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"name": "Babylon",
"translatedName": "巴比伦",
"leaderName": "尼布甲尼撒二世",
"adjective": ["巴比伦的"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Tundra"],
"startIntroPart1": "愿上天祝福你伟大的尼布甲尼撒古老而强大的巴比伦之父五千年前人类文明尚处幼年萨尔贡已经建立了巴比伦城。此后的巴比伦持续成长繁荣到公元前18世纪由神一般的“立法者”汉谟拉比开创了第一个帝国。虽然曾经一度被加喜特人和亚述人征服巴比伦还是象浴火凤凰那样顽强地从灰烬中重生再次从众多敌人手中赢得独立。巴比伦确实是远古世界的艺术与学术中心",
"startIntroPart2": "尼布甲尼撒啊你的帝国在你去世后不久沦陷于波斯入侵者然后又被希腊人占据伟大的巴比伦城在公元前141年最终毁灭。但是巴比伦文明真的永远消逝了吗伟大的尼布甲尼撒你的人民期待你再次恢复帝国的生命你愿意接受挑战吗你能够开创一个历久弥新的文明吗",
"declaringWar": "魔鬼们渴望着战士的鲜血。来开始这场杀戮之舞吧!",
"attacked": "寻找死亡的人们啊,我会满足你的要求。",
"defeated": "都结束了。也许我终于想要和平了。",
"introduction": "我是尼布甲尼撒。你是真人还是我胡思乱想出来的幽灵?",
"neutralHello": "欢迎您的到来!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["我正在听。","你想做什么?"],
"neutralNo": ["答应是你我的情分,拒绝你是我的本分,可惜你我没有情分。","绝对不行。","这是不可接受的!"],
"neutralYes": ["成交!","好的!","同意!"],
"hateHello": "你想做什么?!",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["我确实在听。","我在听!"],
"hateNo": ["不行!","绝对不行。","这是不可接受的!"],
"hateYes": ["同意!"],
"afterPeace": "愚蠢啊,愚蠢啊——让我活下去。对敌人的仁慈是一剂自杀的毒药。",
"tradeRequest": "看来你确实有存在的理由—给我提供些有价值的东西吧。",
"outerColor": [27,53,63],
"innerColor": [213,249,255],
"uniqueName": "智慧创新",
"unique": "发明文字后立即获得一个大科学家,大科学家点数积累速率+50%",
"cities": ["巴比伦","阿卡德","杜尔-库里加尔祖","尼普尔","博尔西帕","西帕尔","俄庇斯","马里","苏萨","埃什努那",
"name": "Greece",
"translatedName": "希腊",
"leaderName": "亚历山大",
"adjective": ["希腊的"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"startIntroPart1": "愿诸神赐福予您亚历山大大帝希腊民族的统治者。长久以来您的人民居住在一个个独立的城邦里。雅典、斯巴达、底比斯带给世界一份又一份伟大的献礼——民主、哲学、悲剧、艺术、建筑这些都是西方文明的基石。城邦间时而友好、时而争战人口亦不多却在公元前5世纪击败了他们最强大的邻居——波斯帝国。",
"startIntroPart2": "亚历山大,您的人民已经准备好踏上征途,去传扬伟大的希腊文化,并为您带来永恒的荣耀。我王,准备好迎接您的命运了吗?您有信心凯旋而归,成就伟业吗?您所打造的文明,能够长盛不衰吗?",
"declaringWar": "果敢无战不胜,刚毅无征不服。拿起长剑与我一决高下吧!",
"attacked": "能够战胜恐惧就能战胜死亡。你只不过是我通向胜利道路上的一块垫脚石。",
"defeated": "世界是我的故乡,我将长眠于此,并用双眼亲自见证你的神话。努力去征服吧!",
"introduction": "幸会!我是亚历山大,列王的子嗣,神灵的后裔!你能这么介绍自己吗?",
"neutralHello": "欢迎您的到来!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["我听着呢。","请继续。","可以了吗?","继续说。"],
"neutralNo": ["商人的庇护神赫耳墨斯告诉我这并不公平。","绝对不行。","这事绝对不能接受的。"],
"neutralYes": ["当然!","非常好!","真是绝佳的安排啊!"],
"hateHello": "什么?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["废话快说。","还有呢?","继续。"],
"hateNo": ["这并不令人愉快。","可不可以坦诚一些,少装模作样!","哼哼,如此做作我恕难奉陪!"],
"hateYes": ["不错的交易。","既然如此我就投桃报李了。","非常好!但愿下次也如这般。"],
"afterPeace": "在通向胜利前偶尔也可以停下来欣赏风景。",
"tradeRequest": "我的朋友,这笔交易对你还算公平吧?",
"outerColor": [181, 232, 232],
"innerColor": [68,142,249],
"cities": ["雅典","斯巴达","科林斯","阿尔戈斯","克诺索斯","迈锡尼","法萨卢斯","以弗所","哈利卡纳苏斯","罗德",
"name": "China",
"translatedName": "中华",
"leaderName": "武则天",
"adjective": ["中华的"],
"startIntroPart1": "皇天眷顾您,至尊至圣的华夏天子则天大帝!万岁!闭月羞花沉鱼落雁的女皇!您是自有人类以来最古老和最伟大的文明——中华文明的领袖。拨开时间的迷雾,回溯中国的历史,早在其他文明尚无踪迹的时代,华夏人民已经完成了无数伟大的业绩。任何公正的评论者都会承认中国在艺术和科学上的贡献太繁多、太奇妙——印刷术、火药、夫子之道——这仅仅是中华文明为这个蛮荒世界带来的无数珍礼中的沧海一粟!",
"startIntroPart2": "您,从芸芸嫔妃中脱颖而出成为圣明的天后,并最终登上皇帝的宝座。当伟大的中央天朝再次面对四方戎狄侵扰之时,您的百姓呼唤您领导他们!您能战胜您所有的敌人并再造一个辉煌的盛世吗?您能建起一个万古长存的文明吗?",
"declaringWar": "朕目之所及,皆为唐土,不沐教化者必成齑粉!",
"attacked": "无知蛮夷,犯我强汉者,虽远必诛!",
"defeated": "胜败乃兵家常事。九世犹可以复仇乎?虽百世可也。阁下好自为之。",
"introduction": "你好,我是女皇帝武则天。中国追求和平以谋求自身发展。人不犯我,我不犯人。",
"neutralHello": "今日天朗气清,惠风和畅,阁下所为何来?",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["请仔细道来。","所为何事?","朕姑且听之。"],
"neutralNo": ["不可。","不可行。","此事断不可行。"],
"neutralYes": ["朕允了。","此事就依阁下所请。","好的,阁下真是快人快语。"],
"hateHello": "阁下别来无恙?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["阁下还有何事?","请详细道来。"],
"hateNo": ["此事断不可行。","住口。竟说出如此粗鄙之语。","无耻之徒,还不快滚。"],
"hateYes": ["纵然有亏,朕勉强受之。","好。就勉强依你所请,望好自珍重。"],
"afterPeace": "昊天上帝在上,愿阁下天命长存霸业永延。",
"tradeRequest": "朕之决断阁下以为如何?",
"outerColor": [9, 112, 84],
"innerColor": [255,255,255],
"uniqueName": "兵法韬略",
"unique": "大军事家提供双倍战斗力加成,大军事家产生速率+50%",
"cities": ["北京","上海","广州","南京","西安","成都","杭州","天津","澳门","山东",
"name": "Egypt",
"translatedName": "埃及",
"leaderName": "拉美西斯二世",
"adjective": ["埃及的"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Jungle","Avoid Forest"],
"startIntroPart1": "恭迎埃及法老拉美西斯大王,太阳因您而升起、尼罗河水因您而流动、全埃及的人民因您而受到赐福!我主,在远古蒙昧之际,您的人民便住在尼罗河岸上。他们将文字带来世间,又善于计算,更创造了无数雕刻和建筑。数千年前,您的人民所建立的纪念碑,至今仍屹立不倒,仍然是人民的骄傲。",
"startIntroPart2": "我主拉美西斯,无数年来,您的人民正在忍受苦难,目睹了一个又一个卑下民族的兴盛,然后一个接一个地归于尘土。您的人民引颈以待,等着您带领他们再一次成就伟大。我主,您能再一次为众神增光吗?您能将埃及带回世界的中心吗?您能建起一个流传万世的文明吗? ",
"declaringWar": "小小蝼蚁般的可悲文明,去死吧。",
"attacked": "可怜的蠢蛋。你在毁灭你自己和你可悲的文明。",
"defeated": "你什么也没得到。就算把我打倒,我的灵魂也会将你永堕深渊。",
"introduction": "向你致意。我是拉美西斯神,我是所有其他文明的父母之邦——埃及的化身。",
"neutralHello": "真是美好的一天。",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["继续。","请讲。","我正倾耳听之。"],
"neutralNo": ["不可。","绝对不可行。"],
"neutralYes": ["可以。","很好。"],
"hateHello": "是你啊,有何贵干?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["现在吗?","请将你的请求和盘托出。"],
"hateNo": ["这不可接受。","你能认真点吗?"],
"hateYes": ["很好。","我可以同意。"],
"afterPeace": "你知道我完全能够消灭你,但是我今天我选择宽容。",
"tradeRequest": "慷慨的埃及向你提议以下交易。",
"outerColor": [ 231, 213, 0],
"innerColor": [98,10,210],
"uniqueName": "永恒建筑",
"unique": "建造奇观时产能积累速率+20%",
"cities": ["底比斯","孟斐斯","赫利奥波利斯","埃勒凡他尼","亚历山大","塔尔-拉美西斯","吉萨","比布鲁斯","阿肯塔顿","希拉孔波利斯",
"name": "England",
"translatedName": "英格兰",
"leaderName": "伊丽莎白",
"adjective": ["英格兰的"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"startIntroPart1": "歌颂尊贵的荣光的伊丽莎白女王陛下。您是海洋大国英格兰的领袖与守护者。英格兰是一片古老的土地,三万五千年前就有人居住。这座岛屿经历过一波又一波的入侵,每一次都增加了这个国家文化族群的多样性。英格兰并不大,但她的人民一直主宰着世界舞台。英格兰人并不多,但却拥有无与伦比的水手、才华横溢的艺人、精明干练的商人,英格兰人的影响力远超于想象。",
"startIntroPart2": "伊丽莎白女王,期望您能为英格兰人民带来一个黄金时代。他们期待着和平与富裕。您能继承英格兰伟大的传统吗?您能够重建日不落帝国,并经受住时间的考验吗?",
"declaringWar": "太阳照耀之地,皆应为我王道所御!",
"attacked": "英格兰永不屈服!我们要在天空、大地、海洋上碾碎你们!",
"defeated": "这不是结束,甚至不是结束的开始,而可能是开始的结束。别太得意了!",
"introduction": "当你最需要我时,一定会发现我最盛情的友谊。我为你所做的付出,一定会比我能说的还要多。",
"neutralHello": "你好,又见面了。",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["继续。","请讲。"],
"neutralNo": ["虽然很失礼,但这不可接受。","接受与不接受之间,我选择拒绝。"],
"neutralYes": ["当然可以。","很好。"],
"hateHello": "是你啊,你好。",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["我在听。","你在说什么?"],
"hateNo": ["你不会是认真的吧。","如果一定要接受,我宁愿与撒旦交易。"],
"hateYes": ["嗯,还不错。","我决定接受。"],
"afterPeace": "忍耐和时间,往往比力量和愤怒更有效,姑且待之。",
"tradeRequest": "我亲爱的朋友,你有兴趣与英格兰做一笔交易吗?",
"outerColor": [ 114, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,255,255],
"uniqueName": "日不落",
"unique": "所有海军单位+2移动力",
"cities": ["伦敦","约克","诺丁汉","海斯汀","坎特伯雷","考文垂","华威","纽卡斯尔","牛津","利物浦",
"name": "France",
"translatedName": "法兰西",
"leaderName": "拿破仑",
