
665 lines
40 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Adds Android shapes
Sidebar.prototype.addAndroidPalette = function()
var sizeX = 211; //reference size for iPhone and all other iOS shapes
var sizeY = 2 * sizeX; //change only sizeX, to avoid changing aspect ratio
var sb = this;
var s = 'strokeWidth=1;html=1;shadow=0;dashed=0;shape=mxgraph.android.';
var sm = 'strokeWidth=2;shadow=0;dashed=0;html=1;shape=mxgraph.android.';
var s2 = mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION + '=bottom;' + mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN + '=top;html=1;shadow=0;dashed=0;strokeWidth=1;shape=mxgraph.android.';
var s3 = mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION + '=bottom;' + mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN + '=top;html=1;shadow=0;dashed=0;strokeWidth=1;strokeColor=none;shape=';
var s4 = 'rounded=1;html=1;shadow=0;dashed=0;whiteSpace=wrap;fontSize=10;fillColor=#';
var s5 = 'whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;shadow=0;dashed=0;fontSize=10;align=left;fillColor=#';
var s6 = mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION + '=bottom;' + mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN + '=top;html=1;shadow=0;dashed=0;strokeWidth=2;shape=mxgraph.android.';
//default tags
var dt = 'android ';
var fns =
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'phone2;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;',
200, 390, '', 'Phone', null, null, dt + 'phone mobile portrait'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'phone2;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;direction=south;',
390, 200, '', 'Phone (landscape)', null, null, dt + 'phone mobile landscape'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'tab2;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;',
472, 686, '', 'Tab', null, null, dt + 'tab tablet portrait'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'tab2;fillColor=#ffffff;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;direction=north;',
686, 472, '', 'Tab (landscape)', null, null, dt + 'tab tablet landscape'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'action_bar;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;strokeWidth=2;fontColor=#FFFFFF;',
185, 30, '', 'Action Bar', null, null, dt + 'action bar dark portrait'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'action_bar;fillColor=#E6E6E6;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;strokeWidth=2;',
185, 30, '', 'Action Bar (Bright)', null, null, dt + 'action bar bright portrait'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'action_bar_landscape;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;strokeWidth=2;fontColor=#FFFFFF;',
320, 30, '', 'Action Bar Landscape', null, null, dt + 'action bar landscape dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'action_bar_landscape;fillColor=#E6E6E6;strokeColor=#c0c0c0;strokeWidth=2;',
320, 30, '', 'Action Bar Landscape (Bright)', null, null, dt + 'action bar bright landscape'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + '666666;align=center;strokeColor=#4D4D4D;fontColor=#ffffff;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Normal', 'Button (Normal)', null, null, dt + 'button normal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + '666666;align=center;strokeColor=#999999;fontColor=#ffffff;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Focused', 'Button (Focused)', null, null, dt + 'button focused'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + '999999;align=center;strokeColor=#666666;fontColor=#ffffff;strokeWidth=2;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Pressed', 'Button (Pressed)', null, null, dt + 'button pressed'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + '333333;align=center;strokeColor=#4D4D4D;fontColor=#666666;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Focused disabled', 'Button (Focused, Disabled)', null, null, dt + 'button focused disabled'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + '333333;align=center;strokeColor=#333333;fontColor=#666666;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Disabled', 'Button (Disabled)', null, null, dt + 'button disabled'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + 'E6E6E6;align=center;strokeColor=#E6E6E6;fontColor=#333333;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Normal', 'Button (Normal, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'button normal bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + 'E6E6E6;align=center;strokeColor=#B3B3B3;fontColor=#333333;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Focused', 'Button (Focused, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'button focused bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + 'B3B3B3;align=center;strokeColor=#E6E6E6;fontColor=#333333;strokeWidth=2;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Pressed', 'Button (Pressed, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'button pressed bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + 'F4F4F4;align=center;strokeColor=#E6E6E6;fontColor=#CCCCCC;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Focused disabled', 'Button (Focused, Disabled, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'button focused disabled bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4 + 'F4F4F4;align=center;strokeColor=#F4F4F4;fontColor=#CCCCCC;',
sizeX * 0.5, sizeY * 0.04, 'Disabled', 'Button (Disabled, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'button disabled bright'),
this.addEntry(dt + 'checkboxes checkbox', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 165, 50), s + 'anchor;');
bg.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('Setting 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button1.vertex = true;
var anchor1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor1.vertex = true;
var radio1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;');
radio1.vertex = true;
var button2 = new mxCell('Setting 2', new mxGeometry(0, 12.5, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button2.vertex = true;
var anchor2 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor2.vertex = true;
var radio2 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;');
radio2.vertex = true;
var button3 = new mxCell('Setting 3', new mxGeometry(0, 25, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button3.vertex = true;
var anchor3 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor3.vertex = true;
