
1389 lines
44 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Data used by ansibot to identify who works on each file in the repo.
# If you have questions about this data format, please join #ansible-devel
# on irc.freenode and ping anyone who is op'ed.
2017-08-15 14:24:22 +00:00
# There are 3 primary sections of the data
# automerge
# During release freezes, the bot uses this key to know if
# automerging should be on or off. It is a boolean value.
# macros
# Macros are used to shorten and group some strings and lists.
# Any macro with a prefix of "team_" is a maintainer group for
# various files.
# files
# Each key represents a specific file in the repository.
# If a module is not listed, it's maintainers default to the authors
# If the file has no maintainers key, the value of the key is
# presumed to be the maintainers.
# Keys:
# maintainers - these people can shipit and automerge
# notified - these people are always subscribed to relevant issues
# ignored - these people should never be notified
# deprecated - this file is deprecated but probably not yet renamed
# keywords - used to identify this file based on the issue description
# support - used for files without internal ANSIBLE_METADATA, see
# for full list
# labels - list of GitHub labels to apply. Path components of 'file' parent key
# which are valid GitHub labels are automatically added.
# supershipit - supershipiteers can turn a shipit into a supershipit
automerge: True
labels: botmeta
# Changes to BOTMETA MUST always be reviewed by Core Team
support: core
support: community
ignored: erydo seiffert simplesteph nadirollo
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ ryansb tedder
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
2018-11-26 13:16:56 +00:00
maintainers: $team_ansible
ignored: skvidal
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible s-hertel ryansb
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ Shaps
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ whiter
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ alachaum
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ $team_ansible
2019-01-15 21:34:24 +00:00
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/cloud/amazon/ scottanderson42
$modules/cloud/amazon/ scottanderson42
2019-01-15 21:34:24 +00:00
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ willthames
$modules/cloud/atomic/: krsacme
ignored: chouseknecht jwhitbeck
maintainers: $team_azure
2017-11-21 22:17:12 +00:00
ignored: ozboms
$modules/cloud/centurylink/: clc-runner
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
labels: cloud
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
$modules/cloud/digital_ocean/: &digital_ocean
keywords: [ digital ocean, droplet ]
labels: [ cloud, digital_ocean ]
maintainers: $team_digital_ocean
support: community
$modules/cloud/dimensiondata/ tintoy
$modules/cloud/docker/: &docker
ignored: ThomasSteinbach
labels: [ cloud, docker ]
2018-10-25 10:18:58 +00:00
maintainers: $team_docker
supershipit: felixfontein
<<: *docker
maintainers: $team_docker olsaki
<<: *docker
maintainers: $team_docker hannseman
supershipit: $team_google
maintainers: $team_google
ignored: supertom
$modules/cloud/google/ supertom
$modules/cloud/kubevirt/: machacekondra mmazur pkliczewski
$modules/cloud/linode/: $team_linode
$modules/cloud/lxd/: hnakamur
2018-12-21 22:59:37 +00:00
$modules/cloud/memset/: glitchcrab
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
$modules/cloud/misc/ &virt
ignored: skvidal vincentvdk
keywords: [ kvm, libvirt, ovirt, proxmox, qemu, RHEV, RHV ]
labels: [ cloud, virt ]
maintainers: $team_virt
$modules/cloud/misc/ *virt
$modules/cloud/misc/ *virt
$modules/cloud/misc/ *virt
$modules/cloud/misc/ *virt
$modules/cloud/misc/ *virt
$modules/cloud/misc/ *virt
$modules/cloud/misc/ *virt
ignored: andyhky
$modules/cloud/opennebula/: ilicmilan kustodian
$modules/cloud/openstack/: $team_openstack
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
$modules/cloud/ovirt/: *virt
$modules/cloud/profitbricks/: baldwinSPC
ignored: sivel angstwad
ignored: hekonsek
$modules/cloud/smartos/: &solaris
keywords: [ beadm, dladm, illumos, ipadm, nexenta, omnios, openindiana, pfexec, smartos, solaris, sunos, zfs, zpool ]
labels: solaris
maintainers: $team_solaris
$modules/cloud/univention/: keachi
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
$modules/cloud/vmware/: &vmware
ignored: cigamit jcpowermac mtnbikenc tchernomax
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
keywords: [ esx, vcenter, vcsa, vcsim, vsphere ]
labels: vmware
2019-02-08 03:34:32 +00:00
maintainers: $team_vmware
2019-02-14 23:10:06 +00:00
notified: lparkes
$modules/cloud/vmware/ chrrrles
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
$modules/cloud/vultr/: &vultr
labels: [ cloud, vultr ]
maintainers: $team_vultr
$modules/cloud/webfaction/: quentinsf
