#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Copyright (C) 2021-present Fewtarius (https://github.com/fewtarius) . /etc/profile ### Set the default TDP if it isn't defined. MYTDP=$(get_setting system.overclock) if [ -z "${MYTDP}" ] then # Set default TDP set_setting system.overclock 15w fi ### Set sleep mode to mem sleep (S3) MYSLEEPMODE=$(get_setting system.suspendmode) if [ -z "${MYSLEEPMODE}" ] then /usr/bin/setsuspendmode mem fi ### Set the default device configuration cat </storage/.config/profile.d/001-deviceconfig DEVICE_BASE_TDP="15w" DEVICE_LED_CONTROL=false DEVICE_VOLUMECTL=true DEVICE_PLAYBACK_PATH_SPK="SPK" DEVICE_PLAYBACK_PATH_HP="HP" DEVICE_FUNC_KEYA_MODIFIER="KEY_LEFTCTRL" DEVICE_FUNC_KEYB_MODIFIER="KEY_D" UI_SERVICE="weston.service" DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS="hardware" EOF