# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Copyright (C) 2018-present Team LibreELEC (https://libreelec.tv) _get_file_already_downloaded() { [ ! -f "${PACKAGE}" -o ! -f "${STAMP_URL}" -o ! -f "${STAMP_SHA}" ] && return 1 [ -n "${PKG_SHA256}" -a "$(cat ${STAMP_SHA} 2>/dev/null)" != "${PKG_SHA256}" ] && return 1 return 0 } # Latest file already present, exit now... _get_file_already_downloaded && exit 0 lock_source_dir "${1}" # Check again in case of concurrent access - if nothing needs to be downloaded, exit now... _get_file_already_downloaded && exit 0 # At this point, we need to download something... build_msg "CLR_GET" "GET" "${1} (archive)" "indent" pkg_lock_status "GETPKG" "${PKG_NAME}" "unpack" "downloading package..." PACKAGE_MIRROR="${DISTRO_MIRROR}/${PKG_NAME}/${PKG_SOURCE_NAME}" [ "${VERBOSE}" != "yes" ] && WGET_OPT=-q WGET_CMD="wget --output-file=- --timeout=30 --tries=3 --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -c ${WGET_OPT} --progress=bar:force --show-progress -O ${PACKAGE}" # unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH to stop wget from using toolchain/lib and loading libssl.so/libcrypto.so instead of host libraries unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH rm -f "${STAMP_URL}" "${STAMP_SHA}" NBWGET=10 while [ ${NBWGET} -gt 0 ]; do for url in "${PKG_URL}" "${PACKAGE_MIRROR}"; do if [[ "$PKG_USETOKEN" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ $url == https://github.com/* ]] && [[ -n $COREELEC_GHTOKEN ]]; then WGET_HEADER=--header="Authorization: token $COREELEC_GHTOKEN" fi else WGET_HEADER=--header="" fi rm -f "${PACKAGE}" if ${WGET_CMD} "$WGET_HEADER" "${url}"; then CALC_SHA256=$(sha256sum "${PACKAGE}" | cut -d" " -f1) [ -z "${PKG_SHA256}" -o "${PKG_SHA256}" = "${CALC_SHA256}" ] && break 2 build_msg "CLR_WARNING" "WARNING" "Incorrect checksum calculated on downloaded file: got ${CALC_SHA256} wanted ${PKG_SHA256}" fi done NBWGET=$((NBWGET - 1)) done if [ ${NBWGET} -eq 0 ]; then die "\nCannot get ${1} sources : ${PKG_URL}\nTry later!" else build_msg "CLR_INFO" "INFO" "Calculated checksum: ${CALC_SHA256}" echo "${PKG_URL}" > "${STAMP_URL}" echo "${CALC_SHA256}" > "${STAMP_SHA}" fi