2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
/ * *
* Copyright ( c ) 2006 - 2016 , JGraph Ltd
* Copyright ( c ) 2006 - 2016 , Gaudenz Alder
* /
/ * *
* Constructs a new point for the optional x and y coordinates . If no
* coordinates are given , then the default values for < x > and < y > are used .
* @ constructor
* @ class Implements a basic 2 D point . Known subclassers = { @ link mxRectangle } .
* @ param { number } x X - coordinate of the point .
* @ param { number } y Y - coordinate of the point .
* /
App = function ( editor , container , lightbox )
EditorUi . call ( this , editor , container , ( lightbox != null ) ? lightbox : urlParams [ 'lightbox' ] == '1' ) ;
// Pre-fetches images
if ( mxClient . IS _SVG )
var img = new Image ( ) ;
img . src = mxGraph . prototype . warningImage . src ;
// Global helper method to deal with popup blockers
window . openWindow = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( url , pre , fallback )
var wnd = window . open ( url ) ;
if ( wnd == null || wnd === undefined )
this . showDialog ( new PopupDialog ( this , url , pre , fallback ) . container , 320 , 140 , true , true ) ;
else if ( pre != null )
pre ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Initial state for toolbar items is disabled
this . updateUi ( ) ;
// Checks if canvas is supported
var cnv = document . createElement ( 'canvas' ) ;
this . canvasSupported = ! ! ( cnv . getContext && cnv . getContext ( '2d' ) ) ;
// Global helper method to display error messages
window . showOpenAlert = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( message )
// Cancel must be called before showing error message
if ( window . openFile != null )
window . openFile . cancel ( true ) ;
this . handleError ( message ) ;
} ) ;
// Sets help link for placeholders
if ( ! this . isOffline ( ) )
EditDataDialog . placeholderHelpLink = 'https://support.draw.io/questions/9338941' ;
// Handles opening files via drag and drop
this . addFileDropHandler ( [ document ] ) ;
// Process the queue for waiting plugins
if ( App . DrawPlugins != null )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < App . DrawPlugins . length ; i ++ )
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
App . DrawPlugins [ i ] ( this ) ;
catch ( e )
if ( window . console != null )
console . log ( 'Plugin Error:' , e , App . DrawPlugins [ i ] ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
window . Draw . loadPlugin = function ( callback )
callback ( this ) ;
} ;
this . load ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive .
* /
App . ERROR _TIMEOUT = 'timeout' ;
/ * *
* Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive .
* /
App . ERROR _BUSY = 'busy' ;
/ * *
* Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive .
* /
App . ERROR _UNKNOWN = 'unknown' ;
/ * *
* Sets the delay for autosave in milliseconds . Default is 2000.
* /
App . MODE _GOOGLE = 'google' ;
/ * *
* Sets the delay for autosave in milliseconds . Default is 2000.
* /
App . MODE _DROPBOX = 'dropbox' ;
/ * *
* Sets the delay for autosave in milliseconds . Default is 2000.
* /
App . MODE _ONEDRIVE = 'onedrive' ;
/ * *
* Sets the delay for autosave in milliseconds . Default is 2000.
* /
App . MODE _DEVICE = 'device' ;
/ * *
* Sets the delay for autosave in milliseconds . Default is 2000.
* /
App . MODE _BROWSER = 'browser' ;
/ * *
* Sets the delay for autosave in milliseconds . Default is 2000.
* /
App . DROPBOX _APPKEY = 'libwls2fa9szdji' ;
/ * *
2016-09-26 14:05:37 +00:00
* Defines plugin keys for loading via p URL parameter .
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
* /
App . pluginRegistry = { '4xAKTrabTpTzahoLthkwPNUn' : '/plugins/explore.js' ,
'ex' : '/plugins/explore.js' , 'p1' : '/plugins/p1.js' , 'ac' : '/plugins/connect.js' ,
'acj' : '/plugins/connectJira.js' , 'voice' : '/plugins/voice.js' ,
'tips' : '/plugins/tooltips.js' , 'svgdata' : '/plugins/svgdata.js' ,
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
'doors' : '/plugins/doors.js' , 'electron' : 'plugins/electron.js' ,
'tags' : '/plugins/tags.js' } ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
/ * *
* Function : authorize
* Authorizes the client , gets the userId and calls < open > .
* /
App . getStoredMode = function ( )
var mode = null ;
if ( typeof ( Storage ) != 'undefined' )
var cookies = document . cookie . split ( ";" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cookies . length ; i ++ )
// Removes spaces around cookie
var cookie = mxUtils . trim ( cookies [ i ] ) ;
if ( cookie . substring ( 0 , 5 ) == 'MODE=' )
mode = cookie . substring ( 5 ) ;
break ;
return mode ;
} ;
/ * *
* Static Application initializer executed at load - time .
* /
( function ( )
// Checks for local storage and SVG support
window . isSvgBrowser = window . isSvgBrowser || ( navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( 'MSIE' ) < 0 || document . documentMode >= 9 ) ;
if ( ! mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP )
if ( urlParams [ 'offline' ] != '1' )
// Switches to dropbox mode for db.draw.io
if ( window . location . hostname == 'db.draw.io' && urlParams [ 'mode' ] == null )
urlParams [ 'mode' ] = 'dropbox' ;
App . mode = urlParams [ 'mode' ] ;
if ( App . mode == null )
// Stored mode overrides preferred mode
App . mode = App . getStoredMode ( ) ;
if ( window . mxscript != null )
// Loads gapi for all browsers but IE8 and below if not disabled or if enabled and in embed mode
if ( typeof window . DriveClient === 'function' )
if ( urlParams [ 'gapi' ] != '0' && isSvgBrowser &&
( document . documentMode == null || document . documentMode >= 10 ) )
// Immediately loads client
if ( App . mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE || ( urlParams [ 'state' ] != null &&
window . location . hash == '' ) || ( window . location . hash != null &&
window . location . hash . substring ( 0 , 2 ) == '#G' ) )
mxscript ( 'https://apis.google.com/js/api.js' ) ;
else if ( urlParams [ 'chrome' ] == '0' )
// Disables loading of client
window . DriveClient = null ;
// Disables loading of client
window . DriveClient = null ;
// Loads dropbox for all browsers but IE8 and below (no CORS) if not disabled or if enabled and in embed mode
// KNOWN: Picker does not work in IE11 (https://dropbox.zendesk.com/requests/1650781)
if ( typeof window . DropboxClient === 'function' )
if ( urlParams [ 'db' ] != '0' && isSvgBrowser &&
( document . documentMode == null || document . documentMode > 9 ) )
// Immediately loads client
if ( App . mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX || ( window . location . hash != null &&
window . location . hash . substring ( 0 , 2 ) == '#D' ) )
mxscript ( 'https://www.dropbox.com/static/api/1/dropins.js' , null , 'dropboxjs' , App . DROPBOX _APPKEY ) ;
else if ( urlParams [ 'chrome' ] == '0' )
// Disables loading of client
window . DropboxClient = null ;
// Disables loading of client
window . DropboxClient = null ;
// Loads OneDrive for all browsers but IE6/IOS if not disabled or if enabled and in embed mode
if ( typeof window . OneDriveClient === 'function' )
if ( urlParams [ 'od' ] != '0' && ! navigator . userAgent . match ( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g ) &&
( navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( 'MSIE' ) < 0 || document . documentMode >= 10 ) )
// Immediately loads client
if ( App . mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE || ( window . location . hash != null &&
window . location . hash . substring ( 0 , 2 ) == '#W' ) )
mxscript ( 'https://js.live.net/v5.0/wl.js' ) ;
else if ( urlParams [ 'chrome' ] == '0' )
// Disables loading of client
window . OneDriveClient = null ;
// Disables loading of client
window . OneDriveClient = null ;
// Loads JSON for older browsers
if ( typeof ( JSON ) == 'undefined' )
mxscript ( 'js/json/json2.min.js' ) ;
if ( urlParams [ 'plugins' ] != '0' && urlParams [ 'offline' ] != '1' )
var plugins = mxSettings . getPlugins ( ) ;
var temp = urlParams [ 'p' ] ;
if ( ( temp != null ) || ( plugins != null && plugins . length > 0 ) )
// Workaround for need to load plugins now but wait for UI instance
App . DrawPlugins = [ ] ;
// Global entry point for plugins is Draw.loadPlugin. This is the only
// long-term supported solution for access to the EditorUi instance.
window . Draw = new Object ( ) ;
window . Draw . loadPlugin = function ( callback )
App . DrawPlugins . push ( callback ) ;
} ;
if ( temp != null )
// Mapping from key to URL in App.plugins
var t = temp . split ( ';' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < t . length ; i ++ )
var url = App . pluginRegistry [ t [ i ] ] ;
if ( url != null )
mxscript ( url ) ;
else if ( window . console != null )
console . log ( 'Unknown plugin:' , t [ i ] ) ;
if ( plugins != null && plugins . length > 0 && urlParams [ 'plugins' ] != '0' )
// Loading plugins inside the asynchronous block below stops the page from loading so a
// hardcoded message for the warning dialog is used since the resources are loadd below
var warning = 'The page has requested to load the following plugin(s):\n \n {1}\n \n Would you like to load these plugin(s) now?\n \n NOTE : Only allow plugins to run if you fully understand the security implications of doing so.\n' ;
if ( plugins . length == 1 && ( plugins [ 0 ] . charAt ( 0 ) == '/' ||
plugins [ 0 ] . indexOf ( window . location . protocol + '//' + window . location . host ) == 0 ) )
mxscript ( plugins [ 0 ] ) ;
// Loads plugins asynchronously
else if ( mxUtils . confirm ( mxResources . replacePlaceholders ( warning , [ plugins . join ( '\n' ) ] ) . replace ( /\\n/g , '\n' ) ) )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < plugins . length ; i ++ )
mxscript ( plugins [ i ] ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
} ) ( ) ;
/ * *
* Program flow starts here .
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
* Optional callback is called with the app instance .
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
* /
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
App . main = function ( callback )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
var lastErrorMessage = null ;
// Changes top level error handling
window . onerror = function ( message , url , linenumber , colno , err )
if ( message == lastErrorMessage || ( message != null && url != null &&
( ( message . indexOf ( 'Script error' ) != - 1 ) || ( message . indexOf ( 'extension' ) != - 1 ) ) ) )
// TODO log external domain script failure "Script error." is
// reported when the error occurs in a script that is hosted
// on a domain other than the domain of the current page
// DocumentClosedError seems to be an FF bug an can be ignored for now
else if ( message != null && message . indexOf ( 'DocumentClosedError' ) < 0 )
lastErrorMessage = message ;
var img = new Image ( ) ;
2016-09-21 21:13:50 +00:00
var severity = ( message . indexOf ( 'NetworkError' ) >= 0 || message . indexOf ( 'SecurityError' ) >= 0 ||
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
message . indexOf ( 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE' ) >= 0 || message . indexOf ( 'out of memory' ) >= 0 ) ?
2016-09-27 11:07:02 +00:00
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
img . src = 'https://log.draw.io/log?severity=' + severity + '&v=' + encodeURIComponent ( EditorUi . VERSION ) +
2016-09-21 21:13:50 +00:00
'&msg=clientError:' + encodeURIComponent ( message ) + ':url:' + encodeURIComponent ( window . location . href ) +
':lnum:' + encodeURIComponent ( linenumber ) +
( ( colno != null ) ? ':colno:' + encodeURIComponent ( colno ) : '' ) +
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
( ( err != null && err . stack != null ) ? '&stack=' + encodeURIComponent ( err . stack ) : '' ) ;
catch ( err )
// do nothing
} ;
/ * *
* Lazy loading of additional CSS for atlas theme .
* /
if ( uiTheme == 'atlas' )
mxClient . link ( 'stylesheet' , 'styles/atlas.css' ) ;
if ( window . mxscript != null )
/ * *
* Color dialog - Do not add to app . min . js due to path issues !
* /
if ( urlParams [ 'chrome' ] != '0' )
mxscript ( 'js/jscolor/jscolor.js' ) ;
/ * *
* Injects offline dependencies
* /
if ( urlParams [ 'offline' ] == '1' )
mxscript ( 'js/shapes.min.js' ) ;
var frame = document . createElement ( 'iframe' ) ;
frame . setAttribute ( 'width' , '0' ) ;
frame . setAttribute ( 'height' , '0' ) ;
frame . setAttribute ( 'src' , 'offline.html' ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( frame ) ;
// Precaching for stencils. Alternatively we could generate
// a cache manifest with all stencil and shape files but this
// simplifies the cache file, streamlines the shape loading
// to a single loading point (here) vs dynamic loading in the
// online version. It does slow down the startup time though.
mxStencilRegistry . stencilSet = { } ;
// Overrides dynamic loading (everything loaded at startup)
mxStencilRegistry . getStencil = function ( name )
return mxStencilRegistry . stencils [ name ] ;
} ;
// Takes stencil data from cache for populating sidebar
mxStencilRegistry . loadStencilSet = function ( stencilFile , postStencilLoad , force )
var name = stencilFile . substring ( stencilFile . indexOf ( '/' ) + 1 ) ;
name = 'mxgraph.' + name . substring ( 0 , name . length - 4 ) . replace ( /\//g , '.' ) ;
var node = mxStencilRegistry . stencilSet [ name ] ;
if ( node != null )
mxStencilRegistry . parseStencilSet ( node , postStencilLoad , false ) ;
} ;
// Preload all stencils from merged XML file
var req2 = mxUtils . load ( 'stencils.xml' ) ;
var root = req2 . getXml ( ) . documentElement ;
var node = root . firstChild ;
while ( node != null )
if ( node . nodeName == 'shapes' && node . getAttribute ( 'name' ) != null )
mxStencilRegistry . stencilSet [ node . getAttribute ( 'name' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ] = node ;
mxStencilRegistry . parseStencilSet ( node ) ;
node = node . nextSibling ;
/ * *
* Loads Google Image Picker API
* /
if ( urlParams [ 'picker' ] != '0' && ! mxClient . IS _QUIRKS && document . documentMode != 8 )
mxscript ( document . location . protocol + '//www.google.com/jsapi?autoload=%7B%22modules%22%3A%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22picker%22%2C%22version%22%3A%221%22%2C%22language%22%3A%22' + mxClient . language + '%22%7D%5D%7D' ) ;
// Loads gapi for all browsers but IE8 and below if not disabled or if enabled and in embed mode
// Special case: Cannot load in asynchronous code below
if ( typeof window . DriveClient === 'function' &&
( typeof gapi === 'undefined' && ( ( ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' && urlParams [ 'gapi' ] != '0' ) ||
( urlParams [ 'embed' ] == '1' && urlParams [ 'gapi' ] == '1' ) ) && isSvgBrowser &&
isLocalStorage && ( document . documentMode == null || document . documentMode >= 10 ) ) ) )
mxscript ( 'https://apis.google.com/js/api.js?onload=DrawGapiClientCallback' ) ;
/ * *
* Asynchronous MathJax extension .
* /
if ( urlParams [ 'math' ] != '0' )
Editor . initMath ( ) ;
// Adds required resources (disables loading of fallback properties, this can only
// be used if we know that all keys are defined in the language specific file)
mxResources . loadDefaultBundle = false ;
var bundle = mxResources . getDefaultBundle ( RESOURCE _BASE , mxLanguage ) ||
mxResources . getSpecialBundle ( RESOURCE _BASE , mxLanguage ) ;
// Prefetches asynchronous requests so that below code runs synchronous
// Loading the correct bundle (one file) via the fallback system in mxResources. The stylesheet
// is compiled into JS in the build process and is only needed for local development.
mxUtils . getAll ( ( urlParams [ 'dev' ] != '1' ) ? [ bundle ] : [ bundle , STYLE _PATH + '/default.xml' ] , function ( xhr )
// Adds bundle text to resources
mxResources . parse ( xhr [ 0 ] . getText ( ) ) ;
// Prepares themes with mapping from old default-style to old XML file
if ( xhr . length > 1 )
Graph . prototype . defaultThemes [ Graph . prototype . defaultThemeName ] = xhr [ 1 ] . getDocumentElement ( ) ;
// Main
var ui = new App ( new Editor ( urlParams [ 'chrome' ] == '0' ) ) ;
if ( window . mxscript != null )
// Loads dropbox for all browsers but IE8 and below (no CORS) if not disabled or if enabled and in embed mode
// KNOWN: Picker does not work in IE11 (https://dropbox.zendesk.com/requests/1650781)
if ( typeof window . DropboxClient === 'function' &&
( window . Dropbox != null && typeof Dropbox . choose === 'undefined' &&
window . DrawDropboxClientCallback != null &&
( ( ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' && urlParams [ 'db' ] != '0' ) ||
( urlParams [ 'embed' ] == '1' && urlParams [ 'db' ] == '1' ) ) &&
isSvgBrowser && ( document . documentMode == null || document . documentMode > 9 ) ) ) )
mxscript ( 'https://www.dropbox.com/static/api/1/dropins.js' , window . DrawDropboxClientCallback , 'dropboxjs' , App . DROPBOX _APPKEY ) ;
// Loads OneDrive for all browsers but IE6/IOS if not disabled or if enabled and in embed mode
if ( typeof window . OneDriveClient === 'function' &&
( typeof WL === 'undefined' && window . DrawOneDriveClientCallback != null &&
( ( ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' && urlParams [ 'od' ] != '0' ) || ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] == '1' &&
urlParams [ 'od' ] == '1' ) ) && ! navigator . userAgent . match ( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g ) &&
( navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( 'MSIE' ) < 0 || document . documentMode >= 10 ) ) ) )
mxscript ( 'https://js.live.net/v5.0/wl.js' , window . DrawOneDriveClientCallback ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
if ( callback != null )
callback ( ui ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
/ * *
* For developers only
* /
if ( urlParams [ 'chrome' ] != '0' && urlParams [ 'test' ] == '1' )
mxLog . show ( ) ;
mxLog . debug ( 'Started in ' + ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - t0 . getTime ( ) ) + 'ms' ) ;
mxLog . debug ( 'Export:' , EXPORT _URL ) ;
mxLog . debug ( 'Development mode:' , ( urlParams [ 'dev' ] == '1' ) ? 'active' : 'inactive' ) ;
mxLog . debug ( 'Test mode:' , ( urlParams [ 'test' ] == '1' ) ? 'active' : 'inactive' ) ;
} , function ( )
document . getElementById ( 'geStatus' ) . innerHTML = 'Error loading page. <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="location.reload();">Please try refreshing.</a>' ;
} ) ;
} ;
//Extends EditorUi
mxUtils . extend ( App , EditorUi ) ;
/ * *
* Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive .
* /
App . prototype . defaultUserPicture = 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HIzvXUy6QUY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/giuR7PQyjEk/photo.jpg?sz=30' ;
/ * *
* Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive .
* /
App . prototype . micImage = '' ;
/ * *
* Contains the default XML for an empty diagram .
