Merge pull request #8089 from ssalevan/ssalevan/add-collins-inventory

Adding a Collins inventory script for Ansible
This commit is contained in:
Michael DeHaan 2014-07-10 16:19:41 -04:00
commit fa2abe3816
2 changed files with 503 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Ansible Collins external inventory script settings
host = http://localhost:9000
username = blake
password = admin:first
# Specifies a timeout for all HTTP requests to Collins.
timeout_secs = 120
# Specifies a maximum number of retries per Collins request.
max_retries = 5
# Specifies the number of results to return per paginated query as specified in
# the Pagination section of the Collins API docs:
results_per_query = 100
# Specifies the Collins asset type which will be queried for; most typically
# you'll want to leave this at the default of SERVER_NODE.
asset_type = SERVER_NODE
# Collins assets can optionally be assigned hostnames; this option will preference
# the selection of an asset's hostname over an IP address as the primary identifier
# in the Ansible inventory. Typically, this value should be set to true if assets
# are assigned hostnames.
prefer_hostnames = true
# Within Collins, assets can be granted multiple IP addresses; this configuration
# value specifies the index within the 'ADDRESSES' array as returned by the
# following API endpoint:
ip_address_index = 0
# Sets whether Collins instances in multiple datacenters will be queried.
query_remote_dcs = false
# API calls to Collins can involve large, substantial queries. For this reason,
# we cache the results of an API call. Set this to the path you want cache files
# to be written to. Two files will be written to this directory:
# - ansible-collins.cache
# - ansible-collins.index
cache_path = /tmp
# If errors occur while querying inventory, logging messages will be written
# to a logfile in the specified directory:
# - ansible-collins.log
log_path = /tmp
# The number of seconds that a cache file is considered valid. After this many
# seconds, a new API call will be made, and the cache file will be updated.
cache_max_age = 600

plugins/inventory/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Collins external inventory script
Ansible has a feature where instead of reading from /etc/ansible/hosts
as a text file, it can query external programs to obtain the list
of hosts, groups the hosts are in, and even variables to assign to each host.
Collins is a hardware asset management system originally developed by
Tumblr for tracking new hardware as it built out its own datacenters. It
exposes a rich API for manipulating and querying one's hardware inventory,
which makes it an ideal 'single point of truth' for driving systems
automation like Ansible. Extensive documentation on Collins, including a quickstart,
API docs, and a full reference manual, can be found here:
This script adds support to Ansible for obtaining a dynamic inventory of
assets in your infrastructure, grouping them in Ansible by their useful attributes,
and binding all facts provided by Collins to each host so that they can be used to
drive automation. Some parts of this script were cribbed shamelessly from mdehaan's
Cobbler inventory script.
To use it, copy it to your repo and pass -i <collins script> to the ansible or
ansible-playbook command; if you'd like to use it by default, simply copy collins.ini
to /etc/ansible and this script to /etc/ansible/hosts.
Alongside the options set in collins.ini, there are several environment variables
that will be used instead of the configured values if they are set:
- COLLINS_USERNAME - specifies a username to use for Collins authentication
- COLLINS_PASSWORD - specifies a password to use for Collins authentication
- COLLINS_ASSET_TYPE - specifies a Collins asset type to use during querying;
this can be used to run Ansible automation against different asset classes than
server nodes, such as network switches and PDUs
- COLLINS_CONFIG - specifies an alternative location for collins.ini, defaults to
<location of>/collins.ini
If errors are encountered during operation, this script will return an exit code of
255; otherwise, it will return an exit code of 0.
Tested against Ansible 1.6.6 and Collins 1.2.4.
# (c) 2014, Steve Salevan <>
# This file is part of Ansible.
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
import argparse
import base64
import ConfigParser
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from time import time
import traceback
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
class CollinsDefaults(object):
ASSETS_API_ENDPOINT = '%s/api/assets'
LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s'
class Error(Exception):
class MaxRetriesError(Error):
class CollinsInventory(object):
def __init__(self):
""" Constructs CollinsInventory object and reads all configuration. """
self.inventory = dict() # A list of groups and the hosts in that group
self.cache = dict() # Details about hosts in the inventory
# Read settings and parse CLI arguments
self.log = logging.getLogger('CollinsInventory')
def _asset_get_attribute(self, asset, attrib):
""" Returns a user-defined attribute from an asset if it exists; otherwise,
returns None. """
if 'ATTRIBS' in asset:
for attrib_block in asset['ATTRIBS'].keys():
if attrib in asset['ATTRIBS'][attrib_block]:
return asset['ATTRIBS'][attrib_block][attrib]
return None
def _asset_has_attribute(self, asset, attrib):
""" Returns whether a user-defined attribute is present on an asset. """
if 'ATTRIBS' in asset:
for attrib_block in asset['ATTRIBS'].keys():
if attrib in asset['ATTRIBS'][attrib_block]:
return True
return False
def run(self):
""" Main execution path """
