winrm: fix up unit tests (#41112)
(cherry picked from commit ad8e13e9f8
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 129 additions and 127 deletions
@ -28,3 +28,6 @@ pyfmg
# requirement for aci_rest module
# requirement for winrm connection plugin tests
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import sys
import pytest
from io import StringIO
@ -17,6 +15,7 @@ from ansible.errors import AnsibleConnectionFailure
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext
from ansible.plugins.loader import connection_loader
from ansible.plugins.connection import winrm
class TestConnectionWinRM(object):
@ -194,23 +193,13 @@ class TestConnectionWinRM(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('play, options, direct, expected, kerb',
((p, o, d, e, k) for p, o, d, e, k in OPTIONS_DATA))
def test_set_options(self, play, options, direct, expected, kerb):
if kerb:
kerberos_mock = MagicMock()
modules = {'kerberos': kerberos_mock}
modules = {'kerberos': None}
module_patcher = patch.dict(sys.modules, modules)
winrm.HAVE_KERBEROS = kerb
pc = PlayContext()
for attr, value in play.items():
setattr(pc, attr, value)
new_stdin = StringIO()
# ensure we get a fresh connection plugin by clearing the cache
connection_loader._module_cache = {}
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
conn.set_options(var_options=options, direct=direct)
@ -220,149 +209,159 @@ class TestConnectionWinRM(object):
"winrm attr '%s', actual '%s' != expected '%s'"\
% (attr, actual, expected)
class TestWinRMKerbAuth(object):
DATA = (
# default
({"_extras": {}}, (["kinit", "user@domain"],), False),
({"_extras": {}}, ("kinit", ["user@domain"],), True),
# override kinit path from options
({"_extras": {}, 'ansible_winrm_kinit_cmd': 'kinit2'},
(["kinit2", "user@domain"],), False),
({"_extras": {}, 'ansible_winrm_kinit_cmd': 'kinit2'},
("kinit2", ["user@domain"],), True),
# we expect the -f flag when delegation is set
({"_extras": {'ansible_winrm_kerberos_delegation': True}},
(["kinit", "-f", "user@domain"],), False),
({"_extras": {'ansible_winrm_kerberos_delegation': True}},
("kinit", ["-f", "user@domain"],), True),
# pylint bug:
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('options, expected, pexpect',
((o, e, p) for o, e, p in DATA))
def test_kinit_success(self, options, expected, pexpect):
def mock_popen_communicate(input=None, timeout=None):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('options, expected', [
[{"_extras": {}},
(["kinit", "user@domain"],)],
[{"_extras": {}, 'ansible_winrm_kinit_cmd': 'kinit2'},
(["kinit2", "user@domain"],)],
[{"_extras": {'ansible_winrm_kerberos_delegation': True}},
(["kinit", "-f", "user@domain"],)],
def test_kinit_success_subprocess(self, monkeypatch, options, expected):
def mock_communicate(input=None, timeout=None):
return b"", b""
mock_pexpect = None
if pexpect:
mock_pexpect = MagicMock()
mock_pexpect.spawn.return_value.exitstatus = 0
mock_popen = MagicMock()
mock_popen.return_value.communicate = mock_communicate
mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
monkeypatch.setattr("subprocess.Popen", mock_popen)
mock_subprocess = MagicMock()
mock_subprocess.Popen.return_value.communicate = mock_popen_communicate
mock_subprocess.Popen.return_value.returncode = 0
winrm.HAS_PEXPECT = False
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
modules = {
'pexpect': mock_pexpect,
'subprocess': mock_subprocess,
conn._kerb_auth("user@domain", "pass")
mock_calls = mock_popen.mock_calls
assert len(mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_calls[0][1] == expected
actual_env = mock_calls[0][2]['env']
assert list(actual_env.keys()) == ['KRB5CCNAME']
assert actual_env['KRB5CCNAME'].startswith("FILE:/")
with patch.dict(sys.modules, modules):
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('options, expected', [
[{"_extras": {}},
("kinit", ["user@domain"],)],
[{"_extras": {}, 'ansible_winrm_kinit_cmd': 'kinit2'},
("kinit2", ["user@domain"],)],
[{"_extras": {'ansible_winrm_kerberos_delegation': True}},
("kinit", ["-f", "user@domain"],)],
def test_kinit_success_pexpect(self, monkeypatch, options, expected):
mock_pexpect = MagicMock()
mock_pexpect.return_value.exitstatus = 0
monkeypatch.setattr("pexpect.spawn", mock_pexpect)
connection_loader._module_cache = {}
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
winrm.HAS_PEXPECT = True
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
conn._kerb_auth("user@domain", "pass")
if pexpect:
assert len(mock_pexpect.method_calls) == 1
assert mock_pexpect.method_calls[0][1] == expected
actual_env = mock_pexpect.method_calls[0][2]['env']
assert len(mock_subprocess.method_calls) == 1
assert mock_subprocess.method_calls[0][1] == expected
actual_env = mock_subprocess.method_calls[0][2]['env']
conn._kerb_auth("user@domain", "pass")
mock_calls = mock_pexpect.mock_calls
assert mock_calls[0][1] == expected
actual_env = mock_calls[0][2]['env']
assert list(actual_env.keys()) == ['KRB5CCNAME']
assert actual_env['KRB5CCNAME'].startswith("FILE:/")
assert mock_calls[1][0] == "().expect"
assert mock_calls[1][1] == (".*:",)
assert mock_calls[2][0] == "().sendline"