* /
App . prototype . emptyDiagramXml = '<mxGraphModel><root><mxCell id="0"/><mxCell id="1" parent="0"/></root></mxGraphModel>' ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . shareImage = '' ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . chevronUpImage = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? IMAGE _PATH + '/chevron-up.png' : '' ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . chevronDownImage = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? IMAGE _PATH + '/chevron-down.png' : '' ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . formatShowImage = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? IMAGE _PATH + '/format-show.png' : '' ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . formatHideImage = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? IMAGE _PATH + '/format-hide.png' : '' ;
/ * *
* /
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
App . prototype . fullscreenImage = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? IMAGE _PATH + '/fullscreen.png' : '' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . plusImage = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? IMAGE _PATH + '/plus.png' : '' ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . spinImage = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? IMAGE _PATH + '/spin.gif' : '' ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . emptyLibraryXml = '<mxlibrary>[]</mxlibrary>' ;
/ * *
* Sets the delay for autosave in milliseconds . Default is 2000.
* /
App . prototype . mode = null ;
/ * *
* Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive .
* /
App . prototype . timeout = 25000 ;
/ * *
* Switch to disable logging for mode and search terms .
* /
App . prototype . enableLogging = true ;
// Restores app defaults for UI
App . prototype . formatEnabled = urlParams [ 'format' ] != '0' ;
App . prototype . formatWidth = ( screen . width < 600 ) ? 0 : mxSettings . getFormatWidth ( ) ;
/ * *
* Overriden UI settings depending on mode .
* /
if ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
App . prototype . menubarHeight = 60 ;
/ * *
* Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive .
* /
Editor . prototype . editButtonLink = ( urlParams [ 'edit' ] != null ) ? decodeURIComponent ( urlParams [ 'edit' ] ) : null ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . init = function ( )
EditorUi . prototype . init . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
/ * *
* Overrides export dialog for using cloud storage save .
* /
if ( this . isLocalFileSave ( ) )
var ui = this ;
ExportDialog . saveLocalFile = function ( data , filename , format )
var mime = 'text/xml' ;
if ( format === 'svg' )
mime = 'image/svg+xml' ;
ui . saveLocalFile ( data , filename , mime ) ;
} ;
ExportDialog . saveRequest = function ( data , filename , format , fn )
ui . saveRequest ( data , filename , format , fn ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Specifies the default filename .
* /
this . defaultLibraryName = mxResources . get ( 'untitledLibrary' ) ;
/ * *
* Holds the listener for description changes .
* /
this . descriptorChangedListener = mxUtils . bind ( this , this . descriptorChanged ) ;
if ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
/ * *
* Holds the background element .
* /
this . bg = this . createBackground ( ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( this . bg ) ;
this . diagramContainer . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
this . formatContainer . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
this . hsplit . style . display = 'none' ;
this . sidebarContainer . style . display = 'none' ;
this . sidebarFooterContainer . style . display = 'none' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
/ * *
* Creates onedrive client if all required libraries are available .
* /
var initOneDriveClient = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( typeof WL !== 'undefined' )
/ * *
* Holds the x - coordinate of the point .
* /
this . oneDrive = new OneDriveClient ( this ) ;
this . oneDrive . addListener ( 'userChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . updateUserElement ( ) ;
this . restoreLibraries ( ) ;
} ) )
// Notifies listeners of new client
this . fireEvent ( new mxEventObject ( 'clientLoaded' , 'client' , this . oneDrive ) ) ;
else if ( window . DrawOneDriveClientCallback == null )
window . DrawOneDriveClientCallback = initOneDriveClient ;
} ) ;
initOneDriveClient ( ) ;
/ * *
* Creates drive client with all required libraries are available .
* /
var initDriveClient = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
/ * *
* Creates google drive client if all required libraries are available .
* /
if ( typeof gapi !== 'undefined' )
var doInit = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
/ * *
* Holds the x - coordinate of the point .
* /
this . drive = new DriveClient ( this ) ;
/ * *
* Adds important notice for new app if drive file is loaded in old app .
* /
if ( this . drive . appId == '420247213240' )
this . editor . addListener ( 'fileLoaded' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null && file . constructor == DriveFile )
var td = document . getElementById ( 'geFooterItem2' ) ;
if ( td != null )
td . innerHTML = '<a href="https://support.draw.io/display/DO/2014/11/27/Switching+application+in+Google+Drive" ' +
'target="_blank" title="IMPORTANT NOTICE" >IMPORTANT NOTICE</a>' ;
} ) ) ;
this . drive . addListener ( 'userChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Changes the footer ads for Google Accounts
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
if ( this . updateAd != null )
this . adsHtml = [ '<a title="Quick start video" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OaMWa4R1SE&t=1" target="_blank">' +
'<img border="0" align="absmiddle" style="margin-top:-4px;" src="images/glyphicons_star.png"/> Quick start video</a>' ,
'<a title="Google Docs Add-on" href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/drawio-diagrams/clpbjldiohnnmfmkngmaohehlnfkmoea" target="_blank">' +
'<img border="0" align="absmiddle" style="margin-top:-4px;" src="images/glyphicons_star.png"/> Google Docs Add-on</a>' ,
'<a title="Google Chrome App" href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/drawio-desktop/pebppomjfocnoigkeepgbmcifnnlndla" target="_blank">' +
'<img border="0" align="absmiddle" style="margin-top:-4px;" src="images/glyphicons_star.png"/> Google Chrome App</a>' ,
'<a title="Please help us to 5 stars" href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/drawio-pro/onlkggianjhjenigcpigpjehhpplldkc/reviews" target="_blank">' +
'<img border="0" align="absmiddle" style="margin-top:-4px;" src="images/glyphicons_star.png"/> Please help us to 5 stars</a>' ] ;
this . updateAd ( this . adsHtml . length - 1 ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . updateUserElement ( ) ;
this . restoreLibraries ( ) ;
this . checkLicense ( ) ;
} ) )
// Notifies listeners of new client
this . fireEvent ( new mxEventObject ( 'clientLoaded' , 'client' , this . drive ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( window . DrawGapiClientCallback != null )
gapi . load ( 'auth:client,drive-realtime,drive-share' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
// Starts the app without the Google Option if the API fails to load
if ( gapi . drive != null && gapi . drive . realtime != null )
gapi . client . load ( 'drive' , 'v2' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . defineCustomObjects ( ) ;
// Needed to avoid popup blocking for non-immediate authentication
gapi . auth . init ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( gapi . client . drive != null )
doInit ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Clears any callbacks .
* /
window . DrawGapiClientCallback = null ;
doInit ( ) ;
else if ( window . DrawGapiClientCallback == null )
window . DrawGapiClientCallback = initDriveClient ;
} ) ;
initDriveClient ( ) ;
/ * *
* Creates dropbox client if all required libraries are available .
* /
var initDropboxClient = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( window . Dropbox != null && typeof Dropbox . choose !== 'undefined' )
/ * *
* Clears dropbox client callback .
* /
window . DrawDropboxClientCallback = null ;
/ * *
* Holds the x - coordinate of the point .
* /
this . dropbox = new DropboxClient ( this ) ;
this . dropbox . addListener ( 'userChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . updateUserElement ( ) ;
this . restoreLibraries ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Notifies listeners of new client
this . fireEvent ( new mxEventObject ( 'clientLoaded' , 'client' , this . dropbox ) ) ;
else if ( window . DrawDropboxClientCallback == null )
window . DrawDropboxClientCallback = initDropboxClient ;
} ) ;
initDropboxClient ( ) ;
// Sets the initial mode
if ( urlParams [ 'local' ] == '1' )
this . setMode ( App . MODE _DEVICE ) ;
this . mode = App . mode ;
else if ( this . menubar != null )
this . menubar . container . style . paddingTop = '0px' ;
this . updateHeader ( ) ;
// Changes footer from time to time
var td = document . getElementById ( 'geFooterItem2' ) ;
if ( td != null )
this . adsHtml = [ '<a title="Quick start video" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OaMWa4R1SE&t=1" target="_blank">' +
'<img border="0" align="absmiddle" style="margin-top:-4px;" src="images/glyphicons_star.png"/> Quick start video</a>' ] ;
this . adsHtml . push ( td . innerHTML ) ;
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( td . style , 'transition' , 'all 1s ease' ) ;
var lastAd = this . adsHtml . length - 1 ;
this . updateAd = function ( index )
if ( index == lastAd )
index = this . adsHtml . length - 1 ;
if ( index != lastAd )
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( td . style , 'transform' , 'scale(0)' ) ;
td . style . opacity = '0' ;
lastAd = index ;
window . setTimeout ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
td . innerHTML = this . adsHtml [ index ] ;
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( td . style , 'transform' , 'scale(1)' ) ;
td . style . opacity = '1' ;
} ) , 1000 ) ;
} ;
window . setInterval ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( this . adsHtml . length == 3 )
this . updateAd ( mxUtils . mod ( lastAd + 1 , 3 ) ) ;
var rnd = Math . random ( ) ;
this . updateAd ( Math . round ( rnd * ( this . adsHtml . length - 1 ) ) ) ;
} ) , 300000 ) ;
if ( this . menubar != null )
this . buttonContainer = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . buttonContainer . style . display = 'inline-block' ;
this . buttonContainer . style . paddingRight = '48px' ;
this . buttonContainer . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . buttonContainer . style . right = '0px' ;
this . menubar . container . appendChild ( this . buttonContainer ) ;
if ( uiTheme == 'atlas' && this . menubar != null )
if ( this . toggleElement != null )
this . toggleElement . click ( ) ;
this . toggleElement . style . display = 'none' ;
this . icon = document . createElement ( 'img' ) ;
this . icon . setAttribute ( 'src' , IMAGE _PATH + '/logo-flat-small.png' ) ;
this . icon . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'draw.io' ) ) ;
this . icon . style . paddingTop = '11px' ;
this . icon . style . marginLeft = '4px' ;
this . icon . style . marginRight = '6px' ;
if ( mxClient . IS _QUIRKS )
this . icon . style . marginTop = '12px' ;
this . menubar . container . insertBefore ( this . icon , this . menubar . container . firstChild ) ;
if ( isLocalStorage || mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP )
/ * *
* Persists current edge style .
* /
this . editor . graph . currentEdgeStyle = mxSettings . getCurrentEdgeStyle ( ) ;
this . editor . graph . currentVertexStyle = mxSettings . getCurrentVertexStyle ( ) ;
// Updates UI to reflect current edge style
this . fireEvent ( new mxEventObject ( 'styleChanged' , 'keys' , [ ] , 'values' , [ ] , 'cells' , [ ] ) ) ;
this . addListener ( 'styleChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( sender , evt )
mxSettings . setCurrentEdgeStyle ( this . editor . graph . currentEdgeStyle ) ;
mxSettings . setCurrentVertexStyle ( this . editor . graph . currentVertexStyle ) ;
mxSettings . save ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Persists copy on connect switch .
* /
this . editor . graph . connectionHandler . setCreateTarget ( mxSettings . isCreateTarget ( ) ) ;
this . fireEvent ( new mxEventObject ( 'copyConnectChanged' ) ) ;
this . addListener ( 'copyConnectChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( sender , evt )
mxSettings . setCreateTarget ( this . editor . graph . connectionHandler . isCreateTarget ( ) ) ;
mxSettings . save ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Persists default page format .
* /
this . editor . graph . pageFormat = mxSettings . getPageFormat ( ) ;
this . addListener ( 'pageFormatChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( sender , evt )
mxSettings . setPageFormat ( this . editor . graph . pageFormat ) ;
mxSettings . save ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Persists default grid color .
* /
this . editor . graph . view . gridColor = mxSettings . getGridColor ( ) ;
this . addListener ( 'gridColorChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( sender , evt )
mxSettings . setGridColor ( this . editor . graph . view . gridColor ) ;
mxSettings . save ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Persists autosave switch in Chrome app .
* /
if ( mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP )
this . editor . addListener ( 'autosaveChanged' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( sender , evt )
mxSettings . setAutosave ( this . editor . autosave ) ;
mxSettings . save ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . editor . autosave = mxSettings . getAutosave ( ) ;
/ * *
* /
if ( this . sidebar != null )
this . sidebar . showPalette ( 'search' , mxSettings . settings . search ) ;
/ * *
* Shows scratchpad if never shown .
* /
if ( ! this . editor . chromeless && this . sidebar != null && ( mxSettings . settings . isNew ||
parseInt ( mxSettings . settings . version || 0 ) <= 8 ) )
this . toggleScratchpad ( ) ;
mxSettings . save ( ) ;
// Saves app defaults for UI
this . addListener ( 'formatWidthChanged' , function ( )
mxSettings . setFormatWidth ( this . formatWidth ) ;
mxSettings . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true if the current domain is for the new drive app .
* /
App . prototype . isDriveDomain = function ( )
return urlParams [ 'drive' ] != '0' &&
( window . location . hostname == 'test.draw.io' ||
window . location . hostname == 'cdn.draw.io' ||
window . location . hostname == 'www.draw.io' ||
window . location . hostname == 'drive.draw.io' ||
window . location . hostname == 'jgraph.github.io' ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true if the current domain is for the old drive app .
* /
App . prototype . isLegacyDriveDomain = function ( )
return urlParams [ 'drive' ] == 0 || window . location . hostname == 'legacy.draw.io' ;
} ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . checkLicense = function ( )
var driveUser = this . drive . getUser ( ) ;
var email = ( ( urlParams [ 'dev' ] == '1' ) ? urlParams [ 'lic' ] : null ) ||
( ( driveUser != null ) ? driveUser . email : null ) ;
if ( ! this . isOffline ( ) && ! this . editor . chromeless && email != null )
// Anonymises the local part of the email address
var at = email . lastIndexOf ( '@' ) ;
var domain = email ;
if ( at >= 0 )
domain = email . substring ( at + 1 ) ;
2016-09-26 14:05:37 +00:00
email = this . crc32 ( email . substring ( 0 , at ) ) + '@' + domain ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
// Timestamp is workaround for cached response in certain environments
2016-09-26 14:05:37 +00:00
mxUtils . post ( '/license' , 'domain=' + encodeURIComponent ( domain ) + '&email=' +
encodeURIComponent ( email ) + '&ts=' + new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ,
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( req )
var registered = false ;
var exp = null ;
if ( req . getStatus ( ) == 200 )
var value = req . getText ( ) ;
registered = true ;
if ( value . length > 0 )
var lic = JSON . parse ( value ) ;
if ( lic != null )
exp = this . handleLicense ( lic , domain ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
} ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true if the current domain is for the new drive app .
* /
App . prototype . handleLicense = function ( lic , domain )
var footer = document . getElementById ( 'geFooter' ) ;
var expiry = null ;
if ( footer != null && lic != null )
expiry = lic . expiry ;
if ( lic . footer != null )
footer . innerHTML = decodeURIComponent ( lic . footer ) ;
this . hideFooter ( ) ;
if ( expiry != null && expiry != 'never' )
var exp = new Date ( Date . parse ( expiry ) ) ;
var diff = Math . round ( ( exp - Date . now ( ) ) / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) ;
if ( diff < 90 )
var link = 'https://support.draw.io/display/DKB/draw.io+footer+state+that+license+is+expiring+on+Google+For+Work+account?domain=' + encodeURIComponent ( domain ) ;
footer . style . height = '100%' ;
footer . style . margin = '0px' ;
footer . style . display = '' ;
if ( diff < 0 )
this . footerHeight = 80 ;
footer . innerHTML = '<table height="100%"><tr><td valign="middle" align="center" class="geStatusAlert geBlink">' +
'<a href="' + link + '" style="padding-top:16px;" target="_blank">' +
'<img border="0" src="' + mxGraph . prototype . warningImage . src + '" align="top" style="margin-right:6px">' +
mxResources . get ( 'licenseHasExpired' , [ domain , exp . toLocaleDateString ( ) ] ) + '</a></td></tr></table>' ;
this . footerHeight = 46 ;
footer . innerHTML = '<table height="100%"><tr><td valign="middle" align="center" class="geStatusAlert">' +
'<a href="' + link + '" target="_blank">' +
'<img border="0" src="' + mxGraph . prototype . warningImage . src + '" align="top" style="margin-right:6px">' +
mxResources . get ( 'licenseWillExpire' , [ domain , exp . toLocaleDateString ( ) ] ) + '</a></td></tr></table>' ;
this . refresh ( ) ;
return expiry ;
} ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . getEditBlankXml = function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null && this . editor . chromeless && this . editor . graph . lightbox && file . realtime == null )
return file . getData ( ) ;
return this . getFileData ( true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Updates action states depending on the selection .
* /
App . prototype . updateActionStates = function ( )
EditorUi . prototype . updateActionStates . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'revisionHistory' ) . setEnabled ( file != null && ( ( file . constructor == DriveFile &&
file . isEditable ( ) ) || file . constructor == DropboxFile ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets the onbeforeunload for the application
* /
App . prototype . updateDraft = function ( )
if ( isLocalStorage && localStorage != null )
localStorage . setItem ( '.draft' , JSON . stringify ( { modified : new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) , data : this . getFileData ( ) } ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets the onbeforeunload for the application
* /
App . prototype . getDraft = function ( )
// FIXME: Handle multiple tabs
// if (isLocalStorage && localStorage != null)
// {
// try
// {
// var draft = localStorage.getItem('.draft');
// if (draft != null)
// {
// return JSON.parse(draft);
// }
// }
// catch (e)
// {
// // ignore quota etc
// }
// }
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets the onbeforeunload for the application
* /
App . prototype . addRecent = function ( entry )
if ( isLocalStorage && localStorage != null )
var recent = this . getRecent ( ) ;
if ( recent == null )
recent = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < recent . length ; i ++ )
if ( recent [ i ] . id == entry . id )
recent . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
if ( recent != null )
recent . unshift ( entry ) ;
recent = recent . slice ( 0 , 5 ) ;
localStorage . setItem ( '.recent' , JSON . stringify ( recent ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets the onbeforeunload for the application
* /
App . prototype . getRecent = function ( )
if ( isLocalStorage && localStorage != null )
var recent = localStorage . getItem ( '.recent' ) ;
if ( recent != null )
return JSON . parse ( recent ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets the onbeforeunload for the application
* /
App . prototype . resetRecent = function ( entry )
if ( isLocalStorage && localStorage != null )
localStorage . removeItem ( '.recent' ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
} ;
/ * *
* Sets the onbeforeunload for the application
* /
App . prototype . removeDraft = function ( )
if ( isLocalStorage && localStorage != null && urlParams [ 'splash' ] == '0' )
localStorage . removeItem ( '.draft' ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore quota etc
} ;
/ * *
* Sets the onbeforeunload for the application
* /
App . prototype . onBeforeUnload = function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null )
if ( file . constructor == LocalFile && ! file . isModified ( ) && urlParams [ 'nowarn' ] != '1' &&
! this . isDiagramEmpty ( ) && urlParams [ 'url' ] == null && ! this . editor . chromeless )
return mxResources . get ( 'ensureDataSaved' ) ;
else if ( file . constructor != DriveFile && file . isModified ( ) )
return mxResources . get ( 'allChangesLost' ) ;
file . close ( true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . updateDocumentTitle = function ( )
if ( ! this . editor . graph . lightbox )
var title = this . editor . appName ;
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null )
var filename = ( file . getTitle ( ) != null ) ? file . getTitle ( ) : this . defaultFilename ;
title = filename + ' - ' + title ;
if ( this . isOfflineApp ( ) )
title += ' [' + mxResources . get ( 'offline' ) + ']' ;
document . title = title ;
} ;
/ * *
* Authorizes the client , gets the userId and calls < open > .