# Updates cache if cache is not present or has expired.
successful = True
if self.args.refresh_cache:
successful = self.update_cache()
elif not self.is_cache_valid():
successful = self.update_cache()
successful = self.load_inventory_from_cache()
successful &= self.load_cache_from_cache()
data_to_print = ""
# Data to print
data_to_print = self.get_host_info()
elif self.args.list:
# Display list of instances for inventory
data_to_print = self.json_format_dict(self.inventory, self.args.pretty)
else: # default action with no options
data_to_print = self.json_format_dict(self.inventory, self.args.pretty)
print data_to_print
return successful
def find_assets(self, attributes = {}, operation = 'AND'):
""" Obtains Collins assets matching the provided attributes. """
# Formats asset search query to locate assets matching attributes, using
# the CQL search feature as described here:
attributes_query = [ '='.join(attr_pair)
for attr_pair in attributes.iteritems() ]
query_parameters = {
'details': ['True'],
'operation': [operation],
'query': attributes_query,
'remoteLookup': [str(self.query_remote_dcs)],
'size': [self.results_per_query],
'type': [self.collins_asset_type],
assets = []
cur_page = 0
num_retries = 0
# Locates all assets matching the provided query, exhausting pagination.
while True:
if num_retries == self.collins_max_retries:
raise MaxRetriesError("Maximum of %s retries reached; giving up" % \
query_parameters['page'] = cur_page
query_url = "%s?%s" % (
(CollinsDefaults.ASSETS_API_ENDPOINT % self.collins_host),
urllib.urlencode(query_parameters, doseq=True)
request = urllib2.Request(query_url)
request.add_header('Authorization', self.basic_auth_header)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=self.collins_timeout_secs)
json_response = json.loads(
# Adds any assets found to the array of assets.
assets += json_response['data']['Data']
# If we've retrieved all of our assets, breaks out of the loop.
if len(json_response['data']['Data']) == 0:
cur_page += 1
num_retries = 0
self.log.error("Error while communicating with Collins, retrying:\n%s",
num_retries += 1
return assets
def is_cache_valid(self):
""" Determines if the cache files have expired, or if it is still valid """
if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_cache):
mod_time = os.path.getmtime(self.cache_path_cache)
current_time = time()
if (mod_time + self.cache_max_age) > current_time:
if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_inventory):
return True
return False
def read_settings(self):
""" Reads the settings from the collins.ini file """
config_loc = os.getenv('COLLINS_CONFIG',
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/collins.ini')
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() + '/collins.ini')
self.collins_host = config.get('collins', 'host')
self.collins_username = os.getenv('COLLINS_USERNAME',
config.get('collins', 'username'))
self.collins_password = os.getenv('COLLINS_PASSWORD',
config.get('collins', 'password'))
self.collins_asset_type = os.getenv('COLLINS_ASSET_TYPE',
config.get('collins', 'asset_type'))
self.collins_timeout_secs = config.getint('collins', 'timeout_secs')
self.collins_max_retries = config.getint('collins', 'max_retries')
self.results_per_query = config.getint('collins', 'results_per_query')
self.ip_address_index = config.getint('collins', 'ip_address_index')
self.query_remote_dcs = config.getboolean('collins', 'query_remote_dcs')
self.prefer_hostnames = config.getboolean('collins', 'prefer_hostnames')
cache_path = config.get('collins', 'cache_path')
self.cache_path_cache = cache_path + \
'/ansible-collins-%s.cache' % self.collins_asset_type
self.cache_path_inventory = cache_path + \
'/ansible-collins-%s.index' % self.collins_asset_type
self.cache_max_age = config.getint('collins', 'cache_max_age')
log_path = config.get('collins', 'log_path')
self.log_location = log_path + '/ansible-collins.log'
self.basic_auth_header = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring(
'%s:%s' % (self.collins_username, self.collins_password))[:-1]
def parse_cli_args(self):
""" Command line argument processing """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Produces an Ansible Inventory file based on Collins')
action='store_true', default=True, help='List instances (default: True)')
action='store', help='Get all the variables about a specific instance')
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Force refresh of cache by making API requests to Collins ' \
'(default: False - use cache files)')
action='store_true', default=False, help='Pretty print all JSON output')
self.args = parser.parse_args()
def update_cache(self):
""" Make calls to Collins and saves the output in a cache """
self.cache = dict()
self.inventory = dict()