$modules/cloud/xenserver/: bvitnik
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
labels: k8s
$modules/clustering/k8s/ supertom
$modules/clustering/openshift/: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87
$modules/commands/ $team_ansible
$modules/commands/ $team_ansible
$modules/commands/ $team_ansible
$modules/commands/ $team_ansible
$modules/crypto/: &crypto
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
keywords: [ acme, letsencrypt, lets encrypt, luks, openssl ]
labels: crypto
maintainers: $team_crypto
$modules/database/influxdb/: kamsz
$modules/database/mssql/ Jmainguy kenichi-ogawa-1988
2019-01-28 12:09:29 +00:00
$modules/database/mysql/: &mysql
2019-01-30 14:00:46 +00:00
keywords: [ mariadb ]
2019-01-28 12:09:29 +00:00
labels: mysql
2019-01-30 14:00:46 +00:00
maintainers: $team_mysql
$modules/database/postgresql/: &postgresql
keywords: [ postgres, postgresql ]
labels: postgresql
maintainers: $team_postgresql
notified: jbscalia
$modules/database/proxysql/: bmildren
$modules/database/vertica/: dareko
ignored: astorije
maintainers: $team_ansible
$modules/files/ $team_ansible
$modules/files/ $team_ansible ptux
$modules/files/ $team_ansible
$modules/files/ $team_ansible
$modules/files/ $team_ansible
$modules/files/ $team_ansible samdoran
2019-01-15 21:34:24 +00:00
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/files/ $team_ansible
$modules/files/ $team_ansible
ignored: dagwieers
labels: m:unarchive
maintainers: pileofrogs
$modules/files/ $team_ansible
ignored: magnus919
labels: m:xml
maintainers: sm4rk0 cmprescott
notified: cyberark-bizdev
$modules/identity/ipa/: $team_ipa
$modules/identity/keycloak/: eikef
2018-11-26 13:16:56 +00:00
ignored: skvidal
maintainers: $team_ansible
$modules/inventory/ $team_ansible
$modules/messaging/rabbitmq/: $team_rabbitmq
2019-01-15 21:34:24 +00:00
ignored: bpennypacker
ignored: arturaz
ignored: ivanvanderbyl
$modules/monitoring/ brian-brazil
2019-01-15 21:34:24 +00:00
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/monitoring/zabbix/: eikef D3DeFi
$modules/net_tools/basics/ ptux
$modules/net_tools/basics/ $team_ansible
$modules/net_tools/basics/ $team_ansible
$modules/net_tools/ andreaso
$modules/net_tools/exoscale/: resmo
$modules/net_tools/ldap/: jtyr
ignored: andyhky
2018-04-26 11:55:51 +00:00
2018-06-01 17:50:36 +00:00
maintainers: $team_networking sganesh-infoblox
- networking
- infoblox
$modules/net_tools/netbox/: fragmentedpacket
$modules/network/a10/: ericchou1 mischapeters
$modules/network/aci/: $team_aci
$modules/network/aireos/: jmighion
$modules/network/aos/: dgarros jeremyschulman
$modules/network/aruba/: jmighion
$modules/network/asa/: ogenstad gdpak
$modules/network/avi/: $team_avi
$modules/network/bigswitch/: jayakody tedelhourani vuile
$modules/network/cloudengine/: QijunPan
$modules/network/cnos/: dkasberg amuraleedhar
$modules/network/cumulus/: $team_cumulus
$modules/network/dellos10/: skg-net
$modules/network/dellos6/: abirami-n skg-net
$modules/network/dellos9/: Dhivyap skg-net
$modules/network/edgeos/: samdoran
$modules/network/edgeswitch/: f-bor
$modules/network/enos/: amuraleedhar
$modules/network/eos/: trishnaguha
$modules/network/exos/: rdvencioneck
ignored: Etienne-Carriere mhite mryanlam perzizzle srvg JoeReifel $team_networking
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
$modules/network/files/: $team_networking
$modules/network/fortios/: bjolivot
$modules/network/fortimanager/: $team_fortimanager
$modules/network/illumos/: *solaris
$modules/network/interface/: $team_networking
$modules/network/ios/: rcarrillocruz
$modules/network/iosxr/: rcarrillocruz gdpak
$modules/network/ironware/: paulquack
$modules/network/junos/: Qalthos ganeshrn
$modules/network/layer2/: $team_networking
$modules/network/layer3/: $team_networking
$modules/network/meraki/: $team_meraki
$modules/network/netconf/ userlerueda $team_networking
$modules/network/netconf/ $team_networking
$modules/network/netconf/ $team_networking
$modules/network/netscaler/: $team_netscaler
$modules/network/netvisor/: $team_netvisor
2018-08-10 20:50:02 +00:00
$modules/network/nos/: $team_extreme
$modules/network/nuage/: pdellaert
$modules/network/nxos/: $team_nxos
$modules/network/nso/: $team_nso
$modules/network/onyx/: $team_onyx
$modules/network/ordnance/: alexanderturner djh00t
ignored: stygstra
maintainers: rcarrillocruz
$modules/network/panos/: ivanbojer jtschichold shinmog
$modules/network/protocol/: $team_networking
$modules/network/routeros/: heuels
$modules/network/routing/: $team_networking
$modules/network/slxos/: $team_extreme
$modules/network/sros/: privateip
$modules/network/system/: $team_networking
$modules/network/voss/: $team_extreme
$modules/network/vyos/: Qalthos samdoran NilashishC
$modules/notification/ $team_ansible
ignored: ramondelafuente
maintainers: Deepakkothandan
$modules/packaging/language/ $team_ansible