* /
App . prototype . createCrcTable = function ( )
var crcTable = [ ] ;
var c ;
for ( var n = 0 ; n < 256 ; n ++ )
c = n ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k ++ )
c = ( ( c & 1 ) ? ( 0xEDB88320 ^ ( c >>> 1 ) ) : ( c >>> 1 ) ) ;
crcTable [ n ] = c ;
return crcTable ;
} ;
/ * *
* Authorizes the client , gets the userId and calls < open > .
* /
App . prototype . crc32 = function ( str )
this . crcTable = this . crcTable || this . createCrcTable ( ) ;
var crc = 0 ^ ( - 1 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < str . length ; i ++ )
crc = ( crc >>> 8 ) ^ this . crcTable [ ( crc ^ str . charCodeAt ( i ) ) & 0xFF ] ;
return ( crc ^ ( - 1 ) ) >>> 0 ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns a thumbnail of the current file .
* /
App . prototype . getThumbnail = function ( width , success )
var result = false ;
if ( this . thumbImageCache == null )
this . thumbImageCache = new Object ( ) ;
// Uses new client-side canvas export for Chrome, Firefox and Opera
if ( this . isExportToCanvas ( ) )
this . exportToCanvas ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( canvas )
success ( canvas ) ;
} ) , width , this . thumbImageCache , '#ffffff' , function ( )
// Continues with null in error case
success ( ) ;
} ) ;
result = true ;
else if ( this . canvasSupported && this . getCurrentFile ( ) != null )
var graph = this . editor . graph ;
var canvas = document . createElement ( 'canvas' ) ;
var bounds = graph . getGraphBounds ( ) ;
var scale = width / bounds . width ;
// Limits scale to 1 or 2 * width / height
scale = Math . min ( 1 , Math . min ( ( width * 3 ) / ( bounds . height * 4 ) , scale ) ) ;
var x0 = Math . floor ( bounds . x ) ;
var y0 = Math . floor ( bounds . y ) ;
canvas . setAttribute ( 'width' , Math . ceil ( scale * ( bounds . width + 4 ) ) ) ;
canvas . setAttribute ( 'height' , Math . ceil ( scale * ( bounds . height + 4 ) ) ) ;
var ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
// Configures the canvas
ctx . scale ( scale , scale ) ;
ctx . translate ( - x0 , - y0 ) ;
// Paint white background instead of transparent
var bg = graph . background ;
if ( bg == null || bg == '' || bg == mxConstants . NONE )
bg = '#ffffff' ;
// Paints background
ctx . save ( ) ;
ctx . fillStyle = bg ;
ctx . fillRect ( x0 , y0 , Math . ceil ( bounds . width + 4 ) , Math . ceil ( bounds . height + 4 ) ) ;
ctx . restore ( ) ;
var htmlCanvas = new mxJsCanvas ( canvas ) ;
// NOTE: htmlCanvas passed into async canvas is only used for image
// and canvas caching (canvas caching not used in this case as we do
// not render text). To reuse that cache via the thumbImageCache we
// pass that into the async canvas and override the image cache in
// the newly created html canvas with that of the thumbImageCache.
// LATER: Is clear thumbImageCache needed if file changes?
var asynCanvas = new mxAsyncCanvas ( this . thumbImageCache ) ;
htmlCanvas . images = this . thumbImageCache . images ;
// Render graph
var imgExport = new mxImageExport ( ) ;
imgExport . drawShape = function ( state , canvas )
if ( state . shape instanceof mxShape && state . shape . checkBounds ( ) )
canvas . save ( ) ;
canvas . translate ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
state . shape . paint ( canvas ) ;
canvas . translate ( - 0.5 , - 0.5 ) ;
canvas . restore ( ) ;
} ;
imgExport . drawText = function ( state , canvas )
// No text output for thumbnails
} ;
imgExport . drawState ( graph . getView ( ) . getState ( graph . model . root ) , asynCanvas ) ;
asynCanvas . finish ( function ( )
imgExport . drawState ( graph . getView ( ) . getState ( graph . model . root ) , htmlCanvas ) ;
success ( canvas ) ;
} ) ;
result = true ;
catch ( e )
// ignore and use placeholder
return result ;
} ;
/ * *
* Tries to find a public URL for the given file .
* /
App . prototype . getPublicUrl = function ( file , fn )
fn ( null ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . createFileData = function ( node , graph , file , url , forceXml , forceSvg , forceHtml , embeddedCallback , ignoreSelection )
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
graph = ( graph != null ) ? graph : this . editor . graph ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
forceXml = ( forceXml != null ) ? forceXml : false ;
ignoreSelection = ( ignoreSelection != null ) ? ignoreSelection : true ;
var editLink = null ;
var redirect = null ;
if ( file == null || file . getMode ( ) == App . MODE _DEVICE || file . getMode ( ) == App . MODE _BROWSER )
editLink = '_blank' ;
editLink = url ;
redirect = editLink ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
if ( node == null )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
return '' ;
var fileNode = node ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Ignores case for possible HTML or XML nodes
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
if ( fileNode . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) != 'mxfile' )
// Removes control chars in input for correct roundtrip check
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
var text = graph . zapGremlins ( mxUtils . getXml ( node ) ) ;
var data = graph . compress ( text ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
// Fallback to plain XML for invalid compression
// TODO: Remove this fallback with active pages
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
if ( graph . decompress ( data ) != text )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
return text ;
var diagramNode = node . ownerDocument . createElement ( 'diagram' ) ;
mxUtils . setTextContent ( diagramNode , data ) ;
fileNode = node . ownerDocument . createElement ( 'mxfile' ) ;
fileNode . appendChild ( diagramNode ) ;
fileNode . setAttribute ( 'userAgent' , navigator . userAgent ) ;
fileNode . setAttribute ( 'version' , EditorUi . VERSION ) ;
fileNode . setAttribute ( 'editor' , 'www.draw.io' ) ;
var md = ( file != null ) ? file . getMode ( ) : this . mode ;
if ( md != null )
fileNode . setAttribute ( 'type' , md ) ;
var xml = mxUtils . getXml ( fileNode ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Writes the file as an embedded HTML file
if ( ! forceSvg && ! forceXml && ( forceHtml || ( file != null && /(\.html)$/i . test ( file . getTitle ( ) ) ) ) )
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
xml = this . getHtml2 ( fileNode , graph , ( file != null ) ? file . getTitle ( ) : null , editLink , redirect , ignoreSelection ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
// Maps the XML data to the content attribute in the SVG node
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
else if ( forceSvg || ( ! forceXml && file != null && /(\.svg)$/i . test ( file . getTitle ( ) ) ) )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
if ( file != null && ( file . getMode ( ) == App . MODE _DEVICE || file . getMode ( ) == App . MODE _BROWSER ) )
url = null ;
xml = this . getEmbeddedSvg ( xml , graph , url , null , embeddedCallback , ignoreSelection , redirect ) ;
return xml ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
App . prototype . getFileData = function ( forceXml , forceSvg , forceHtml , embeddedCallback , ignoreSelection , currentPage )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
ignoreSelection = ( ignoreSelection != null ) ? ignoreSelection : true ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
currentPage = ( currentPage != null ) ? currentPage : false ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
var node = this . editor . getGraphXml ( ignoreSelection ) ;
if ( ignoreSelection && this . fileNode != null && this . currentPage != null )
var data = this . editor . graph . compress ( this . editor . graph . zapGremlins ( mxUtils . getXml ( node ) ) ) ;
mxUtils . setTextContent ( this . currentPage . node , data ) ;
node = this . fileNode . cloneNode ( false ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
if ( currentPage )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
node . appendChild ( this . currentPage . node ) ;
// Restores order of pages
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . pages . length ; i ++ )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
var mapping = this . pages [ i ] . mapping ;
// Updates XML of all pages for realtime
if ( this . currentPage != this . pages [ i ] && mapping != null && mapping . needsUpdate )
var enc = new mxCodec ( mxUtils . createXmlDocument ( ) ) ;
var temp = enc . encode ( mapping . graphModel ) ;
// Uses the graph state from the realtime model
mapping . writeRealtimeToNode ( temp ) ;
var data = this . editor . graph . compress ( this . editor . graph . zapGremlins ( mxUtils . getXml ( temp ) ) ) ;
mxUtils . setTextContent ( this . pages [ i ] . node , data ) ;
// Marks the page as up-to-date
mapping . needsUpdate = false ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
node . appendChild ( this . pages [ i ] . node ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
var graph = this . editor . graph ;
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
// Exports SVG for first page while other page is visible by creating a graph
// LATER: Add caching for the graph or SVG while not on first page
if ( this . pages != null && this . currentPage != this . pages [ 0 ] && ( forceSvg ||
( ! forceXml && file != null && /(\.svg)$/i . test ( file . getTitle ( ) ) ) ) )
graph = this . createTemporaryGraph ( graph . getStylesheet ( ) ) ;
var graphGetGlobalVariable = graph . getGlobalVariable ;
var page = this . pages [ 0 ] ;
graph . getGlobalVariable = function ( name )
if ( name == 'page' )
return page . getName ( ) ;
else if ( name == 'pagenumber' )
return 1 ;
return graphGetGlobalVariable . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ;
document . body . appendChild ( graph . container ) ;
graph . model . setRoot ( page . root ) ;
var result = this . createFileData ( node , graph , file , window . location . href ,
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
forceXml , forceSvg , forceHtml , embeddedCallback , ignoreSelection ) ;
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
// Removes temporary graph from DOM
if ( graph != this . editor . graph )
graph . container . parentNode . removeChild ( graph . container ) ;
return result ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . createBackground = function ( )
var bg = this . createDiv ( 'background' ) ;
bg . style . position = 'absolute' ;
bg . style . background = 'white' ;
bg . style . left = '0px' ;
bg . style . top = '0px' ;
bg . style . bottom = '0px' ;
bg . style . right = '0px' ;
mxUtils . setOpacity ( bg , 100 ) ;
if ( mxClient . IS _QUIRKS )
new mxDivResizer ( bg ) ;
return bg ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . setMode = function ( mode , remember )
this . mode = mode ;
// Note: UseLocalStorage affects the file dialogs
// and should not be modified if mode is undefined
if ( this . mode != null )
Editor . useLocalStorage = this . mode == App . MODE _BROWSER ;
if ( typeof ( Storage ) != 'undefined' && remember )
var expiry = new Date ( ) ;
expiry . setYear ( expiry . getFullYear ( ) + 1 ) ;
document . cookie = 'MODE=' + mode + '; expires=' + expiry . toUTCString ( ) ;
if ( this . appIcon != null )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
var mode = ( file != null ) ? file . getMode ( ) : null ;
if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE )
this . appIcon . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'openIt' , [ mxResources . get ( 'googleDrive' ) ] ) ) ;
this . appIcon . style . cursor = 'pointer' ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX )
this . appIcon . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'openIt' , [ mxResources . get ( 'dropbox' ) ] ) ) ;
this . appIcon . style . cursor = 'pointer' ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE )
this . appIcon . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'openIt' , [ mxResources . get ( 'oneDrive' ) ] ) ) ;
this . appIcon . style . cursor = 'pointer' ;
this . appIcon . removeAttribute ( 'title' ) ;
this . appIcon . style . cursor = 'default' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Function : authorize
* Authorizes the client , gets the userId and calls < open > .
* /
App . prototype . appIconClicked = function ( evt )
if ( mxEvent . isAltDown ( evt ) )
this . showSplash ( true ) ;
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
var mode = ( file != null ) ? file . getMode ( ) : null ;
if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE )
if ( file . desc . parents . length > 0 )
window . open ( 'https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/' + file . desc . parents [ 0 ] . id ) ;
window . open ( 'https://drive.google.com/?authuser=0' ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX )
window . open ( 'https://www.dropbox.com/' ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE )
window . open ( 'https://onedrive.live.com/' ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Function : authorize
* Authorizes the client , gets the userId and calls < open > .
* /
App . prototype . clearMode = function ( )
if ( typeof ( Storage ) != 'undefined' )
var expiry = new Date ( ) ;
expiry . setYear ( expiry . getFullYear ( ) - 1 ) ;
document . cookie = 'MODE=; expires=' + expiry . toUTCString ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . getDiagramId = function ( )
var id = window . location . hash ;
// Strips the hash sign
if ( id != null && id . length > 0 )
id = id . substring ( 1 ) ;
return id ;
} ;
/ * *
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
* Opens any file specified in the URL parameters .
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
* /
App . prototype . open = function ( )
// Cross-domain window access is not allowed in FF, so if we
// were opened from another domain then this will fail.
// If the create URL param is used in embed mode then
// we try to open the XML from window.opener[value].
// Use this for embedding via tab to bypass the timing
// issues when passing messages without onload event.
if ( window . opener != null )
var value = urlParams [ 'create' ] ;
if ( value != null )
value = decodeURIComponent ( value ) ;
if ( value != null && value . length > 0 && value . substring ( 0 , 7 ) != 'http://' &&
value . substring ( 0 , 8 ) != 'https://' )
var doc = mxUtils . parseXml ( window . opener [ value ] ) ;
this . editor . setGraphXml ( doc . documentElement ) ;
else if ( window . opener . openFile != null )
window . opener . openFile . setConsumer ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xml , filename )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( filename == null )
var title = urlParams [ 'title' ] ;
if ( title != null )
title = decodeURIComponent ( title ) ;
title = this . defaultFilename ;
this . fileLoaded ( new LocalFile ( this , xml , title ) ) ;
this . setMode ( null ) ;
// Replaces PNG with XML extension
var dot = filename . substring ( filename . length - 4 ) == '.png' ;
if ( dot > 0 )
filename = filename . substring ( 0 , filename . length - 4 ) + '.xml' ;
this . fileLoaded ( ( mxClient . IS _IOS ) ?
new StorageFile ( this , xml , filename ) :
new LocalFile ( this , xml , filename ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
} ;
/ * *
* Main function . Program starts here .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . load = function ( )
// Checks if we're running in embedded mode
if ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'starting' ) ) )
this . stateArg = ( urlParams [ 'state' ] != null && this . drive != null ) ? JSON . parse ( decodeURIComponent ( urlParams [ 'state' ] ) ) : null ;
catch ( e )
// ignores invalid state args
this . editor . graph . setEnabled ( this . getCurrentFile ( ) != null ) ;
// Passes the userId from the state parameter to the client
if ( ( window . location . hash == null || window . location . hash . length == 0 ) &&
this . drive != null && this . stateArg != null && this . stateArg . userId != null )
this . drive . setUserId ( this . stateArg . userId ) ;
// Legacy support for fileId parameter which is moved to the hash tag
if ( urlParams [ 'fileId' ] != null )
window . location . hash = 'G' + urlParams [ 'fileId' ] ;
window . location . search = this . getSearch ( [ 'fileId' ] ) ;
// Asynchronous or disabled loading of client
if ( this . drive == null )
if ( this . mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE )
this . mode = null ;
this . start ( ) ;
gapi . load ( 'auth:client,drive-realtime,drive-share' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
// Starts the app without the Google Option if the API fails to load
if ( gapi . drive == null || gapi . drive . realtime == null )
this . mode = null ;
this . drive = null ;
this . start ( ) ;
gapi . client . load ( 'drive' , 'v2' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Needed to avoid popup blocking for non-immediate authentication
gapi . auth . init ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( gapi . client . drive == null )
this . mode = null ;
this . drive = null ;
this . start ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . restoreLibraries ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Called in start after the spinner stops .
* /
App . prototype . showAlert = function ( message )
if ( message != null && message . length > 0 )
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
div . className = 'geAlert' ;
div . style . zIndex = 2e9 ;
div . style . left = '50%' ;
div . style . top = '-100%' ;
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( div . style , 'transform' , 'translate(-50%,0%)' ) ;
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( div . style , 'transition' , 'all 1s ease' ) ;
div . innerHTML = message ;
var close = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
close . className = 'geAlertLink' ;
close . style . textAlign = 'right' ;
close . style . marginTop = '20px' ;
close . style . display = 'block' ;
close . setAttribute ( 'href' , 'javascript:void(0);' ) ;
close . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'close' ) ) ;
close . innerHTML = mxResources . get ( 'close' ) ;
div . appendChild ( close ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( close , 'click' , function ( evt )
if ( div . parentNode != null )
div . parentNode . removeChild ( div ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( div ) ;
// Delayed to get smoother animation after DOM rendering
window . setTimeout ( function ( )
div . style . top = '30px' ;
} , 10 ) ;
// Fades out the alert after 15 secs
window . setTimeout ( function ( )
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( div . style , 'transition' , 'all 2s ease' ) ;
div . style . opacity = '0' ;
window . setTimeout ( function ( )
if ( div . parentNode != null )
div . parentNode . removeChild ( div ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
} , 15000 ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . start = function ( )
this . bg . parentNode . removeChild ( this . bg ) ;
this . restoreLibraries ( ) ;
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
// Uses proxy to avoid CORS issues
var loadTemplate = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( url , onload , onerror )
this . loadUrl ( PROXY _URL + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent ( url ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( data )
if ( ! this . isOffline ( ) && new XMLHttpRequest ( ) . upload && this . isRemoteFileFormat ( data , url ) )
// Asynchronous parsing via server
this . parseFile ( new Blob ( [ data ] , { type : 'application/octet-stream' } ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xhr )
if ( xhr . readyState == 4 && xhr . status == 200 && xhr . responseText . substring ( 0 , 13 ) == '<mxGraphModel' )
onload ( xhr . responseText ) ;
} ) , url ) ;
if ( /(\.png)($|\?)/i . test ( url ) )
data = this . extractGraphModelFromPng ( data ) ;
onload ( data ) ;
} ) , onerror , /(\.png)($|\?)/i . test ( url ) ) ;
} ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Listens to changes of the hash if not in embed or client mode
if ( urlParams [ 'client' ] != '1' && urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
// KNOWN: Does not work in quirks mode
mxEvent . addListener ( window , 'hashchange' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
var id = this . getDiagramId ( ) ;
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file == null || file . getHash ( ) != id )
this . loadFile ( id , true ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( ( window . location . hash == null || window . location . hash . length <= 1 ) &&
urlParams [ 'url' ] != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'loading' ) ) )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
var reconnect = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Removes URL parameter and reloads the page
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'reconnecting' ) ) )
window . location . search = this . getSearch ( [ 'url' ] ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
loadTemplate ( decodeURIComponent ( urlParams [ 'url' ] ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( text )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( text != null && text . length > 0 )
var filename = urlParams [ 'title' ] ;
if ( filename == null && urlParams [ 'notitle' ] != '1' )
var tmp = decodeURIComponent ( urlParams [ 'url' ] ) ;
var slash = tmp . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ;
if ( slash >= 0 )
tmp = tmp . substring ( slash + 1 ) ;
filename = tmp ;
// Replaces PNG with XML extension
var dot = filename . substring ( filename . length - 4 ) == '.png' ;
if ( dot > 0 )
filename = filename . substring ( 0 , filename . length - 4 ) + '.xml' ;
var file = new LocalFile ( this , text , filename || this . defaultFilename ) ;
this . fileLoaded ( file ) ;
this . setMode ( null ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'fileNotFound' ) } , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , reconnect ) ;
} ) ) ;
catch ( e )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
var img = new Image ( ) ;
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
img . src = 'https://log.draw.io/log?v=' + encodeURIComponent ( EditorUi . VERSION ) +
2016-09-21 21:13:50 +00:00
'&msg=errorLoadingFile:url:' + encodeURIComponent ( window . location . href ) +
( ( e != null && e . message != null ) ? ':err:' + encodeURIComponent ( e . message ) : '' ) +
( ( e != null && e . stack != null ) ? '&stack=' + encodeURIComponent ( e . stack ) : '' ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
catch ( err )
// do nothing
this . handleError ( e , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , reconnect ) ;
else if ( this . getCurrentFile ( ) == null )
var done = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Starts in client mode and waits for data
if ( urlParams [ 'client' ] == '1' && ( window . location . hash == null ||
window . location . hash . length == 0 ) )
var parent = window . opener || window . parent ;
if ( parent != window )
this . installMessageHandler ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xml , evt )
// Ignores messages from other windows
if ( evt . source == parent )
// Extracts graph model from PNG
if ( xml . substring ( 0 , 22 ) == 'data:image/png;base64,' )
xml = this . extractGraphModelFromPng ( xml ) ;
var title = urlParams [ 'title' ] ;
if ( title != null )
title = decodeURIComponent ( title ) ;
title = this . defaultFilename ;
this . fileLoaded ( new LocalFile ( this , xml , title ) ) ;
this . getCurrentFile ( ) . setModified ( ! this . editor . chromeless ) ;
this . setMode ( null ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Checks if no earlier loading errors are showing
else if ( this . dialog == null )
if ( urlParams [ 'demo' ] == '1' )
var prev = Editor . useLocalStorage ;
this . createFile ( this . defaultFilename , null , null , App . MODE _DEVICE ) ;
this . setMode ( null ) ;
Editor . useLocalStorage = prev ;
var waiting = false ;
// Checks if we're waiting for some asynchronous file to be loaded
// Cross-domain window access is not allowed in FF, so if we
// were opened from another domain then this will fail.
