# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2019-present Team CoreELEC (https://coreelec.org) PKG_NAME="neocd_libretro" PKG_VERSION="de42c4f280455f33f01a6581ec7c5e39464c6cfa" PKG_REV="1" PKG_ARCH="any" PKG_LICENSE="LGPLv3.0" PKG_SITE="https://github.com/libretro/neocd_libretro" PKG_URL="$PKG_SITE.git" PKG_DEPENDS_TARGET="toolchain flac libogg libvorbis" PKG_PRIORITY="optional" PKG_SECTION="libretro" PKG_SHORTDESC="Neo Geo CD emulator for libretro " PKG_LONGDESC="NeoCD-Libretro is a complete rewrite of NeoCD from scratch in modern C++11. It is designed with accuracy and portability in mind rather than being all about speed like the the older versions. The goal is also to document all I know about the platform in the source code so other emulator authors can make their own implementations." PKG_IS_ADDON="no" PKG_TOOLCHAIN="make" PKG_AUTORECONF="no" GET_HANDLER_SUPPORT="git" make_target() { cd $PKG_BUILD CFLAGS=$CFLAGS CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" CXX="$CXX" CC="$CC" LD="$LD" RANLIB="$RANLIB" AR="$AR" make } makeinstall_target() { mkdir -p $INSTALL/usr/lib/libretro cp $PKG_BUILD/neocd_libretro.so $INSTALL/usr/lib/libretro/ }