fewtarius 9e72309447
* Fix long standing issue with busybox and bash.
* Move retroarch bits to the retroarch package.
* Add an upgrade script to autostart that executes after upgrades.
2022-03-16 18:03:28 -04:00

22 lines
1.1 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2021-present Fewtarius (https://github.com/fewtarius)
. /etc/profile
### This script contains items that we only want to execute after a JELOS upgrade.
### Switch the theme to system-theme if it hasn't already been done
if [ ! -L /storage/.config/emulationstation/themes/system-theme ]
rm -rf /storage/.config/emulationstation/themes/es-theme-art-book-next
mkdir -p /storage/.config/emulationstation/themes
ln -s /usr/share/themes/es-theme-art-book-next /storage/.config/emulationstation/themes/system-theme
sed -i 's#<string name="ThemeSet" value="es-theme-art-book-next"/>#<string name="ThemeSet" value="system-theme"/>#' /storage/.config/emulationstation/es_settings.cfg
### Always update these after an upgrade incase there are necessary changes
cp -f /usr/config/SDL-GameControllerDB/gamecontrollerdb.txt /storage/.config/SDL-GameControllerDB/gamecontrollerdb.txt
cp -f /usr/config/emulationstation/es_input.cfg /storage/.config/emulationstation
cp -f /usr/config/emulationstation/es_features.cfg /storage/.config/emulationstation