var radio3 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), s + 'checkbox;rSize=0;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;');
radio3.vertex = true;
var button4 = new mxCell('Setting 4', new mxGeometry(0, 37.5, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button4.vertex = true;
var anchor4 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor4.vertex = true;
var radio4 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;');
radio4.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Checkboxes');
this.addEntry(dt + 'radiobuttons radiobutton', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 165, 50), s + 'anchor;');
bg.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('Option 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button1.vertex = true;
var anchor1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor1.vertex = true;
var radio1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), 'shape=ellipse;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;html=1;');
radio1.vertex = true;
var button2 = new mxCell('Option 2', new mxGeometry(0, 12.5, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button2.vertex = true;
var anchor2 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor2.vertex = true;
var radio2 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), 'shape=ellipse;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;html=1;');
radio2.vertex = true;
var button3 = new mxCell('Option 3', new mxGeometry(0, 25, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button3.vertex = true;
var anchor3 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor3.vertex = true;
var radio3 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), 'shape=ellipse;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;fillColor=#33b5e5;html=1;');
radio3.vertex = true;
var button4 = new mxCell('Option 4', new mxGeometry(0, 37.5, 165, 12.5), s + 'anchor;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#33b5e5;');
button4.vertex = true;
var anchor4 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 6, 0, 0), s + 'anchor;');
anchor4.vertex = true;
var radio4 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(2.5, -2.5, 5, 5), 'shape=ellipse;resizable=0;strokeColor=#33b5e5;html=1;');
radio4.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Radiobuttons');
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'contact_badge_focused;', 40, 40, '', 'Contact Badge Focused', null, null, dt + 'contact badge focused'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'contact_badge_focused;', 60, 60, '', 'Contact Badge Focused', null, null, dt + 'contact badge focused'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'contact_badge_normal;', 40, 40, '', 'Contact Badge Normal', null, null, dt + 'contact badge normal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'contact_badge_normal;', 60, 60, '', 'Contact Badge Normal', null, null, dt + 'contact badge normal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'contact_badge_pressed;', 40, 40, '', 'Contact Badge Pressed', null, null, dt + 'contact badge pressed'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'contact_badge_pressed;', 60, 60, '', 'Contact Badge Pressed', null, null, dt + 'contact badge pressed'),
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual action bar dark portrait', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'contextual_action_bar;fillColor=#002E3E;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(40, 0, 100, 30), s + 'anchor;align=left;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Action Bar');
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual action bar bright portrait', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'contextual_action_bar_white;fillColor=#E6E6E6;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(40, 0, 100, 30), s + 'anchor;align=left;fontStyle=1;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Action Bar (Bright)');
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual action bar landscape dark', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 30), s + 'contextual_action_bar_landscape;fillColor=#002E3E;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(40, 0, 100, 30), s + 'anchor;align=left;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Action Bar Landscape');
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual action bar landscape bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 30), s + 'contextual_action_bar_landscape_white;fillColor=#E6E6E6;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(40, 0, 100, 30), s + 'anchor;align=left;fontStyle=1;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Action Bar Landscape (Bright)');
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual split action bar dark', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 70), s + 'contextual_split_action_bar;fillColor=#002E3E;fontColor=#FFFFFF;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Contextual', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Split Action Bar');
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual split action bar bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 70), s + 'contextual_split_action_bar_white;fillColor=#E6E6E6;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Contextual', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Split Action Bar (Bright)');
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual split action bar landscape dark', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 70), s + 'contextual_split_action_bar_landscape;fillColor=#002E3E;fontColor=#FFFFFF;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Contextual', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Split Action Bar Landscape');
this.addEntry(dt + 'contextual split action bar landscape bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 70), s + 'contextual_split_action_bar_landscape_white;fillColor=#E6E6E6;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Contextual', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Contextual Split Action Bar Landscape (Bright)');
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'indeterminate_progress_bar;strokeColor=#33B5E5;',
149, 5, '', 'Indeterminate Progress Bar', null, null, dt + 'indeterminate progress bar'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'indeterminateSpinner;',
50, 50, '', 'Indeterminate Spinner', null, null, dt + 'indeterminate spinner'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'keyboard;',
185, 100, '', 'Keyboard', null, null, dt + 'keyboard'),