waiting = window . opener != null && window . opener . openFile != null ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
if ( waiting )
// Spinner is stopped in App.open
this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'loading' ) )
var id = this . getDiagramId ( ) ;
if ( urlParams [ 'splash' ] == '0' && ( id == null || id . length == 0 ) )
var draft = this . getDraft ( ) ;
var fileData = ( draft != null ) ? draft . data : this . getFileData ( ) ;
var prev = Editor . useLocalStorage ;
this . createFile ( this . defaultFilename , fileData , null , App . MODE _DEVICE ) ;
this . setMode ( null ) ;
Editor . useLocalStorage = prev ;
// Draft was used so the user should save the file
if ( draft != null )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null )
file . addUnsavedStatus ( ) ;
this . loadFile ( this . getDiagramId ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Defines custom classes for realtime in Google Drive
if ( this . drive != null )
this . defineCustomObjects ( ) ;
var value = decodeURIComponent ( urlParams [ 'create' ] || '' ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
if ( ( window . location . hash == null || window . location . hash . length <= 1 ) &&
value != null && value . length > 0 && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'loading' ) ) )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
var reconnect = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Removes URL parameter and reloads the page
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'reconnecting' ) ) )
window . location . search = this . getSearch ( [ 'create' , 'title' ] ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
var showCreateDialog = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xml )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
// Resets mode for dialog - local file is only for preview
if ( urlParams [ 'splash' ] != '0' )
this . fileLoaded ( new LocalFile ( this , xml , null ) ) ;
this . editor . graph . setEnabled ( false ) ;
this . mode = urlParams [ 'mode' ] ;
var title = urlParams [ 'title' ] ;
if ( title != null )
title = decodeURIComponent ( title ) ;
title = this . defaultFilename ;
var dlg = new CreateDialog ( this , title , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( filename , mode )
if ( mode == null )
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
var prev = Editor . useLocalStorage ;
this . createFile ( ( filename . length > 0 ) ? filename : this . defaultFilename ,
this . getFileData ( ) , null , App . MODE _DEVICE ) ;
this . setMode ( null ) ;
Editor . useLocalStorage = prev ;
this . createFile ( filename , this . getFileData ( true ) , null , mode ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 380 , 270 , true , false , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( cancel )
if ( cancel && this . getCurrentFile ( ) == null )
this . showSplash ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
} ) ;
value = decodeURIComponent ( value ) ;
if ( value . substring ( 0 , 7 ) != 'http://' && value . substring ( 0 , 8 ) != 'https://' )
// Cross-domain window access is not allowed in FF, so if we
// were opened from another domain then this will fail.
if ( window . opener != null && window . opener [ value ] != null )
showCreateDialog ( window . opener [ value ] ) ;
this . handleError ( null , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) ) ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) ) ;
loadTemplate ( value , function ( text )
showCreateDialog ( text ) ;
} , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . handleError ( null , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , reconnect ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Passes the fileId from the state parameter to the hash tag and reloads
// the page without the state parameter
if ( ( window . location . hash == null || window . location . hash . length <= 1 ) &&
urlParams [ 'state' ] != null && this . stateArg != null && this . stateArg . action == 'open' )
if ( this . stateArg . ids != null )
window . location . hash = 'G' + this . stateArg . ids [ 0 ] ;
if ( ( window . location . hash == null || window . location . hash . length <= 1 ) &&
this . drive != null && this . stateArg != null && this . stateArg . action == 'create' )
this . setMode ( App . MODE _GOOGLE ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'new' ) . funct ( ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . showSplash = function ( force )
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
var showSecondDialog = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var dlg = new SplashDialog ( this ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 340 , ( mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP ) ? 180 : 260 , true , true ,
mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( cancel )
// Creates a blank diagram if the dialog is closed
if ( cancel && ! mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP )
var prev = Editor . useLocalStorage ;
this . createFile ( this . defaultFilename , null , null , App . MODE _DEVICE ) ;
this . setMode ( null ) ;
Editor . useLocalStorage = prev ;
} ) ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
} ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
if ( this . editor . chromeless )
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'noFileSelected' ) } ,
mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . showSplash ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( this . mode == null || force )
var dlg = new StorageDialog ( this , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
showSecondDialog ( ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
} ) ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , ( isLocalStorage && urlParams [ 'browser' ] == '1' ) ? 480 : 380 , 300 , true , false ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
else if ( urlParams [ 'create' ] == null )
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
showSecondDialog ( ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . addLanguageMenu = function ( elt )
var img = null ;
if ( ! this . isOfflineApp ( ) || mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP )
var langMenu = this . menus . get ( 'language' ) ;
if ( langMenu != null )
img = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
img . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'language' ) ) ;
img . className = 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-globe' ;
img . style . position = 'absolute' ;
img . style . cursor = 'pointer' ;
img . style . bottom = '20px' ;
img . style . right = '20px' ;
mxEvent . addListener ( img , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
this . editor . graph . popupMenuHandler . hideMenu ( ) ;
var menu = new mxPopupMenu ( this . menus . get ( 'language' ) . funct ) ;
menu . div . className += ' geMenubarMenu' ;
menu . smartSeparators = true ;
menu . showDisabled = true ;
menu . autoExpand = true ;
// Disables autoexpand and destroys menu when hidden
menu . hideMenu = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
mxPopupMenu . prototype . hideMenu . apply ( menu , arguments ) ;
menu . destroy ( ) ;
} ) ;
var offset = mxUtils . getOffset ( img ) ;
menu . popup ( offset . x , offset . y + img . offsetHeight , null , evt ) ;
// Allows hiding by clicking on document
this . setCurrentMenu ( menu ) ;
} ) ) ;
elt . appendChild ( img ) ;
return img ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . defineCustomObjects = function ( )
if ( gapi . drive . realtime != null && gapi . drive . realtime . custom != null )
gapi . drive . realtime . custom . registerType ( mxRtCell , 'Cell' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . cellId = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'cellId' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . type = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'type' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . value = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'value' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . xmlValue = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'xmlValue' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . style = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'style' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . geometry = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'geometry' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . visible = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'visible' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . collapsed = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'collapsed' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . connectable = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'connectable' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . parent = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'parent' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . children = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'children' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . source = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'source' ) ;
mxRtCell . prototype . target = gapi . drive . realtime . custom . collaborativeField ( 'target' ) ;
} ;
mxRtCell = function ( ) { } ;
// Ignores rtCell property in codec and cloning
mxCodecRegistry . getCodec ( mxCell ) . exclude . push ( 'rtCell' ) ;
mxCell . prototype . mxTransient . push ( 'rtCell' ) ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . pickFile = function ( mode )
mode = ( mode != null ) ? mode : this . mode ;
if ( mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX )
if ( this . dropbox != null )
this . dropbox . pickFile ( ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE )
if ( this . oneDrive != null )
this . oneDrive . pickFile ( ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE )
if ( this . drive != null && typeof ( google ) != 'undefined' && typeof ( google . picker ) != 'undefined' )
this . drive . pickFile ( ) ;
window . open ( 'https://drive.google.com' ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DEVICE && Graph . fileSupport && ! mxClient . IS _IE && ! mxClient . IS _IE11 )
var input = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
input . setAttribute ( 'type' , 'file' ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( input , 'change' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( input . files != null )
this . openFiles ( input . files ) ;
} ) ) ;
input . click ( ) ;
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
window . openNew = this . getCurrentFile ( ) != null && ! this . isDiagramEmpty ( ) ;
window . baseUrl = this . getUrl ( ) ;
window . openKey = 'open' ;
var prevValue = Editor . useLocalStorage ;
Editor . useLocalStorage = ( mode == App . MODE _BROWSER ) ;
this . openFile ( ) ;
// Installs local handler for opened files in same window
window . openFile . setConsumer ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xml , filename )
// Replaces PNG with XML extension
var dot = filename . substring ( filename . length - 4 ) == '.png' ;
if ( dot > 0 )
filename = filename . substring ( 0 , filename . length - 4 ) + '.xml' ;
this . fileLoaded ( ( mode == App . MODE _BROWSER ) ?
new StorageFile ( this , xml , filename ) :
new LocalFile ( this , xml , filename ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Extends dialog close to show splash screen
var dlg = this . dialog ;
var dlgClose = dlg . close ;
this . dialog . close = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( cancel )
Editor . useLocalStorage = prevValue ;
dlgClose . apply ( dlg , arguments ) ;
if ( this . getCurrentFile ( ) == null )
this . showSplash ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . pickLibrary = function ( mode )
mode = ( mode != null ) ? mode : this . mode ;
if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE || mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX || mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE )
var peer = ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE ) ? this . drive : ( ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE ) ? this . oneDrive : this . dropbox ) ;
if ( peer != null )
peer . pickLibrary ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( id , optionalFile )
if ( optionalFile != null )
this . loadLibrary ( optionalFile ) ;
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'loading' ) ) )
peer . getLibrary ( id , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( file )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . loadLibrary ( file ) ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . handleError ( resp , ( resp != null ) ? mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) : null ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DEVICE && Graph . fileSupport && ! mxClient . IS _IE && ! mxClient . IS _IE11 )
var input = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ;
input . setAttribute ( 'type' , 'file' ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( input , 'change' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( input . files != null )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < input . files . length ; i ++ )
( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( file )
var reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
reader . onload = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( e )
this . loadLibrary ( new LocalLibrary ( this , e . target . result , file . name ) ) ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) ) ;
} ) ;
reader . readAsText ( file ) ;
} ) ) ( input . files [ i ] ) ;
} ) ) ;
input . click ( ) ;
window . openNew = false ;
window . openKey = 'open' ;
var prevValue = Editor . useLocalStorage ;
Editor . useLocalStorage = mode == App . MODE _BROWSER ;
// Closes dialog after open
window . openFile = new OpenFile ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( cancel )
this . hideDialog ( cancel ) ;
} ) ) ;
window . openFile . setConsumer ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xml , filename )
this . loadLibrary ( ( mode == App . MODE _BROWSER ) ? new StorageLibrary ( this , xml , filename ) :
new LocalLibrary ( this , xml , filename ) ) ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Removes openFile if dialog is closed
this . showDialog ( new OpenDialog ( this ) . container , ( Editor . useLocalStorage ) ? 640 : 360 ,
( Editor . useLocalStorage ) ? 480 : 220 , true , true , function ( )
Editor . useLocalStorage = prevValue ;
window . openFile = null ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . createLibraryDataFromImages = function ( images )
var doc = mxUtils . createXmlDocument ( ) ;
var library = doc . createElement ( 'mxlibrary' ) ;
mxUtils . setTextContent ( library , JSON . stringify ( images ) ) ;
doc . appendChild ( library ) ;
return mxUtils . getXml ( doc ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . saveLibrary = function ( name , images , file , mode , noSpin , noReload , fn )
mode = ( mode != null ) ? mode : this . mode ;
noSpin = ( noSpin != null ) ? noSpin : false ;
noReload = ( noReload != null ) ? noReload : false ;
var xml = this . createLibraryDataFromImages ( images ) ;
var error = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( fn != null )
fn ( ) ;
this . handleError ( resp , ( resp != null ) ? mxResources . get ( 'errorSavingFile' ) : null ) ;
} ) ;
// Handles special case for local libraries
if ( file == null && mode == App . MODE _DEVICE )
file = new LocalLibrary ( this , xml , name ) ;
if ( file == null )
this . pickFolder ( mode , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( folderId )
if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE && this . drive != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'inserting' ) ) )
this . drive . insertFile ( name , xml , folderId , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( newFile )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . hideDialog ( true ) ;
this . libraryLoaded ( newFile , images ) ;
} ) , error , this . drive . libraryMimeType ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX && this . dropbox != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'inserting' ) ) )
this . dropbox . insertLibrary ( name , xml , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( newFile )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . hideDialog ( true ) ;
this . libraryLoaded ( newFile , images ) ;
} ) , error , folderId ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE && this . oneDrive != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'inserting' ) ) )
this . oneDrive . insertLibrary ( name , xml , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( newFile )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . hideDialog ( true ) ;
this . libraryLoaded ( newFile , images ) ;
} ) , error , folderId ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _BROWSER )
var fn = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = new StorageLibrary ( this , xml , name ) ;
// Inserts data into local storage
file . saveFile ( name , false , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . hideDialog ( true ) ;
this . libraryLoaded ( file , images ) ;
} ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
if ( localStorage . getItem ( name ) == null )
fn ( ) ;
this . confirm ( mxResources . get ( 'replaceIt' , [ name ] ) , fn ) ;
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'serviceUnavailableOrBlocked' ) } ) ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( noSpin || this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'saving' ) ) )
file . setData ( xml ) ;
var doSave = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
file . save ( true , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . hideDialog ( true ) ;
if ( ! noReload )
this . libraryLoaded ( file , images ) ;
if ( fn != null )
fn ( ) ;
} ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
if ( name != file . getTitle ( ) )
var oldHash = file . getHash ( ) ;
file . rename ( name , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
// Change hash in stored settings
if ( file . constructor != LocalLibrary && oldHash != file . getHash ( ) )
mxSettings . removeCustomLibrary ( oldHash ) ;
mxSettings . addCustomLibrary ( file . getHash ( ) ) ;
// Workaround for library files changing hash so
// the old library cannot be removed from the
// sidebar using the updated file in libraryLoaded
this . removeLibrarySidebar ( oldHash ) ;
doSave ( ) ;
} ) , error )
doSave ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Adds the label menu items to the given menu and parent .
* /
App . prototype . saveFile = function ( forceDialog )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null )
// FIXME: Invoke for local files
var done = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . removeDraft ( ) ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
// Workaround for possible status update while save as dialog is showing
// is to show no saved status for device files
if ( file . getMode ( ) != App . MODE _DEVICE )
this . editor . setStatus ( mxResources . get ( 'allChangesSaved' ) ) ;
this . editor . setStatus ( '' ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
} ) ;
if ( ! forceDialog && file . getTitle ( ) != null && this . mode != null )
this . save ( file . getTitle ( ) , done ) ;
var filename = ( file . getTitle ( ) != null ) ? file . getTitle ( ) : this . defaultFilename ;
var allowTab = ! mxClient . IS _IOS || ! navigator . standalone ;
var prev = this . mode ;
var dlg = new CreateDialog ( this , filename , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( name , mode )
if ( name != null && name . length > 0 )
if ( prev == null && mode == App . MODE _DEVICE )
this . setMode ( App . MODE _DEVICE ) ;
this . save ( name , done ) ;
else if ( mode == 'download' )
var tmp = new LocalFile ( this , null , name ) ;
tmp . save ( ) ;
else if ( mode == '_blank' )
window . openFile = new OpenFile ( function ( )
window . openFile = null ;
} ) ;
// Do not use a filename to use undefined mode
window . openFile . setData ( this . getFileData ( true ) ) ;
window . open ( this . getUrl ( window . location . pathname ) ) ;
else if ( prev != mode )
this . pickFolder ( mode , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( folderId )
this . createFile ( name , this . getFileData ( /(\.xml)$/i . test ( name ) ||
name . indexOf ( '.' ) < 0 , /(\.svg)$/i . test ( name ) ,
/(\.html)$/i . test ( name ) ) , null , mode , done ,
this . mode == null , folderId ) ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( mode != null )
this . save ( name , done ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
} ) , mxResources . get ( 'saveAs' ) , mxResources . get ( 'download' ) , null , null , allowTab ,
( this . isOffline ( ) ) ? null : 'https://support.draw.io/questions/9338901' , true ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 440 , 380 , true , true ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . createFile = function ( title , data , libs , mode , done , replace , folderId )
mode = ( mode != null ) ? mode : this . mode ;
if ( title != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'inserting' ) ) )
data = ( data != null ) ? data : this . emptyDiagramXml ;
var error = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( resp == null && this . getCurrentFile ( ) == null && this . dialog == null )
this . showSplash ( ) ;
else if ( resp != null )
this . handleError ( resp ) ;
} ) ;
if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE && this . drive != null )
folderId = ( this . stateArg != null ) ? this . stateArg . folderId : folderId ;
this . drive . insertFile ( title , data , folderId , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( file )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . fileCreated ( file , libs , replace , done ) ;
} ) , error ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX && this . dropbox != null )
this . dropbox . insertFile ( title , data , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( file )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . fileCreated ( file , libs , replace , done ) ;
} ) , error ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE && this . oneDrive != null )
this . oneDrive . insertFile ( title , data , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( file )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . fileCreated ( file , libs , replace , done ) ;
} ) , error , false , folderId ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _BROWSER )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
var fn = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = new StorageFile ( this , data , title ) ;
// Inserts data into local storage
file . saveFile ( title , false , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . fileCreated ( file , libs , replace , done ) ;
} ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
if ( localStorage . getItem ( title ) == null )
fn ( ) ;
this . confirm ( mxResources . get ( 'replaceIt' , [ title ] ) , fn , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( this . getCurrentFile ( ) == null && this . dialog == null )
this . showSplash ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . fileCreated ( new LocalFile ( this , data , title ) , libs , replace , done ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . fileCreated = function ( file , libs , replace , done )
var url = window . location . pathname ;
if ( libs != null && libs . length > 0 )
url += '?libs=' + libs ;
url = this . getUrl ( url ) ;
// Always opens a new tab for local files to avoid losing changes
if ( file . getMode ( ) != App . MODE _DEVICE )
url += '#' + file . getHash ( ) ;
// Makes sure to produce consistent output with finalized files via createFileData this needs
// to save the file again since it needs the newly created file ID for redirecting in HTML
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'inserting' ) ) )
var data = file . getData ( ) ;
file . setData ( this . createFileData ( ( data . length > 0 ) ?
