The goal of breaking apart the base_parser() function is to get rid of a bunch of conditionals and parameters in the code and, instead, make code look like simple composition. When splitting, a choice had to be made as to whether this would operate by side effect (modifying a passed in parser) or side effect-free (returning a new parser everytime). Making a version that's side-effect-free appears to be fighting with the optparse API (it wants to work by creating a parser object, configuring the object, and then parsing the arguments with it) so instead, make it clear that our helper functions are modifying the passed in parser by (1) not returning the parser and (2) changing the function names to be more clear that it is operating by side-effect. Also move all of the generic optparse code, along with the argument context classes, into a new subdirectory.
197 lines
7.8 KiB
197 lines
7.8 KiB
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import pytest
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible import context
from ansible.arguments import context_objects as co
from ansible.arguments import optparse_helpers as opt_help
from units.compat import unittest
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote
from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext
from units.mock.loader import DictDataLoader
def parser():
parser = opt_help.create_base_parser()
return parser
def reset_cli_args():
co.GlobalCLIArgs._Singleton__instance = None
co.GlobalCLIArgs._Singleton__instance = None
def test_play_context(mocker, parser, reset_cli_args):
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(['-vv', '--check'])
options.args = args
play_context = PlayContext()
assert play_context._attributes['connection'] == C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT
assert play_context.remote_addr is None
assert play_context.remote_user is None
assert play_context.password == ''
assert play_context.port is None
assert play_context.private_key_file == C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
assert play_context.timeout == C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
assert play_context.shell is None
assert play_context.verbosity == 2
assert play_context.check_mode is True
assert play_context.no_log is None
mock_play = mocker.MagicMock()
mock_play.connection = 'mock'
mock_play.remote_user = 'mock'
mock_play.port = 1234
mock_play.become = True
mock_play.become_method = 'mock'
mock_play.become_user = 'mockroot'
mock_play.no_log = True
play_context = PlayContext(play=mock_play)
assert play_context.connection == 'mock'
assert play_context.remote_user == 'mock'
assert play_context.password == ''
assert play_context.port == 1234
assert play_context.become is True
assert play_context.become_method == "mock"
assert play_context.become_user == "mockroot"
mock_task = mocker.MagicMock()
mock_task.connection = 'mocktask'
mock_task.remote_user = 'mocktask'
mock_task.no_log = mock_play.no_log
mock_task.become = True
mock_task.become_method = 'mocktask'
mock_task.become_user = 'mocktaskroot'
mock_task.become_pass = 'mocktaskpass'
mock_task._local_action = False
mock_task.delegate_to = None
all_vars = dict(
mock_templar = mocker.MagicMock()
play_context = PlayContext(play=mock_play)
play_context = play_context.set_task_and_variable_override(task=mock_task, variables=all_vars, templar=mock_templar)
assert play_context.connection == 'mock_inventory'
assert play_context.remote_user == 'mocktask'
assert play_context.port == 4321
assert play_context.no_log is True
assert play_context.become is True
assert play_context.become_method == "mocktask"
assert play_context.become_user == "mocktaskroot"
assert play_context.become_pass == "mocktaskpass"
mock_task.no_log = False
play_context = play_context.set_task_and_variable_override(task=mock_task, variables=all_vars, templar=mock_templar)
assert play_context.no_log is False
def test_play_context_make_become_cmd(mocker, parser, reset_cli_args):
(options, args) = parser.parse_args([])
options.args = args
play_context = PlayContext()
default_cmd = "/bin/foo"
default_exe = "/bin/bash"
sudo_exe = C.DEFAULT_SUDO_EXE or 'sudo'
su_exe = C.DEFAULT_SU_EXE or 'su'
su_flags = C.DEFAULT_SU_FLAGS or ''
pbrun_exe = 'pbrun'
pbrun_flags = ''
pfexec_exe = 'pfexec'
pfexec_flags = ''
doas_exe = 'doas'
doas_flags = ' -n -u foo '
ksu_exe = 'ksu'
ksu_flags = ''
dzdo_exe = 'dzdo'
dzdo_flags = ''
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable=default_exe)
assert cmd == default_cmd
play_context.become = True
play_context.become_user = 'foo'
play_context.become_method = 'sudo'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert (cmd == """%s %s -u %s %s -c 'echo %s; %s'""" % (sudo_exe, sudo_flags, play_context.become_user,
default_exe, play_context.success_key, default_cmd))
play_context.become_pass = 'testpass'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable=default_exe)
assert (cmd == """%s %s -p "%s" -u %s %s -c 'echo %s; %s'""" % (sudo_exe, sudo_flags.replace('-n', ''),
play_context.prompt, play_context.become_user, default_exe,
play_context.success_key, default_cmd))
play_context.become_pass = None
play_context.become_method = 'su'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert (cmd == """%s %s -c '%s -c '"'"'echo %s; %s'"'"''""" % (su_exe, play_context.become_user, default_exe,
play_context.success_key, default_cmd))
play_context.become_method = 'pbrun'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert cmd == """%s %s -u %s 'echo %s; %s'""" % (pbrun_exe, pbrun_flags, play_context.become_user, play_context.success_key, default_cmd)
play_context.become_method = 'pfexec'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert cmd == '''%s %s "'echo %s; %s'"''' % (pfexec_exe, pfexec_flags, play_context.success_key, default_cmd)
play_context.become_method = 'doas'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert (cmd == """%s %s %s -c 'echo %s; %s'""" % (doas_exe, doas_flags, default_exe, play_context.success_key, default_cmd))
play_context.become_method = 'ksu'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert (cmd == """%s %s %s -e %s -c 'echo %s; %s'""" % (ksu_exe, play_context.become_user, ksu_flags,
default_exe, play_context.success_key, default_cmd))
play_context.become_method = 'bad'
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError):
play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
play_context.become_method = 'dzdo'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert cmd == """%s %s -u %s %s -c 'echo %s; %s'""" % (dzdo_exe, dzdo_flags, play_context.become_user, default_exe, play_context.success_key, default_cmd)
play_context.become_pass = 'testpass'
play_context.become_method = 'dzdo'
cmd = play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd=default_cmd, executable="/bin/bash")
assert (cmd == """%s %s -p %s -u %s %s -c 'echo %s; %s'""" % (dzdo_exe, dzdo_flags, shlex_quote(play_context.prompt),
play_context.become_user, default_exe,
play_context.success_key, default_cmd))