ignored: chrisisbeef
maintainers: tumbl3w33d turb
ignored: chrishoffman
maintainers: shane-walker xcambar
$modules/packaging/language/ Lujeni webknjaz
ignored: kbrebanov
maintainers: tdtrask
$modules/packaging/os/ $team_ansible
$modules/packaging/os/ $team_ansible
$modules/packaging/os/ &bsd
ignored: bleader
2019-01-30 14:00:46 +00:00
keywords: [ doas, dragonfly, freebsd, iocage, jail, netbsd, openbsd, opnsense, pfsense ]
labels: bsd
maintainers: $team_bsd
$modules/packaging/os/ &macos
ignored: frenck
2019-01-30 14:00:46 +00:00
keywords: [ brew, cask, darwin, homebrew, macosx, macports, osx ]
labels: macos
maintainers: $team_macos
$modules/packaging/os/homebrew_: *macos
$modules/packaging/os/ &aix
2019-01-30 14:00:46 +00:00
keywords: [ aix, efix, lpar, wpar ]
labels: aix
maintainers: $team_aix
$modules/packaging/os/ *macos
$modules/packaging/os/ $team_ansible
ignored: elasticdog
$modules/packaging/os/pkg5: *solaris
$modules/packaging/os/ *solaris
$modules/packaging/os/ *bsd
$modules/packaging/os/ *solaris
ignored: sayap
$modules/packaging/os/ *bsd
$modules/packaging/os/ alikins kahowell
$modules/packaging/os/ alikins
$modules/packaging/os/ $team_rhn
$modules/packaging/os/ angristan
$modules/packaging/os/ *solaris
$modules/packaging/os/ &hpux
2019-01-30 14:00:46 +00:00
keywords: [ hp-ux ]
labels: hpux
maintainers: $team_hpux
2018-12-07 16:32:12 +00:00
$modules/packaging/os/ hnanni
2018-11-22 00:47:45 +00:00
maintainers: $team_ansible kustodian
ignored: skvidal
ignored: dirtyharrycallahan
$modules/packaging/os/ robinro
$modules/remote_management/foreman/: ehelms
$modules/remote_management/hpilo/: dagwieers haad
$modules/remote_management/imc/: dagwieers
$modules/remote_management/ipmi/: cloudnull
$modules/remote_management/lxca/: navalkp prabhosa
$modules/remote_management/manageiq/: $team_manageiq
2018-09-20 12:38:10 +00:00
$modules/remote_management/redfish/: $team_redfish
$modules/remote_management/stacki/ bbyhuy bsanders
$modules/remote_management/ucs/: $team_ucs
$modules/remote_management/dellemc/: rajeevarakkal
2017-10-02 19:26:56 +00:00
$modules/source_control/ $team_ansible
ignored: erydo
2019-01-22 14:08:31 +00:00
$modules/source_control/gitlab_: &gitlab
2019-02-01 19:25:12 +00:00
keywords: [ gitlab ]
2019-01-22 14:08:31 +00:00
labels: gitlab
maintainers: $team_gitlab
2019-02-01 19:25:12 +00:00
notified: jlozadad
$modules/storage/infinidat/: GR360RY vmalloc
$modules/storage/netapp/: $team_netapp
maintainers: $team_purestorage
labels: pure_storage
$modules/storage/glusterfs/: devyanikota
$modules/storage/ibm/: tzurE
$modules/storage/zfs/: *solaris
$modules/system/aix: *aix
ignored: DavidWittman
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ *solaris
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ pilou-
$modules/system/ Akasurde
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ obourdon
2019-01-10 00:21:40 +00:00
$modules/system/ *aix
ignored: stygstra
2018-11-26 13:16:56 +00:00
maintainers: $team_ansible jtyr
ignored: skvidal
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ *macos
ignored: usawa
2017-08-16 23:26:24 +00:00
maintainers: giovannisciortino
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ nibalizer
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ samdoran
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
ignored: david_obrien
maintainers: $team_ansible
$modules/system/solaris: *solaris
$modules/system/ Akasurde
$modules/system/ $team_ansible
$modules/system/ $team_ansible samdoran
$modules/utilities/helper/ $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/ $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/ $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/ $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/ $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/ $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/ $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/ samdoran
$modules/utilities/logic/ gregswift
$modules/web_infrastructure/ansible_tower/: $team_tower
maintainers: $team_e_spirit
- utm
- sophos
$modules/web_infrastructure/ scottanderson42
$modules/web_infrastructure/ $team_ansible
$modules/web_infrastructure/jboss: $team_jboss
$modules/web_infrastructure/ Slezhuk
$modules/windows/: &windows
2018-02-25 15:47:38 +00:00
ignored: angstwad georgefrank h0nIg
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
keywords: [ credssp, hyperv, powershell, psrp, winrm ]
labels: windows
2019-02-14 23:10:06 +00:00
maintainers: $team_windows
notified: if-meaton
<<: *windows
maintainers: defionscode
- persistent connection
labels: networking
support: community
- dynamic inventory script
- dynamic inventory
- inventory script
labels: c:inventory/contrib_script
support: community
contrib/inventory/ *digital_ocean
contrib/inventory/docker: *docker
- linode dynamic inventory script
maintainers: $team_linode
- cloud
- linode