this.addEntry(dt + 'menu bar', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 50), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;strokeColor=#888888;fillColor=#444444;');
bg.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('Menu Item 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#888888;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#ffffff;');
button1.vertex = true;
var button2 = new mxCell('Menu Item 2', new mxGeometry(0, 12.5, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#888888;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#ffffff;');
button2.vertex = true;
var button3 = new mxCell('Menu Item 3', new mxGeometry(0, 25, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#888888;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#ffffff;');
button3.vertex = true;
var button4 = new mxCell('Menu Item 4', new mxGeometry(0, 37.5, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#888888;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#ffffff;');
button4.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Menu bar');
this.addEntry(dt + 'menu bar', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 50), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;strokeColor=#eeeeee;fillColor=#ffffff;gradientColor=none;');
bg.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('Menu Item 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#eeeeee;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#333333;');
button1.vertex = true;
var button2 = new mxCell('Menu Item 2', new mxGeometry(0, 12.5, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#eeeeee;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#333333;');
button2.vertex = true;
var button3 = new mxCell('Menu Item 3', new mxGeometry(0, 25, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#eeeeee;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#333333;');
button3.vertex = true;
var button4 = new mxCell('Menu Item 4', new mxGeometry(0, 37.5, 185, 12.5), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=none;strokeColor=#eeeeee;align=left;spacingLeft=10;fontSize=8;fontColor=#333333;');
button4.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Menu bar');
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_1;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
185, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar portrait horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_1_landscape;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
320, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar Landscape', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar landscape horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_1_vertical;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
30, 320, '', 'Navigation Bar Vertical', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar vertical'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_2;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
185, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_3;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
185, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar portrait horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_3_landscape;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
320, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar Landscape', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar landscape horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_4;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
185, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_5;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
185, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_5_vertical;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
30, 320, '', 'Navigation Bar Vertical', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar vertical'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s6 + 'navigation_bar_6;fillColor=#1A1A1A;strokeColor=#999999;',
185, 30, '', 'Navigation Bar', null, null, dt + 'navigation bar horizontal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'progressBar;strokeColor=#33b5e5;dx1=0.8;dx2=0.6;strokeWidth=2;',
185, 5, '', 'Progress Bar', null, null, dt + 'progress bar'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'progressScrubberDisabled;dx=0.3;fillColor=#33b5e5;',
185, 16, '', 'Progress Scrubber Disabled', null, null, dt + 'progress scrubber disabled'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'progressScrubberFocused;dx=0.3;fillColor=#33b5e5;',
185, 16, '', 'Progress Scrubber Focused', null, null, dt + 'progress scrubber focused'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'progressScrubberPressed;dx=0.3;fillColor=#33b5e5;',
185, 16, '', 'Progress Scrubber Pressed', null, null, dt + 'progress scrubber pressed'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'quickscroll2;dy=0.5;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=#66D5F5;',
58, 320, '', 'Quickscroll', null, null, dt + 'quickscroll quick scroll'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'quickscroll3;dy=0.5;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=#66D5F5;',
6, 320, '', 'Quickscroll', null, null, dt + 'quickscroll quick scroll'),
this.addEntry(dt + 'quick contact', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 150, 165), s + 'quick_contact;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Name', new mxGeometry(0, 65, 150, 18), s + 'anchor;rSize=0;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#FFFFFF;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Item 1', new mxGeometry(0, 108, 120, 28), s + 'anchor;rSize=0;align=left;spacingLeft=10;');
text2.vertex = true;
var text3 = new mxCell('Item 2', new mxGeometry(0, 136, 120, 28), s + 'anchor;rSize=0;align=left;spacingLeft=10;');
text3.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Quick Contact');
this.addEntry(dt + 'scrollable tab scroll', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 15), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#444444;strokeColor=none;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('One', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 46.25, 15), s + 'anchor;align=left;fontColor=#FFFFFF;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Tab Two', new mxGeometry(46.25, 0, 92.5, 15), s + 'anchor;fontColor=#FFFFFF;');
text2.vertex = true;
var text3 = new mxCell('Tab', new mxGeometry(138.75, 0, 46.25, 15), s + 'anchor;align=right;fontColor=#FFFFFF;');
text3.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Scrollable Tab');