this . editor . extractGraphModel ( mxUtils . parseXml ( data ) . documentElement , true ) : null ,
null , file , window . location . protocol + '//' + window . location . hostname + url ) ) ;
var fn = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
var fn2 = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
window . openFile = null ;
this . fileLoaded ( file ) ;
if ( libs != null )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
this . sidebar . showEntries ( libs ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
if ( done != null )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
done ( ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
} ) ;
// Updates the file if it has been overwritten
if ( ! replace && this . getCurrentFile ( ) != null && this . mode != null )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Opens local file in a new window
if ( file . constructor == LocalFile )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
window . openFile = new OpenFile ( function ( )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
window . openFile = null ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
} ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
window . openFile . setData ( file . getData ( ) , file . getTitle ( ) ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
window . openWindow ( url , null , fn2 ) ;
fn2 ( ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
} ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Updates data in memory for local files and save is implicit
// via start of realtime for DriveFiles
if ( file . constructor == LocalFile || file . constructor == DriveFile )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
fn ( ) ;
file . saveFile ( file . getTitle ( ) , false , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
fn ( ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( resp ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . loadFile = function ( id , sameWindow , file )
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
var fn = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'loading' ) ) )
// Handles files from localStorage
if ( id . charAt ( 0 ) == 'L' )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( ! isLocalStorage )
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'serviceUnavailableOrBlocked' ) } , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
window . location . hash = ( file != null ) ? file . getHash ( ) : '' ;
} ) ) ;
id = decodeURIComponent ( id . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
var data = localStorage . getItem ( id ) ;
if ( data != null )
this . fileLoaded ( new StorageFile ( this , data , id ) ) ;
throw { message : mxResources . get ( 'fileNotFound' ) } ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
window . location . hash = ( file != null ) ? file . getHash ( ) : '' ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( file != null )
// File already loaded
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . fileLoaded ( file ) ;
// Google Drive files are handled as default file types
var peer = null ;
if ( id . charAt ( 0 ) == 'G' )
peer = this . drive ;
else if ( id . charAt ( 0 ) == 'D' )
peer = this . dropbox ;
else if ( id . charAt ( 0 ) == 'W' )
peer = this . oneDrive ;
id = decodeURIComponent ( id . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( peer == null )
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'serviceUnavailableOrBlocked' ) } , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
window . location . hash = ( file != null ) ? file . getHash ( ) : '' ;
} ) ) ;
peer . getFile ( id , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( file )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . fileLoaded ( file ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
// Makes sure the file does not save the invalid UI model and overwrites anything important
if ( window . console != null && resp != null )
console . log ( 'error in loadFile:' , id , resp ) ;
this . handleError ( resp , ( resp != null ) ? mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) : null , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file == null )
window . location . hash = '' ;
this . showSplash ( ) ;
window . location . hash = file . getHash ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( id == null || id . length == 0 )
this . editor . setStatus ( '' ) ;
this . fileLoaded ( null ) ;
else if ( this . getCurrentFile ( ) != null && ! this . isDiagramEmpty ( ) && ! sameWindow )
window . openWindow ( this . getUrl ( ) + '#' + id , null , fn ) ;
fn ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . loadLibrary = function ( file )
var doc = mxUtils . parseXml ( file . getData ( ) ) ;
if ( doc . documentElement . nodeName == 'mxlibrary' )
var images = JSON . parse ( mxUtils . getTextContent ( doc . documentElement ) ) ;
this . libraryLoaded ( file , images ) ;
throw { message : mxResources . get ( 'notALibraryFile' ) } ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . removeLibrarySidebar = function ( id )
var elts = this . sidebar . palettes [ id ] ;
if ( elts != null )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elts . length ; i ++ )
elts [ i ] . parentNode . removeChild ( elts [ i ] ) ;
delete this . sidebar . palettes [ id ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . getLibraryStorageHint = function ( file )
var tip = '' ;
if ( file . constructor != LocalLibrary )
tip += file . getHash ( ) ;
if ( file . constructor == DriveLibrary )
tip += ' (' + mxResources . get ( 'googleDrive' ) + ')' ;
else if ( file . constructor == DropboxLibrary )
tip += ' (' + mxResources . get ( 'dropbox' ) + ')' ;
else if ( file . constructor == OneDriveLibrary )
tip += ' (' + mxResources . get ( 'oneDrive' ) + ')' ;
else if ( file . constructor == StorageLibrary )
tip += ' (' + mxResources . get ( 'browser' ) + ')' ;
else if ( file . constructor == LocalLibrary )
tip += ' (' + mxResources . get ( 'device' ) + ')' ;
return tip ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . closeLibrary = function ( file )
if ( file != null )
this . removeLibrarySidebar ( file . getHash ( ) ) ;
if ( file . constructor != LocalLibrary )
mxSettings . removeCustomLibrary ( file . getHash ( ) ) ;
if ( file . title == '.scratchpad' )
this . scratchpad = null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Changes the position of the library in the sidebar
* /
App . prototype . repositionLibrary = function ( nextChild )
var c = this . sidebar . container ;
nextChild = ( nextChild != null ) ? nextChild : c . firstChild . nextSibling . nextSibling ;
var content = c . lastChild ;
var title = content . previousSibling ;
c . insertBefore ( content , nextChild ) ;
c . insertBefore ( title , content ) ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . toggleScratchpad = function ( )
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
if ( isLocalStorage || mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
if ( this . scratchpad == null )
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
this . getLocalData ( '.scratchpad' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xml )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
if ( xml == null )
xml = this . emptyLibraryXml ;
this . loadLibrary ( new StorageLibrary ( this , xml , '.scratchpad' ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . closeLibrary ( this . scratchpad ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . libraryLoaded = function ( file , images )
if ( file . constructor != LocalLibrary )
mxSettings . addCustomLibrary ( file . getHash ( ) ) ;
if ( file . title == '.scratchpad' )
this . scratchpad = file ;
var elts = this . sidebar . palettes [ file . getHash ( ) ] ;
var nextSibling = ( elts != null ) ? elts [ elts . length - 1 ] . nextSibling : null ;
// Removes existing sidebar entry for this library
this . removeLibrarySidebar ( file . getHash ( ) ) ;
var dropTarget = null ;
var addImages = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( imgs , content )
if ( imgs . length == 0 && file . isEditable ( ) )
if ( dropTarget == null )
dropTarget = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( dropTarget . style , 'borderRadius' , '6px' ) ;
dropTarget . style . border = '3px dotted lightGray' ;
dropTarget . style . textAlign = 'center' ;
dropTarget . style . padding = '8px' ;
dropTarget . style . color = '#B3B3B3' ;
mxUtils . write ( dropTarget , mxResources . get ( 'dragElementsHere' ) ) ;
content . appendChild ( dropTarget ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < imgs . length ; i ++ )
var img = imgs [ i ] ;
var data = img . data ;
if ( data != null )
data = this . convertDataUri ( data ) ;
var s = 'shape=image;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;' ;
if ( img . aspect == 'fixed' )
s += 'aspect=fixed;'
s += 'imageAspect=0;'
content . appendChild ( this . sidebar . createVertexTemplate ( s + 'image=' +
data , img . w , img . h , '' , img . title || '' , false , false , false ) ) ;
else if ( img . xml != null )
var cells = this . stringToCells ( this . editor . graph . decompress ( img . xml ) ) ;
if ( cells . length > 0 )
content . appendChild ( this . sidebar . createVertexTemplateFromCells (
cells , img . w , img . h , img . title || '' , true , false , false ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Adds new sidebar entry for this library
var contentDiv = this . sidebar . addPalette ( file . getHash ( ) , file . getTitle ( ) , true , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( content )
addImages ( images , content ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . repositionLibrary ( nextSibling ) ;
// Adds tooltip for backend
var title = contentDiv . parentNode . previousSibling ;
var tip = title . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ;
if ( tip != null && tip . length > 0 && file . title != '.scratchpad' )
title . setAttribute ( 'title' , this . getLibraryStorageHint ( file ) + '\n' + tip ) ;
var buttons = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
buttons . style . position = 'absolute' ;
buttons . style . right = '0px' ;
buttons . style . top = '5px' ;
title . style . position = 'relative' ;
var btn = document . createElement ( 'img' ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'src' , Dialog . prototype . closeImage ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'close' ) ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'align' , 'top' ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'border' , '0' ) ;
btn . style . cursor = 'pointer' ;
btn . style . marginRight = '8px' ;
btn . style . marginTop = '3px' ;
buttons . appendChild ( btn ) ;
var saveBtn = null ;
mxEvent . addListener ( btn , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
// Workaround for close after any button click in IE8/quirks
if ( ! mxEvent . isConsumed ( evt ) )
var fn = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . closeLibrary ( file ) ;
} ) ;
if ( saveBtn != null )
this . confirm ( mxResources . get ( 'allChangesLost' ) , fn ) ;
fn ( ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Shows tooltip if mouse over background
mxEvent . addListener ( contentDiv , 'mousemove' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( mxEvent . getSource ( evt ) == contentDiv )
contentDiv . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'libraryTooltip' ) ) ;
contentDiv . removeAttribute ( 'title' ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( file . isEditable ( ) )
var graph = this . editor . graph ;
var editLibrary = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
this . showLibraryDialog ( file . getTitle ( ) , contentDiv , images , file , file . getMode ( ) ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ;
var saveLibrary = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( file . constructor != LocalLibrary || file . isAutosave ( ) )
if ( spinBtn != null && spinBtn . parentNode != null )
spinBtn . parentNode . removeChild ( spinBtn ) ;
spinBtn = btn . cloneNode ( false ) ;
spinBtn . setAttribute ( 'src' , App . prototype . spinImage ) ;
spinBtn . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'saving' ) ) ;
spinBtn . style . cursor = 'default' ;
spinBtn . style . marginRight = '6px' ;
spinBtn . style . marginTop = '2px' ;
buttons . insertBefore ( spinBtn , buttons . firstChild ) ;
this . saveLibrary ( file . getTitle ( ) , images , file , file . getMode ( ) , true , true , function ( )
if ( spinBtn != null && spinBtn . parentNode != null )
spinBtn . parentNode . removeChild ( spinBtn ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( saveBtn == null )
saveBtn = btn . cloneNode ( false ) ;
saveBtn . setAttribute ( 'src' , IMAGE _PATH + '/download.png' ) ;
saveBtn . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'save' ) ) ;
buttons . insertBefore ( saveBtn , buttons . firstChild ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( saveBtn , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
this . saveLibrary ( file . getTitle ( ) , images , file , file . getMode ( ) , true , true ) ;
saveBtn . parentNode . removeChild ( saveBtn ) ;
saveBtn = null ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
var addCells = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( cells , bounds , evt , title )
cells = graph . cloneCells ( graph . model . getTopmostCells ( cells ) ) ;
// Translates cells to origin
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cells . length ; i ++ )
var geo = graph . getCellGeometry ( cells [ i ] ) ;
if ( geo != null )
geo . translate ( - bounds . x , - bounds . y ) ;
contentDiv . appendChild ( this . sidebar . createVertexTemplateFromCells (
cells , bounds . width , bounds . height , title || '' , true , false , false ) ) ;
var xml = this . editor . graph . compress ( mxUtils . getXml ( this . editor . graph . encodeCells ( cells ) ) ) ;
var entry = { xml : xml , w : bounds . width , h : bounds . height } ;
if ( title != null )
entry . title = title ;
images . push ( entry ) ;
saveLibrary ( evt ) ;
if ( dropTarget != null && dropTarget . parentNode != null && images . length > 0 )
dropTarget . parentNode . removeChild ( dropTarget ) ;
dropTarget = null ;
} ) ;
var addSelection = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( ! graph . isSelectionEmpty ( ) )
var cells = graph . getSelectionCells ( ) ;
var bounds = graph . view . getBounds ( cells ) ;
var s = graph . view . scale ;
bounds . x /= s ;
bounds . y /= s ;
bounds . width /= s ;
bounds . height /= s ;
bounds . x -= graph . view . translate . x ;
bounds . y -= graph . view . translate . y ;
addCells ( cells , bounds ) ;
this . showError ( mxResources . get ( 'error' ) , mxResources . get ( 'nothingIsSelected' ) , mxResources . get ( 'ok' ) ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ;
// Defines inactive border state
contentDiv . style . border = '3px solid transparent' ;
// Adds drop handler from graph
mxEvent . addGestureListeners ( contentDiv , function ( ) { } , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( graph . isMouseDown && graph . panningManager != null && graph . graphHandler . shape != null )
graph . graphHandler . shape . node . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
if ( dropTarget != null )
dropTarget . style . border = '3px dotted rgb(254, 137, 12)' ;
contentDiv . style . border = '3px dotted rgb(254, 137, 12)' ;
contentDiv . style . cursor = 'copy' ;
graph . panningManager . stop ( ) ;
graph . autoScroll = false ;
if ( graph . graphHandler . guide != null )
graph . graphHandler . guide . setVisible ( false ) ;
if ( graph . graphHandler . hint != null )
graph . graphHandler . hint . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( graph . isMouseDown && graph . panningManager != null && graph . graphHandler != null )
contentDiv . style . border = '3px solid transparent' ;
if ( dropTarget != null )
dropTarget . style . border = '3px dotted lightGray' ;
contentDiv . style . cursor = 'default' ;
this . sidebar . showTooltips = true ;
graph . panningManager . stop ( ) ;
graph . graphHandler . reset ( ) ;
graph . isMouseDown = false ;
graph . autoScroll = true ;
addSelection ( evt ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Handles mouse leaving the library and restoring move
mxEvent . addListener ( contentDiv , 'mouseleave' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( graph . isMouseDown && graph . graphHandler . shape != null )
graph . graphHandler . shape . node . style . visibility = 'visible' ;
contentDiv . style . border = '3px solid transparent' ;
contentDiv . style . cursor = '' ;
graph . autoScroll = true ;
if ( graph . graphHandler . guide != null )
graph . graphHandler . guide . setVisible ( true ) ;
if ( graph . graphHandler . hint != null )
graph . graphHandler . hint . style . visibility = 'visible' ;
if ( dropTarget != null )
dropTarget . style . border = '3px dotted lightGray' ;
} ) ) ;
// Adds drop handler from filesystem
if ( Graph . fileSupport )
mxEvent . addListener ( contentDiv , 'dragover' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( dropTarget != null )
dropTarget . style . border = '3px dotted rgb(254, 137, 12)' ;
contentDiv . style . border = '3px dotted rgb(254, 137, 12)' ;
evt . dataTransfer . dropEffect = 'copy' ;
contentDiv . style . cursor = 'copy' ;
this . sidebar . hideTooltip ( ) ;
evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( contentDiv , 'drop' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
contentDiv . style . border = '3px solid transparent' ;
contentDiv . style . cursor = '' ;
if ( dropTarget != null )
dropTarget . style . border = '3px dotted lightGray' ;
if ( evt . dataTransfer . files . length > 0 )
this . importFiles ( evt . dataTransfer . files , 0 , 0 , this . maxImageSize , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( data , mimeType , x , y , w , h , img )
if ( data != null && mimeType . substring ( 0 , 6 ) == 'image/' )
var style = 'shape=image;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;aspect=fixed;image=' +
this . convertDataUri ( data ) ;
var cells = [ new mxCell ( '' , new mxGeometry ( 0 , 0 , w , h ) , style ) ] ;
cells [ 0 ] . vertex = true ;
addCells ( cells , new mxRectangle ( 0 , 0 , w , h ) , evt , ( mxEvent . isAltDown ( evt ) ) ? null : img . substring ( 0 , img . lastIndexOf ( '.' ) ) . replace ( /_/g , ' ' ) ) ;
var done = false ;
if ( data != null && mimeType == 'text/xml' )
var doc = mxUtils . parseXml ( data ) ;
if ( doc . documentElement . nodeName == 'mxlibrary' )
var temp = JSON . parse ( mxUtils . getTextContent ( doc . documentElement ) ) ;
addImages ( temp , contentDiv ) ;
images = images . concat ( temp ) ;
saveLibrary ( evt ) ;
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
done = true ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
else if ( doc . documentElement . nodeName == 'mxfile' )
var temp = mxUtils . getTextContent ( doc . documentElement . getElementsByTagName ( 'diagram' ) [ 0 ] ) ;
var cells = this . stringToCells ( this . editor . graph . decompress ( temp ) ) ;
addCells ( cells , new mxRectangle ( 0 , 0 , w , h ) , evt ) ;
done = true ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
if ( ! done )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) } )
if ( dropTarget != null && dropTarget . parentNode != null && images . length > 0 )
dropTarget . parentNode . removeChild ( dropTarget ) ;
dropTarget = null ;
} ) ) ;
evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( contentDiv , 'dragleave' , function ( evt )
if ( dropTarget != null )
dropTarget . style . border = '3px dotted lightGray' ;
contentDiv . style . border = '3px solid transparent' ;
contentDiv . style . cursor = '' ;
evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
btn = btn . cloneNode ( false ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'src' , IMAGE _PATH + '/edit.gif' ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'edit' ) ) ;
buttons . insertBefore ( btn , buttons . firstChild ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( btn , 'click' , editLibrary ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( contentDiv , 'dblclick' , function ( evt )
if ( mxEvent . getSource ( evt ) == contentDiv )
editLibrary ( evt ) ;
} ) ;
btn = btn . cloneNode ( false ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'src' , App . prototype . plusImage ) ;
btn . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'add' ) ) ;
buttons . insertBefore ( btn , buttons . firstChild ) ;
if ( ! this . isOffline ( ) )
var link = document . createElement ( 'span' ) ;
link . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'help' ) ) ;
link . style . cssText = 'color:gray;text-decoration:none;margin-right:8px;' ;
mxUtils . write ( link , '?' ) ;
mxEvent . addGestureListeners ( link , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
window . open ( 'https://support.draw.io/questions/10420280' ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
buttons . insertBefore ( link , buttons . firstChild ) ;
var spinBtn = null ;
mxEvent . addListener ( btn , 'click' , addSelection ) ;
title . appendChild ( buttons ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . fileLoaded = function ( file )
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
var oldFile = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
this . setCurrentFile ( null ) ;
if ( oldFile != null )
oldFile . removeListener ( this . descriptorChangedListener ) ;
oldFile . close ( ) ;
this . editor . graph . model . clear ( ) ;
this . editor . undoManager . clear ( ) ;
var noFile = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . diagramContainer . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
this . formatContainer . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
this . hsplit . style . display = 'none' ;
this . sidebarContainer . style . display = 'none' ;
this . sidebarFooterContainer . style . display = 'none' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . editor . graph . setEnabled ( false ) ;
// Keeps initial title if no file existed before
if ( oldFile != null )
this . updateDocumentTitle ( ) ;
// File might have been loaded halfway
this . editor . graph . model . clear ( ) ;
this . editor . undoManager . clear ( ) ;
// Avoids empty hash with no value
if ( window . location . hash != null && window . location . hash . length > 0 )
window . location . hash = '' ;
if ( this . fname != null )
this . fnameWrapper . style . display = 'none' ;
this . fname . innerHTML = '' ;
this . fname . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'rename' ) ) ;
this . updateUi ( ) ;
this . showSplash ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( file != null )
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Order is significant, current file needed for correct
// file format for initial save after starting realtime
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . setCurrentFile ( file ) ;
file . addListener ( 'descriptorChanged' , this . descriptorChangedListener ) ;
file . addListener ( 'contentChanged' , this . descriptorChangedListener ) ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
this . setMode ( file . getMode ( ) ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . descriptorChanged ( ) ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
file . open ( ) ;
this . diagramContainer . style . visibility = '' ;
this . formatContainer . style . visibility = '' ;
this . hsplit . style . display = '' ;
this . sidebarContainer . style . display = '' ;
this . sidebarFooterContainer . style . display = '' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . editor . undoManager . clear ( ) ;
this . updateUi ( ) ;
// Realtime files have a valid status message
if ( file . realtime == null )
if ( ! file . isEditable ( ) )
this . editor . setStatus ( mxResources . get ( 'readOnly' ) ) ;
this . editor . setStatus ( '' ) ;
if ( ! this . editor . chromeless )
this . showLayersDialog ( ) ;
this . restoreLibraries ( ) ;
else if ( this . editor . graph . lightbox )
this . lightboxFit ( ) ;
if ( this . chromelessResize )
this . chromelessResize ( ) ;
this . editor . fireEvent ( new mxEventObject ( 'fileLoaded' ) ) ;
2016-09-27 11:07:02 +00:00
// if (this.enableLogging)
// {
// try
// {
// if (!this.isOffline())
// {
// var img = new Image();
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
// img.src = 'https://log.draw.io/log?msg=storageMode:' + encodeURIComponent(file.getMode()) +
2016-09-27 11:07:02 +00:00
// '&v=' + encodeURIComponent(EditorUi.VERSION);
// }
// }
// catch (e)
// {
// // ignore
// }
// }
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
if ( this . mode == file . getMode ( ) && file . getMode ( ) != App . MODE _DEVICE )
this . addRecent ( { id : file . getHash ( ) , title : file . getTitle ( ) , mode : file . getMode ( ) } ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
catch ( e )
// Makes sure the file does not save the invalid UI model and overwrites anything important
if ( window . console != null )
console . log ( 'error in fileLoaded:' , file , e ) ;
// Asynchronous handling of errors
this . handleError ( e , mxResources . get ( 'errorLoadingFile' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Removes URL parameter and reloads the page
if ( urlParams [ 'url' ] != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'reconnecting' ) ) )
window . location . search = this . getSearch ( [ 'url' ] ) ;
else if ( oldFile != null )
this . fileLoaded ( oldFile ) ;
noFile ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
noFile ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Updates action states depending on the selection .