# Locates all server assets from Collins.
server_assets = self.find_assets()
self.log.error("Error while locating assets from Collins:\n%s",
return False
for asset in server_assets:
# Determines the index to retrieve the asset's IP address either by an
# attribute set on the Collins asset or the pre-configured value.
if self._asset_has_attribute(asset, 'ANSIBLE_IP_INDEX'):
ip_index = self._asset_get_attribute(asset, 'ANSIBLE_IP_INDEX')
ip_index = int(ip_index)
"ANSIBLE_IP_INDEX attribute on asset %s not an integer: %s", asset,
ip_index = self.ip_address_index
# Attempts to locate the asset's primary identifier (hostname or IP address),
# which will be used to index the asset throughout the Ansible inventory.
if self.prefer_hostnames and self._asset_has_attribute(asset, 'HOSTNAME'):
asset_identifier = self._asset_get_attribute(asset, 'HOSTNAME')
elif 'ADDRESSES' not in asset:
self.log.warning("No IP addresses found for asset '%s', skipping",
elif len(asset['ADDRESSES']) < ip_index + 1:
"No IP address found at index %s for asset '%s', skipping",
ip_index, asset)
asset_identifier = asset['ADDRESSES'][ip_index]['ADDRESS']
# Adds an asset index to the Ansible inventory based upon unpacking
# the name of the asset's current STATE from its dictionary.
if 'STATE' in asset['ASSET'] and asset['ASSET']['STATE']:
state_inventory_key = self.to_safe(
'STATE-%s' % asset['ASSET']['STATE']['NAME'])
self.push(self.inventory, state_inventory_key, asset_identifier)
# Indexes asset by all user-defined Collins attributes.
if 'ATTRIBS' in asset:
for attrib_block in asset['ATTRIBS'].keys():
for attrib in asset['ATTRIBS'][attrib_block].keys():
attrib_key = self.to_safe(
'%s-%s' % (attrib, asset['ATTRIBS'][attrib_block][attrib]))
self.push(self.inventory, attrib_key, asset_identifier)
# Indexes asset by all built-in Collins attributes.
for attribute in asset['ASSET'].keys():
if attribute not in CollinsDefaults.SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTES:
attribute_val = asset['ASSET'][attribute]
if attribute_val is not None:
attrib_key = self.to_safe('%s-%s' % (attribute, attribute_val))
self.push(self.inventory, attrib_key, asset_identifier)
# Indexes asset by hardware product information.
if 'HARDWARE' in asset:
if 'PRODUCT' in asset['HARDWARE']['BASE']:
product = asset['HARDWARE']['BASE']['PRODUCT']
if product:
product_key = self.to_safe(
self.push(self.inventory, product_key, asset_identifier)
# Indexing now complete, adds the host details to the asset cache.
self.cache[asset_identifier] = asset
self.write_to_cache(self.cache, self.cache_path_cache)
self.write_to_cache(self.inventory, self.cache_path_inventory)
self.log.error("Error while writing to cache:\n%s", traceback.format_exc())
return False
return True
def push(self, dictionary, key, value):
""" Adds a value to a list at a dictionary key, creating the list if it doesn't
exist. """
if key not in dictionary:
dictionary[key] = []
def get_host_info(self):
""" Get variables about a specific host. """
if not self.cache or len(self.cache) == 0:
# Need to load index from cache
if not in self.cache:
# try updating the cache
if not in self.cache:
# host might not exist anymore
return self.json_format_dict({}, self.args.pretty)
return self.json_format_dict(self.cache[], self.args.pretty)
def load_inventory_from_cache(self):
""" Reads the index from the cache file sets self.index """
cache = open(self.cache_path_inventory, 'r')
json_inventory =
self.inventory = json.loads(json_inventory)
return True
self.log.error("Error while loading inventory:\n%s",
self.inventory = {}
return False
def load_cache_from_cache(self):
""" Reads the cache from the cache file sets self.cache """
cache = open(self.cache_path_cache, 'r')
json_cache =
self.cache = json.loads(json_cache)
return True
self.log.error("Error while loading host cache:\n%s",
self.cache = {}
return False
def write_to_cache(self, data, filename):
""" Writes data in JSON format to a specified file. """
json_data = self.json_format_dict(data, self.args.pretty)
cache = open(filename, 'w')
def to_safe(self, word):
""" Converts 'bad' characters in a string to underscores so they
can be used as Ansible groups """
return re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9\-]", "_", word)
def json_format_dict(self, data, pretty=False):
""" Converts a dict to a JSON object and dumps it as a formatted string """
if pretty:
return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
return json.dumps(data)
if __name__ in '__main__':
inventory = CollinsInventory()