"adjective": ["法兰西的"],
"startIntroPart1": "万岁!第一执政、法兰西人民的皇帝拿破仑陛下战无不胜!法国是欧洲的心脏,长久以来,巴黎是世界文化、艺术与文学的中心。纵使有不少对手一直虎视眈眈,摆出敌国的姿态,法国仍能成就她的伟大,长久不衰。法国有世上最优秀的将士,他们的凯歌,从世界的一端奏响至另一端。",
"startIntroPart2": "拿破仑·波拿巴,法兰西渴望着您重建帝国的日子。法国向往着荣耀与伟大。法国期待再一次成为高雅文化的荟萃之地。皇帝陛下,您能再一次将仇敌踩在脚下吗?您所建立的法兰西帝国,能够长盛不衰吗?",
"declaringWar": "我志在成功,未尝踌躇,来与我大战一场吧。",
"attacked": "小小蝼蚁,用吾之手埋汝之骨。",
"defeated": "从伟大崇高到荒谬可笑,其间只相差一步。",
"introduction": "欢迎你。我是法兰西帝国皇帝拿破仑,世界历史上最伟大的军事天才!",
"neutralHello": "你好。",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["继续。","我在听。","请讲。","你说什么?"],
"neutralNo": ["我拒绝。","绝对不行。","不行"],
"neutralYes": ["这是极好的。","很好。","我接受了。"],
"hateHello": "是你啊。",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["请讲。"],
"hateNo": ["我们不与撒旦交易。","绝对不行。","不可接受。"],
"hateYes": ["好吧。","唉,无法选择之下也只好如此了。","当然。","很好。"],
"afterPeace": "没有人能逃脱自己的命运。人不会两次踏进同一条河流,祝你好运。",
"tradeRequest": "我的朋友,法兰西有一个卑微的提议。",
"outerColor": [ 38, 98, 255],
"innerColor": [239,236,148],
"uniqueName": "传统制度",
"unique": "获得蒸汽机科技前每个城市每回合+2文化",
"cities": ["巴黎","奥尔良","里昂","特鲁瓦","图尔","马赛","沙特尔","阿维尼翁","卢昂","格勒诺布尔",
"name": "Russia",
"translatedName": "俄罗斯",
"leaderName": "叶卡捷琳娜",
"adjective": ["俄罗斯的"],
"startBias": ["Tundra"],
"startIntroPart1": "祝福您,至高无上的叶卡捷琳娜陛下,俄罗斯人民完美的女皇。在您治下的是一个世界上最庞大的国家。强大的俄罗斯帝国,拥有着东起太平洋、西至波罗的海之间的广袤土地。尽管受到战争、干旱和种种灾祸的威胁,英勇的俄罗斯人民成功地生存了下来,并走向兴旺发达,他们的艺术家和科学家们更是世界上数一数二的。时至今日,俄罗斯仍然是人类历史上最为强盛的国家之一,是一个真正的超级强权,驾驭着发明史上最为巨大的破坏性力量。",
"startIntroPart2": "叶卡捷琳娜啊,您的人民期盼地看着您,带领他们迈向帝国和人民光辉的岁月,大地重新变得活力四射,文明的奇迹再次降临。您会引导您的人民走向辉煌吗?您能建立起一个经受得住时间考验的文明吗?",
"declaringWar": "如果我可以活到两百岁,整个世界都将匍匐在我脚下,现在首先从你开始!",
"attacked": "运气为而备,一旦遭受欺辱,我们绝不放弃还击。",
"defeated": "没有实力的愤怒毫无意义,一旦可能,我们会血债血偿!",
"introduction": "如果你的智慧和理性能像你的相貌那样出众,我们可以谈谈人生哲理。",
"neutralHello": "你好!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["继续。","请讲。"],
"neutralNo": ["我们拒绝。","哈,你在搞笑么?","绝对不可接受。"],
"neutralYes": ["当然可以。","同意。","非常好。"],
"hateHello": "你究竟需要什么?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["还有呢?","继续说。","请讲。"],
"hateNo": ["你在搞笑么?","抱歉,这不可接受。","完全不行。"],
"hateYes": ["我想想……暂且同意吧","很好。","成交。"],
"afterPeace": "战争的终点就是和平。",
"tradeRequest": "这份交易你认为如何?",
"outerColor": [ 236, 178, 0],
"innerColor": [0,0,0],
"uniqueName": "自然财富",
"unique": "每处战略资源+1产能每处马、铁和铀资源储量加倍",
"cities": ["莫斯科","圣彼得堡","诺夫哥罗德","罗斯托夫","雅罗斯拉夫尔","叶卡捷琳堡","雅库茨克","符拉迪沃斯托克","斯摩棱斯克","奥伦堡",
"name": "Rome",
"translatedName": "罗马",
"leaderName": "奥古斯都·恺撒",
"adjective": ["罗马的"],
"startIntroPart1": "愿众神赐福给您,罗马帝国及罗马公民的皇帝奥古斯都·恺撒。您的帝国是西方文明中最强大最持久的帝国,您的人民独立创造了罗马的文化、法律、艺术和军事成就,这样的伟业前无古人、后无来者。历年来光荣的征战,罗马掌控了整个地中海,领土西起西班牙,东至叙利亚。罗马的统治最终扩张至不列颠大部与日耳曼北部。罗马的艺术与建筑至今仍然使世人敬畏,赋予世人灵感。她仍然为一切后来者所憧憬和向往。",
"startIntroPart2": "我全能的皇帝,您的人民求您重建罗马的荣光。您会否响应人民的愿望,使帝国再一次腾飞?您会否为世界重新带来和平与秩序?您能否让罗马再度成为世界的中心?您所建立的帝国,能否延绵万代?",
"declaringWar": "我来!我见!我征服!吾剑所指,皆是目标!",
"attacked": "蠢货,是愚昧给了你挑衅的勇气!厄运如密布的箭弩落下,而你终将无处躲避。",
"defeated": "你即使征服了全世界,如果没有人分享,终将倍感凄凉。罗马荣耀永存!",
"introduction": "欢迎你。我是奥古斯都,罗马帝国皇帝兼最高祭司。如果你是罗马的朋友,那么你将受到欢迎。",
"neutralHello": "你好。",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["说吧。","继续。"],
"neutralNo": ["不行。","绝对不行。"],
"neutralYes": ["好的。","同意。"],
"hateHello": "你想做什么?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["然后呢。","继续。"],
"hateNo": ["这项提议让人恼火。","你是认真的吗?"],
"hateYes": ["好的。","嗯,这样也好。"],
"afterPeace": "这不是和平,只是短暂的休战。祝你好运!",
"tradeRequest": "我有项提议,希望你能考虑。",
"outerColor": [ 53,0,87],
"innerColor": [238,201,9],
"uniqueName": "罗马荣耀",
"unique": "在其他城市建造首都已有建筑时+25%产能积累",
"cities": ["罗马","阿提乌姆","库迈","那不勒斯","拉维纳","亚雷提乌姆","米兰","阿尔庇努姆","科尔切伊","赛提亚",
"name": "Arabia",
"translatedName": "阿拉伯",
"leaderName": "哈伦·拉希德",
"adjective": ["阿拉伯的"],
"startBias": ["Desert"],
"startIntroPart1": "愿真主赐福与您伟大的哈里发哈伦·拉希德虔诚的阿拉伯人民的领袖公元632年先知穆罕默德归真后不久他的追随者们便发动了一系列的征服战争以期将真主的统治带给大地上的每个人民。动荡过后哈里发的穆斯林帝国建立了。之后哈里发愈发强势在其鼎盛时期统治区域包括西班牙、北非、中东、安纳托利亚小亚细亚、巴尔干半岛和波斯一个甚至比罗马还要大的帝国。当欧洲国家陷入愚昧和混乱的中世纪时艺术与科学正在阿拉伯的土地上百花齐放。伊斯兰王权存在了600年最后屈服于毁灭了数个帝国的蒙古人的武力。",
"startIntroPart2": "伟大的哈里发哈伦·拉希德,您的人民企盼您带领他们重建丰功伟业,让阿拉伯再一次成为艺术与知识的开明之地,再一次成为无所畏惧的国家。哈里发啊,您愿意接受挑战吗?您能开创一个历久弥新的文明吗?",
"declaringWar": "哈里发的天空不允许有两轮太阳。弯刀所至,皆为吾土。",
"attacked": "蠢货!有一天你会后悔今天的所为!以汝之血拭我之刃!",
"defeated": "你胜利了,我现在把宫殿托付于你,不过别太得意,我会在地狱盯着你的!",
"introduction": "欢迎你,陌生人!我是阿拉伯的统治者哈伦·拉希德。来吧——告诉我关于你们帝国的故事。",
"neutralHello": "你好,希望你平安幸福。",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["这是什么?","你在说什么?"],
"neutralNo": ["当然不行。","绝对不行。"],
"neutralYes": ["好吧。","非常好。"],
"hateHello": "原来是你啊。",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["这是什么?!","请把话讲明白些。"],
"hateNo": ["不可接受。","如果没有诚意的话,请滚开。"],
"hateYes": ["很好。","如果是这样的话我就接受。"],
"afterPeace": "感谢你的慷慨和仁慈,我们将永远铭记。",
"tradeRequest": "请上前来,让我们做成这笔买卖。",
"outerColor": [ 41,83,42],
"innerColor": [146,221,9],
"uniqueName": "沙漠之舟",
"unique": "每条贸易路线+1金钱石油资源储量加倍",
"cities": ["麦加","麦地那","大马士革","巴格达","那基兰","库费","巴士拉","呼罗珊","安嘉尔","福斯塔",
"name": "America",
"translatedName": "美利坚",
"leaderName": "乔治·华盛顿",
"adjective": ["美利坚的"],
"startIntroPart1": "欢迎华盛顿总统您所带领的是勤劳的美利坚文明。美国建立于18世纪的革命战争中在一百年后联邦又卷入了几乎将其一分为二的可怕内战。但是仅仅经过了数十年发展到20世纪时美国达到了其力量的巅峰以胜利的雄姿屹立于毁灭了多个伟大国家的两次可怕的世界大战中。",
"startIntroPart2": "美国是一个移民国家,充满了乐观与决心。人民只缺一个领袖来引领他们实现梦想。华盛顿总统,您能带领美国人民走向伟大吗?您能建立起一个经受得住时间考验的文明吗?",
"declaringWar": "强大的国家有一种法律,弱小的国家则有另一种。要么与我们一样,要么选择毁灭,你接受还是反对?",
"attacked": "剑是我们维护自由的最后手段。自由绝不屈服于暴力!",
"defeated": "力量虽能征服一切,不过是短暂的。祝你好运!",
"introduction": "真正的友谊,是一株成长缓慢的植物,美利坚合众国人民欢迎您。",
"neutralHello": "真是美好的一天啊。",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["请讲。","继续。","我在听。"],
"neutralNo": ["当然不行。","不行。"],
"neutralYes": ["很好。","好的。","当然可以。"],
"hateHello": "你好。",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["继续。","你说什么?"],
"hateNo": ["绝对不行。","我拒绝。","我想你不是认真的。"],
"hateYes": ["很好。","我决定接受。","成交。","好的。"],
"afterPeace": "不论用何方法获得名誉,如没有品格来维持,终将会失去,请好自为之!",
"tradeRequest": "我们来做笔交易你感兴趣吗?",
"outerColor": [ 28,51,119],
"innerColor": [255,255,255],
"uniqueName": "昭昭天命",
"unique": "陆军单位+1视野购买地块费用-50%",
"cities": ["华盛顿","纽约","波士顿","费城","亚特兰大","芝加哥","西雅图","旧金山","洛杉矶","休斯敦",
"name": "Japan",
"translatedName": "日本",
"leaderName": "织田信长",
"adjective": ["日本的"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"startIntroPart1": "降福于您高贵的织田信长大人,日出之地的统治者,愿您永远行走于鲜花盛开之地。日本人居住在大地东边尽头的岛屿上,虔诚于他们的文学,自豪于他们的艺术。日本文明可以追溯上千年,有时默默无闻,有时血腥争霸;有时对外扩张,有时闭关锁国;有巨富豪商,也有饿殍遍地。他们在战场上勇猛无畏,同时在工厂里也是精力无限,而技术方面往往又能推陈出新,这样强大的工业力量,常叫人羡慕不已。",
"startIntroPart2": "传奇的大名,信长阁下,您能够抓住命运的缰绳吗?您能为您的家族与人民带来荣耀吗?您能再一次拿起剑盾,走向胜利吗?天下布武,能够实现吗?",
"declaringWar": "顺我者昌,逆我者亡。洗净脖子甘心就戮吧。",
