"; echo "

My Submission

"; // Set $args for query to grab all images by the user. $args = array( "post_type" => "attachment", 'post_status' => 'inherit', "author" => wp_get_current_user()->ID ); $user_images = new WP_Query($args); if ($user_images->have_posts()): while ($user_images->have_posts()): $user_images->the_post(); $approved = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "is_approved", true); if ($approved === 'true') { $status = "Approved"; } else if ($approved === 'false') { $status = "Denied"; } else { $status = "Pending"; } $more_info = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "more_info", true); ?>


Additional Information:


Upload Image "; } // Add a shortcode to make dropping the submissions in easily. function display_submissions() { $args = array( "post_type" => "attachment", 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'meta_key' => 'is_approved', 'meta_value' => 'true' ); $contest_entries = new WP_Query($args); if ($contest_entries->have_posts()): while($contest_entries->have_posts()): $contest_entries->the_post(); ?>



There are no approved contest entries yet. Submit an entry

true, 'upload_files' => true, 'delete_posts' => true)); // Cool function to print out errors to the debug.log file // located in wp-content/ if (!function_exists('write_log')) { function write_log($log) { if (true === WP_DEBUG) { if (is_array($log) || is_object($log)) { error_log(print_r($log, true)); } else { error_log($log); } } } } //Remove Media Library Tab function remove_medialibrary_tab($tabs) { if ( !current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) { unset($tabs['library']); return $tabs; } else { return $tabs; } } add_filter('media_upload_tabs','remove_medialibrary_tab'); add_action( 'admin_menu', 'remove_menu_links' ); function remove_menu_links() { global $submenu; // Remove media menu link for non-admins if( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) remove_menu_page('upload.php'); // Still need to update cap requirements even when hidden foreach( $submenu['upload.php'] as $position => $data ) { $submenu['upload.php'][$position][1] = 'manage_options'; } } // Add in some more data to manage the visibility of the images on the front-end function add_form_fields( $form_fields, $post ) { $form_fields['is_approved'] = array( 'label' => 'Approved?', 'input' => 'html', 'value' => get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'is_approved', true ), 'helps' => 'If provided, it will determine if the image is allowed to be counted in the contest or not', 'html' => " " ); // Give admins the ability to leave some feedback for the submissions. $form_fields['more_info'] = array( 'label' => 'Additional Information', 'input' => 'textarea', 'value' => get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'more_info', true ), 'helps' => 'If provided, this will display a message on the submissions page to the author of the submission only.', ); return $form_fields; } add_filter( 'attachment_fields_to_edit', 'add_form_fields', 10, 2 ); function save_image_data( $post, $attachment ) { if( isset( $attachment['is_approved'] ) ) update_post_meta( $post['ID'], 'is_approved', $attachment['is_approved'] ); if( isset( $attachment['more_info'] ) ) update_post_meta( $post['ID'], 'more_info', $attachment['more_info'] ); return $post; } add_filter( 'attachment_fields_to_save', 'save_image_data', 10, 2 );