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'scrollbars2;fillColor=#999999;strokeColor=none;',
56, 56, '', 'Scrollbars', null, null, dt + 'scrollbar scroll bar'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '1A1A1A;strokeColor=#1A1A1A;fontColor=#FFFFFF;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Normal', 'Section Header (Normal)', null, null, dt + 'section header normal dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '4D4D4D;strokeColor=#4D4D4D;fontColor=#FFFFFF;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Pressed', 'Section Header (Pressed)', null, null, dt + 'section header pressed dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '33b5e5;strokeColor=#33B5E5;fontColor=#FFFFFF;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Activated', 'Section Header (Activated)', null, null, dt + 'section header activated dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '006699;strokeColor=#33B5E5;fontColor=#FFFFFF;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Focused', 'Section Header (Focused)', null, null, dt + 'section header focused dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '006699;strokeColor=#33B5E5;fontColor=#B3B3B3;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Disabled focused', 'Section Header (Disabled focused)', null, null, dt + 'section header disabled focused dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '1A1A1A;strokeColor=#1A1A1A;fontColor=#B3B3B3;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Disabled', 'Section Header (Disabled)', null, null, dt + 'section header disabled dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + 'FFFFFF;strokeColor=#FFFFFF;fontColor=#4D4D4D;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Normal', 'Section Header (Normal, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'section header normal bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + 'f6f6f6;strokeColor=#f6f6f6;fontColor=#4D4D4D;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Pressed', 'Section Header (Pressed, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'section header pressed bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '33b5e5;strokeColor=#33B5E5;fontColor=#4D4D4D;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Activated', 'Section Header (Activated, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'section header activated bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '99e5ff;strokeColor=#33B5E5;fontColor=#4D4D4D;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Focused', 'Section Header (Focused, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'section header focused bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + '99e5ff;strokeColor=#33B5E5;fontColor=#B3B3B3;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Disabled focused', 'Section Header (Disabled focused, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'section header disabled focused bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s5 + 'FFFFFF;strokeColor=#FFFFFF;fontColor=#B3B3B3;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.04, 'Disabled', 'Section Header (Disabled, Bright)', null, null, dt + 'section header disabled bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'spinner2;align=center;fillColor=#999999;strokeColor=#999999;verticalAlign=bottom',
110, 10, 'Item', 'Spinner Normal', null, null, dt + 'spinner normal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'spinner2;align=center;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=#33b5e5;verticalAlign=bottom',
110, 10, 'Item', 'Spinner Focused', null, null, dt + 'spinner focused'),
this.addEntry(dt + 'spinner disabled focused', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 117, 28), s + 'rect;rounded=1;fillColor=#207585;strokeColor=#33b5e5;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Item', new mxGeometry(3, 4, 110, 20), s + 'spinner2;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;strokeColor=#999999;fillColor=#999999;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Spinner Disabled Focused');
this.addEntry(dt + 'spinner disabled focused light bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 117, 28), s + 'rect;rounded=1;fillColor=#ccf2ff;strokeColor=#88c5f5;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Item', new mxGeometry(3, 4, 110, 20), s + 'spinner2;fontStyle=0;fontColor=#666666;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;strokeColor=#cccccc;fillColor=#cccccc;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Spinner Disabled Focused Bright');
this.addEntry(dt + 'spinner pressed', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 117, 28), s + 'rect;rounded=1;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=#33b5e5;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Item', new mxGeometry(3, 4, 110, 20), s + 'spinner2;fontStyle=0;fontColor=#ffffff;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;strokeColor=#aaeeff;fillColor=#aaeeff;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Spinner Pressed');
this.addEntry(dt + 'spinner pressed light bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 117, 28), s + 'rect;rounded=1;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=#33b5e5;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Item', new mxGeometry(3, 4, 110, 20), s + 'spinner2;fontStyle=0;fontColor=#ffffff;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;strokeColor=#666666;fillColor=#666666;');
text1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Spinner Pressed Bright');
this.addEntry(dt + 'split action bar dark', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 70), s + 'split_action_bar;fillColor=#1A1A1A;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Split', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Split Action Bar');
this.addEntry(dt + 'split action bar bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 70), s + 'split_action_bar;fillColor=#E6E6E6;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Split', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 185, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Split Action Bar (Bright)');
this.addEntry(dt + 'split action bar landscape dark', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 70), s + 'split_action_bar_landscape;fillColor=#1A1A1A;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Split', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Split Action Bar Landscape');