"attacked": "凡触怒我者我必践之。",
"defeated": "人生五十载,去事恍如梦幻,天下之内,岂有长生不灭者。",
"introduction": "非为我友,即为我敌。阁下请慎行,好自为之。",
"neutralHello": "请赐教。",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["请说。","请坦率言之。","请讲,不必王顾左右而言他。"],
"neutralNo": ["请恕难以从命。","不行。","恕不奉陪。"],
"neutralYes": ["姑且允之。","成交。","与阁下做事真是爽快。"],
"hateHello": "今日前来,不知有何见教。",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["姑妄听之。","细细道来。","请说。"],
"hateNo": ["不可。","阴行诡计,绝不可为。","如此行事,概不奉陪。"],
"hateYes": ["姑且允之。","吾暂且答应了。","舍此之外,别无他途。"],
"afterPeace": "光阴如露,梦幻似水,岂有长生不灭者?愿阁下武运昌隆。",
"tradeRequest": "吾之珍宝阁下是否有兴致?",
"outerColor": [215,225,225],
"innerColor": [185,0,0],
"uniqueName": "武士道",
"unique": "受伤单位造成的伤害不减",
"cities": ["京都","大阪","东京","萨摩","鹿儿岛","奈良","名古屋","出云","长崎","横滨","下关","松山","札幌","函馆","伊势","富山","福岛","周防","备前","越前","和泉","近江","越后","高崎","佐渡","神户","长野","广岛","高山","秋田","福冈","青森","镰仓","高知","那霸","仙台","岐阜","山口","大田","鸟取"]
"name": "Germany",
"translatedName": "德意志",
"leaderName": "奥托·冯·俾斯麦",
"adjective": ["德意志的"],
"startIntroPart1": "Hail mighty Bismark, first canchellor of Germany and her empire! Germany is an upstart nation, fashioned from the ruins of the Holy Roman Empire and finally unified in 1871, a little more than a century ago. The German people have proven themselves to be creative, industrious a ferocious warriors. Despite enduring great catastrophes in the first half of the 20th century, Germany remains a worldwide economic, artistic and technological leader.",
"startIntroPart2": "Great Prince Bismark, the German people look up too you to lead them to greater days of glory. Their determination is strong, and now they turn to you, their beloved iron chancellor, to guide them once more. Will you rile and conquer through blood and iron, or foster the Germanic arts and industry? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "I cannot wait until ye grow even mightier. Therefore, prepare for war!",
"attacked": "Corrupted villain! We will bring you into the ground!",
"defeated": "Germany has been destroyed. I weep for the future generations.",
"introduction": "Guten tag. In the name of the great German people, I bid you welcome.",
"neutralHello": "What now?",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["What do ye say?","Yes?","Ja?"],
"neutralNo": ["We do not accept.","Nein.","Not a chance."],
"neutralYes": ["Agreed","Very well, then","Alright."],
"hateHello": "So, out with it!",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["And?!","Come on!","Well, tell me!"],
"hateNo": ["That is unacceptable!","Ye can't be serious!","Nein!"],
"hateYes": ["Well, okay.","Gut.","It seems I can't refuse."],
"afterPeace": "What do ye think about calling it a draw?",
"tradeRequest": "It would be in your best interest, to carefully consider this proposal.",
"outerColor": [224,224,224],
"innerColor": [64,64,64],
"uniqueName": "Furor Teutonicus",
"unique": "击败蛮族营地中的蛮族单位有67%几率得到25金钱并使其加入陆上单位维护费-25%",
"cities": ["柏林","汉堡","慕尼黑","科隆","法兰克福","埃森","多特蒙德","斯图加特","杜塞尔多夫","不来梅",
"name": "India",
"translatedName": "印度",
"leaderName": "甘地",
"adjective": ["印度的"],
"startBias": ["Grassland"],
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings, President Mahatma Gandhi, great souled leader of India! You are the ruler of one of the oldest countries in the world with history stretching back almost 10'000 years. A spiritual country, India is the birthplace of three of the world's great religions - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. This is a passionate land of music and color, a land of great wealth and grinding poverty. For centuries, India was divided into kingdoms who fought constantly with each other and against outside invaders. That was, horever, after empires such as Maratha, Maurya and Gupta. In the 12th century AD, India was conquered by Muslim Turks fled from the Mongols. In the early 17th century, the English arrived, and thought a combination of shrewd diplomacy and technological supeiority, they conquered your fragmented nation. England remained in power for some two centuries until driven out by a rising wave of Indian nationalism, a peaceful rebellion unlike any before seen in history, one led by you!",
"startIntroPart2": "Gandhi, your people look to you to lead them to even greater heights of glory! Can you help your people realize their great potential, to once again become the world's center of arts, culture and religion? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders.",
"attacked": "My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind.",
"defeated": "You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. ",
"introduction": "Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend.",
"neutralHello": "I wish you peace.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Go ahead.","Yes?","I'm listening."],
"neutralNo": ["Absolutely not.","No.","This is unacceptable"],
"neutralYes": ["Okay.","We agree.","Fine."],
"hateHello": "What do you want?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Continue.","And?","Go on."],
"hateNo": ["This is not acceptable.","You are probably not serious.","This is impossible."],
"hateYes": ["Oh. Very good.","I think that I should accept.","Very well..."],
"afterPeace": "I am happy that it is once again peaceful at our place, even if we had to pay a price for it.",
"tradeRequest": "My friend, are you interested in this arrangement?",
"outerColor": [0,255,0],
"innerColor": [255,153,51],
"unique": "城市数量导致的不满加倍,市民数量导致的不满减半",
"cities": ["德里","孟买","毗奢耶那伽罗","华氏城","瓦拉纳西","Agra","Calcutta","Lahore","Bangalore","Hyderabad","Madurai","Ahmedabad",
"name": "Aztecs",
"leaderName": "Montezuma I",
"adjective": ["Aztec"],
"startBias": ["Jungle"],
"startIntroPart1": "Welcome, o divine Montezuma! We grovel in awe at your magnificence! May the heaven shower all manner of good things upon you all the days of your life! Your are the leader of the mighty Aztec people, wandering nomads from a lost home in the north who in the 12th century came to live in the mesa central in the heart of what would come to be call Mexico. Surrounded by many tribes fighting to control the rich land surrounding the sacred lakes of Texoco, Xaltocan and Zampango. Through cunning alliances and martial prowess, within a mere two hundred years, the Aztecs came to dominate the Central American basin, ruling a mighty empire stretching from sea to sea. But the empire fell soon under the assault of the accursed Spaniards, wielding fiendish weapons the likes of which your faithful warriors had never seen.",
