2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import operator
import optparse
import os
import time
import yaml
2015-03-21 05:19:07 +00:00
import getpass
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
from ansible import __version__
from ansible import constants as C
2015-03-21 05:19:07 +00:00
from ansible.utils.unicode import to_bytes
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
# FIXME: documentation for methods here, which have mostly been
# copied directly over from the old utils/__init__.py
class SortedOptParser(optparse.OptionParser):
'''Optparser which sorts the options by opt before outputting --help'''
def format_help(self, formatter=None):
return optparse.OptionParser.format_help(self, formatter=None)
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
def base_parser(usage="", output_opts=False, runas_opts=False, meta_opts=False,
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
async_opts=False, connect_opts=False, subset_opts=False, check_opts=False, diff_opts=False):
''' create an options parser for any ansible script '''
parser = SortedOptParser(usage, version=version("%prog"))
parser.add_option('-v','--verbose', dest='verbosity', default=0, action="count",
help="verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)")
parser.add_option('-f','--forks', dest='forks', default=C.DEFAULT_FORKS, type='int',
help="specify number of parallel processes to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_FORKS)
parser.add_option('-i', '--inventory-file', dest='inventory',
help="specify inventory host file (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST,
parser.add_option('-k', '--ask-pass', default=False, dest='ask_pass', action='store_true',
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
help='ask for connection password')
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
parser.add_option('--private-key', default=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, dest='private_key_file',
help='use this file to authenticate the connection')
parser.add_option('--ask-vault-pass', default=False, dest='ask_vault_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for vault password')
parser.add_option('--vault-password-file', default=C.DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE,
dest='vault_password_file', help="vault password file")
parser.add_option('--list-hosts', dest='listhosts', action='store_true',
help='outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else')
parser.add_option('-M', '--module-path', dest='module_path',
help="specify path(s) to module library (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH,
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
parser.add_option('-e', '--extra-vars', dest="extra_vars", action="append",
help="set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON", default=[])
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
if subset_opts:
parser.add_option('-l', '--limit', default=C.DEFAULT_SUBSET, dest='subset',
help='further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern')
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
parser.add_option('-t', '--tags', dest='tags', default='all',
help="only run plays and tasks tagged with these values")
parser.add_option('--skip-tags', dest='skip_tags',
help="only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values")
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
if output_opts:
parser.add_option('-o', '--one-line', dest='one_line', action='store_true',
help='condense output')
parser.add_option('-t', '--tree', dest='tree', default=None,
help='log output to this directory')
if runas_opts:
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
# priv user defaults to root later on to enable detecting when this option was given here
parser.add_option('-K', '--ask-sudo-pass', default=False, dest='ask_sudo_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for sudo password (deprecated, use become)')
parser.add_option('--ask-su-pass', default=False, dest='ask_su_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for su password (deprecated, use become)')
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
parser.add_option("-s", "--sudo", default=C.DEFAULT_SUDO, action="store_true", dest='sudo',
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
help="run operations with sudo (nopasswd) (deprecated, use become)")
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
parser.add_option('-U', '--sudo-user', dest='sudo_user', default=None,
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
help='desired sudo user (default=root) (deprecated, use become)')
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
parser.add_option('-S', '--su', default=C.DEFAULT_SU, action='store_true',
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
help='run operations with su (deprecated, use become)')
parser.add_option('-R', '--su-user', default=None,
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
help='run operations with su as this user (default=%s) (deprecated, use become)' % C.DEFAULT_SU_USER)
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
# consolidated privilege escalation (become)
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
parser.add_option("-b", "--become", default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME, action="store_true", dest='become',
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
help="run operations with become (nopasswd implied)")
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
parser.add_option('--become-method', dest='become_method', default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD, type='string',
help="privilege escalation method to use (default=%s), valid choices: [ %s ]" % (C.DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD, ' | '.join(C.BECOME_METHODS)))
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
parser.add_option('--become-user', default=None, dest='become_user', type='string',
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
help='run operations as this user (default=%s)' % C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER)
2015-03-21 03:12:16 +00:00
parser.add_option('--ask-become-pass', default=False, dest='become_ask_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for privilege escalation password')
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
if connect_opts:
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
parser.add_option('-c', '--connection', dest='connection', default=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT,
help="connection type to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT)
parser.add_option('-T', '--timeout', default=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, type='int', dest='timeout',
help="override the connection timeout in seconds (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
if async_opts:
parser.add_option('-P', '--poll', default=C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, type='int',
help="set the poll interval if using -B (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL)
parser.add_option('-B', '--background', dest='seconds', type='int', default=0,
help='run asynchronously, failing after X seconds (default=N/A)')
if check_opts:
parser.add_option("-C", "--check", default=False, dest='check', action='store_true',
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
help="don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur")
parser.add_option('--syntax-check', dest='syntax', action='store_true',
help="perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it")
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
if diff_opts:
parser.add_option("-D", "--diff", default=False, dest='diff', action='store_true',
help="when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with --check"
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
if meta_opts:
parser.add_option('--force-handlers', dest='force_handlers', action='store_true',
help="run handlers even if a task fails")
parser.add_option('--flush-cache', dest='flush_cache', action='store_true',
help="clear the fact cache")
2014-11-14 22:14:08 +00:00
return parser
def version(prog):
result = "{0} {1}".format(prog, __version__)
gitinfo = _gitinfo()
if gitinfo:
result = result + " {0}".format(gitinfo)
result = result + "\n configured module search path = %s" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH
return result
def version_info(gitinfo=False):
if gitinfo:
# expensive call, user with care
ansible_version_string = version('')
ansible_version_string = __version__
ansible_version = ansible_version_string.split()[0]
ansible_versions = ansible_version.split('.')