* /
App . prototype . restoreLibraries = function ( )
if ( this . sidebar != null )
if ( this . pendingLibraries == null )
this . pendingLibraries = new Object ( ) ;
// Ignores this library next time
var ignore = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( id )
mxSettings . removeCustomLibrary ( id ) ;
delete this . pendingLibraries [ id ] ;
} ) ;
var load = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( libs )
if ( libs != null )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < libs . length ; i ++ )
var name = encodeURIComponent ( decodeURIComponent ( libs [ i ] ) ) ;
( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( id )
if ( this . pendingLibraries [ id ] == null && this . sidebar . palettes [ id ] == null )
this . pendingLibraries [ id ] = true ;
var service = id . substring ( 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( service == 'L' )
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
if ( isLocalStorage || mxClient . IS _CHROMEAPP )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
var name = decodeURIComponent ( id . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
var xml = this . getLocalData ( name , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( xml )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
if ( name == '.scratchpad' && xml == null )
xml = this . emptyLibraryXml ;
if ( xml != null )
this . loadLibrary ( new StorageLibrary ( this , xml , name ) ) ;
ignore ( id ) ;
} ) ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
catch ( e )
ignore ( id ) ;
else if ( service == 'U' )
var url = decodeURIComponent ( id . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( ! this . isOffline ( ) )
// Uses proxy to avoid CORS issues
mxUtils . get ( PROXY _URL + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent ( url ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( req )
if ( req . getStatus ( ) == 200 )
this . loadLibrary ( new UrlLibrary ( this , req . getText ( ) , url ) ) ;
delete this . pendingLibraries [ id ] ;
catch ( e )
ignore ( id ) ;
ignore ( id ) ;
} ) , function ( )
ignore ( id ) ;
} ) ;
var peer = null ;
if ( service == 'G' )
if ( this . drive != null && this . drive . user != null )
peer = this . drive ;
else if ( service == 'D' )
if ( this . dropbox != null && this . dropbox . getUser ( ) != null )
peer = this . dropbox ;
else if ( service == 'W' )
if ( this . oneDrive != null && this . oneDrive . getUser ( ) != null )
peer = this . oneDrive ;
if ( peer != null )
peer . getLibrary ( decodeURIComponent ( id . substring ( 1 ) ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( file )
this . loadLibrary ( file ) ;
delete this . pendingLibraries [ id ] ;
catch ( e )
ignore ( id ) ;
} ) , function ( resp )
ignore ( id ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ) ( name ) ;
} ) ;
load ( mxSettings . getCustomLibraries ( ) ) ;
load ( ( urlParams [ 'clibs' ] || '' ) . split ( ';' ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Updates action and menu states depending on the file .
* /
App . prototype . updateUi = function ( )
this . updateButtonContainer ( ) ;
this . updateActionStates ( ) ;
// Action states that only need update for new files
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
var active = file != null || urlParams [ 'embed' ] == '1' ;
this . menus . get ( 'viewPanels' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
this . menus . get ( 'viewZoom' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
var restricted = urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' && ( file == null || file . isRestricted ( ) ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'makeCopy' ) . setEnabled ( ! restricted ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'print' ) . setEnabled ( ! restricted ) ;
this . menus . get ( 'exportAs' ) . setEnabled ( ! restricted ) ;
this . menus . get ( 'embed' ) . setEnabled ( ! restricted ) ;
// Disables actions in the toolbar
var editable = ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] == '1' ) || ( file != null && file . isEditable ( ) ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'image' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'zoomIn' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'zoomOut' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
this . actions . get ( 'resetView' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
// Disables menus
this . menus . get ( 'edit' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
this . menus . get ( 'view' ) . setEnabled ( active ) ;
this . menus . get ( 'importFrom' ) . setEnabled ( editable ) ;
this . menus . get ( 'arrange' ) . setEnabled ( editable ) ;
// Disables connection drop downs in toolbar
if ( this . toolbar != null )
if ( this . toolbar . edgeShapeMenu != null )
this . toolbar . edgeShapeMenu . setEnabled ( editable ) ;
if ( this . toolbar . edgeStyleMenu != null )
this . toolbar . edgeStyleMenu . setEnabled ( editable ) ;
if ( this . isOfflineApp ( ) )
// In FF, IE and Safari (desktop) the cache status never changes
if ( ( mxClient . IS _GC || ( mxClient . IS _IOS && mxClient . IS _SF ) ) && applicationCache != null )
var appCache = applicationCache ;
if ( this . offlineStatus == null )
this . offlineStatus = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . offlineStatus . className = 'geItem' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . fontSize = '8pt' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . top = '2px' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . right = '12px' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . color = '#666' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . margin = '4px' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . padding = '2px' ;
this . offlineStatus . style . verticalAlign = 'middle' ;
this . offlineStatus . innerHTML = '' ;
this . menubarContainer . appendChild ( this . offlineStatus ) ;
// Events are not working, use polling instead (10 secs interval)
var thread = window . setTimeout ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( appCache . status == appCache . IDLE )
this . offlineStatus . innerHTML = '[' + '<img title="Cached" border="0" src="' + IMAGE _PATH + '/checkmark.gif"/>]' ;
window . clearTimeout ( thread ) ;
} ) , 5000 ) ;
this . updateUserElement ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . exportImage = function ( scale , transparentBackground , ignoreSelection , addShadow , editable )
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'exporting' ) ) )
var selectionEmpty = this . editor . graph . isSelectionEmpty ( ) ;
ignoreSelection = ( ignoreSelection != null ) ? ignoreSelection : selectionEmpty ;
this . exportToCanvas ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( canvas )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
// TODO: Should call App.getFileData here
this . saveCanvas ( canvas , ( editable ) ? this . getFileData ( true , null , null , null , ignoreSelection ) : null ) ;
catch ( e )
// Fallback to server-side image export
if ( e . message == 'Invalid image' )
this . downloadFile ( 'png' ) ;
this . handleError ( e ) ;
} ) , null , null , null , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( e )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( e ) ;
} ) , null , ignoreSelection , scale || 1 , transparentBackground , addShadow ) ;
catch ( e )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( e ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* /
EditorUi . prototype . exportSvg = function ( scale , transparentBackground , ignoreSelection , addShadow , editable , embedImages )
var selectionEmpty = this . editor . graph . isSelectionEmpty ( ) ;
ignoreSelection = ( ignoreSelection != null ) ? ignoreSelection : selectionEmpty ;
var bg = ( transparentBackground ) ? null : this . editor . graph . background ;
if ( bg == mxConstants . NONE )
bg = null ;
// Handles special case where background is null but transparent is false
if ( bg == null && transparentBackground == false )
bg = '#ffffff' ;
// Sets or disables alternate text for foreignObjects. Disabling is needed
// because PhantomJS seems to ignore switch statements and paint all text.
var svgRoot = this . editor . graph . getSvg ( bg , scale , null , null , null , ignoreSelection ) ;
if ( addShadow )
this . editor . addSvgShadow ( svgRoot ) ;
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
var filename = ( file != null && file . getTitle ( ) != null ) ? file . getTitle ( ) : this . defaultFilename ;
var dot = filename . lastIndexOf ( '.' ) ;
if ( dot > 0 )
filename = filename . substring ( 0 , dot ) ;
filename += '.svg' ;
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'export' ) ) )
var doSave = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( svgRoot )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( editable )
svgRoot . setAttribute ( 'content' , this . getFileData ( true , null , null , null , ignoreSelection ) ) ;
var svg = '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\n' +
mxUtils . getXml ( svgRoot ) ;
// TODO: Depends on App
if ( this . isLocalFileSave ( ) || svg . length <= MAX _REQUEST _SIZE )
this . saveData ( filename , 'svg' , svg , 'image/svg+xml' ) ;
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'drawingTooLarge' ) } , mxResources . get ( 'error' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
mxUtils . popup ( svg ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . convertMath ( this . editor . graph , svgRoot , false , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( embedImages )
this . convertImages ( svgRoot , doSave ) ;
doSave ( svgRoot ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . updateButtonContainer = function ( )
if ( this . buttonContainer != null )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null && file . constructor == DriveFile )
// Adds Share button
if ( this . shareButton == null )
this . shareButton = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . shareButton . className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn' ;
this . shareButton . style . display = 'inline-block' ;
this . shareButton . style . padding = '0 10px 0 10px' ;
this . shareButton . style . marginTop = '-4px' ;
this . shareButton . style . height = '28px' ;
this . shareButton . style . lineHeight = '28px' ;
this . shareButton . style . minWidth = '0px' ;
this . shareButton . style . cssFloat = 'right' ;
var icon = document . createElement ( 'img' ) ;
icon . setAttribute ( 'src' , this . shareImage ) ;
icon . setAttribute ( 'align' , 'absmiddle' ) ;
icon . style . marginRight = '4px' ;
icon . style . marginTop = '-3px' ;
this . shareButton . appendChild ( icon ) ;
mxUtils . write ( this . shareButton , mxResources . get ( 'share' ) ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( this . shareButton , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . actions . get ( 'share' ) . funct ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . buttonContainer . appendChild ( this . shareButton ) ;
else if ( this . shareButton != null )
this . shareButton . parentNode . removeChild ( this . shareButton ) ;
this . shareButton = null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . save = function ( name , done )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
var msg = mxResources . get ( 'saving' ) ;
if ( file != null && file . constructor == DriveFile )
msg = mxResources . get ( 'createRevision' ) ;
if ( file != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , msg ) )
this . editor . setStatus ( '' ) ;
if ( this . editor . graph . isEditing ( ) )
this . editor . graph . stopEditing ( ) ;
var success = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( this . getCurrentFile ( ) == file )
if ( file . isModified ( ) )
if ( ! file . isAutosave ( ) )
file . addUnsavedStatus ( ) ;
this . editor . setStatus ( mxResources . get ( 'allChangesSaved' ) ) ;
if ( done != null )
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
var error = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
// Spinner is paused and resumed in handleError
this . handleError ( resp , ( resp != null ) ? mxResources . get ( 'errorSavingFile' ) : null ) ;
} ) ;
if ( name == file . getTitle ( ) )
file . save ( true , success , error ) ;
file . saveAs ( name , success , error )
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . base64ToBlob = function ( base64Data , contentType )
contentType = contentType || '' ;
var sliceSize = 1024 ;
var byteCharacters = atob ( base64Data ) ;
var bytesLength = byteCharacters . length ;
var slicesCount = Math . ceil ( bytesLength / sliceSize ) ;
var byteArrays = new Array ( slicesCount ) ;
for ( var sliceIndex = 0 ; sliceIndex < slicesCount ; ++ sliceIndex )
var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize ;
var end = Math . min ( begin + sliceSize , bytesLength ) ;
var bytes = new Array ( end - begin ) ;
for ( var offset = begin , i = 0 ; offset < end ; ++ i , ++ offset )
bytes [ i ] = byteCharacters [ offset ] . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ;
byteArrays [ sliceIndex ] = new Uint8Array ( bytes ) ;
return new Blob ( byteArrays , { type : contentType } ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true if files should be saved using < saveLocalFile > .
* /
App . prototype . isLocalFileSave = function ( )
return ( urlParams [ 'save' ] != 'remote' && ( mxClient . IS _IE ||
( typeof window . Blob !== 'undefined' && typeof window . URL !== 'undefined' ) ) &&
document . documentMode != 9 && document . documentMode != 8 &&
document . documentMode != 7 && ! mxClient . IS _QUIRKS ) ||
this . isOfflineApp ( ) || mxClient . IS _IOS ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . saveRequest = function ( data , filename , format , fn )
var allowTab = ! mxClient . IS _IOS || ! navigator . standalone ;
var dlg = new CreateDialog ( this , filename , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( newTitle , mode )
if ( mode == '_blank' || newTitle != null && newTitle . length > 0 )
var base64 = ( mode == App . MODE _DEVICE || mode == null || mode == '_blank' ) ? '0' : '1' ;
var xhr = fn ( ( mode == '_blank' ) ? null : newTitle , base64 ) ;
if ( mode == App . MODE _DEVICE || mode == '_blank' )
xhr . simulate ( document , '_blank' ) ;
this . pickFolder ( mode , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( folderId )
if ( this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'saving' ) ) )
// LATER: Catch possible mixed content error
// see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30646417/catching-mixed-content-error
xhr . send ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
if ( xhr . getStatus ( ) < 200 || xhr . getStatus ( ) > 299 )
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'errorSavingFile' ) } ) ;
var mimeType = ( format == 'pdf' ) ? 'application/pdf' : 'image/' + format ;
this . exportFile ( xhr . getText ( ) , newTitle , mimeType , true , mode , folderId ) ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e ) ;
} ) , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( resp ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
} ) , mxResources . get ( 'saveAs' ) , mxResources . get ( 'download' ) , false , false , allowTab ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 380 , 270 , true , true ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Invokes callback with null if mode does not support folder or not null
* if a valid folder was chosen for a mode that supports it . No callback
* is made if no folder was chosen for a mode that supports it .
* /
App . prototype . pickFolder = function ( mode , fn , enabled )
enabled = ( enabled != null ) ? enabled : true ;
if ( enabled && mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE && this . drive != null )
// Shows a save dialog
this . drive . pickFolder ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( evt . action == google . picker . Action . PICKED )
var folderId = null ;
if ( evt . docs != null && evt . docs . length > 0 && evt . docs [ 0 ] . type == 'folder' )
folderId = evt . docs [ 0 ] . id ;
fn ( folderId ) ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( enabled && mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE && this . oneDrive != null )
this . oneDrive . pickFolder ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
var folderId = null ;
if ( evt != null && evt . data != null && evt . data . folders != null &&
evt . data . folders . length > 0 )
folderId = evt . data . folders [ 0 ] . id ;
folderId = folderId . substring ( folderId . lastIndexOf ( '.' ) + 1 ) ;
fn ( folderId ) ;
} ) ) ;
fn ( null ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . exportFile = function ( data , filename , mimeType , base64Encoded , mode , folderId )
if ( mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX )
if ( this . dropbox != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'saving' ) ) )
// LATER: Add folder picker
this . dropbox . insertFile ( filename , ( base64Encoded ) ? this . base64ToBlob ( data , mimeType ) :
data , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( resp ) ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE )
if ( this . drive != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'saving' ) ) )
this . drive . insertFile ( filename , data , folderId , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
// TODO: Add callback with url param for clickable status message
// "File exported. Click here to open folder."