"startIntroPart2": "O great king Mintezuma, your people call upon you once more, to rise up and lead them to glory, bring them wealth and power, and give them dominion over their foes and rivals. Will you answer their call, glorious leader? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! (Die, die, die!)",
"attacked": "Excellent! Let the blood flow in raging torrents!",
"defeated": " Monster! Who are you to destroy my greatness?",
"introduction": "What do I see before me? Another beating heart for my sacrificial fire.",
"neutralHello": "Welcome, friend.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Go ahead.","Proceed.","I'm listening."],
"neutralNo": ["Certainly not!","No!","Unacceptable!"],
"neutralYes": ["Certainly.","Yes, it is good.","Agreed!"],
"hateHello": "What do you want?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["What?","What do you say?","Go on."],
"hateNo": ["Are you crazy?","Certainly not!","I would rather pierce my bowels with hot skewers!"],
"hateYes": ["Oh, very well.","I suppose I must.","Yes, it is good!"],
"afterPeace": "Curses! I will sacrifice ten thousand citizens to expiate this humiliation!",
"tradeRequest": " Accept this agreement or suffer the consequences.",
"outerColor": [255,51,51],
"innerColor": [153,255,255],
"unique": "Gain Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed.",
"cities": ["Tenochtitlan","Teotihuacan","Tlatelolco","Texcoco","Tlaxcala","Calixtlahuaca","Xochicalco","Tlacopan","Atzcapotzalco","Tzintzuntzan","Malinalco","Tula","Tamuin","Teayo","Cempoala","Chalco","Tlalmanalco","Ixtapaluca","Huexotla","Tepexpan","Tepetlaoxtoc","Chiconautla","Zitlaltepec","Coyotepec","Tequixquiac","Jilotzingo","Tlapanaloya","Tultitan","Ecatepec","Coatepec","Chalchiuites","Chiauhita","Chapultepec","Itzapalapa","Ayotzinco","Iztapam"]
"name": "Mongolia",
"leaderName": "Genghis Khan",
"adjective": ["Mongolian"],
"startBias": ["Plains"],
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings, o great Temujin, immortal emperor of the mighty Mongol Empire! Your fists shatter walls of cities and your voice brings despair to your enemies. O Khan! You united the warring tribes of Northern Asia into a mighty people, creating the greatest cavalry force the world has ever witnessed. Your people's cunning diplomacy divided their enemies, making them weak and helpless before Mongolia's conquering armies. In a few short years, your people soldiers conquered most of China and Eastern Asia, and the empire continued to grow until it reached west into Europe and south to Korea. Indeed, it was the greatest empire ever seen, dwarfing those pathetic conquests of the Romans of the Greeks.",
"startIntroPart2": "Temujin, your people cann upon you once more to lead them to battle and conquest. Will the world once again trembe at the thunderous sound of your cavalry, sweeping down from the steppes? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "You stand in the way of my armies. Let us solve this like warriors!",
"attacked": "No more words. Today, Mongolia charges toward your defeat.",
"defeated": "You have hobbled the Mongolian clans. My respect for you nearly matches the loathing. I am waiting for my execution.",
"introduction": "I am Temuujin, conqueror of cities and countries. Before me lie future Mongolian lands. Behind me is the only cavalry that matters.",
"neutralHello": "Hello.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["I'm listening.","What?"],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Of course not!"],
"neutralYes": ["Good.","That works.","Of course!"],
"hateHello": "So what now?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["And then?","Continue..."],
"hateNo": ["Stop playing around.","This is not to be tolerated!"],
"hateYes": ["Very well...","Fine!"],
"afterPeace": "It seems I have underestimate you. Very well... I won't take you head for now.",
"tradeRequest": "I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we give you.",
"outerColor": [51,0,0],
"innerColor": [0,204,102],
"unique": "All mounted units have +1 Movement. +30% when assaulting cities,",
"cities": ["Karakorum","Beshbalik","Turfan","Hsia","Old Sarai","New Sarai","Tabriz","Tiflis","Otrar","Sanchu","Kazan","Almarikh","Ulaanbaatar","Hovd","Darhan","Dalandzadgad","Mandalgovi","Choybalsan","Erdenet","Tsetserieg","Baruun-Urt","Ereen","Batshireet","Choyr","Ulaangom","Tosontsengel","Atlay","Uliastay","Bayanhongor","Har-Ayrag","Nalayh","Tes"]
"name": "Incan",
"leaderName": "Pachacuti",
"startIntroPart1": "Oh ye who remakes the world, your loyal subjects greet you, King Pachacuti Sapa Inca, ruler of the Inca people! From the beginnings in the small state of Cusco, the Incans displayed their potential for greatness, marching to war against their many enemies, crushing their armies into dust and carving for themselves a mighty empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile. Indeed, they build the greatest empire ever seen in all pre-Columbian Americas. More than mere soldiers, your people were great builders and artists as well, and the remnants of their works still awe and inspire the world today.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh King Pachacuti, truly are you called "Earth Shaker"! Will you once again call upon the ground itself to a fight at your side? Your armies await your signal. Will you restore the glory of your empire? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war!",
"attacked": "Declare war on me?!? You can't, because I declare war on you first!",
"defeated": "How did you darken the sun? I ruled with diligence and mercy—see that you do so as well.",
"introduction": "How are you? You stand before Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui.",
"neutralHello": "How are you doing?",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Go on.","What do you say?","You may begin."],
"neutralNo": ["We absolutely refuse.","No!","I refuse."],
"neutralYes": ["Very good.","Of course, yes","That is very good."],
"hateHello": "What do you want now?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Speak!","What do you say?","Go on."],
"hateNo": ["That is not possible!","We are not agreeing to that!","I beg your pardon?"],