- openstack dynamic inventory script
maintainers: $team_openstack
- cloud
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
contrib/inventory/ *virt
- infoblox dynamic inventory script
- ipam
- nios
- networking
maintainers: $team_networking
- azure inventory
- azure rm inventory
- azure azure_rm dynamic inventory script
- cloud
- azure
maintainers: $team_azure
- aws dynamic inventory
- aws inventory
- ec2 inventory
- ec2 dynamic inventory
- dynamic inventory script
- inventory script
- inventory
- cloud
- aws
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: ryansb s-hertel willthames
- vmware inventory
- vmware dynamic inventory script
- cloud
maintainers: $team_vmware
- vmware inventory
- vmware dynamic inventory script
- cloud
- vmware
maintainers: $team_vmware
- core inventory
- inventory
- inventory parsing
support: community
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
$module_utils/ *crypto
support: community
maintainers: $team_tower
maintainers: $team_azure
- azure
- cloud
2018-11-08 11:51:41 +00:00
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
$module_utils/ *crypto
$module_utils/csharp: &windows_core
labels: windows
maintainers: $team_windows_core
support: core
$module_utils/docker/: *docker
support: core
- aws
- cloud
support: core
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *aix
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *macos
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *hpux
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/ *solaris
$module_utils/facts/network/ *aix
$module_utils/facts/network/ *macos
$module_utils/facts/network/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/ *hpux
$module_utils/facts/network/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/ *solaris
$module_utils/facts/virtual/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/ *hpux
$module_utils/facts/virtual/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/ *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/ *solaris
maintainers: $team_google
supershipit: $team_google
2019-01-22 14:08:31 +00:00
$module_utils/ *gitlab
maintainers: $team_ipa
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
- clustering
- k8s
maintainers: eikef
maintainers: $team_manageiq
maintainers: glitchcrab
labels: cloud
$module_utils/ *mysql
support: core
- networking
- infoblox
2018-06-01 17:50:36 +00:00
maintainers: $team_networking sganesh-infoblox
maintainers: $team_netapp
labels: networking
maintainers: ericchou1 mischapeters
2018-09-24 14:55:29 +00:00
$module_utils/network/aci: &aci
maintainers: $team_aci
2018-09-24 14:55:29 +00:00
- aci
- networking
maintainers: jmighion
maintainers: dgarros jeremyschulman
maintainers: jmighion
maintainers: ogenstad gdpak
maintainers: $team_avi
maintainers: jayakody tedelhourani vuile
maintainers: QijunPan
2017-09-12 15:13:12 +00:00
maintainers: dkasberg amuraleedhar
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: f-bor
maintainers: amuraleedhar
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: rdvencioneck
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
- f5
maintainers: bjolivot
maintainers: $team_fortimanager
- fortimanager
- networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: paulquack
support: network
2018-09-24 14:55:29 +00:00
$module_utils/network/meraki: &meraki
2018-02-26 00:14:07 +00:00
maintainers: $team_meraki
2018-09-24 14:55:29 +00:00
- meraki
- networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_netscaler
2018-08-10 20:50:02 +00:00
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_nso
support: network
maintainers: $team_nxos
maintainers: $team_onyx
maintainers: alexanderturner djh00t
maintainers: ivanbojer jtschichold shinmog
maintainers: heuels
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
2017-08-25 14:50:13 +00:00
maintainers: $team_openstack
- cloud
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
$module_utils/ *virt
$module_utils/ *postgresql
$module_utils/powershell: *windows_core
maintainers: $team_purestorage
labels: pure_storage
2018-09-20 12:38:10 +00:00
maintainers: $team_redfish
maintainers: navalkp prabhosa
labels: lxca
maintainers: $team_ucs
labels: ucs
maintainers: rajeevarakkal
$module_utils/ &scaleway
maintainers: $team_scaleway
2018-07-18 15:30:35 +00:00
- cloud
maintainers: $team_e_spirit
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
$module_utils/vmware: *vmware
$module_utils/ *vultr
maintainers: bvitnik
# playbook
- handlers
- roles path
- roles_path
- role
- role path
- include role
- include_role
- role include
- role dependencies
- role dep
- role dependency
# plugins
support: community
2018-11-19 11:09:09 +00:00
support: core
2018-11-19 11:09:09 +00:00
support: core
# action
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: network
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
$plugins/action/win: *windows_core
