- hosts: testhost
  gather_facts: false
  any_errors_fatal: true
    - block:
        - name: initial block debug
          debug: msg='any_errors_fatal_block,  i execute normally'

        - name: EXPECTED FAILURE any_errors_fatal, initial block, bin/false to simulate failure
          command: /bin/false

        - name: after a task that fails I should never execute
            msg: 'any_errors_fatal_block_post_fail ... i never execute, cause ERROR!'
        - name: any_errors_fatal_rescue_block debug
          debug: msg='any_errors_fatal_rescue_block_start ... I caught an error'

        - name: EXPECTED FAILURE any_errors_fatal in rescue block, using bin/false to simulate error
          command: /bin/false

        - name: any_errors_fatal post debug
          debug: msg='any_errors_fatal_rescue_block_post_fail ... I also never execute :-('
        - name: any errors fatal always block debug
          debug: msg='any_errors_fatal_always_block_start'