2018-07-30 18:10:17 +00:00
- block:
## SET UP ACCOUNT KEYS ########################################################################
- name: Create ECC256 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem
- name: Create ECC384 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec384.pem
- name: Create RSA-2048 account key
command: openssl genrsa -out {{ output_dir }}/account-rsa2048.pem 2048
## CREATE ACCOUNTS AND OBTAIN CERTIFICATES ####################################################
- name: Obtain cert 1
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 1 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-1
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: "DNS:example.com"
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-ec256.pem') }}"
challenge: http-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: "example@example.org"
- name: Obtain cert 2
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 2 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-2
key_type: ec256
subject_alt_name: "DNS:*.example.com"
subject_alt_name_critical: yes
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: "example@example.org"
- name: Obtain cert 3
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 3 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-3
key_type: ec384
subject_alt_name: "DNS:t1.example.com"
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-rsa2048
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: "example@example.org"
## REVOKE CERTIFICATES ########################################################################
- name: Revoke certificate 1 via account key
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_1_revoke
- name: Revoke certificate 2 via certificate private key
private_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.key"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_2_revoke
- name: Revoke certificate 3 via account key (fullchain)
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-rsa2048.pem') }}"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3-fullchain.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_3_revoke
2018-08-01 07:57:06 +00:00
- import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml
2018-07-30 18:10:17 +00:00
# Old 0.9.8 versions have insufficient CLI support for signing with EC keys
when: openssl_version.stdout is version('1.0.0', '>=')