Sending mails could be part of the workflow to have teams/responsibles perform specific task. Or simply to notify that a process has finished successfully (e.g. provisioning).
This workaround is recommended from HP iLO's documentation, but may not be sufficient in all cases. Time will tell.
I also made a few cosmetic changes with no impact.
Much like we currently have *setup* register the variable `module_setup`, we would like other facts-modules register their own namespace. This means that:
- *network_facts* registers `module_network`
- *hpilo_facts* registers `module_hw`
- *vsphere_facts* registers `module_hw`
In retrospect, it would have made more sense to have `setup` register `module_ansible` instead as the setup module uses the `ansible_` namesepace.
Having the `module_` namespace allows us to check whether a certain namespace has already been loaded so we can avoid running the facts module a second time using only_if.
- action: network_facts host=${ansible_hostname_short}
only_if: is_unset('$module_network')
This module gathers facts from a VMWare vSphere guest by querying vSphere. The facts include OS, network info (vlan, macaddress) and system info (cpu, memory, uuid) information. Useful information for provisioning and management.
This module gathers facts from the hardware interface by querying HP iLO. The facts include network info (vlan, macaddress) and system info (cpu, memory, uuid) information. Useful information for provisioning and management.
This module was previously named ilo_facts and mentioned in #1080, #1085, #1125 and #1217.
After helping someone on IRC he was interested to have this debug module in upstream. This module simply 'prints' a message, and can be ordered to fail if needed. It helps to troubleshoot or understand inventory/facts issues and/or experiment with statements and conditions using only_if.
Here is a small example playbook:
- hosts: all
- local_action: debug msg="System $inventory_hostname has uuid ${ansible_product_uuid}"
- local_action: debug msg="System $inventory_hostname lacks a gateway" fail=yes
only_if: "is_unset('$ansible_default_ipv4.gateway')"
- local_action: debug msg="System $inventory_hostname has gateway ${ansible_default_ipv4.gateway}"
only_if: "is_set('$ansible_default_ipv4.gateway')"
[root@moria ansible]# ansible-playbook -v -l localhost:x220 test6.yml
PLAY [all] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [localhost]
ok: [x220]
TASK: [debug msg="System $inventory_hostname has uuid $ansible_product_uuid"] *********************
ok: [localhost] => {"msg": "System localhost has uuid d125a48c-364f-4e65-b225-fed42ed61fac"}
ok: [x220] => {"msg": "System x220 has uuid d125a48c-364f-4e65-b225-fed42ed61fac"}
TASK: [debug msg="System $inventory_hostname lacks a gateway" fail=yes] *********************
failed: [localhost] => {"failed": true, "msg": "System localhost lacks a gateway", "rc": 1}
ok: [x220] => {"msg": "System x220 has gateway"}
PLAY RECAP *********************
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
x220 : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
I had some other plans for the module, like displaying host inventory and complete inventory to help understand inventory and facts modules, but that would require an action-plugin for transfering inventory information etc... And I am not sure this is wanted/best done in a module.
In some cases you may want to deliberately fail the execution of a playbook. In our provisioning workflow we want to have safeguards in place to avoid provisioning systems that are already in production. Since we reboot physical and virtual systems, it is mandatory we take all the precautions to prevent accidental provisioning.
So in our use-case we have the following at the very start of the provisioning playbook:
### Safeguard to protect production systems
- local_action: fail msg="System is not ready to be staged according to CMDB"
only_if: "'$cmdb_status' != 'to-be-staged'"
and we repeat the same task in the (separate included) play that takes care of (re)booting the system using our own boot-media, so that it cannot be accidentally separately run by someone.
pipes.quote is a bit overzealous for what we want to do, quoting ;
and other characters that you most likely want to use in your shell
invocations. The regexp is the best I could come up with to be able
to only replace the parts of the arguments that shouldn't be
- .rst now supresses default if none is set (looks better in HTML)
- .rst now handles empty options list
- Fixed postgresql_user and mysql_user because YAML contained colons
- docs for facter
This gathers LSB facts via lsb_release. This complements the
platform facts collected via the platform module. This reoprts
release, id, description, release, and codename. It also adds
'major_release', which is the major version number of a distribution.
In some cases (see issue #1067) with state=restarted, a failure to stop
the service (which wasn't running) would appear to the module to be a
failure to restart the service even though it successfully started the
service. This changes the behavior of the service module to focus
on the return code of the start command. If the rc of stop is not
0 and the rc of start does equal 0, it considers the service
successfully restarted. It then ignores the rc, stdout, and stderr
from the unsuccessful stop command.
This change includes:
- (on possibly older python versions ?) a string variable test using the 'is' operator fails (so it always return ok immediately after initial delay)
- add a missing socket.settimeout() for the state=started case (if the machine does not exist, timeout defaults to 60 seconds)
- add a connect_timeout option to customize the default connection timeout
- use socket.shutdown(2) to close immediately
- return the elapsed time
The check for the destination being a directory is now done before
checking if the file exists, that way the user is informed that the
thirsty argument is required.
If I create a database from scratch and assign permissions by doing:
- name: ensure database is created
action: postgresql_db db=$dbname
- name: ensure django user has access
action: postgresql_user db=$dbname user=$dbuser priv=ALL password=$dbpassword
Then it fails with the error:
File "/tmp/ansible-1347048449.32-29998829936529/postgresql_user", line 565, in <module>
File "/tmp/ansible-1347048449.32-29998829936529/postgresql_user", line 273, in main
changed = grant_privileges(cursor, user, privs) or changed
File "/tmp/ansible-1347048449.32-29998829936529/postgresql_user", line 174, in grant_privileges
changed = grant_func(cursor, user, name, privilege)\
File "/tmp/ansible-1347048449.32-29998829936529/postgresql_user", line 132, in grant_database_privilege
prev_priv = get_database_privileges(cursor, user, db)
File "/tmp/ansible-1347048449.32-29998829936529/postgresql_user", line 118, in get_database_privileges
r ='%s=(C?T?c?)/[a-z]+\,?' % user, datacl)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 142, in search
return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
TypeError: expected string or buffer
This fix fixes the problem by not executing the regex if the
db query on pg_database returns None.
The use-case here is that based on information in the /proc/cmdline certain actions can be taken.
A practical example in our case is that we have a play at the end of the provisioning phase that reboots the system. Since we don't want to accidentally reboot a system (or restart the network) on a production machine, having a way to separate an Anaconda post-install (sshd in chroot) with a normal system is a good way to make that distinction.
- name: reboot
hosts: all
- action: command init 6
only_if: "not '${ansible_cmdline.BOOT_IMAGE}'.startswith('$')"
A practical problem here is the fact that we cannot simply check whether it is set or empty:
- name: reboot
hosts: all
- action: command init 6
only_if: "'${ansible_cmdline.BOOT_IMAGE}'"
If ansible_cmdline was a string, a simple only_if: "'${ansible_cmdline}'.find(' BOOT_IMAGE=')" was an option, but still not very "beautiful" :-/
This implementation uses shlex.split() and uses split(sep, maxsplit=1).
This allows the use of ~ in the chdir argument of the command module
I know the later change is absolutely necessary as the first change
was not sufficient. It may be that the first change fixes shell and
the second fixes command.