support: core
maintainers: ogenstad gdpak
labels: networking
maintainers: jmighion
labels: networking
maintainers: jmighion
labels: networking
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
labels: networking
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
labels: networking
maintainers: skg-net
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: paulquack
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
2017-11-02 12:15:20 +00:00
- networking
- nxos
maintainers: $team_onyx
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
# plugins/cache
support: core
support: core
# plugins/callbacks
support: core
support: core
support: core
maintainers: rrey
2018-11-05 14:19:41 +00:00
support: community
support: core
support: core
support: core
$plugins/callback/ *macos
support: core
2018-11-05 14:19:41 +00:00
maintainers: ysn2233
support: community
maintainers: ryancurrah
2018-11-05 14:19:41 +00:00
support: community
support: core
maintainers: akatch
2018-11-05 14:19:41 +00:00
support: community
# plugins/cliconf
labels: networking
maintainers: f-bor
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: rdvencioneck
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: paulquack
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
2018-08-10 20:50:02 +00:00
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
2017-11-02 12:15:20 +00:00
maintainers: $team_nxos
labels: nxos
maintainers: $team_onyx
maintainers: heuels
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
# plugins/connection
support: core
<<: *docker
support: community
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: mattclay
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
$plugins/connection/ *windows_core
support: community
$plugins/connection/ *windows_core
# plugins/doc_fragments
support: community
support: core
$plugins/doc_fragments/ *aci
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
$plugins/doc_fragments/ *crypto
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
<<: *docker
support: community
$plugins/doc_fragments/ *aci
2019-01-28 12:09:29 +00:00
$plugins/doc_fragments/ *mysql
$plugins/doc_fragments/ *postgresql
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
$plugins/doc_fragments/ *vultr
maintainers: bvitnik
# plugins/filter
2018-12-10 22:40:22 +00:00
support: community
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
2018-12-10 22:40:22 +00:00
support: core
# plugins/httpapi
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: community
maintainers: annikulin $team_networking
# plugins/inventory
support: core
maintainers: $team_google
supershipit: $team_google
support: core
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
labels: k8s
- linode dynamic inventory script
maintainers: $team_linode
- cloud
- linode
2018-10-12 08:29:36 +00:00
support: community
maintainers: $team_netbox
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
maintainers: $team_openstack
- openstack
- inventory
2018-01-03 19:08:46 +00:00
2017-10-18 10:24:28 +00:00
- cloud
$plugins/inventory/ *scaleway
support: core
$plugins/inventory/ *vultr
support: core
# plugins/lookup
support: core
Conjur Lookup Plugin (#34280) * Imported lookup plugin from Role * Plugin cleanup, including: * Use existing Python YAML parsing * Remove environment variables as connection options * Added initial debugging information * Reworked the lookup plugin using the Python Request library. As it's available through Ansible, it makes communication with Conjur much more straight forward. * Removed un-used libraries * Fixed linting issues * Standardized output on `format` and insure it works for 2.6, 2.7, and 3.x. * Use quote_plus from the six library for improved python 2/3 behavior. * Refactored identity & configuration to prefer user's file. This also includes a refactor to remove an un-needed dictionary merge method. * Removed `requests` in favor of `ansible.module_utils.urls`. * Refactored netrc loading to warn if host is not present. * Tests and a refactor to support easier testing. * Added reference to website * Fixed two linting errors * Fixed an extra line found by linting * Updated file write to use binary to insure config files are written correctly * Resolved linting issues * Refactored config & identity loading to take advantage of plugin options * Cleanup a bunch of small items caught by linting * Removed extra line caught by linting * Swapped in pytest and added some tests with mocked network responses * Pushing to see if this approach works better... * Refactored be open_url mocking based on feedback * Fixed a couple linting issues & refactored mocking into each method to attempt to resolve a failing test * Use a generic MagicMock for python 2.6 * Fixes doc typo require -> required * Use `type: path` in identity_file and config_file Also removes `expanduser` calls below (which will now be called