінець
Can attack submarines = Може атакувати субмарини
Battleship = Дредноут
Submarine = Субмарина
Can only attack water = Може атакувати тільки на воді
Can enter ice tiles = Може проходити крізь лід
Invisible to others = Інші не бачать
Infantry = Піхота
Great War Infantry = Піхота першої світової
Foreign Legion = Іноземний легіон
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = За межами дружньої території атаки +20%
Mechanized Infantry = Механізована піхота
Infantry = Піхота
Machine Gun = Кулемет
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Зенітна гармата
Modern Armor = Сучасний танк
Tank = Танк
Panzer = Броньовик
Anti-Tank Gun = Протитанкова гармата
Rocket Artillery = Ракетна артилерія
Mechanized Infantry = Механізована піхота
Modern Armor = Сучасний танк
Great Artist = Видатний митець
Can build improvement: Landmark = Може будувати вдосконалення: Визначна пам’ятка
@ -3469,21 +3447,21 @@ Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is curre
What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = Що мотивує мене продовжувати працювати над нею, \n крім того, що я думаю, що це дивовижно, що я можу,\n це підтримка від гравців — ви, хлопці та дівчата найкращі!
Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Кожна оцінка та відгуки, які я отримую, викликають посмішку на моєму обличчі =).\n Тож зв’яжіться зі мною! Надішліть мені електронний лист, відгук, чи опис проблеми на Github\n або поштового голуба для того, щоб розібратися, як зробити гру \n ще більш чудовою!\n(Контактна інформація знаходиться в Google Play)
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Військові підрозділи можуть грабувати вдосконалення, оздоровлюючись на 25 одиниць, і тим самим руйнуючи його.\nНа клітині все ще можна працювати, проте переваги від удосконалення (бонуси до характеристики і бонусні ресурси) буде втрачено.\nРобітники можуть відновити ці вдосконалення, що займає менше часу, ніж будувати поліпшення з нуля.
Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Військові підрозділи можуть грабувати вдосконалення, яке оздоровляє їх на 25 здоров’я і зруйновує це вдосконалення.\nНа клітині все ще можна працювати, проте переваги від удосконалення (бонуси до характеристики і бонусні ресурси) буде втрачено.\nРобітники можуть відновити ці вдосконалення, що займає менше часу, ніж будувати поліпшення з нуля.
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Підрозділи у бою отримують досвід, який може бути використаний для підвищень цього підрозділа.\nПідрозділи отримують більше досвіду у ближньому бою ніж у дальньому, та більше під час нападу, аніж у захисті.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Підрозділи можуть отримувати від перемог над варварами лише до 30 одиниць досвіду — тобто до 2 підвищень. Після цього, перемоги над варварами більше не будуть приносити додатковий досвід.
Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = Підрозділ та міста зношуються в результаті бою, на який впливає ряд різних значень.\nКожна одиниця має певне «початкове» бойове значення, яке може бути покращено за певних умов, підвищень та розташування.
Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = Підрозділи використовують «Силу» як початкове бойове значення при атаці у ближньому бою та при обороні.\nПід час дального бою замість цього використовують значення «Сила у дальньому бою».
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Дальні атаки можуть бути виконані на відстані, що залежить від значення «Дальність» у підрозділа.\nЯкщо атакувати ворога ближньою атакою, то він може дати відсіч, проте у випадку дальньої атаки такого не буде.
Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependant on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = Дальні атаки можуть бути зробленими на відстані, що залежить від значення «Дальність» у підрозділа.\nЯкщо атакувати ворога ближньою атакою, то він може дати відсіч, проте у випадку з дальньою атакою такого не буде.
In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreeent, you will both recieve a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = В угодах про дослідження ви та інша цивілізація вирішили спільно дослідити технологію.\nПісля завершення угоди ви отримаєте «одноразову суму» науки, яка піде на користь одній з ваших невивчених технологій.
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Кількість науки, яку ви зрештою отримаєте, залежить від науки, створеної вашими містами та іншими містами цивілізації під час угоди — чим більше, тим краще!
The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = Кількість науки, яку ви отримаєте в кінці кінців, залежить від науки, створеної вашими містами та іншими цивілізаційними містами під час угоди — чим більше, тим краще!
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Не всі країни змагаються з вами за перемогу.\nМіста-держави — це країни, які не можуть ані перемогти, ані завойовувати інші міста, також торгівля з ними неможлива.
Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = Не всі країни змагаються з вами за перемогу.\nМіста-держиви — це країни, які не можуть перемогти, не завойовувати інші міста і не можуть торгувати з ними.
Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = Натомість дипломатичні відносини з державами-містами визначаються Впливом — «наскільки містам-державам ви подобаєтеся».\nВплив можна збільшити шляхом атаки їхніх ворогів, звільнення їхнього міста чи просто пожертвуванням купи золота.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Певні бонуси надаються коли у вас є понад 30 од. Впливу.\nКоли ви маєте більше 60 од. Впливу і найбільший вплив у цьому місті-державі серед інших цивілізацій, місто-держава буде вважати вас своїм «союзником» і ви будете отримувати подальші бонуси та доступ до стратегічних ресурсів та ресурсів розкоші на їхніх землях.
Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = Певні бонуси надаються коли у вас є понад 30 од. Впливу.\nКоли ви маєте більше 60 од. впливу і найбільший вплив у цьому місті-державі серед інших цивілізацій, місто-держава буде вважати вас своїм «союзником» і ви будете отримувати подальші бонуси та доступ до стратегічних ресурсів та ресурсів розкоші на їхніх землях.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Природні дива, як от г. Фудзі, Гібралтарська скеля та Великий бар’єрний риф, є унікальними, непрохідними особливостями місцевості, шедеврами матінки природи, які володіють надзвичайними особливостями, що відрізняють їх від середньостатистичної місцевості.\nПриродні дива є корисними, бо вони надають величезну кількість культури, науки, золота чи виробництва, якщо вони працюють біля ваших міст, тому вам може знадобитися якнайшвидше захопити їх для своєї імперії.

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
Traditional_Chinese = 58
Italian = 99
Italian = 100
Polish = 93
Russian = 89
Russian = 88
Romanian = 42
Korean = 79
Simplified_Chinese = 89
Korean = 78
German = 80
German = 83
Japanese = 60
Turkish = 73
English = 1
Ukrainian = 99
Ukrainian = 100
French = 87
Portuguese = 45
Portuguese = 49
Indonesian = 99
Czech = 63
Spanish = 70

View file

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ allprojects {
version = '1.0.1'
ext {
appName = "Unciv"
appCodeNumber = 420
appVersion = "3.8.3"
appCodeNumber = 421
appVersion = "3.8.4"
gdxVersion = '1.9.10'
roboVMVersion = '2.3.1'

View file

@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
## 3.8.4
Better "declare war" and city battle decisions (hopefully) for AI
Minimap shows entire map again - now looks good for both rectangular and hexagonal maps
Resolved #2536 - cities correctly expand to the last available tile
Game always resume previous screen on resume(), and autosaves on pause
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Performance improvements
- Translation generation for mods doesn't add entries that exist in base translation
Translation updates
## 3.8.3
Performance improvement - by vainiovano

View file

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ open class Popup(val screen: CameraStageBaseScreen): Table(CameraStageBaseScreen
open fun close() {
if (screen.popups.isNotEmpty()) screen.popups[0].isVisible = true
val nextPopup = screen.stage.actors.firstOrNull { it is Popup }
if (nextPopup != null) nextPopup.isVisible = true
fun addGoodSizedLabel(text: String, size:Int=18): Cell<Label> {