# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright:
#   (c) 2018 Ansible Project
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)

# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
__metaclass__ = type

import pytest

from ansible.modules.files.copy import AnsibleModuleError, split_pre_existing_dir

from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule

THREE_DIRS_DATA = (('/dir1/dir2',
                    # 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
                    # 1 existing dir:
                    ('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
                    # 2 existing dirs:
                    ('/dir1', ['dir2']),
                    # 3 existing dirs:
                    ('/dir1/dir2', [])
                    # 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
                    # 1 existing dir:
                    ('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
                    # 2 existing dirs:
                    ('/dir1', ['dir2']),
                    # 3 existing dirs:
                    ('/dir1/dir2', [])

TWO_DIRS_DATA = (('dir1/dir2',
                  # 0 existing dirs:
                  ('.', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
                  # 1 existing dir:
                  ('dir1', ['dir2']),
                  # 2 existing dirs:
                  ('dir1/dir2', []),
                  # 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
                  # 0 existing dirs:
                  ('.', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
                  # 1 existing dir:
                  ('dir1', ['dir2']),
                  # 2 existing dirs:
                  ('dir1/dir2', []),
                  # 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
                  # 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
                  # 1 existing dir:
                  ('/', ['dir1']),
                  # 2 existing dirs:
                  ('/dir1', []),
                  # 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
                  # 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
                  # 1 existing dir:
                  ('/', ['dir1']),
                  # 2 existing dirs:
                  ('/dir1', []),
                  # 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
                 ) + THREE_DIRS_DATA

ONE_DIR_DATA = (('dir1',
                 # 0 existing dirs:
                 ('.', ['dir1']),
                 # 1 existing dir:
                 ('dir1', []),
                 # 2 existing dirs: Same as 1 because we never get to the third
                 # 0 existing dirs:
                 ('.', ['dir1']),
                 # 1 existing dir:
                 ('dir1', []),
                 # 2 existing dirs: Same as 1 because we never get to the third
                ) + TWO_DIRS_DATA

@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[4]) for d in THREE_DIRS_DATA))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_three_levels_exist(directory, expected, mocker):
    mocker.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=[True, True, True])
    split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[3]) for d in TWO_DIRS_DATA))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_two_levels_exist(directory, expected, mocker):
    mocker.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=[True, True, False])
    split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[2]) for d in ONE_DIR_DATA))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_one_level_exists(directory, expected, mocker):
    mocker.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=[True, False, False])
    split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory', (d[0] for d in ONE_DIR_DATA if d[1] is None))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_root_does_not_exist(directory, mocker):
    mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False)
    with pytest.raises(AnsibleModuleError) as excinfo:
    assert excinfo.value.results['msg'].startswith("The '/' directory doesn't exist on this machine.")

@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[1]) for d in ONE_DIR_DATA if not d[0].startswith('/')))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_working_dir_exists(directory, expected, mocker):
    mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False)
    split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected

# Info helpful for making new test cases:
# base_mode = {'dir no perms': 0o040000,
# 'file no perms': 0o100000,
# 'dir all perms': 0o400000 | 0o777,
# 'file all perms': 0o100000, | 0o777}
# perm_bits = {'x': 0b001,
# 'w': 0b010,
# 'r': 0b100}
# role_shift = {'u': 6,
# 'g': 3,
# 'o': 0}

DATA = (  # Going from no permissions to setting all for user, group, and/or other
    (0o040000, u'a+rwx', 0o0777),
    (0o040000, u'u+rwx,g+rwx,o+rwx', 0o0777),
    (0o040000, u'o+rwx', 0o0007),
    (0o040000, u'g+rwx', 0o0070),
    (0o040000, u'u+rwx', 0o0700),

    # Going from all permissions to none for user, group, and/or other
    (0o040777, u'a-rwx', 0o0000),
    (0o040777, u'u-rwx,g-rwx,o-rwx', 0o0000),
    (0o040777, u'o-rwx', 0o0770),
    (0o040777, u'g-rwx', 0o0707),
    (0o040777, u'u-rwx', 0o0077),

    # now using absolute assignment from None to a set of perms
    (0o040000, u'a=rwx', 0o0777),
    (0o040000, u'u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx', 0o0777),
    (0o040000, u'o=rwx', 0o0007),
    (0o040000, u'g=rwx', 0o0070),
    (0o040000, u'u=rwx', 0o0700),

    # X effect on files and dirs
    (0o040000, u'a+X', 0o0111),
    (0o100000, u'a+X', 0),
    (0o040000, u'a=X', 0o0111),
    (0o100000, u'a=X', 0),
    (0o040777, u'a-X', 0o0666),
    # Same as chmod but is it a bug?
    # chmod a-X statfile <== removes execute from statfile
    (0o100777, u'a-X', 0o0666),

    # Multiple permissions
    (0o040000, u'u=rw-x+X,g=r-x+X,o=r-x+X', 0o0755),
    (0o100000, u'u=rw-x+X,g=r-x+X,o=r-x+X', 0o0644),

    (0o100000, '+rwx', 0o770),
    (0o100777, '-rwx', 0o007),

    (0o040000, u'a=foo', "bad symbolic permission for mode: a=foo"),
    (0o040000, u'f=rwx', "bad symbolic permission for mode: f=rwx"),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('stat_info, mode_string, expected', DATA)
def test_good_symbolic_modes(mocker, stat_info, mode_string, expected):
    mock_stat = mocker.MagicMock()
    mock_stat.st_mode = stat_info
    assert AnsibleModule._symbolic_mode_to_octal(mock_stat, mode_string) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('stat_info, mode_string, expected', UMASK_DATA)
def test_umask_with_symbolic_modes(mocker, stat_info, mode_string, expected):
    mock_umask = mocker.patch('os.umask')
    mock_umask.return_value = 0o7

    mock_stat = mocker.MagicMock()
    mock_stat.st_mode = stat_info

    assert AnsibleModule._symbolic_mode_to_octal(mock_stat, mode_string) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('stat_info, mode_string, expected', INVALID_DATA)
def test_invalid_symbolic_modes(mocker, stat_info, mode_string, expected):
    mock_stat = mocker.MagicMock()
    mock_stat.st_mode = stat_info
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        assert AnsibleModule._symbolic_mode_to_octal(mock_stat, mode_string) == 'blah'
    assert exc.match(expected)