* Add specialized lexer for Ansible output.
* Make linter happy.
* Use different tokens.
(cherry picked from commit 9657a21438
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 122 additions and 4 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
# Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS at
# https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main/raw/7941677dc77d4f2bf0bbd6140ade85a9454b8b80/AUTHORS
# Copyright by Kirill Simonov (original author of YAML lexer).
# Copyright by Norman Richards (original author of JSON lexer).
# Licensed under BSD license:
@ -35,8 +36,8 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from pygments.lexer import LexerContext, ExtendedRegexLexer, DelegatingLexer, bygroups, include
from pygments.lexers import DjangoLexer
from pygments.lexer import LexerContext, ExtendedRegexLexer, DelegatingLexer, RegexLexer, bygroups, include
from pygments.lexers import DjangoLexer, DiffLexer
from pygments import token
@ -476,6 +477,124 @@ class AnsibleYamlJinjaLexer(DelegatingLexer):
super(AnsibleYamlJinjaLexer, self).__init__(AnsibleYamlLexer, DjangoLexer, **options)
class AnsibleOutputPrimaryLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Ansible-output-primary'
# The following definitions are borrowed from Pygment's JSON lexer.
# It has been originally authored by Norman Richards.
# integer part of a number
int_part = r'-?(0|[1-9]\d*)'
# fractional part of a number
frac_part = r'\.\d+'
# exponential part of a number
exp_part = r'[eE](\+|-)?\d+'
tokens = {
# #########################################
# # BEGIN: states from JSON lexer #########
# #########################################
'whitespace': [
(r'\s+', token.Text),
# represents a simple terminal value
'simplevalue': [
(r'(true|false|null)\b', token.Keyword.Constant),
'%(exp_part)s|%(frac_part)s)') % vars(),
(int_part, token.Number.Integer),
(r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', token.String),
# the right hand side of an object, after the attribute name
'objectattribute': [
(r':', token.Punctuation),
# comma terminates the attribute but expects more
(r',', token.Punctuation, '#pop'),
# a closing bracket terminates the entire object, so pop twice
(r'\}', token.Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
# a json object - { attr, attr, ... }
'objectvalue': [
(r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', token.Name.Tag, 'objectattribute'),
(r'\}', token.Punctuation, '#pop'),
# json array - [ value, value, ... }
'arrayvalue': [
(r',', token.Punctuation),
(r'\]', token.Punctuation, '#pop'),
# a json value - either a simple value or a complex value (object or array)
'value': [
(r'\{', token.Punctuation, 'objectvalue'),
(r'\[', token.Punctuation, 'arrayvalue'),
# #########################################
# # END: states from JSON lexer ###########
# #########################################
'host-postfix': [
(r'\n', token.Text, '#pop:3'),
(r'( )(=>)( )(\{)',
bygroups(token.Text, token.Punctuation, token.Text, token.Punctuation),
'host-error': [
(r'(?:( )(UNREACHABLE|FAILED)(!))?',
bygroups(token.Text, token.Keyword, token.Punctuation),
(r'', token.Text, 'host-postfix'),
'host-name': [
(r'(\[)([^ \]]+)(?:( )(=>)( )([^\]]+))?(\])',
bygroups(token.Punctuation, token.Name.Variable, token.Text, token.Punctuation, token.Text, token.Name.Variable, token.Punctuation),
'host-result': [
(r'\n', token.Text, '#pop'),
(r'( +)(ok|changed|failed|skipped|unreachable)(=)([0-9]+)',
bygroups(token.Text, token.Keyword, token.Punctuation, token.Number.Integer)),
'root': [
(r'(PLAY|TASK|PLAY RECAP)(?:( )(\[)([^\]]+)(\]))?( )(\*+)(\n)',
bygroups(token.Keyword, token.Text, token.Punctuation, token.Literal, token.Punctuation, token.Text, token.Name.Variable, token.Text)),
(r'(fatal|ok|changed|skipping)(:)( )',
bygroups(token.Keyword, token.Punctuation, token.Text),
(r'([^ ]+)( +)(:)',
bygroups(token.Name, token.Text, token.Punctuation),
(r'.*\n', token.Other),
class AnsibleOutputLexer(DelegatingLexer):
name = 'Ansible-output'
aliases = ['ansible-output']
def __init__(self, **options):
super(AnsibleOutputLexer, self).__init__(DiffLexer, AnsibleOutputPrimaryLexer, **options)
# ####################################################################################################
# # Sphinx plugin ####################################################################################
# ####################################################################################################
@ -490,7 +609,7 @@ def setup(app):
""" Initializer for Sphinx extension API.
See http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/extdev/index.html#dev-extensions.
for lexer in [AnsibleYamlLexer(startinline=True), AnsibleYamlJinjaLexer(startinline=True)]:
for lexer in [AnsibleYamlLexer(startinline=True), AnsibleYamlJinjaLexer(startinline=True), AnsibleOutputLexer(startinline=True)]:
app.add_lexer(lexer.name, lexer)
for alias in lexer.aliases:
app.add_lexer(alias, lexer)
@ -582,4 +582,3 @@ Be aware of the following limitations with ``become`` on Windows:
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