#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2022-present - The JELOS Project (https://github.com/JustEnoughLinuxOS) . /etc/profile jslisten set "-9 melonDS" if [ ! -d "/storage/.config/melonDS" ]; then mkdir -p "/storage/.config/melonDS" cp -r "/usr/config/melonDS" "/storage/.config/" fi if [ ! -d "/storage/roms/savestates/nds" ]; then mkdir -p "/storage/roms/savestates/nds" fi #Emulation Station Features GAME=$(echo "${1}"| sed "s#^/.*/##") GRENDERER=$(get_setting graphics_backend nds "${GAME}") SUI=$(get_setting start_ui nds "${GAME}") VSYNC=$(get_setting vsync nds "${GAME}") #Graphics Backend if [ "$GRENDERER" = "0" ] then sed -i '/^ScreenUseGL=/c\ScreenUseGL=0' /storage/.config/melonDS/melonDS.ini fi if [ "$GRENDERER" = "1" ] then sed -i '/^ScreenUseGL=/c\ScreenUseGL=1' /storage/.config/melonDS/melonDS.ini fi #Vsync if [ "$VSYNC" = "0" ] then sed -i '/^ScreenVSync=/c\ScreenVSync=0' /storage/.config/melonDS/melonDS.ini fi if [ "$VSYNC" = "1" ] then sed -i '/^ScreenVSync=/c\ScreenVSync=1' /storage/.config/melonDS/melonDS.ini fi #Set OpenGL 3.3 on panfrost export PAN_MESA_DEBUG=gl3,gofaster #Set QT Platform to Wayland export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland #Run MelonDS emulator if [ "$SUI" = "1" ] then /usr/bin/melonDS else /usr/bin/melonDS -f "${1}" fi