package com.unciv.ui import com.unciv.ui.utils.AutoScrollPane as ScrollPane import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx import import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.* import com.unciv.UncivGame import com.unciv.logic.GameInfo import com.unciv.logic.GameSaver import com.unciv.logic.IdChecker import import com.unciv.ui.pickerscreens.PickerScreen import com.unciv.ui.utils.* import com.unciv.ui.worldscreen.mainmenu.OnlineMultiplayer import java.util.* import kotlin.concurrent.thread class MultiplayerScreen() : PickerScreen() { private lateinit var selectedGame: GameInfo private lateinit var selectedGameName: String private var multiplayerGameList = mutableMapOf() private val rightSideTable = Table() private val leftSideTable = Table() private val editButtonText = "Edit Game Info".tr() private val addGameText = "Add Multiplayer Game".tr() private val copyGameIdText = "Copy Game ID".tr() private val copyUserIdText = "Copy User ID".tr() private val refreshText = "Refresh List".tr() private val editButton = TextButton(editButtonText, skin).apply { disable() } private val addGameButton = TextButton(addGameText, skin) private val copyGameIdButton = TextButton(copyGameIdText, skin).apply { disable() } private val copyUserIdButton = TextButton(copyUserIdText, skin) private val refreshButton = TextButton(refreshText, skin) init { setDefaultCloseAction() //Help Button Setup val tab = Table() val helpButton = TextButton("?", skin) helpButton.onClick { val helpPopup = Popup(this) helpPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID.".tr()).row() helpPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game.".tr()).row() helpPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("").row() helpPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Once you've created your game, the Game ID gets automatically copied to your clipboard so you can send it to the other players.".tr()).row() helpPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the 'Add Multiplayer Game' button".tr()).row() helpPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("").row() helpPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("The symbol of your nation will appear next to the game when it's your turn".tr()).row() helpPopup.addCloseButton() } tab.add(helpButton) tab.x = (stage.width - helpButton.width) tab.y = (stage.height - helpButton.height) stage.addActor(tab) //TopTable Setup //Have to put it into a separate Table to be able to add another copyGameID button val mainTable = Table() mainTable.add(ScrollPane(leftSideTable).apply { setScrollingDisabled(true, false) }).height(stage.height*2/3) mainTable.add(rightSideTable) topTable.add(mainTable).row() scrollPane.setScrollingDisabled(false, true) //leftTable Setup reloadGameListUI() //A Button to add the currently running game to multiplayerGameList if not yet done addCurrentGameButton() //rightTable Setup copyUserIdButton.onClick { = UncivGame.Current.settings.userId ResponsePopup("UserID copied to clipboard".tr(), this) } rightSideTable.add(copyUserIdButton).pad(10f).padBottom(30f).row() copyGameIdButton.onClick { = selectedGame.gameId ResponsePopup("GameID copied to clipboard".tr(), this) } rightSideTable.add(copyGameIdButton).pad(10f).row() editButton.onClick { UncivGame.Current.setScreen(EditMultiplayerGameInfoScreen(selectedGame, selectedGameName, this)) //game must be unselected in case the game gets deleted inside the EditScreen unselectGame() } rightSideTable.add(editButton).pad(10f).row() addGameButton.onClick { UncivGame.Current.setScreen(AddMultiplayerGameScreen(this)) } rightSideTable.add(addGameButton).pad(10f).padBottom(30f).row() refreshButton.onClick { redownloadAllGames() } rightSideTable.add(refreshButton).pad(10f).row() //RightSideButton Setup rightSideButton.setText("Join Game".tr()) rightSideButton.onClick { joinMultiplaerGame() } } //Adds a new Multiplayer game to the List //gameId must be nullable because clipboard content could be null fun addMultiplayerGame(gameId: String?, gameName: String = ""){ try { //since the gameId is a String it can contain anything and has to be checked UUID.fromString(IdChecker.checkAndReturnGameUuid(gameId!!)) } catch (ex: Exception) { val errorPopup = Popup(this) errorPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Invalid game ID!".tr()) errorPopup.row() errorPopup.addCloseButton() return } if (gameIsAlreadySavedAsMultiplayer(gameId)) { ResponsePopup("Game is already added".tr(), this) return } thread(name="MultiplayerDownload") { addGameButton.setText("Working...".tr()) addGameButton.disable() try { // The tryDownload can take more than 500ms. Therefore, to avoid ANRs, // we need to run it in a different thread. val game = OnlineMultiplayer().tryDownloadGame(gameId.trim()) if (gameName == "") GameSaver.saveGame(game, game.gameId, true) else GameSaver.saveGame(game, gameName, true) reloadGameListUI() } catch (ex: Exception) { val errorPopup = Popup(this) errorPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Could not download game!".tr()) errorPopup.row() errorPopup.addCloseButton() } addGameButton.setText(addGameText) addGameButton.enable() } } //just loads the game from savefile //the game will be downloaded opon joining it anyway private fun joinMultiplaerGame(){ try { UncivGame.Current.loadGame(selectedGame) } catch (ex: Exception) { val errorPopup = Popup(this) errorPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Could not download game!".tr()) errorPopup.row() errorPopup.addCloseButton() } } private fun gameIsAlreadySavedAsMultiplayer(gameId: String) : Boolean{ return multiplayerGameList.containsKey(gameId) } //reloads all gameFiles to refresh UI fun reloadGameListUI(){ val leftSubTable = Table() val gameSaver = GameSaver var savedGames : List? try { savedGames = gameSaver.getSaves(true) }catch (ex: Exception) { val errorPopup = Popup(this) errorPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Could not refresh!".tr()) errorPopup.row() errorPopup.addCloseButton() return } for (gameSaveName in savedGames) { try { val gameTable = Table() val game = gameSaver.loadGameByName(gameSaveName, true) //Add games to list so saves don't have to be loaded as Files so often if (!gameIsAlreadySavedAsMultiplayer(game.gameId)) multiplayerGameList.put(game.gameId, gameSaveName) if (isUsersTurn(game)) { gameTable.add(ImageGetter.getNationIndicator(game.currentPlayerCiv.nation, 45f)) }else{ gameTable.add() } val lastModifiedMillis = gameSaver.getSave(gameSaveName, true).lastModified() val gameButton = TextButton(gameSaveName, skin) gameButton.onClick { selectedGame = game selectedGameName = gameSaveName copyGameIdButton.enable() editButton.enable() rightSideButton.enable() //get Minutes since last modified val lastSavedMinutesAgo = (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastModifiedMillis) / 60000 var descriptionText = "Last refresh: [$lastSavedMinutesAgo] minutes ago".tr() + "\r\n" descriptionText += "Current Turn:".tr() + " ${selectedGame.currentPlayer}\r\n" descriptionLabel.setText(descriptionText) } gameTable.add(gameButton).pad(5f).row() leftSubTable.add(gameTable).row() }catch (ex: Exception) { //skipping one save is not fatal ResponsePopup("Could not refresh!".tr(), this) continue } } leftSideTable.clear() leftSideTable.add(leftSubTable) } //redownload all games to update the list //can maybe replaced when notification support gets introduced private fun redownloadAllGames(){ addGameButton.disable() refreshButton.setText("Working...".tr()) refreshButton.disable() //One thread for all downloads thread (name = "multiplayerGameDownload") { for (gameId in multiplayerGameList.keys) { try { val game = OnlineMultiplayer().tryDownloadGame(gameId) GameSaver.saveGame(game, multiplayerGameList.getValue(gameId), true) } catch (ex: Exception) { //skipping one is not fatal //Trying to use as many prev. used strings as possible ResponsePopup("Could not download game!".tr() + " ${multiplayerGameList.getValue(gameId)}", this) continue } } //Reset UI addGameButton.enable() refreshButton.setText(refreshText) refreshButton.enable() unselectGame() reloadGameListUI() } } //Adds a Button to add the currently running game to multiplayerGameList private fun addCurrentGameButton(){ val currentlyRunningGame = UncivGame.Current.gameInfo if (!currentlyRunningGame.gameParameters.isOnlineMultiplayer || gameIsAlreadySavedAsMultiplayer(currentlyRunningGame.gameId)) return