fewtarius c83cd844b1
* Complete SyncThing integration.
* Switch on in ES under Network Settings.
  * Connect via browser to http://device:8384.
  * Username: root, Password: System Settings Menu
* A bit of startup optimization.
2023-02-09 19:17:29 -05:00
001-ssh * Update kernel and OS to support AyaNeo Air / Air Pro fan control. 2022-12-19 17:14:32 -05:00
002-samba * Update kernel and OS to support AyaNeo Air / Air Pro fan control. 2022-12-19 17:14:32 -05:00
003-wait-time-sync * Update kernel and OS to support AyaNeo Air / Air Pro fan control. 2022-12-19 17:14:32 -05:00
004-tailscaled * Update kernel and OS to support AyaNeo Air / Air Pro fan control. 2022-12-19 17:14:32 -05:00
005-fstrim * Update kernel and OS to support AyaNeo Air / Air Pro fan control. 2022-12-19 17:14:32 -05:00
006-bluealsa * Apply additional powersavings adjustements. 2023-01-19 06:14:52 -05:00
007-syncthing * Complete SyncThing integration. 2023-02-09 19:17:29 -05:00