for counter in range(len(ansible_versions)):
if ansible_versions[counter] == "":
ansible_versions[counter] = 0
ansible_versions[counter] = int(ansible_versions[counter])
if len(ansible_versions) < 3:
for counter in range(len(ansible_versions), 3):
return {'string': ansible_version_string.strip(),
'full': ansible_version,
'major': ansible_versions[0],
'minor': ansible_versions[1],
'revision': ansible_versions[2]}
def _git_repo_info(repo_path):
''' returns a string containing git branch, commit id and commit date '''
result = None
if os.path.exists(repo_path):
# Check if the .git is a file. If it is a file, it means that we are in a submodule structure.
if os.path.isfile(repo_path):
gitdir = yaml.safe_load(open(repo_path)).get('gitdir')
# There is a possibility the .git file to have an absolute path.
if os.path.isabs(gitdir):
repo_path = gitdir
repo_path = os.path.join(repo_path[:-4], gitdir)
except (IOError, AttributeError):
return ''
f = open(os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD"))
branch = f.readline().split('/')[-1].rstrip("\n")
branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "refs", "heads", branch)
if os.path.exists(branch_path):
f = open(branch_path)
commit = f.readline()[:10]
# detached HEAD
commit = branch[:10]
branch = 'detached HEAD'
branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD")
date = time.localtime(os.stat(branch_path).st_mtime)
if time.daylight == 0:
offset = time.timezone
offset = time.altzone
result = "({0} {1}) last updated {2} (GMT {3:+04d})".format(branch, commit,
time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", date), int(offset / -36))
result = ''
return result
def _gitinfo():
basedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..')
repo_path = os.path.join(basedir, '.git')
result = _git_repo_info(repo_path)
submodules = os.path.join(basedir, '.gitmodules')
if not os.path.exists(submodules):
return result
f = open(submodules)
for line in f:
tokens = line.strip().split(' ')
if tokens[0] == 'path':
submodule_path = tokens[2]
submodule_info =_git_repo_info(os.path.join(basedir, submodule_path, '.git'))
if not submodule_info:
submodule_info = ' not found - use git submodule update --init ' + submodule_path
result += "\n {0}: {1}".format(submodule_path, submodule_info)
return result
2015-03-21 05:19:07 +00:00
def ask_passwords(options):
sshpass = None
becomepass = None
vaultpass = None
become_prompt = ''
if options.ask_pass:
sshpass = getpass.getpass(prompt="SSH password: ")
become_prompt = "%s password[defaults to SSH password]: " % options.become_method.upper()
if sshpass:
sshpass = to_bytes(sshpass, errors='strict', nonstring='simplerepr')
become_prompt = "%s password: " % options.become_method.upper()
if options.become_ask_pass:
becomepass = getpass.getpass(prompt=become_prompt)
if options.ask_pass and becomepass == '':
becomepass = sshpass
if becomepass:
becomepass = to_bytes(becomepass)
if options.ask_vault_pass:
vaultpass = getpass.getpass(prompt="Vault password: ")
if vaultpass:
vaultpass = to_bytes(vaultpass, errors='strict', nonstring='simplerepr').strip()
return (sshpass, becomepass, vaultpass)
def normalize_become_options(options):
''' this keeps backwards compatibility with sudo/su options '''
options.become_ask_pass = options.become_ask_pass or options.ask_sudo_pass or options.ask_su_pass or C.DEFAULT_BECOME_ASK_PASS
options.become_user = options.become_user or options.sudo_user or options.su_user or C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER
if options.become:
elif options.sudo:
options.become = True
options.become_method = 'sudo'
elif options.su:
options.become = True
options.become_method = 'su'
2015-03-21 04:35:56 +00:00
def validate_conflicts(parser, options):
# Check for vault related conflicts
if (options.ask_vault_pass and options.vault_password_file):
parser.error("--ask-vault-pass and --vault-password-file are mutually exclusive")
# Check for privilege escalation conflicts
if (options.su or options.su_user or options.ask_su_pass) and \
(options.sudo or options.sudo_user or options.ask_sudo_pass) or \
(options.su or options.su_user or options.ask_su_pass) and \
(options.become or options.become_user or options.become_ask_pass) or \
(options.sudo or options.sudo_user or options.ask_sudo_pass) and \
(options.become or options.become_user or options.become_ask_pass):
parser.error("Sudo arguments ('--sudo', '--sudo-user', and '--ask-sudo-pass') "
"and su arguments ('-su', '--su-user', and '--ask-su-pass') "
"and become arguments ('--become', '--become-user', and '--ask-become-pass')"
" are exclusive of each other")