val currentGameButton = TextButton("Add Currently Running Game".tr(), skin) currentGameButton.onClick { if (gameIsAlreadySavedAsMultiplayer(currentlyRunningGame.gameId)) return@onClick try { GameSaver.saveGame(currentlyRunningGame, currentlyRunningGame.gameId, true) reloadGameListUI() } catch (ex: Exception) { val errorPopup = Popup(this) errorPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Could not save game!".tr()) errorPopup.row() errorPopup.addCloseButton() } } topTable.add(currentGameButton) } //It doesn't really unselect the game because selectedGame cant be null //It just disables everything a selected game has set private fun unselectGame(){ editButton.disable() copyGameIdButton.disable() rightSideButton.disable() descriptionLabel.setText("") } //check if its the users turn private fun isUsersTurn(game: GameInfo) : Boolean{ return (game.currentPlayerCiv.playerId == UncivGame.Current.settings.userId) } fun removeFromList(gameId: String){ multiplayerGameList.remove(gameId) } } //Subscreen of MultiplayerScreen to edit and delete saves //backScreen is used for getting back to the MultiplayerScreen so it doesn't have to be created over and over again class EditMultiplayerGameInfoScreen(game: GameInfo, gameName: String, backScreen: MultiplayerScreen): PickerScreen(){ init { val textField = TextField(gameName, skin) topTable.add(Label("Rename".tr(), skin)).row() topTable.add(textField).pad(10f).padBottom(30f).width(stage.width/2).row() //TODO Change delete to "give up" //->turn a player into an AI so everyone can still play without the user //->should only be possible on the users turn because it has to be uploaded afterwards val deleteButton = TextButton("Delete save".tr(), skin) deleteButton.onClick { val askPopup = Popup(this) askPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Are you sure you want to delete this map?".tr()).row() askPopup.addButton("Yes"){ try { GameSaver.deleteSave(gameName, true) UncivGame.Current.setScreen(backScreen) backScreen.reloadGameListUI() }catch (ex: Exception) { askPopup.close() ResponsePopup("Could not delete game!".tr(), this) } } askPopup.addButton("No"){ askPopup.close() } }.apply { color = Color.RED } topTable.add(deleteButton) //CloseButton Setup closeButton.setText("Back".tr()) closeButton.onClick { UncivGame.Current.setScreen(backScreen) } //RightSideButton Setup rightSideButton.setText("Save game".tr()) rightSideButton.enable() rightSideButton.onClick { rightSideButton.setText("Saving...".tr()) try { backScreen.removeFromList(game.gameId) //using addMultiplayerGame will download the game from Dropbox so the descriptionLabel displays the right things backScreen.addMultiplayerGame(game.gameId, textField.text) GameSaver.deleteSave(gameName, true) UncivGame.Current.setScreen(backScreen) backScreen.reloadGameListUI() }catch (ex: Exception) { val errorPopup = Popup(this) errorPopup.addGoodSizedLabel("Could not save game!".tr()) errorPopup.row() errorPopup.addCloseButton() } } } } class AddMultiplayerGameScreen(backScreen: MultiplayerScreen) : PickerScreen(){ init { val gameNameTextField = TextField("", skin) val gameIDTextField = TextField("", skin) val pasteGameIDButton = TextButton("Paste gameID from clipboard", skin) pasteGameIDButton.onClick { gameIDTextField.text = } topTable.add(Label("GameID".tr(), skin)).row() val gameIDTable = Table() gameIDTable.add(gameIDTextField).pad(10f).width(2*stage.width/3 - pasteGameIDButton.width) gameIDTable.add(pasteGameIDButton) topTable.add(gameIDTable).padBottom(30f).row() topTable.add(Label("Game name".tr(), skin)).row() topTable.add(gameNameTextField).pad(10f).padBottom(30f).width(stage.width/2).row() //CloseButton Setup closeButton.setText("Back".tr()) closeButton.onClick { UncivGame.Current.setScreen(backScreen) } //RightSideButton Setup rightSideButton.setText("Save game".tr()) rightSideButton.enable() rightSideButton.onClick { try { UUID.fromString(IdChecker.checkAndReturnGameUuid(gameIDTextField.text)) }catch (ex: Exception){ ResponsePopup("Invalid game ID!".tr(), this) return@onClick } backScreen.addMultiplayerGame(gameIDTextField.text.trim(), gameNameTextField.text.trim()) UncivGame.Current.setScreen(backScreen) } } }