Later, we could use this info to display to the user in the load game screen Solved #394 - couldn't scroll map far on edges, some tiles were hard to get to
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package com.unciv.logic
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color
import com.unciv.GameParameters
import com.unciv.logic.automation.NextTurnAutomation
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.CivilizationInfo
import com.unciv.logic.civilization.PlayerType
import com.unciv.logic.map.TileInfo
import com.unciv.logic.map.TileMap
import com.unciv.models.gamebasics.GameBasics
import com.unciv.ui.utils.getRandom
class GameInfo {
var civilizations = mutableListOf<CivilizationInfo>()
var difficulty="Chieftain" // difficulty is game-wide, think what would happen if 2 human players could play on diffferent difficulties?
var tileMap: TileMap = TileMap()
var gameParameters=GameParameters()
var turns = 0
var oneMoreTurnMode=false
//region pure functions
fun clone(): GameInfo {
val toReturn = GameInfo()
toReturn.tileMap = tileMap.clone()
toReturn.civilizations.addAll(civilizations.map { it.clone() })
toReturn.turns = turns
toReturn.gameParameters = gameParameters
return toReturn
fun getPlayerCivilization(): CivilizationInfo = civilizations[0]
fun getBarbarianCivilization(): CivilizationInfo = civilizations[1]
fun getDifficulty() = GameBasics.Difficulties[difficulty]!!
fun nextTurn() {
val player = getPlayerCivilization()
for (civInfo in civilizations) {
if (civInfo.tech.techsToResearch.isEmpty()) { // should belong in automation? yes/no?
val researchableTechs = GameBasics.Technologies.values
.filter { !civInfo.tech.isResearched(it.name) && civInfo.tech.canBeResearched(it.name) }
civInfo.tech.techsToResearch.add(researchableTechs.minBy { it.cost }!!.name)
// We need to update the stats after ALL the cities are done updating because
// maybe one of them has a wonder that affects the stats of all the rest of the cities
for (civInfo in civilizations.filterNot { it == player || (it.isDefeated() && !it.isBarbarianCivilization()) }) {
if (turns % 10 == 0) { // every 10 turns add a barbarian in a random place
// Start our turn immediately before the player can made decisions - affects whether our units can commit automated actions and then be attacked immediately etc.
val enemyUnitsCloseToTerritory = player.viewableTiles
.filter {
it.militaryUnit != null && it.militaryUnit!!.civInfo != player
&& player.isAtWarWith(it.militaryUnit!!.civInfo)
&& (it.getOwner() == player || it.neighbors.any { neighbor -> neighbor.getOwner() == player })
for (enemyUnitTile in enemyUnitsCloseToTerritory) {
val inOrNear = if (enemyUnitTile.getOwner() == player) "in" else "near"
val unitName = enemyUnitTile.militaryUnit!!.name
player.addNotification("An enemy [$unitName] was spotted $inOrNear our territory", enemyUnitTile.position, Color.RED)
fun placeBarbarianUnit(tileToPlace: TileInfo?) {
var tile = tileToPlace
if (tileToPlace == null) {
// Barbarians will only spawn in places that no one can see
val allViewableTiles = civilizations.filterNot { it.isBarbarianCivilization() }
.flatMap { it.viewableTiles }.toHashSet()
val viableTiles = tileMap.values.filterNot { allViewableTiles.contains(it) || it.militaryUnit != null || it.civilianUnit != null }
if (viableTiles.isEmpty()) return // no place for more barbs =(
tile = viableTiles.getRandom()
tileMap.placeUnitNearTile(tile!!.position, "Warrior", getBarbarianCivilization())
fun setTransients() {
tileMap.gameInfo = this
// this is separated into 2 loops because when we activate updateViewableTiles in civ.setTransients,
// we try to find new civs, and we check if civ is barbarian, which we can't know unless the gameInfo is already set.
for (civInfo in civilizations) civInfo.gameInfo = this
// PlayerType was only added in 2.11.1, so we need to adjust for older saved games
if(civilizations.all { it.playerType==PlayerType.AI })
difficulty= getPlayerCivilization().difficulty
for (civInfo in civilizations) civInfo.setTransients()
for (civInfo in civilizations) {
// we have to remove hydro plants from all cities BEFORE we update a single one,
// because updating leads to getting the building uniques from the civ info,
// which in turn leads to us trying to get info on all the building in all the cities...
// which can fail i there's an "unregistered" building anywhere
for (cityInfo in civInfo.cities) {
val cityConstructions = cityInfo.cityConstructions
// As of 2.9.6, removed hydro plant, since it requires rivers, which we do not yet have
if ("Hydro Plant" in cityConstructions.builtBuildings)
cityConstructions.builtBuildings.remove("Hydro Plant")
if (cityConstructions.currentConstruction == "Hydro Plant") {
cityConstructions.currentConstruction = ""
for (cityInfo in civInfo.cities) cityInfo.cityStats.update()
} |