automatically on paths.) * Defines maintainers for conjur_variable plugin * BOTMETA.yml: ** defines $team_cyberark_conjur as maintainers of Conjur Variable plugin ** adds myself and @jvanderhoof to that team * Adds URLs to relevant documentation for Conjur Variable lookup plugin * Clarifies "the server," "the machine" -> "controlling host" The machine identity used is that of the Ansible controlling host, not any server being provisioned or instructed. This documentation change aims to make that relationship clear. * Adds response code to exception message on authentication failure * Enhances exception messages to specify the controlling host These error messages are less likely to confuse a user as to which machine is associated with the files, identities, and configurations being described. * Adds ANSIBLE_METADATA for Conjur variable lookup plugin
2018-01-23 16:04:57 +00:00
maintainers: $team_cyberark_conjur
notified: cyberark-bizdev
maintainers: jpmens
labels: community
notified: cyberark-bizdev
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
labels: k8s
support: core
maintainers: $team_networking sganesh-infoblox
- networking
- infoblox
maintainers: samdoran
ignored: azenk
# plugins/netconf
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
Lookup plugin for rabbitmq (#44070) * Adding a basic get lookup for rabbitmq. * Always return a list * If content type is JSON, make accessible via dict. * Fixed incorrect json.loads variable and missing raise * Change to document returned data * Fixed pep8 issues * Adding integration testing * Moving lookup intgration tests to new target * New rabbitmq lookup plugin (#44070). * New rabbitmq lookup plugin (#44070). * PR review feedback updates * Testing pika is installed * Minor mods to tests * Check if connection is already closed or closing * Updated tests and connection testing * PR review feedback updates * PR review include ValueError in AnsibleError output * Suggesting to use set_fact when using returned variable more than once. * Cleaned up some tests, added some notes and handling connection closure on some exceptions. * Removed finally statement and added some additional error handling. * Added some additional error handling. * PR review updates. * Additional integration tests and removing return in finally * Updated version * Changing back to running tests on ubuntu. * Additional tests * Running tests on Ubuntu only * Fixing syntax error * Fixing ingtegration tests and a string/byte issue * Removed non-required test and fixed BOTMETA * Trying to fix integration test failure on ubuntu1404 * Some issues occured when handling messages from the queue with to_native. Switching to to_text resolved the issues. * Renaming channel to queue (thanks dch). Disabling trusty tests.
2018-10-04 01:25:09 +00:00
maintainers: Im0
support: community
maintainers: wisotzky $team_networking
labels: networking
# plugins/shell
support: core
$plugins/shell/ *windows_core
# plugins/strategy
support: core
# plugins/terminal
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: ogenstad gdpak
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: samdoran
maintainers: f-bor
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: rdvencioneck
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: paulquack
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
2018-08-10 20:50:02 +00:00
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_onyx
maintainers: heuels
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking samdoran
# plugins/test
support: core
# plugins/vars
support: core
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: mattclay nitzmahone
# other lib
lib/ansible/executor/powershell: *windows_core
- jinja
- jinja2
- mattclay
- validate-modules
- gundalow
- sivel
- gundalow
- sivel
2018-07-30 23:03:50 +00:00
- acozine
docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/developing_modules_general_aci.rst: *aci
labels: networking
2018-07-30 23:03:50 +00:00
- samccann
2018-09-24 14:55:29 +00:00
docs/docsite/rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst: *aci
docs/docsite/rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst: *docker
docs/docsite/rst/user_guide/intro_bsd.rst: *bsd
# 'test' is a component path, then 'test' label will be automatically added
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: mattclay
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
test/runner/lib/cloud/ *crypto
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: mattclay
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: mattclay
2018-09-24 14:55:29 +00:00
test/integration/targets/aci: *aci
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
test/integration/targets/acme: *crypto
test/integration/targets/aix: *aix
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
labels: cloud
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