"hateYes": ["That is fine.","That is good enough.","Very well..."],
"afterPeace": "Viracocha has frowned upon our war, and has agreed to our peace agreements.",
"tradeRequest": "The Incan people offer this fair trade.",
"outerColor": [255,255,51],
"innerColor": [0,204,102],
"unique": "Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere.",
"cities": ["Cuzco","Tiwanaku","Machu","Ollantaytambo","Corihuayrachina","Huamanga","Vilcas","Vilcabamba","Vitcos","Andahuaylas","Ica","Arequipa","Nasca","Atico","Juli","Chuito","Chuquiapo","Huanuco Pampa","Tamboccocha","Huaras","Riobamba","Caxamalca","Sausa","Tambo Colorado","Huaca","Tumbes","Chan Chan","Sipan","Pachacamac","Llactapata","Pisac","Kuelap","Pajaten","Chucuito","Choquequirao"]
"name": "Korea",
"translatedName": "朝鲜",
"leaderName": "李裪",
"adjective": ["朝鲜的"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings to you, exalted King Sejong the Great, servant to the people and protector of the Choson Dynasty! Your glorious vision of prosperity and overwhelming benevolence towards the common man made you the most beloved of all Korean kings. From the earliest days of your reign, the effort you took to provide a fair and just society for all was surpassed only by the technological advances spurred onwards by your unquenched thirst for knowledge. Guided by your wisdom, the scholars of the Jade Hall developed Korea's first written language, Hangul, bringing the light of literature and science to the masses after centuries of literary darkness.",
"startIntroPart2": "Honorable Sejong, once more the people look to your for guidance. Will you rise to the occasion, bringing harmony and understanding to the people? Can you once again advance your kingdom's standing to such wondrous heights? Can you build a civilization that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Jip-hyun-jun (Hall of Worthies) will no longer tolerate your irksome behavior. We will liberate the citizens under your oppression even with force, and enlighten them!",
"attacked": "Foolish, miserable wretch! You will be crushed by this country's magnificent scientific power!",
"defeated": "Now the question is who will protect my people. A dark age has come.",
"introduction": "Welcome to the palace of Choson, stranger. I am the learned King Sejong, who looks after his great people.",
"neutralHello": "Hello.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["I will hear it.","Go on","Continue."],
"neutralNo": ["I cannot do that.","Apologies, but I will not accept it."],
"neutralYes": ["That is good.","I understand.","Of course!"],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["What do you wish to say?","So?","Continue your speech."],
"hateNo": ["Heaven forbid","That is crazy talk!","I cannot do that."],
"hateYes": ["Hm... very well, fine.","I suppose I should agree...","Very well..."],
"afterPeace": "It seems you implemented some interesting strategies... Very well, perhaps we should call it a tie.",
"tradeRequest": "We have many things to discuss and have much to benefit from each other.",
"outerColor": [0,0,255],
"innerColor": [255,0,0],
"unique": "所有专业人员和伟人设施+2科研",
"cities": ["首尔","釜山","全州","大邱","平壤","开城","水原","光州","江陵","咸兴","原州","蔚山","昌原","安东","公州","海州","清州","木浦","东豆川","巨济","顺天","晋州","尚州","罗先","庆州","忠州","泗川","金堤","安州"]
"name": "Songhai",
"leaderName": "Askia",
"startIntroPart1": "",
"startIntroPart2": "",
"declaringWar": "You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You must be destroyed!",
"attacked": "Fool! You have doomed your people to fire and destruction!",
"defeated": "We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next!",
"introduction": "I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past.",
"neutralHello": "Greetings.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Yes?","Proceed."],
"neutralNo": ["No","Of course not."],
"neutralYes": ["Very well.","Yes.","Fine."],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["And?","Continue."],
"hateNo": ["You cannot be serious!","That's unacceptable!","We decline."],
"hateYes": ["Oh, very well.","Alright."],
"afterPeace": "We thank you for bringing an end to this pointless war.",
"tradeRequest": "Can I interest you in this deal?",
"outerColor": [204,102,0],
"innerColor": [255,0,0],
"unique": "Embarked units gain the War Canoes and Amphibious promotions, strengthening them while embarked.",
"cities": ["Gao","Tombouctu","Jenne","Taghaza","Tondibi","Kumbi Saleh","Kukia","Walata","Tegdaoust","Argungu","Gwandu","Kebbi","Boussa","Motpi","Bamako","Wa","Kayes","Awdaghost","Ouadane","Dakar","Tadmekket","Tekedda","Kano","Agadez","Niamey","Torodi","Ouatagouna","Dori","Bamba","Segou"]
"name": "The Ottomans",
"translatedName": "奥斯曼",
"leaderName": "苏莱曼一世",
"adjective": ["奥斯曼的"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"startIntroPart1": "",
"startIntroPart2": "",
"declaringWar": "Your continued insolence and failure to recognize and preeminence leads us to war.",
"attacked": "Good. The world shall witness the incontestable might of my armies and the glory of the Empire.",
"defeated": "Ruin! Ruin! Istanbul becomes Iram of the Pillars, remembered only by the melancholy poets.",
"introduction": "From the magnificence of Topkapi, the Ottoman nation greets you, stranger! I'm Suleiman, Kayser-I Rum, and I bestow upon you my welcome!",
"neutralHello": "Greetings!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["I'm listening.","Go on."],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Of course not!","We decline."],
"neutralYes": ["Very good.","Fine.","We accept!"],
"hateHello": "What do you want?",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["So you say!","Go on!"],
"hateNo": ["Excuse me?","This is unacceptable!","You can't be serious!"],
"hateYes": ["Ah, very good!","Very good.","I assume we must come to an agreement."],
"afterPeace": "Congratulations on your victory! I hope that peace between us will last forever!",
"tradeRequest": "Let us do business! Would you be interested?",
"outerColor": [204,255,229],
"innerColor": [0,102,0],
"unique": "海上单位维护费为正常值的1/3海军近战单位拥有1/3几率俘获战败的敌方海军单位",
"cities": ["伊斯坦布尔","埃迪尔内","安卡拉","Bursa","Konya","Samsun","Gaziantep","Diyabakir","Izmir","Kayseri","Malatya","Marsin","Antalya","Zonguldak","Denizli","Ordu","Mugia","Eskishehir","Inebolu","Sinop","Adana","Artuin","Bodrum","Eregli","Silifke","Sivas","Amasya","Marmaris","Trabzon","Erzurum","Urfa","Izmit","Afyonkarhisar","Bitlis","Yalova"]
