Improve ec2
module Python3 Support (#5497)
Imported six module from ansible module_utils for backwards compatibility.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions
@ -584,6 +584,8 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
import time
from ast import literal_eval
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
from ansible.module_utils.six import get_function_code
import boto.ec2
@ -611,7 +613,7 @@ def find_running_instances_by_count_tag(module, ec2, count_tag, zone=None):
def _set_none_to_blank(dictionary):
result = dictionary
for k in result.iterkeys():
for k in result:
if isinstance(result[k], dict):
result[k] = _set_none_to_blank(result[k])
elif not result[k]:
@ -641,14 +643,14 @@ def get_reservations(module, ec2, tags=None, state=None, zone=None):
for x in tags:
if isinstance(x, dict):
x = _set_none_to_blank(x)
filters.update(dict(("tag:"+tn, tv) for (tn,tv) in x.iteritems()))
filters.update(dict(("tag:"+tn, tv) for (tn,tv) in iteritems(x)))
filters.update({"tag-key": x})
# if dict, add the key and value to the filter
if isinstance(tags, dict):
tags = _set_none_to_blank(tags)
filters.update(dict(("tag:"+tn, tv) for (tn,tv) in tags.iteritems()))
filters.update(dict(("tag:"+tn, tv) for (tn,tv) in iteritems(tags)))
if state:
@ -748,7 +750,7 @@ def boto_supports_profile_name_arg(ec2):
True if Boto library accept instance_profile_name argument, else false
run_instances_method = getattr(ec2, 'run_instances')
return 'instance_profile_name' in run_instances_method.func_code.co_varnames
return 'instance_profile_name' in get_function_code(run_instances_method).co_varnames
def create_block_device(module, ec2, volume):
# Not aware of a way to determine this programatically
@ -798,7 +800,7 @@ def boto_supports_param_in_spot_request(ec2, param):
True if boto library has the named param as an argument on the request_spot_instances method, else False
method = getattr(ec2, 'request_spot_instances')
return param in method.func_code.co_varnames
return param in get_function_code(method).co_varnames
def await_spot_requests(module, ec2, spot_requests, count):
Reference in a new issue