test/integration/targets/docker: *docker
maintainers: $team_google
supershipit: $team_google
2018-11-10 00:59:40 +00:00
test/integration/targets/meraki: *meraki
test/integration/targets/mso: *aci
2019-01-28 12:09:29 +00:00
test/integration/targets/mysql: *mysql
2017-11-02 12:15:20 +00:00
maintainers: $team_nxos
- networking
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
test/integration/targets/openssl: *crypto
test/integration/targets/postgresql: *postgresql
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
test/integration/targets/setup_acme: *crypto
test/integration/targets/setup_docker: *docker
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
test/integration/targets/setup_openssl: *crypto
2019-01-28 12:09:29 +00:00
test/integration/targets/setup_mysql_db: *mysql
maintainers: eikef D3DeFi
2018-06-29 13:47:55 +00:00
maintainers: $team_ucs
- remote_management
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
test/integration/targets/vultr: *vultr
notified: mattclay
<<: *scaleway
support: community
<<: *docker
support: community
test/units/module_utils/facts/network/ *bsd
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
test/units/module_utils/ *crypto
test/units/module_utils/xenserver/: bvitnik
<<: *docker
support: community
2017-11-02 12:15:20 +00:00
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_nxos
- networking
test/units/modules/cloud/xenserver/: bvitnik
notified: mattclay
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: mattclay
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: mattclay
2018-09-12 05:43:28 +00:00
notified: mattclay
module_utils: lib/ansible/module_utils
modules: lib/ansible/modules
plugins: lib/ansible/plugins
2017-12-15 16:16:05 +00:00
team_aci: brunocalogero dagwieers jmcgill298 schunduri
team_aix: bcoca dagwieers flynn1973 gforster kairoaraujo marvin-sinister mator molekuul MorrisA ramooncamacho wtcross
team_ansible: []
team_avi: ericsysmin grastogi23 khaltore
team_azure: haroldwongms nitzmahone trstringer yuwzho xscript zikalino
2019-02-18 20:09:46 +00:00
team_bsd: bcoca dagwieers jasperla JoergFiedler MacLemon mekanix opoplawski overhacked tuxillo
team_cloudscale: gaudenz resmo
team_cloudstack: resmo dpassante rhtyd
2019-02-12 15:28:48 +00:00
team_crypto: felixfontein MarkusTeufelberger puiterwijk resmo Spredzy Shaps Xyon
team_cumulus: isharacomix jrrivers
Conjur Lookup Plugin (#34280) * Imported lookup plugin from Role * Plugin cleanup, including: * Use existing Python YAML parsing * Remove environment variables as connection options * Added initial debugging information * Reworked the lookup plugin using the Python Request library. As it's available through Ansible, it makes communication with Conjur much more straight forward. * Removed un-used libraries * Fixed linting issues * Standardized output on `format` and insure it works for 2.6, 2.7, and 3.x. * Use quote_plus from the six library for improved python 2/3 behavior. * Refactored identity & configuration to prefer user's file. This also includes a refactor to remove an un-needed dictionary merge method. * Removed `requests` in favor of `ansible.module_utils.urls`. * Refactored netrc loading to warn if host is not present. * Tests and a refactor to support easier testing. * Added reference to website * Fixed two linting errors * Fixed an extra line found by linting * Updated file write to use binary to insure config files are written correctly * Resolved linting issues * Refactored config & identity loading to take advantage of plugin options * Cleanup a bunch of small items caught by linting * Removed extra line caught by linting * Swapped in pytest and added some tests with mocked network responses * Pushing to see if this approach works better... * Refactored be open_url mocking based on feedback * Fixed a couple linting issues & refactored mocking into each method to attempt to resolve a failing test * Use a generic MagicMock for python 2.6 * Fixes doc typo require -> required * Use `type: path` in identity_file and config_file Also removes `expanduser` calls below (which will now be called automatically on paths.) * Defines maintainers for conjur_variable plugin * BOTMETA.yml: ** defines $team_cyberark_conjur as maintainers of Conjur Variable plugin ** adds myself and @jvanderhoof to that team * Adds URLs to relevant documentation for Conjur Variable lookup plugin * Clarifies "the server," "the machine" -> "controlling host" The machine identity used is that of the Ansible controlling host, not any server being provisioned or instructed. This documentation change aims to make that relationship clear. * Adds response code to exception message on authentication failure * Enhances exception messages to specify the controlling host These error messages are less likely to confuse a user as to which machine is associated with the files, identities, and configurations being described. * Adds ANSIBLE_METADATA for Conjur variable lookup plugin