"name": "Iroquois",
"translatedName": "易洛魁",
"leaderName": "海华沙",
"adjective": ["易洛魁的"],
"startBias": ["Forest"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings, noble Hiawatha, leader of the mighty Iroquois nations! Long have your people lived near the great and holy lake Ontario in the land that has come to be known as the New York state in North America. In the mists of antiquity, the five peoples of Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Cayugas and Oneida united into one nation, the Haudenosaunee, the Iroquois. With no written language, the wise men of your nation created the great law of peace, the model for many contitutions including that of the United States. For many years, your people battled great enemies, such as the Huron, and the French and English invaders. Tought outnumbered and facing weapons far more advanced than the ones your warriors wielded, the Iroquois survived and prospered, until they were finally overwhelmed by the mighty armies of the new United States.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh noble Hiawatha, listen to the cries of your people! They call out to you to lead them in peace and war, to rebuild the great longhouse and unite the tribes once again. Will you accept this challenge, great leader? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "You are a plague upon Mother Earth! Prepare for battle!",
"attacked": "You evil creature! My braves will slaughter you!",
"defeated": "You have defeated us... but our spirits will never be vanquished! We shall return!",
"introduction": "Greetings, stranger. I am Hiawatha, speaker for the Iroquois. We seek peace with all, but we do not shrink from war.",
"neutralHello": "Good day.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Yes?","I'm listening"],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Certainly not."],
"neutralYes": ["Very well.","Alright."],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["I'm listening.","Speak."],
"hateNo": ["That's unacceptable","You cannot be serious!"],
"hateYes": ["I suppose I must.","Very well."],
"afterPeace": "I thank you for your mercy. I pray that we can now be friends.",
"tradeRequest": "Does this trade work for you, my friend?",
"outerColor": [54,72,72],
"innerColor": [246,205,137],
"uniqueName": "The Great Warpath",
"unique": "单位在己方森林和丛林地块上移动时视同在道路上移动,此类地块在研究轮子科技后可建立城市连接",
"cities": ["奥内达加","奥斯尼卡","格兰德里弗","Akwesasme","Buffalo Creek","Brantford","Montreal","Genesse River",
"Canandaigua Lake","Lake Simcoe","Salamanca","Gowanda","Cuba","Akron","Kanesatake","Ganienkeh","Cayuga Castle",
"Chondote","Canajoharie","Nedrow","Oneida Lake","Kanonwalohale","Green Bay","Southwold","Mohawk Valley",
"Schoharie","Bay of Quinte","Kanawale","Kanatsiokareke","Tyendinaga","Hahta"]
"name": "Persia",
"translatedName": "波斯",
"leaderName": "大流士一世",
"adjective": ["波斯的"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Scientific",
"startIntroPart1": "The blessings of heaven be upon you, beloved king Darius of Persia! You lead a strong and wise people. In the morning of the world, the great Persian leader Cyrus revolted against the mighty Median empire and by 550 BC, the Medes were no more. Through cunning diplomacy and military prowess, great Cyrus conquered wealthy Lydia and powerful Babylon. His son conquering proud Egypt some years later. Over time, Persian might expanded into far away Macedonia, at the very door of the upstart Greek city-states. Long would Persia prosper until the upstart villain Alexander of Macedon, destroyed the great empire in one shocking campaign.",
"startIntroPart2": "Darius, your people look to you to once again bring back the days of power and glory for Persia! The empire of your ancestors must emerge again, to triumph over its foes and to bring peace and order to the world! O king, will you answer the call? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "Your continue existence is an embarrassment to all leaders everywhere! You must be destroyed!",
"attacked": "Curse you! You are beneath me, son of a donkey driver! I will crush you!",
"defeated": "You mongrel! Cursed be you! The world will long lament your heinous crime!",
"introduction": "Peace be on you! I am Darius, the great and outstanding king of kings of great Persia... but I suppose you knew that.",
"neutralHello": "Good day to you!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Go on.","You said?"],
"neutralNo": ["You are not serious!","Not good enough."],
"neutralYes": ["Good!","Certainly.","Agreed!"],
"hateHello": "Ahh... you...",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["I'm listening.","Go on!"],
"hateNo": ["We say... no!","Of course not!"],
"hateYes": ["Alright!","Agreed."],
"afterPeace": "It appears we should call it a tie...",
"tradeRequest": "In my endless magnanimity, I am making you this offer. You agree, of course?",
"outerColor": [153,5,3],
"innerColor": [244,232,54],
"uniqueName": "Achaemenid Legacy",
"unique": "黄金时代持续时间+50%,处于黄金时代时单位+1移动力、+10%战斗力",
"cities": ["波斯波利斯","帕萨加迪","苏萨","Ecbatana","Tarsus","Gordium","Bactra","Sardis","Ergili","Dariushkabir",
"Dura Europos","Aleppo","Qatna","Kabul","Capisa","Kyreskhata","Marakanda","Peshawar","Van","Pteira","Arshada",
"name": "Polynesia",
"translatedName": "波利尼西亚",
"leaderName": "卡美哈梅哈一世",
"adjective": ["波利尼西亚的"],
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"preferredVictoryType": "Cultural",
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings and blessings be upon you, Kamehameha the Great, chosen by the heavens to unite your scattered peoples. Oh mighty King, you were the first to bring the Big Island of Hawai'I under one solitary rule in 1791 AD. This was followed by the merging of all the remaining islands under your standard in 1810. As the first King of Hawai'I, you standardized the legal and taxation systems and instituted the Mamalahoe Kawanai, an edict protecting civilians in times of war. You ensured the continued unification and sovereignty of the islands by your strong laws and deeds, even after your death in 1819.",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh wise and exalted King, your people wish for a kingdom of their own once more and require a leader of unparalleled greatness! Will you answer their call and don the mantle of the Lion of the Pacific? Will you build a kingdom that stands the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "The ancient fire flashing across the sky is what proclaimed that this day would come, though I had foolishly hoped for a different outcome.",