// this.editor.setStatus('<div class="geStatusMessage" style="cursor:pointer;">' +
// mxResources.get('saved') + '</div>');
// // Installs click handler for opening
// if (this.statusContainer != null)
// {
// var links = this.statusContainer.getElementsByTagName('div');
// if (links.length > 0)
// {
// mxEvent.addListener(links[0], 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function()
// {
// if (resp != null && resp.parents != null && resp.parents.length > 0)
// {
// var id = resp.parents[0].id;
// if (id != null)
// {
// window.open('https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/' + id);
// }
// }
// }));
// }
// }
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( resp ) ;
} ) , mimeType , base64Encoded , false ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE )
if ( this . oneDrive != null && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'saving' ) ) )
// KNOWN: OneDrive does not show .svg extension
this . oneDrive . insertFile ( filename , ( base64Encoded ) ? this . base64ToBlob ( data , mimeType ) :
data , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( resp )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
this . handleError ( resp ) ;
} ) , false , folderId ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . doSaveLocalFile = function ( data , filename , mimeType , base64Encoded )
// Newer versions of IE
if ( window . MSBlobBuilder && navigator . msSaveOrOpenBlob )
var builder = new MSBlobBuilder ( ) ;
builder . append ( data ) ;
var blob = builder . getBlob ( mimeType ) ;
navigator . msSaveOrOpenBlob ( blob , filename ) ;
// Older versions of IE (binary not supported)
else if ( mxClient . IS _IE )
var win = window . open ( 'about:blank' , '_blank' ) ;
if ( win == null )
mxUtils . popup ( data , true ) ;
win . document . write ( data ) ;
win . document . close ( ) ;
win . document . execCommand ( 'SaveAs' , true , filename ) ;
win . close ( ) ;
else if ( mxClient . IS _IOS )
// Poor man's saveAs in iOS via context menu of selected output
var dlg = new TextareaDialog ( this , filename + ':' , data , null , null , mxResources . get ( 'close' ) ) ;
dlg . textarea . style . width = '600px' ;
dlg . textarea . style . height = '380px' ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 620 , 460 , true , true ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
document . execCommand ( 'selectall' , false , null ) ;
else if ( ! this . isOffline ( ) && mxClient . IS _SF )
var param = ( typeof ( pako ) === 'undefined' ) ? '&xml=' + encodeURIComponent ( data ) :
'&data=' + encodeURIComponent ( this . editor . graph . compress ( data ) ) ;
new mxXmlRequest ( SAVE _URL , 'mime=' + mimeType + '&filename=' +
encodeURIComponent ( filename ) +
param ) . simulate ( document , '_blank' ) ;
var a = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
a . href = URL . createObjectURL ( ( base64Encoded ) ?
this . base64ToBlob ( data , mimeType ) :
new Blob ( [ data ] , { type : mimeType } ) ) ;
a . download = filename ;
document . body . appendChild ( a ) ;
// Workaround for link opens in same window in Safari
if ( mxClient . IS _SF )
a . setAttribute ( 'target' , '_blank' ) ;
a . click ( ) ;
window . setTimeout ( function ( )
URL . revokeObjectURL ( a . href ) ;
} , 0 ) ;
a . parentNode . removeChild ( a ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . saveLocalFile = function ( data , filename , mimeType , base64Encoded )
if ( this . isOfflineApp ( ) || this . isOffline ( ) )
this . doSaveLocalFile ( data , filename , mimeType , base64Encoded ) ;
var allowTab = ! mxClient . IS _IOS || ! navigator . standalone ;
var dlg = new CreateDialog ( this , filename , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( newTitle , mode )
// Opens a new window
if ( mode == '_blank' )
// Workaround for "Access denied" after URL.createObjectURL
// and blank window for window.open with data URI in MS Edge
// and empty window for IE 11 and 10
if ( mxClient . IS _EDGE || document . documentMode == 11 || document . documentMode == 10 )
var param = ( typeof ( pako ) === 'undefined' ) ? '&xml=' + encodeURIComponent ( data ) :
'&data=' + encodeURIComponent ( this . editor . graph . compress ( data ) ) ;
new mxXmlRequest ( SAVE _URL , 'mime=' + mimeType + param ) . simulate ( document , '_blank' ) ;
// Cannot use URL.createObjectURL since it kills gradients in FF
window . open ( 'data:' + mimeType + ( ( base64Encoded ) ? ';base64,' +
data : ';charset=utf8,' + encodeURIComponent ( data ) ) ) ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DEVICE )
this . doSaveLocalFile ( data , newTitle , mimeType , base64Encoded ) ;
else if ( newTitle != null && newTitle . length > 0 )
this . pickFolder ( mode , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( folderId )
this . exportFile ( data , newTitle , mimeType , base64Encoded , mode , folderId ) ;
} ) ) ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e ) ;
} ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . hideDialog ( ) ;
} ) , mxResources . get ( 'saveAs' ) , mxResources . get ( 'download' ) , false , false , allowTab ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 380 , 280 , true , true ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* /
App . prototype . getHtml = function ( node , graph , title , editLink , redirect , ignoreSelection )
ignoreSelection = ( ignoreSelection != null ) ? ignoreSelection : true ;
var bg = null ;
var js = 'https://www.draw.io/js/embed-static.min.js' ;
var s = '' ;
// LATER: Merge common code with EmbedDialog
if ( graph != null )
var bounds = ( ignoreSelection ) ? graph . getGraphBounds ( ) : graph . getBoundingBox ( graph . getSelectionCells ( ) ) ;
var scale = graph . view . scale ;
var x0 = Math . floor ( bounds . x / scale - graph . view . translate . x ) ;
var y0 = Math . floor ( bounds . y / scale - graph . view . translate . y ) ;
bg = graph . background ;
// Embed script only used if no redirect
if ( redirect == null )
var stencilNames = new Object ( ) ;
var states = this . editor . graph . view . states . getValues ( ) ;
// Scans shapes for stencils
for ( var i = 0 ; i < states . length ; i ++ )
var state = states [ i ] ;
var shape = state . style [ mxConstants . STYLE _SHAPE ] ;
var base = mxStencilRegistry . getBasenameForStencil ( shape ) ;
if ( base != null )
if ( stencilNames [ base ] == null )
stencilNames [ base ] = true ;
s += base + ';' ;
if ( s . length > 0 )
js = 'https://www.draw.io/embed.js?s=' + s . substring ( 0 , s . length - 1 ) ;
// Adds embed attributes
node . setAttribute ( 'x0' , x0 ) ;
node . setAttribute ( 'y0' , y0 ) ;
if ( node != null )
node . setAttribute ( 'pan' , '1' ) ;
node . setAttribute ( 'zoom' , '1' ) ;
node . setAttribute ( 'resize' , '0' ) ;
node . setAttribute ( 'fit' , '0' ) ;
node . setAttribute ( 'border' , '20' ) ;
// Hidden attributes
node . setAttribute ( 'links' , '1' ) ;
if ( editLink != null )
node . setAttribute ( 'edit' , editLink ) ;
// Makes XHTML compatible
if ( redirect != null )
redirect = redirect . replace ( /&/g , '&' ) ;
// Removes control chars in input for correct roundtrip check
var text = ( node != null ) ? this . editor . graph . zapGremlins ( mxUtils . getXml ( node ) ) : '' ;
// Double compression for mxfile not fixed since it may cause imcompatibilites with
// embed clients that rely on this format. HTML files and export use getHtml2.
var data = this . editor . graph . compress ( text ) ;
// Fallback to URI encoded XML for invalid compression
if ( this . editor . graph . decompress ( data ) != text )
data = encodeURIComponent ( text ) ;
var style = 'position:relative;overflow:auto;width:100%;' ;
return ( ( redirect == null ) ? '<!--[if IE]><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=5,IE=9" ><![endif]-->\n' : '' ) +
'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html' + ( ( redirect != null ) ? ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">' : '>' ) +
'\n<head>\n' + ( ( redirect == null ) ? ( ( title != null ) ? '<title>' + mxUtils . htmlEntities ( title ) +
'</title>\n' : '' ) : '<title>Draw.io Diagram</title>\n' ) +
( ( redirect != null ) ? '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=\'' + redirect + '\'"/>\n' : '' ) +
'</head>\n<body' +
( ( ( redirect == null && bg != null && bg != mxConstants . NONE ) ? ' style="background-color:' + bg + ';">' : '>' ) ) +
'\n<div class="mxgraph" style="' + style + '">\n' +
'<div style="width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;">' + data + '</div>\n</div>\n' +
( ( redirect == null ) ? '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + js + '"></script>' :
'<a style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;margin-top:-128px;margin-left:-64px;" ' +
'href="' + redirect + '" target="_blank"><img border="0" ' +
'src="https://www.draw.io/images/drawlogo128.png"/></a>' ) +
'\n</body>\n</html>\n' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Same as above but using the new embed code .
* /
App . prototype . getHtml2 = function ( node , graph , title , editLink , redirect , ignoreSelection )
ignoreSelection = ( ignoreSelection != null ) ? ignoreSelection : true ;
var bg = null ;
var js = 'https://www.draw.io/js/viewer.min.js' ;
var s = '' ;
// LATER: Merge common code with EmbedDialog
if ( graph != null )
// Embed script only used if no redirect
if ( redirect == null )
var s = [ ] ;
// Scans shapes for stencils
var stencilNames = new Object ( ) ;
var states = graph . view . states . getValues ( ) ;
function addName ( name )
if ( name != null )
var dot = name . lastIndexOf ( '.' ) ;
if ( dot > 0 )
name = name . substring ( dot + 1 , name . length ) ;
if ( stencilNames [ name ] == null )
stencilNames [ name ] = true ;
s . push ( name ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < states . length ; i ++ )
var state = states [ i ] ;
var shape = state . style [ mxConstants . STYLE _SHAPE ] ;
addName ( mxStencilRegistry . getBasenameForStencil ( shape ) ) ;
// Adds package names for markers in edges
if ( state . view . graph . model . isEdge ( state . cell ) )
addName ( mxMarker . getPackageForType ( state . style [ mxConstants . STYLE _STARTARROW ] ) ) ;
addName ( mxMarker . getPackageForType ( state . style [ mxConstants . STYLE _ENDARROW ] ) ) ;
if ( s . length > 0 )
js = 'https://www.draw.io/embed2.js?s=' + s . join ( ';' ) ;
// Makes XHTML compatible
if ( redirect != null )
redirect = redirect . replace ( /&/g , '&' ) ;
var data = { highlight : '#0000ff' , nav : this . editor . graph . foldingEnabled , resize : true ,
xml : this . editor . graph . zapGremlins ( mxUtils . getXml ( node ) ) , toolbar : 'zoom layers lightbox' } ;
var style = 'max-width:100%;border:1px solid transparent;' ;
return ( ( redirect == null ) ? '<!--[if IE]><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=5,IE=9" ><![endif]-->\n' : '' ) +
'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html' + ( ( redirect != null ) ? ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">' : '>' ) +
'\n<head>\n' + ( ( redirect == null ) ? ( ( title != null ) ? '<title>' + mxUtils . htmlEntities ( title ) +
'</title>\n' : '' ) : '<title>Draw.io Diagram</title>\n' ) +
( ( redirect != null ) ? '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=\'' + redirect + '\'"/>\n' : '' ) +
'<meta charset="utf-8"/>\n</head>\n<body>' +
'\n<div class="mxgraph" style="' + style + '" data-mxgraph="' + mxUtils . htmlEntities ( JSON . stringify ( data ) ) + '"></div>\n' +
( ( redirect == null ) ? '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + js + '"></script>' :
'<a style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;margin-top:-128px;margin-left:-64px;" ' +
'href="' + redirect + '" target="_blank"><img border="0" ' +
'src="https://www.draw.io/images/drawlogo128.png"/></a>' ) +
'\n</body>\n</html>\n' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . saveData = function ( filename , format , data , mime )
if ( this . isLocalFileSave ( ) )
this . saveLocalFile ( data , filename , mime ) ;
this . saveRequest ( data , filename , format , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( newTitle , base64 )
var param = ( typeof ( pako ) === 'undefined' ) ? '&xml=' + encodeURIComponent ( data ) :
'&data=' + encodeURIComponent ( this . editor . graph . compress ( data ) ) ;
return new mxXmlRequest ( SAVE _URL , 'format=' + format + ( ( newTitle != null ) ?
'&filename=' + encodeURIComponent ( newTitle ) : '' ) + param ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
App . prototype . downloadFile = function ( format , nonCompressed , addShadow , ignoreSelection , currentPage )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
ignoreSelection = ( ignoreSelection != null ) ? ignoreSelection : this . editor . graph . isSelectionEmpty ( ) ;
// LATER: Double URI encoding for needed for newlines in simulate (truncates body otherwise).
var basename = ( file != null && file . getTitle ( ) != null ) ? file . getTitle ( ) : this . defaultFilename ;
if ( /(\.xml)$/i . test ( basename ) || /(\.html)$/i . test ( basename ) || /(\.svg)$/i . test ( basename ) )
basename = basename . substring ( 0 , basename . lastIndexOf ( '.' ) ) ;
var filename = basename + '.' + format ;
if ( format == 'xml' )
var data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' +
( ( nonCompressed ) ? mxUtils . getXml ( this . editor . getGraphXml ( ignoreSelection ) ) :
2016-10-04 20:51:29 +00:00
this . getFileData ( true , null , null , null , ignoreSelection , currentPage ) ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . saveData ( filename , format , data , 'text/xml' ) ;
else if ( format == 'html' )
var data = this . getHtml2 ( this . editor . getGraphXml ( ignoreSelection ) ,
this . editor . graph , basename , null , null , ignoreSelection ) ;
this . saveData ( filename , format , data , 'text/html' ) ;
else if ( ( format == 'svg' || format == 'xmlsvg' ) && this . spinner . spin ( document . body , mxResources . get ( 'export' ) ) )
var svg = null ;
var saveSvg = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( data )
if ( data . length <= MAX _REQUEST _SIZE )
this . saveData ( filename , 'svg' , data , 'image/svg+xml' ) ;
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'drawingTooLarge' ) } , mxResources . get ( 'error' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
mxUtils . popup ( svg ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( format == 'svg' )
var bg = this . editor . graph . background ;
if ( bg == mxConstants . NONE )
bg = null ;
// Sets or disables alternate text for foreignObjects. Disabling is needed
// because PhantomJS seems to ignore switch statements and paint all text.
var svgRoot = this . editor . graph . getSvg ( bg , null , null , false , null , ignoreSelection ) ;
if ( addShadow )
this . editor . addSvgShadow ( svgRoot ) ;
// Embeds the images in the SVG output (async)
this . convertImages ( svgRoot , mxUtils . bind ( this , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( svgRoot2 )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
saveSvg ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' +
'<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\n' +
mxUtils . getXml ( svgRoot2 ) ) ;
} ) ) ) ;
filename = basename + '.svg' ;
svg = this . getFileData ( false , true , null , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( svg )
this . spinner . stop ( ) ;
saveSvg ( svg ) ;
} ) , ignoreSelection ) ;
var bounds = this . editor . graph . getGraphBounds ( ) ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Exports only current page for PDF since it does not contain file data, but for
// the other formats with XML included we need to send the complete data and use
// the from/to URL parameters to specify the page to be exported.
var data = this . getFileData ( true , null , null , null , ignoreSelection , format != 'xmlpng' ) ;
var range = '' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
if ( bounds . width * bounds . height <= MAX _AREA && data . length <= MAX _REQUEST _SIZE )
var embed = '0' ;
if ( format == 'xmlpng' )
embed = '1' ;
format = 'png' ;
filename = basename + '.' + format ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
// Finds the current page number
if ( this . pages != null && this . currentPage != null )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . pages . length ; i ++ )
if ( this . pages [ i ] == this . currentPage )
range = '&from=' + i ;
break ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . saveRequest ( data , filename , format , function ( newTitle , base64 )
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
return new mxXmlRequest ( EXPORT _URL , 'format=' + format + range +
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
'&base64=' + base64 + '&embedXml=' + embed + '&xml=' +
encodeURIComponent ( data ) + ( ( newTitle != null ) ?
'&filename=' + encodeURIComponent ( newTitle ) : '' ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . handleError ( { message : mxResources . get ( 'drawingTooLarge' ) } , mxResources . get ( 'error' ) ) ;
catch ( e )
this . handleError ( e ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . formatFileSize = function ( size )
var units = [ ' kB' , ' MB' , ' GB' , ' TB' , 'PB' , 'EB' , 'ZB' , 'YB' ] ;
var i = - 1 ;
size = size / 1024 ;
i ++ ;
} while ( size > 1024 ) ;
return Math . max ( size , 0.1 ) . toFixed ( 1 ) + units [ i ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . descriptorChanged = function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null )
if ( this . fname != null )
this . fnameWrapper . style . display = 'block' ;
this . fname . innerHTML = '' ;
var filename = ( file . getTitle ( ) != null ) ? file . getTitle ( ) : this . defaultFilename ;
mxUtils . write ( this . fname , filename ) ;
this . fname . setAttribute ( 'title' , filename + ' - ' + mxResources . get ( 'rename' ) ) ;
this . editor . graph . setEnabled ( file . isEditable ( ) ) ;
// Ignores title and hash for revisions
if ( urlParams [ 'rev' ] == null )
this . updateDocumentTitle ( ) ;
var newHash = file . getHash ( ) ;
if ( newHash . length > 0 )
window . location . hash = newHash ;
else if ( window . location . hash . length > 0 )
window . location . hash = '' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . handleError = function ( resp , title , fn )
var resume = this . spinner . pause ( ) ;
var e = ( resp != null && resp . error != null ) ? resp . error : resp ;
if ( e != null || title != null )
var msg = mxResources . get ( 'unknownError' ) ;
var btn = mxResources . get ( 'ok' ) ;
var retry = null ;
title = ( title != null ) ? title : mxResources . get ( 'error' ) ;
if ( e != null )
if ( typeof ( gapi ) != 'undefined' && typeof ( gapi . drive ) != 'undefined' && typeof ( gapi . drive . realtime ) != 'undefined' &&
e . type == gapi . drive . realtime . ErrorType . FORBIDDEN )
msg = mxResources . get ( 'forbidden' ) ;
else if ( e . code == 404 || e . status == 404 || ( typeof ( gapi ) != 'undefined' && typeof ( gapi . drive ) != 'undefined' &&
typeof ( gapi . drive . realtime ) != 'undefined' && e . type == gapi . drive . realtime . ErrorType . NOT _FOUND ) )
msg = mxResources . get ( 'fileNotFoundOrDenied' ) ;
var id = window . location . hash ;
if ( id != null && id . substring ( 0 , 2 ) == '#G' )
id = id . substring ( 2 ) ;
msg += ' <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=' + id + '" target="_blank">' +
mxResources . get ( 'tryOpeningViaThisPage' ) + '</a>' ;
else if ( e . code == App . ERROR _TIMEOUT )
msg = mxResources . get ( 'timeout' ) ;
if ( e . retry != null )
btn = mxResources . get ( 'cancel' ) ;
retry = function ( )
resume ( ) ;
e . retry ( ) ;
} ;
else if ( e . code == App . ERROR _BUSY )
msg = mxResources . get ( 'busy' ) ;
else if ( e . message != null )
msg = e . message ;
else if ( e . response != null && e . response . error != null )
msg = e . response . error ;
this . showError ( title , msg , btn , fn , retry ) ;
else if ( fn != null )
fn ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . showError = function ( title , msg , btn , fn , retry , btn2 , fn2 )
var dlg = new ErrorDialog ( this , title , msg , btn , fn , retry , btn2 , fn2 ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 340 , 150 , true , false ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . alert = function ( msg , fn )
var dlg = new ErrorDialog ( this , null , msg , mxResources . get ( 'ok' ) , fn ) ;
this . showDialog ( dlg . container , 340 , 100 , true , false ) ;
dlg . init ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . confirm = function ( msg , okFn , cancelFn )
var resume = ( this . spinner . pause != null ) ? this . spinner . pause ( ) : function ( ) { } ;
this . showDialog ( new ConfirmDialog ( this , msg , function ( )
resume ( ) ;
if ( okFn != null )
okFn ( ) ;
} , function ( )
resume ( ) ;
if ( cancelFn != null )
cancelFn ( ) ;
} ) . container , 340 , 90 , true , false ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . toggleChat = function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null )
if ( file . chatWindow == null )
var cwLeft = document . body . offsetWidth - 300 ;
file . chatWindow = new ChatWindow ( this , mxResources . get ( 'chatWindowTitle' ) , document . getElementById ( 'geChat' ) , cwLeft , 80 , 250 , 350 , file . realtime ) ;
file . chatWindow . window . setVisible ( false ) ;
file . chatWindow . window . setVisible ( ! file . chatWindow . window . isVisible ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Translates this point by the given vector .
* @ param { number } dx X - coordinate of the translation .
* @ param { number } dy Y - coordinate of the translation .
* /
App . prototype . status = function ( html )
this . editor . setStatus ( html ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Adds the listener for automatically saving the diagram for local changes .
* /
App . prototype . showAuthDialog = function ( peer , showRememberOption , fn )
var resume = this . spinner . pause ( ) ;
this . showDialog ( new AuthDialog ( this , peer , showRememberOption , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( remember )
if ( fn != null )
fn ( remember , function ( )
resume ( ) ;
} ) ;
catch ( e )
this . editor . setStatus ( e . message ) ;
} ) ) . container , 300 , ( showRememberOption ) ? 180 : 140 , true , true , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( cancel )
if ( cancel && this . getCurrentFile ( ) == null && this . dialog == null )
this . showSplash ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step .
