#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2021-present 351ELEC (https://github.com/351ELEC) . /etc/profile clear > /dev/console DEST="/storage/roms/bios/rtp" SHASUMS="ddd519b50a22a2a95beeb831d29f7d7d92ae6263f953491163b446b808b66863 rpg2003_rtp_installer.zip#ec82b92da65ca6fdb2d3df25dfbcd7f2bb716e4fe63a079e8e5e396e91fa5e29 rpg2000_rtp_installer.exe" install_bios() { BIOS="$1" BIOSPATH="$2" if [ -d "${INSTALLPATH}/${BIOSPATH}" ] then rm -rf "${INSTALLPATH}/${BIOSPATH}" fi mkdir -p "${INSTALLPATH}/${BIOSPATH}" cd "${INSTALLPATH}/${BIOSPATH}" curl -Lo "${BIOS}" "${PKG_URL}/${BIOS}" BINSUM=$(sha256sum "${BIOS}" | awk '{print $1}') SHASUM=$(echo $SHASUMS | tr '#' '\n' | awk '/'${BIOS}'/ {print $1}') if [ ! "${SHASUM}" == "${BINSUM}" ] then echo "Checksum mismatch, please update the package." exit 1 fi if [[ "${BIOS}" =~ .zip$ ]] then /usr/bin/7z x "${BIOS}" rm "${BIOS}" BIOS="$(echo ${BIOS} | sed "s#.zip#.exe#")" fi /usr/bin/7z x "${BIOS}" rm "${BIOS}" cd ${SOURCEPATH} } INSTALLPATH="/storage/roms/bios" SOURCEPATH="$(pwd)" PKG_NAME="rpgmaker" PKG_VERSION="1.0.0" PKG_URL="https://dl.degica.com/rpgmakerweb/run-time-packages" # Check if the easyrpg runtime files are already available [ "$(ls -A ${DEST})" ] && JDKINSTALLED="yes" || JDKINSTALLED="no" if [ ${JDKINSTALLED} == "no" ]; then mkdir -p ${DEST} echo -e "GET http://google.com HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc google.com 80 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then text_viewer -e -w -t "No Internet!" -m "You need to be connected to the internet to download the easyrpg runtime files."; exit 1 fi echo "Downloading easyrpg runtime files please be patient..." > /dev/console install_bios rpg2000_rtp_installer.exe rtp/2000 install_bios rpg2003_rtp_installer.zip rtp/2003 echo "Done! loading core!" > /dev/console fi clear > /dev/console < /dev/null 2>&1 exit 0