distribution/packages/sysutils/autostart/sources/quirks/AYANEO AIR/001-audio
fewtarius ed8438a7fc
* Update set-audio to configure alsa for bluetooth.
* Updaet set-audio to automatically populate the ES audio path with a best guess (first control).
* Enable pulseaudio bluetooth support.
* Don't reset audio devices and paths if they've already been set once.
* Configure CEMU to look for and use a bluetooth device if it's paired and connected (needs further optimization).
2023-01-26 17:51:43 -05:00

19 lines
508 B

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2021-present Fewtarius (https://github.com/fewtarius)
. /etc/profile
MYDEVICE=$(get_setting system.audiodevice)
if [ -z "${MYDEVICE}" ]
### Set the audio device.
set-audio set "ALC269VB (1:0)"
set-audio esset "Master"
### Disables speaker output when headphones are connected.
alsactl restore -f /storage/.config/asound.state
/usr/bin/amixer -c 1 sset "Auto-Mute Mode" Enabled
alsactl store -f /storage/.config/asound.state