fewtarius 73b7b358e8
Feature: Use overlayfs to merge internal and external storage into /storage/roms.
* Creates a new directory structure for games:
  * Internal Storage (or tf1): /storage/games-internal
  * External MicroSD: /storage/games-external
  * Combined Path: /storage/roms
* Games copied to /storage/roms will be saved to /storage/games-internal.
* Samba has been updated to present both volumes for network access.
* EmulationStation now has an eject option under System Settings -> Hardware /Storage.
* When a compatible microsd is inserted, JELOS will automatically add it to the overlay, making the content available to ES after a gamelist update or an ES restart.
* Udevil will no longer mount microsd cards to /run/media, however it will still handle mounting all other external storage.
* After the update, JELOS will automatically migrate your current roms directory once.
* Additionally the hotkey management feature has moved from System Settings to Controller and Bluetooth Settings.
* The rom split tool is now deprecated as it is no longer needed.
2023-11-27 22:41:15 +00:00

30 lines
1 KiB

# dont run in "installer" mode
ENV{installer}=="1", GOTO="exit"
# check for blockdevices, /dev/sd*, /dev/sr*
SUBSYSTEM!="block", KERNEL!="sd*|sr*", GOTO="exit"
# check for special partitions we dont want mount
ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="EFI|BOOT|Recovery|RECOVERY|SETTINGS|boot|root0|share0", GOTO="exit"
# /dev/sd* with partitions/disk and filesystems only and /dev/sr* disks only
KERNEL=="sd*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition|disk", ENV{ID_FS_USAGE}=="filesystem", GOTO="harddisk"
KERNEL=="sr*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="disk", GOTO="optical"
# mount or umount for hdds
ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/usr/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/grep -E ^/dev/%k\ /proc/mounts || true'", RESULT=="", RUN+="/usr/bin/systemctl restart udevil-mount@/dev/%k.service"
ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/usr/bin/systemctl stop udevil-mount@/dev/%k.service"
# mount or umount for opticals
ACTION=="add|change", RUN+="/usr/bin/systemctl restart udevil-mount@/dev/%k.service"
# Exit