* /
App . prototype . loadUrl = function ( url , success , error , forceBinary , retry )
var binary = ( forceBinary || /(\.png)($|\?)/i . test ( url ) ) ;
retry = ( retry != null ) ? retry : true ;
var fn = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
mxUtils . get ( url , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( req )
if ( req . getStatus ( ) == 200 )
if ( success != null )
var data = req . getText ( ) ;
// Returns PNG as base64 encoded data URI
if ( binary )
// NOTE: This requires BinaryToArray VB script in the page
if ( ( document . documentMode == 9 || document . documentMode == 10 ) &&
typeof window . mxUtilsBinaryToArray !== 'undefined' )
var bin = mxUtilsBinaryToArray ( req . request . responseBody ) . toArray ( ) ;
var tmp = new Array ( bin . length ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < bin . length ; i ++ )
tmp [ i ] = String . fromCharCode ( bin [ i ] ) ;
data = tmp . join ( '' ) ;
data = 'data:image/png;base64,' + this . base64Encode ( data ) ;
success ( data ) ;
else if ( error != null )
error ( { code : App . ERROR _UNKNOWN } ) ;
} ) , function ( )
if ( error != null )
error ( { code : App . ERROR _UNKNOWN } ) ;
} , binary , this . timeout , function ( )
if ( retry && error != null )
error ( { code : App . ERROR _TIMEOUT , retry : fn } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
fn ( ) ;
catch ( e )
if ( error != null )
error ( e ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Adds the listener for automatically saving the diagram for local changes .
* /
App . prototype . updateHeader = function ( )
if ( this . menubar != null )
this . appIcon = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
this . appIcon . style . display = 'block' ;
this . appIcon . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . appIcon . style . width = '40px' ;
this . appIcon . style . backgroundColor = '#f18808' ;
this . appIcon . style . height = this . menubarHeight + 'px' ;
mxEvent . disableContextMenu ( this . appIcon ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( this . appIcon , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
this . appIconClicked ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
// LATER: Use Alpha image loader in IE6
// NOTE: This uses the diagram bit of the old logo as it looks better in this case
//this.appIcon.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=' + IMAGE_PATH + '/logo-white.png,sizingMethod=\'scale\')';
var logo = ( ! mxClient . IS _SVG ) ? 'url(\'' + IMAGE _PATH + '/logo-white.png\')' :
this . appIcon . style . backgroundImage = logo ;
this . appIcon . style . backgroundPosition = 'center center' ;
this . appIcon . style . backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' ;
mxUtils . setPrefixedStyle ( this . appIcon . style , 'transition' , 'all 125ms linear' ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( this . appIcon , 'mouseover' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null )
var mode = file . getMode ( ) ;
if ( mode == App . MODE _GOOGLE )
this . appIcon . style . backgroundImage = 'url(' + IMAGE _PATH + '/google-drive-logo-white.svg)' ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _DROPBOX )
this . appIcon . style . backgroundImage = 'url(' + IMAGE _PATH + '/dropbox-logo-white.svg)' ;
else if ( mode == App . MODE _ONEDRIVE )
this . appIcon . style . backgroundImage = 'url(' + IMAGE _PATH + '/onedrive-logo-white.svg)' ;
} ) ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( this . appIcon , 'mouseout' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . appIcon . style . backgroundImage = logo ;
} ) ) ;
if ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
this . menubarContainer . appendChild ( this . appIcon ) ;
this . fnameWrapper = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . right = '120px' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . left = '50px' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . top = '6px' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . height = '26px' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . display = 'none' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . overflow = 'hidden' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . textOverflow = 'ellipsis' ;
this . fname = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
this . fname . setAttribute ( 'href' , 'javascript:void(0);' ) ;
this . fname . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'rename' ) ) ;
this . fname . className = 'geItem' ;
this . fname . style . padding = '2px 8px 2px 8px' ;
this . fname . style . display = 'inline' ;
this . fname . style . fontSize = '18px' ;
this . fname . style . whiteSpace = 'nowrap' ;
mxEvent . addListener ( this . fname , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null && file . isRenamable ( ) )
this . actions . get ( 'rename' ) . funct ( ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . fnameWrapper . appendChild ( this . fname ) ;
if ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
this . menubarContainer . appendChild ( this . fnameWrapper ) ;
this . menubar . container . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . menubar . container . style . paddingLeft = '52px' ;
this . menubar . container . style . boxSizing = 'border-box' ;
this . menubar . container . style . top = '29px' ;
this . toolbar . container . style . paddingLeft = '56px' ;
/ * *
* Adds format panel toggle .
* /
this . toggleFormatElement = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
this . toggleFormatElement . setAttribute ( 'href' , 'javascript:void(0);' ) ;
this . toggleFormatElement . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'formatPanel' ) + ' (Ctrl+Shift+P)' ) ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . display = 'inline-block' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . top = '5px' ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
this . toggleFormatElement . style . right = ( uiTheme != 'atlas' && urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' ) ? '26px' : '10px' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . toggleFormatElement . style . padding = '2px' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . fontSize = '14px' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . className = ( uiTheme != 'atlas' ) ? 'geButton' : '' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . width = '16px' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . height = '16px' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . backgroundPosition = '50% 50%' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' ;
this . toolbarContainer . appendChild ( this . toggleFormatElement ) ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
mxEvent . addListener ( this . toggleFormatElement , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
this . actions . get ( 'formatPanel' ) . funct ( ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
var toggleFormatPanel = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( this . formatWidth > 0 )
this . toggleFormatElement . style . backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this . formatShowImage + '\')' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this . formatHideImage + '\')' ;
} ) ;
this . addListener ( 'formatWidthChanged' , toggleFormatPanel ) ;
toggleFormatPanel ( ) ;
this . fullscreenElement = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
this . fullscreenElement . setAttribute ( 'href' , 'javascript:void(0);' ) ;
this . fullscreenElement . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'fullscreen' ) ) ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . display = 'inline-block' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . top = '5px' ;
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
this . fullscreenElement . style . right = ( uiTheme != 'atlas' && urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' ) ? '42px' : '26px' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . fullscreenElement . style . padding = '2px' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . fontSize = '14px' ;
this . fullscreenElement . className = ( uiTheme != 'atlas' ) ? 'geButton' : '' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . width = '16px' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . height = '16px' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . backgroundPosition = '50% 50%' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this . fullscreenImage + '\')' ;
this . toolbarContainer . appendChild ( this . fullscreenElement ) ;
var initialPosition = this . hsplitPosition ;
var collapsed = false ;
mxEvent . addListener ( this . fullscreenElement , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
2016-09-12 11:14:09 +00:00
if ( uiTheme != 'atlas' && urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . toggleCompactMode ( ! collapsed ) ;
this . toggleFormatPanel ( ! collapsed ) ;
this . hsplitPosition = ( ! collapsed ) ? 0 : initialPosition ;
this . hideFooter ( ) ;
collapsed = ! collapsed ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Some style changes in Atlas theme
if ( uiTheme == 'atlas' )
mxUtils . setOpacity ( this . toggleFormatElement , 70 ) ;
mxUtils . setOpacity ( this . fullscreenElement , 70 ) ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . right = '6px' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . right = '22px' ;
this . toggleFormatElement . style . top = '8px' ;
this . fullscreenElement . style . top = '8px' ;
/ * *
* Adds compact UI toggle .
* /
2016-09-21 21:13:50 +00:00
if ( urlParams [ 'embed' ] != '1' )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
this . toggleElement = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
this . toggleElement . setAttribute ( 'href' , 'javascript:void(0);' ) ;
this . toggleElement . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'collapseExpand' ) ) ;
this . toggleElement . className = 'geButton' ;
this . toggleElement . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . toggleElement . style . display = 'inline-block' ;
this . toggleElement . style . width = '16px' ;
this . toggleElement . style . height = '16px' ;
this . toggleElement . style . color = '#666' ;
this . toggleElement . style . top = '5px' ;
this . toggleElement . style . right = '10px' ;
this . toggleElement . style . padding = '2px' ;
this . toggleElement . style . fontSize = '14px' ;
this . toggleElement . style . textDecoration = 'none' ;
this . toggleElement . style . backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this . chevronUpImage + '\')' ;
this . toggleElement . style . backgroundPosition = '50% 50%' ;
this . toggleElement . style . backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' ;
// Toggles compact mode
mxEvent . addListener ( this . toggleElement , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
this . toggleCompactMode ( ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( uiTheme != 'atlas' )
this . toolbarContainer . appendChild ( this . toggleElement ) ;
2016-09-21 21:13:50 +00:00
// Enable compact mode for small screens
if ( screen . height <= 740 && typeof this . toggleElement . click !== 'undefined' )
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
2016-09-21 21:13:50 +00:00
window . setTimeout ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . toggleElement . click ( ) ;
} ) , 0 ) ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
} ;
/ * *
* Adds the listener for automatically saving the diagram for local changes .
* /
App . prototype . toggleCompactMode = function ( forceHide )
if ( ! forceHide && this . appIcon . style . display == 'none' )
this . menubar . container . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . menubar . container . style . paddingLeft = '52px' ;
this . menubar . container . style . paddingTop = '' ;
this . menubar . container . style . paddingBottom = '' ;
this . menubar . container . style . top = '29px' ;
this . toolbar . container . style . paddingLeft = '56px' ;
this . buttonContainer . style . visibility = 'visible' ;
this . appIcon . style . display = 'block' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . display = 'block' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . visibility = 'visible' ;
this . menubarHeight = App . prototype . menubarHeight ;
this . refresh ( ) ;
this . toggleElement . style . backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this . chevronUpImage + '\')' ;
this . menubar . container . style . position = 'relative' ;
this . menubar . container . style . paddingLeft = '4px' ;
this . menubar . container . style . paddingTop = '0px' ;
this . menubar . container . style . paddingBottom = '0px' ;
this . menubar . container . style . top = '0px' ;
this . toolbar . container . style . paddingLeft = '4px' ;
this . buttonContainer . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
this . appIcon . style . display = 'none' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . display = 'none' ;
this . fnameWrapper . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
this . menubarHeight = EditorUi . prototype . menubarHeight ;
this . refresh ( ) ;
this . toggleElement . style . backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + this . chevronDownImage + '\')' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Adds the listener for automatically saving the diagram for local changes .
* /
App . prototype . updateUserElement = function ( )
if ( ( this . drive == null || this . drive . getUser ( ) == null ) &&
( this . oneDrive == null || this . oneDrive . getUser ( ) == null ) &&
( this . dropbox == null || this . dropbox . getUser ( ) == null ) )
if ( this . userElement != null )
this . userElement . parentNode . removeChild ( this . userElement ) ;
this . userElement = null ;
if ( this . userElement == null )
this . userElement = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
this . userElement . setAttribute ( 'href' , 'javascript:void(0);' ) ;
this . userElement . className = 'geItem' ;
this . userElement . style . position = 'absolute' ;
this . userElement . style . fontSize = '8pt' ;
this . userElement . style . top = '4px' ;
this . userElement . style . right = '30px' ;
this . userElement . style . color = '#666' ;
this . userElement . style . margin = '4px' ;
this . userElement . style . padding = '2px' ;
this . userElement . style . paddingRight = '16px' ;
this . userElement . style . verticalAlign = 'middle' ;
this . userElement . style . backgroundImage = 'url(' + IMAGE _PATH + '/expanded.gif)' ;
this . userElement . style . backgroundPosition = '100% 60%' ;
this . userElement . style . backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' ;
this . menubarContainer . appendChild ( this . userElement ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( this . userElement , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( this . userPanel == null )
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
div . className = 'geDialog' ;
div . style . position = 'absolute' ;
div . style . top = ( this . userElement . clientTop + this . userElement . clientHeight + 6 ) + 'px' ;
div . style . right = '36px' ;
div . style . padding = '0px' ;
this . userPanel = div ;
if ( this . userPanel . parentNode != null )
this . userPanel . parentNode . removeChild ( this . userPanel ) ;
var connected = false ;
this . userPanel . innerHTML = '' ;
var img = document . createElement ( 'img' ) ;
img . setAttribute ( 'src' , Dialog . prototype . closeImage ) ;
img . setAttribute ( 'title' , mxResources . get ( 'close' ) ) ;
img . className = 'geDialogClose' ;
img . style . top = '8px' ;
img . style . right = '8px' ;
mxEvent . addListener ( img , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
if ( this . userPanel . parentNode != null )
this . userPanel . parentNode . removeChild ( this . userPanel ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . userPanel . appendChild ( img ) ;
if ( this . drive != null )
var driveUser = this . drive . getUser ( ) ;
if ( driveUser != null )
connected = true ;
this . userPanel . innerHTML += '<table title="User ID: ' + driveUser . id +
'" style="font-size:10pt;padding:20px 20px 10px 10px;">' +
'<tr><td valign="top">' +
( ( driveUser . pictureUrl != null ) ?
'<img style="margin-right:10px;border-radius:50%;" src="' + driveUser . pictureUrl + '"/>' :
'<img style="margin-right:4px;margin-top:2px;" src="' + this . defaultUserPicture + '"/>' ) +
'</td><td valign="top" style="white-space:nowrap;' +
( ( driveUser . pictureUrl != null ) ? 'padding-top:14px;' : '' ) +
'"><b>' + mxUtils . htmlEntities ( driveUser . displayName ) + '</b><br>' +
'<small>' + mxUtils . htmlEntities ( driveUser . email ) + '</small></tr></table>' ;
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
div . style . textAlign = 'center' ;
div . style . padding = '12px' ;
div . style . background = 'whiteSmoke' ;
div . style . borderTop = '1px solid #e0e0e0' ;
div . style . whiteSpace = 'nowrap' ;
// LATER: Cannot change user while file is open since close will not work with new
// credentials and closing the file using fileLoaded(null) will show splash dialog.
div . appendChild ( mxUtils . button ( mxResources . get ( 'signOut' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null && file . constructor == DriveFile )
this . confirm ( mxResources . get ( 'areYouSure' ) , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . diagramContainer . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
this . formatContainer . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
2016-09-20 12:35:42 +00:00
this . hsplit . style . display = 'none' ;
this . sidebarContainer . style . display = 'none' ;
this . sidebarFooterContainer . style . display = 'none' ;
2016-09-06 14:07:11 +00:00
file . close ( ) ;
// LATER: Use callback to wait for thumbnail update
window . setTimeout ( mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Workaround to disable the splash screen before reload
this . showDialog = function ( ) { } ;
window . location . hash = '' ;
this . drive . clearUserId ( ) ;
gapi . auth . signOut ( ) ;
// Reload page to reset client auth
window . location . reload ( ) ;
} ) , ( file != null && file . constructor == DriveFile ) ? 2000 : 0 ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . drive . clearUserId ( ) ;
this . drive . setUser ( null ) ;
gapi . auth . signOut ( ) ;
} ) ) ) ;
this . userPanel . appendChild ( div ) ;
var addUser = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( user , logo , logout )
if ( user != null )
if ( connected )
this . userPanel . appendChild ( document . createElement ( 'hr' ) ) ;
connected = true ;
this . userPanel . innerHTML += '<table style="font-size:10pt;padding:20px 20px 10px 10px;"><tr><td valign="top">' +
( ( logo != null ) ? '<img style="margin-right:10px;" src="' + logo + '" width="40" height="40"/></td>' : '' ) +
'<td valign="middle" style="white-space:nowrap;"><b>' + mxUtils . htmlEntities ( user . displayName ) + '</b>' +
( ( user . email != null ) ? '<br><font color="gray">' + mxUtils . htmlEntities ( user . email ) + '</font></td>' : '' ) +
'</tr></table>' ;
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
div . style . textAlign = 'center' ;
div . style . padding = '12px' ;
div . style . background = 'whiteSmoke' ;
div . style . borderTop = '1px solid #e0e0e0' ;
div . style . whiteSpace = 'nowrap' ;
if ( logout != null )
div . appendChild ( mxUtils . button ( mxResources . get ( 'signOut' ) , logout ) ) ;
this . userPanel . appendChild ( div ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . dropbox != null )
addUser ( this . dropbox . getUser ( ) , IMAGE _PATH + '/dropbox-logo.svg' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null && file . constructor == DropboxFile )
var doLogout = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . dropbox . logout ( ) ;
window . location . hash = '' ;
} ) ;
if ( ! file . isModified ( ) )
doLogout ( ) ;
this . confirm ( mxResources . get ( 'allChangesLost' ) , doLogout ) ;
this . dropbox . logout ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( this . oneDrive != null )
addUser ( this . oneDrive . getUser ( ) , IMAGE _PATH + '/onedrive-logo.svg' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
var file = this . getCurrentFile ( ) ;
if ( file != null && file . constructor == OneDriveFile )
var doLogout = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
this . oneDrive . logout ( ) ;
window . location . hash = '' ;
} ) ;
if ( ! file . isModified ( ) )
doLogout ( ) ;
this . confirm ( mxResources . get ( 'allChangesLost' ) , doLogout ) ;
this . oneDrive . logout ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( ! connected )
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
div . style . textAlign = 'center' ;
div . style . padding = '20px 20px 10px 10px' ;
div . innerHTML = mxResources . get ( 'notConnected' ) ;
this . userPanel . appendChild ( div ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( this . userPanel ) ;
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
} ) ) ;
mxEvent . addListener ( document . body , 'click' , mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( evt )
if ( ! mxEvent . isConsumed ( evt ) && this . userPanel != null && this . userPanel . parentNode != null )
this . userPanel . parentNode . removeChild ( this . userPanel ) ;
} ) ) ;
var user = null ;
if ( this . drive != null && this . drive . getUser ( ) != null )
user = this . drive . getUser ( ) ;
else if ( this . oneDrive != null && this . oneDrive . getUser ( ) != null )
user = this . oneDrive . getUser ( ) ;
else if ( this . dropbox != null && this . dropbox . getUser ( ) != null )
user = this . dropbox . getUser ( ) ;
if ( user != null )
this . userElement . innerHTML = '' ;
mxUtils . write ( this . userElement , user . displayName ) ;
this . userElement . style . display = 'block' ;
this . userElement . style . display = 'none' ;
} ;
// Handles paste from lucid chart
( function ( )
var loading = false ;
var editorUiPasteCells = EditorUi . prototype . pasteCells ;
EditorUi . prototype . pasteCells = function ( evt , elt )
var spans = elt . getElementsByTagName ( 'span' ) ;
if ( spans != null && spans . length > 0 && spans [ 0 ] . getAttribute ( 'data-lucid-type' ) ===
'application/vnd.lucid.chart.objects' )
var content = spans [ 0 ] . getAttribute ( 'data-lucid-content' ) ;
if ( content != null && content . length > 0 )
var delayed = mxUtils . bind ( this , function ( )
// Checks for signature method
if ( this . pasteLucidChart )
this . pasteLucidChart ( JSON . parse ( content ) )
mxEvent . consume ( evt ) ;
catch ( e )
// ignore
} ) ;
if ( ! this . pasteLucidChart && ! loading && ! this . isOffline ( ) )
loading = true ;
if ( urlParams [ 'dev' ] == '1' )
mxscript ( '/js/diagramly/Extensions.js' , delayed ) ;
mxscript ( '/js/extensions.min.js' , delayed ) ;
delayed ( ) ;
editorUiPasteCells . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;