"attacked": "It is obvious now that I misjudged you and your true intentions.",
"defeated": "The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for me now.",
"introduction": "Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands.",
"neutralHello": "Welcome, friend!",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Proceed.","And?","What is it?"],
"hateNo": ["Certainly not.","We will have to decline."],
"hateYes": ["It is agreed, then.","Excellent!"],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["Proceed.","I'm listening","What is it?"],
"hateNo": ["Certainly not!","That's not acceptable!"],
"hateYes": ["Yes, I suppost I must.","Yes, so be it."],
"afterPeace": "Perhaps the stars were mistakenly placed... I will consult my Kahuna.",
"tradeRequest": "Come, let our people feast together!",
"outerColor": [225,105,0],
"innerColor": [255,255,78],
"uniqueName": "Wayfinding",
"unique": "单位初始就拥有船运能力,可进入海滨和海洋地块,单位处于船运状态时+1视野。摩艾石像群周围2格内单位+10%战斗力",
"cities": ["火奴鲁鲁","萨摩亚","汤加","努库希瓦","Raiatea","Aotearoa","Tahiti","Hilo","Te Wai Pounamu","Rapa Nui",
"Tuamotu","Rarotonga","Tuvalu","Tubuai","Mangareva","Oahu","Kiritimati","Ontong Java","Niue","Rekohu",
"Rakahanga","Bora Bora","Kailua","Uvea","Futuna","Rotuma","Tokelau","Lahaina","Bellona","Mungava","Tikopia",
"name": "Siam",
"translatedName": "暹罗",
"leaderName": "兰甘亨",
"adjective": ["暹罗的"],
"startBias": ["Avoid Forest"],
"startIntroPart1": "Greetings to you, Great King Ramkhamhaeng, leader of the glorious Siamese people! O mighty King, your people bow down before you in awe and fear! You are the ruler of Siam, an ancient country in the heart of Southeast Asia, a beautiful and mysterious land. Surrounded by foes, beset by bloody war and grinding poverty, the clever and loyal Siamese people have endured and trumphed. King Ramkhamhaeng, your empire was once part of the Khmer Empire, until the 13th century AD, when your ancestors revolted, forming the small Sukhothai kingdom. Through successful battle and cunning diplomacy, the tiny kingdom grew into a mighty empire, an empire which would dominate South East Asia for more than a century!",
"startIntroPart2": "Oh, wise and puissant King Ramkhamhaeng, your people need you to once again lead them to greatness! Cann you use your wits and strenght of arms to protect your people and defeat your foes? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?",
"declaringWar": "You lowly, arrogant fool! I will make you regret of your insolence!",
"attacked": "You scoundrel! I shall prepare to fend you off!",
"defeated": "Althought I lost, my honor shall endure. I wish you good luck.",
"introduction": "I, Pho Kun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam, consider it a great honor that you have walked to visit my country of Siam.",
"neutralHello": "Welcome.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Let us hear it.","You say?","I'm listening"],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Certainly no.","No way."],
"neutralYes": ["In that case...","Of course.","Agreed."],
"hateHello": "Greetings.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["You were saying?.","Please proceed","So?"],
"hateNo": ["That is unacceptable.","You probably didn't mean that.","What did you say?"],
"hateYes": ["I think I must do as such.","Very well."],
"afterPeace": "You have won, but I shall return to repay this debt.",
"tradeRequest": "Greetings. I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think?",
"outerColor": [228,208,43],
"innerColor": [193,21,17],
"uniqueName": "Father Governs Children",
"unique": "友好城邦提供的食物和文化增加50%",
"cities": ["素可泰","西萨查那莱","Muang Saluang","Lampang","Phitsanulok","Kamphaeng Pet","Nakhom Chum","Vientiane",
"Nakhon Si Thammarat","Martaban","Nakhon Sawan","Chainat","Luang Prabang","Uttaradit","Chiang Thong","Phrae",
"Nan","Tak","Suphanburi","Hongsawadee","Thawaii","Ayutthuya","Taphan Hin","Uthai Thani","Lap Buri","Ratchasima",
"Ban Phai","Loci","Khan Kaen","Surin"]
"name": "Denmark",
"leaderName": "Harald Bluetooth",
"startIntroPart1": "",
"startIntroPart2": "",
"declaringWar": "If I am to be honest, I tire of those pointless charades. Why don't we settle our disputes on the field of battle, like true men? Perhaps the skalds will sing of your valor... or mine!",
"attacked": "Ahahah! You seem to show some skills of a true Viking! Too bad that I'll probably kill you!",
"defeated": "Loki must have stood by you, for a common man alone could not have defeated me... Oh well! I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here.",
"introduction": "Harad Bluetooth bids you welcome to his lands, a Viking unlike any the seas and lands have ever known! Hah, are you afraid?",
"neutralHello": "Hail to you.",
"neutralLetsHearIt": ["Let us hear it.","Go ahead.","I'm listening"],
"neutralNo": ["No.","Not today, I'm afraid.","I must decline."],
"neutralYes": ["Very well.","Of course, my friend!","That's a deal!"],
"hateHello": "Oh, it's you.",
"hateLetsHearIt": ["What is it?.","And?","Go on"],
"hateNo": ["Don't be silly!","That is unacceptable."],
"hateYes": ["I guess I have to.","Oh, very well."],
"afterPeace": "By the hammer of Thor, you have proven yourself a worthy opponent today. I congratulate you!",
"tradeRequest": "This is a fine deal! Even a drunk beggar would agree!",
"outerColor": [51,25,0],
"innerColor": [255,255,102],
"unique": "+1 Movement to all embarked units, whom pay just 1 movement point to move from sea to land and viceversa.",
"cities": ["Copenhagen","Aarhus","Kaupang","Ribe","Viborg","Tunsbers","Roskilde","Hedeby","Oslo","Jelling","Truso","Bergen","Faeroerne","Reykjavik","Trondheim","Godthab","Helluland","Lillehammer","Markland","Elsinore","Sarpsborg","Odense","Aalborg","Stavanger","Vorbasse","Schleswig","Kristiansand","Halogaland","Randers","Fredrikstad","Kolding","Horsens","Tromsoe","Vejle","Koge","Sandnes","Holstebro","Slagelse","Drammen","Hillerod","Sonderborg","Skien","Svendborg","Holbaek","Hjorring","Fladstrand","Haderslev","Ringsted","Skrive"]