2018-01-23 16:04:57 +00:00
team_cyberark_conjur: jvanderhoof ryanprior
team_digital_ocean: aluvenko, BondAnthony, mgregson
docker_node: Docker Swarm node operations module (#50584) * * docker_node: New module for operations on Docker Swarm node * Shared code for Docker Swarm modules * * docker_node: Removed the attribute `force` as it is not used for any operation * docker_node_facts: Update module to use client class AnsibleDockerSwarmClient instead of AnsibleDockerClient * docker_node_facts: List of nodes can be provided as input, inspect all registered nodes or manager host itself * docker_node: Update in method name called from AnsibleDockerSwarmClient * docker_node: Additional method to shared module to get formatted output list of registered nodes * docker_node: Additional method to shared module to get formatted output list of registered nodes * docker_node: removed state list (featue moved to docker_swarm_facts) * docker_node: Node labels manipulation (remove, replace, merge) * module_utils/docker_swarm: Updated output for nodes list - adding swarm leader flag * docker_node_facts: update in input and return values, update in documentation section * docker_node: Updated operations on labels, tracking if change is required * docker_node: Updated documentation, parameter 'hostname' is now required docker_node_facts: Updated documentation * * Failing Ansible tasl if not run on swarm manager - code cleanup * * docker_node: Remove the 'action' list from output * * docker_node: variable name change to be align with Python best practice, BOTMETA.yml update * * module_utils/ fix for incorrect fail() action * docker_node: documentation and code small updates * * docker_node: revised labels manipulation * docker_node_facts: Reverting to repository version, moving this change to separate PR * * docker_node: Documentation update * * docker_node: Update to node availability and role modification * * docker_node: Update to check_mode handling * * docker_node: Code cleanup * docker_node_facts: Code cleanup * docker_node_facts: Adding back the module with only update to use AnsibleDockerSwarmClient instead of AnsibleDockerClient docker_node: cosmetic code changes BOTMETA: updated on $team_docker * docker_node: BOTMETA update
2019-02-04 13:08:46 +00:00
team_docker: akshay196 danihodovic dariko DBendit felixfontein jwitko kassiansun tbouvet WojciechowskiPiotr
team_e_spirit: MatrixCrawler getjack
team_extreme: bigmstone LindsayHill
team_fortimanager: Ghilli3 lweighall p4r4n0y1ng Ftntcorecse
2019-02-18 22:22:40 +00:00
team_gitlab: dj-wasabi Lunik marwatk Shaps waheedi
team_google: rambleraptor erjohnso
team_hpux: bcoca dagwieers davx8342
team_ipa: Nosmoht Akasurde fxfitz
2018-08-10 20:36:09 +00:00
team_jboss: jairojunior wbrefvem Wolfant
team_linode: InTheCloudDan lwm displague rmcintosh
team_macos: dagwieers kyleabenson
2017-09-25 16:38:38 +00:00
team_manageiq: gtanzillo abellotti zgalor yaacov cben
2018-02-26 00:14:07 +00:00
team_meraki: dagwieers kbreit
2019-02-18 22:22:40 +00:00
team_mysql: bmalynovytch michaelcoburn oneiroi tolland Xyon
team_netapp: hulquest lmprice ndswartz amit0701 schmots1 carchi8py lonico
2018-10-12 08:29:36 +00:00
team_netbox: sieben anthony25 fragmentedpacket nikkytub pilou-
team_netscaler: chiradeep giorgos-nikolopoulos
team_netvisor: Qalthos amitsi pdam preetiparasar csharpe-pn
team_networking: Qalthos ganeshrn rcarrillocruz trishnaguha gdpak justjais NilashishC
2018-02-28 23:09:42 +00:00
team_nso: cmoberg cnasten tbjurman
team_nxos: mikewiebe rahushen rcarrillocruz trishnaguha chrisvanheuveln
team_onyx: anasbadaha samerd
team_openstack: emonty juliakreger rcarrillocruz Shrews dagnello mnaser odyssey4me evrardjp cloudnull
team_openswitch: Qalthos gdpak
2019-02-18 22:22:40 +00:00
team_postgresql: amenonsen Andersson007 andytom Dorn- jbscalia kostiantyn-nemchenko kustodian matburt nerzhul sebasmannem
team_purestorage: sdodsley sile16 lionmax genegr raekins bannaych
team_rabbitmq: chrishoffman manuel-sousa hyperized
2018-09-20 12:38:10 +00:00
team_redfish: jose-delarosa mraineri tomasg2012 billdodd
team_rhn: alikins barnabycourt FlossWare vritant
team_scaleway: sieben Spredzy abarbare Anthony25 pilou-
2019-01-28 13:51:42 +00:00
team_solaris: bcoca dagwieers fishman jpdasma jasperla mator scathatheworm troy2914 xen0l
2018-03-01 15:37:28 +00:00
team_tower: ghjm jlaska matburt wwitzel3 simfarm ryanpetrello rooftopcellist AlanCoding
2019-02-18 22:22:40 +00:00
team_ucs: dsoper2 johnamcdonough SDBrett vallard vvb
team_vmware: Akasurde dav1x warthog9 ckotte Tomorrow9
2019-02-12 08:02:02 +00:00
team_virt: joshainglis karmab machacekondra mwperina
2018-07-18 15:30:35 +00:00
team_vultr: resmo Spredzy
2018-01-03 19:08:46 +00:00
team_windows: dagwieers jborean93 jhawkesworth nitzmahone
team_windows_core: nitzmahone jborean93