assert mock_calls[2][1] == ("pass",)
assert mock_calls[3][0] == "().read"
assert mock_calls[4][0] == "().wait"
assert list(actual_env.keys()) == ['KRB5CCNAME']
assert actual_env['KRB5CCNAME'].startswith("FILE:/")
# pylint bug:
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_pexpect', (False, True),)
def test_kinit_with_missing_executable(self, use_pexpect):
def test_kinit_with_missing_executable_subprocess(self, monkeypatch):
expected_err = "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: " \
"'/fake/kinit': '/fake/kinit'"
mock_subprocess = MagicMock()
mock_subprocess.Popen = MagicMock(side_effect=OSError(expected_err))
mock_popen = MagicMock(side_effect=OSError(expected_err))
mock_pexpect = None
if use_pexpect:
expected_err = "The command was not found or was not " \
"executable: /fake/kinit"
monkeypatch.setattr("subprocess.Popen", mock_popen)
mock_pexpect = MagicMock()
mock_pexpect.ExceptionPexpect = Exception
mock_pexpect.spawn = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception(expected_err))
winrm.HAS_PEXPECT = False
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
options = {"_extras": {}, "ansible_winrm_kinit_cmd": "/fake/kinit"}
modules = {
'pexpect': mock_pexpect,
'subprocess': mock_subprocess,
with pytest.raises(AnsibleConnectionFailure) as err:
conn._kerb_auth("user@domain", "pass")
assert str(err.value) == "Kerberos auth failure when calling " \
"kinit cmd '/fake/kinit': %s" % expected_err
with patch.dict(sys.modules, modules):
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
def test_kinit_with_missing_executable_pexpect(self, monkeypatch):
pexpect = pytest.importorskip("pexpect")
connection_loader._module_cache = {}
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
options = {"_extras": {}, "ansible_winrm_kinit_cmd": "/fake/kinit"}
expected_err = "The command was not found or was not " \
"executable: /fake/kinit"
mock_pexpect = \
with pytest.raises(AnsibleConnectionFailure) as err:
conn._kerb_auth("user@domain", "pass")
assert str(err.value) == "Kerberos auth failure when calling " \
"kinit cmd '/fake/kinit': %s" % expected_err
monkeypatch.setattr("pexpect.spawn", mock_pexpect)
# pylint bug:
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_pexpect', (False, True),)
def test_kinit_error(self, use_pexpect):
mechanism = "subprocess"
winrm.HAS_PEXPECT = True
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
options = {"_extras": {}, "ansible_winrm_kinit_cmd": "/fake/kinit"}
with pytest.raises(AnsibleConnectionFailure) as err:
conn._kerb_auth("user@domain", "pass")
assert str(err.value) == "Kerberos auth failure when calling " \
"kinit cmd '/fake/kinit': %s" % expected_err
def test_kinit_error_subprocess(self, monkeypatch):
expected_err = "kinit: krb5_parse_name: " \
"Configuration file does not specify default realm"
def mock_popen_communicate(input=None, timeout=None):
def mock_communicate(input=None, timeout=None):
return b"", to_bytes(expected_err)
mock_subprocess = MagicMock()
mock_subprocess.Popen.return_value.communicate = mock_popen_communicate
mock_subprocess.Popen.return_value.returncode = 1
mock_popen = MagicMock()
mock_popen.return_value.communicate = mock_communicate
mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 1
monkeypatch.setattr("subprocess.Popen", mock_popen)
mock_pexpect = None
if use_pexpect:
mechanism = "pexpect"
expected_err = "Configuration file does not specify default realm"
winrm.HAS_PEXPECT = False
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
conn.set_options(var_options={"_extras": {}})
mock_pexpect = MagicMock()
mock_pexpect.spawn.return_value.expect = MagicMock(side_effect=OSError)
|||| = to_bytes(expected_err)
mock_pexpect.spawn.return_value.exitstatus = 1
with pytest.raises(AnsibleConnectionFailure) as err:
conn._kerb_auth("invaliduser", "pass")
modules = {
'pexpect': mock_pexpect,
'subprocess': mock_subprocess,
assert str(err.value) == \
"Kerberos auth failure for principal invaliduser with " \
"subprocess: %s" % (expected_err)
with patch.dict(sys.modules, modules):
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
def test_kinit_error_pexpect(self, monkeypatch):
connection_loader._module_cache = {}
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
conn.set_options(var_options={"_extras": {}})
expected_err = "Configuration file does not specify default realm"
mock_pexpect = MagicMock()
mock_pexpect.return_value.expect = MagicMock(side_effect=OSError)
|||| = to_bytes(expected_err)
mock_pexpect.return_value.exitstatus = 1
with pytest.raises(AnsibleConnectionFailure) as err:
conn._kerb_auth("invaliduser", "pass")
monkeypatch.setattr("pexpect.spawn", mock_pexpect)
assert str(err.value) == "Kerberos auth failure for principal " \
"invaliduser with %s: %s" % (mechanism, expected_err)
winrm.HAS_PEXPECT = True
pc = PlayContext()
new_stdin = StringIO()
conn = connection_loader.get('winrm', pc, new_stdin)
conn.set_options(var_options={"_extras": {}})
with pytest.raises(AnsibleConnectionFailure) as err:
conn._kerb_auth("invaliduser", "pass")
assert str(err.value) == \
"Kerberos auth failure for principal invaliduser with " \
"pexpect: %s" % (expected_err)
Reference in a new issue