//City states
"name": "Milan",
"translatedName": "米兰",
"adjective": ["米兰的"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "You fiend! History shall remember this!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [185,132,66],
"cities": ["米兰"]
"name": "Florence",
"translatedName": "佛罗伦萨",
"adjective": ["佛罗伦萨的"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "And so the flower of Florence falls to barbaric hands...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [62,197,252],
"cities": ["佛罗伦萨"]
"name": "Rio de Janeiro",
"translatedName": "里约热内卢",
"adjective": ["里约热内卢的"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "We shall have our revenge.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [211, 220, 103],
"cities": ["里约热内卢"]
"name": "Antwerp",
"translatedName": "安特卫普",
"adjective": ["安特卫普的"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "They will write songs of this.... pray that they shall be in your favor.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [194,97,255],
"cities": ["安特卫普"]
"name": "Dublin",
"translatedName": "都柏林",
"adjective": ["都柏林的"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "Hah! A fine victory.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [211,180,113],
"cities": ["都柏林"]
"name": "Tyre",
"translatedName": "推罗",
"adjective": ["推罗的"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "We never fully trusted you from the start.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,97,255],
"cities": ["推罗"]
"name": "Ur",
"translatedName": "乌尔",
"adjective": ["乌尔的"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "Why must you do such a thing?",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,69,0],
"cities": ["乌尔"]
"name": "Genoa",
"translatedName": "热那亚",
"adjective": ["热那亚的"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "How barbaric. Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [45,255,86],
"cities": ["热那亚"]
"name": "Venice",
"translatedName": "威尼斯",
"adjective": ["威尼斯的"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"startBias": ["Coast"],
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "If our legacy continues, you will never have truly won.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [18,178,210],
"cities": ["威尼斯"]
"name": "Brussels",
"translatedName": "布鲁塞尔",
"adjective": ["布鲁塞尔的"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "I guess you weren't here for the sprouts after all...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [153,255,51],
"cities": ["布鲁塞尔"]
"name": "Kabul",
"translatedName": "喀布尔",
"adjective": ["喀布尔的"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "Unacceptable!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [153,0,76],
"cities": ["喀布尔"]
"name": "Sidon",
"translatedName": "西顿",
"adjective": ["西顿的"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "What a fine battle! Sidon is willing to serve you!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [250,128,114],
"cities": ["西顿"]
"name": "Almaty",
"translatedName": "阿拉木图",
"adjective": ["阿拉木图的"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "How could we fall to the likes of you?!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [102,0,51],
"cities": ["阿拉木图"]
"name": "Edinburgh",
"translatedName": "爱丁堡",
"adjective": ["爱丁堡的"],
"cityStateType": "Militaristic",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "There is no dishonor in losing to a worthier foe.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [0,102,102],
"cities": ["爱丁堡"]
"name": "Singapore",
"translatedName": "新加坡",
"adjective": ["新加坡的"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "Perhaps, in another world, we could have been friends...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,255,0],
"cities": ["新加坡"]
"name": "Zanzibar",
"translatedName": "桑给巴尔",
"adjective": ["桑给巴尔的"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "May the Heavens forgive you for inflicting this humiliation to our people.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,153,255],
"cities": ["桑给巴尔"]
"name": "Sydney",
"translatedName": "悉尼",
"adjective": ["悉尼的"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,204,204],
"cities": ["悉尼"]
"name": "Cape Town",
"translatedName": "开普敦",
"adjective": ["开普敦的"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "I have failed. May you, at least, know compassion towards our people.",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,153,153],
"cities": ["开普敦"]
"name": "Kathmandu",
"translatedName": "加德满都",
"adjective": ["加德满都的"],
"cityStateType": "Mercantile",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "We... defeated? No... we had so much work to do!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [51,25,0],
"cities": ["加德满都"]
"name": "Hanoi",
"translatedName": "河内",
"adjective": ["河内的"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "So this is how does it feel to die...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [0,0,255],
"cities": ["河内"]
"name": "Quebec City",
"translatedName": "魁北克",
"adjective": ["魁北克的"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "We were too weak to protect ourselves...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [51,102,0],
"cities": ["魁北克"]
"name": "Helsinki",
"translatedName": "赫尔辛基",
"adjective": ["赫尔辛基的"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "The day of judgement has come to us. But rest assured, the same will go for you!",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [255,178,102],
"cities": ["赫尔辛基"]
"name": "Kuala Lumpur",
"translatedName": "吉隆坡",
"adjective": ["吉隆坡的"],
"cityStateType": "Cultured",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "Today, the Malay people obey you, but do not think this is over...",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [0,102,102],
"cities": ["吉隆坡"]
"name": "Manila",
"translatedName": "马尼拉",
"adjective": ["马尼拉的"],
"cityStateType": "Maritime",
"declaringWar": "You leave us no choice. War it must be.",
"attacked": "Very well, this shall not be forgotten.",
"afterPeace": "May peace forever bless our lands.",
"defeated": "Ah, Gods! Why have you forsaken us?",
"outerColor": [0, 0, 0],
"innerColor": [96,96,96],
"cities": ["马尼拉"]
"name": "Barbarians",
"translatedName": "蛮族",
"outerColor": [0,0,0],
"innerColor": [182,0,0]