this.addEntry(dt + 'split action bar landscape bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 70), s + 'split_action_bar_landscape;fillColor=#E6E6E6;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Split', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Action', new mxGeometry(0, 40, 320, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;');
text2.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Split Action Bar Landscape (Bright)');
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'statusBar;align=center;fillColor=#000000;strokeColor=#ffffff;fontColor=#ffffff;fontSize=10;',
sizeX * 0.87, sizeY * 0.0375, '', 'Status bar (portrait)', null, null, dt + 'status bar portrait'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'statusBar;align=center;fillColor=#000000;strokeColor=#ffffff;fontColor=#ffffff;fontSize=10;',
sizeX * 1.517, sizeY * 0.0375, '', 'Status bar (landscape)', null, null, dt + 'status bar landscape'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'switch_off;fillColor=#666666;',
80, 20, '', 'Switch Off', null, null, dt + 'switch off'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'switch_off;fillColor=#E6E6E6;',
80, 20, '', 'Switch Off', null, null, dt + 'switch off'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'switch_on;fillColor=#666666;',
80, 20, '', 'Switch On', null, null, dt + 'switch on'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'switch_on;fillColor=#E6E6E6;',
80, 20, '', 'Switch On', null, null, dt + 'switch on'),
this.addEntry(dt + 'tab tabulator bar dark', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#444444;strokeColor=none;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Tab 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Tab 2', new mxGeometry(46.25, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fontStyle=1;fillColor=#0099cc;strokeColor=none;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text2.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 27, 46.25, 3), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=none;');
button1.vertex = true;
var text3 = new mxCell('Tab 3', new mxGeometry(92.5, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text3.vertex = true;
var text4 = new mxCell('Tab 4', new mxGeometry(138.75, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text4.vertex = true;
var line1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(131.5, 5, 10, 20), 'shape=line;strokeColor=#ffffff;direction=south;');
line1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Tab Bar Dark');
this.addEntry(dt + 'tab tabulator bar dark', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#444444;strokeColor=none;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Tab 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Tab 2', new mxGeometry(46.25, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fontStyle=1;fillColor=none;strokeColor=none;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text2.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 27, 46.25, 3), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=none;');
button1.vertex = true;
var text3 = new mxCell('Tab 3', new mxGeometry(92.5, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text3.vertex = true;
var text4 = new mxCell('Tab 4', new mxGeometry(138.75, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text4.vertex = true;
var line1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(131.5, 5, 10, 20), 'shape=line;strokeColor=#ffffff;direction=south;');
line1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Tab Bar Dark');
this.addEntry(dt + 'tab tabulator bar bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#eeeeee;strokeColor=none;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Tab 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#666666;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Tab 2', new mxGeometry(46.25, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fontStyle=1;fillColor=#44c5f5;strokeColor=none;fontColor=#ffffff;');
text2.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 27, 46.25, 3), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=none;');
button1.vertex = true;
var text3 = new mxCell('Tab 3', new mxGeometry(92.5, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#666666;');
text3.vertex = true;
var text4 = new mxCell('Tab 4', new mxGeometry(138.75, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#666666;');
text4.vertex = true;
var line1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(131.5, 5, 10, 20), 'shape=line;strokeColor=#666666;direction=south;');
line1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Tab Bar Bright');
this.addEntry(dt + 'tab tabulator bar bright', function()
var bg = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 185, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#eeeeee;strokeColor=none;');
bg.vertex = true;
var text1 = new mxCell('Tab 1', new mxGeometry(0, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#666666;');
text1.vertex = true;
var text2 = new mxCell('Tab 2', new mxGeometry(46.25, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fontStyle=1;fillColor=none;strokeColor=none;fontColor=#666666;');
text2.vertex = true;
var button1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(0, 27, 46.25, 3), s + 'rrect;rSize=0;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=none;');
button1.vertex = true;
var text3 = new mxCell('Tab 3', new mxGeometry(92.5, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#666666;');
text3.vertex = true;
var text4 = new mxCell('Tab 4', new mxGeometry(138.75, 0, 46.25, 30), s + 'anchor;fontStyle=1;fontColor=#666666;');
text4.vertex = true;
var line1 = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry(131.5, 5, 10, 20), 'shape=line;strokeColor=#666666;direction=south;');
line1.vertex = true;
return sb.createVertexTemplateFromCells([bg], bg.geometry.width, bg.geometry.height, 'Tab Bar Bright');
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'textfield;align=center;strokeColor=#4D4D4D;',
174, 30, '', 'Textfield Disabled', null, null, dt + 'textfield disabled'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'textfield;align=center;strokeColor=#999999;',
174, 30, '', 'Textfield Normal', null, null, dt + 'textfield normal'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'textfield;align=center;strokeColor=#33b5e5;',
174, 30, '', 'Textfield Activated', null, null, dt + 'textfield activated'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'text_insertion_point;',
20, 30, '', 'Text Insertion Point', null, null, dt + 'textfield insertion point'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'textSelHandles;fillColor=#33b5e5;strokeColor=#0099cc;',
sizeX * 0.8, sizeY * 0.1, '', 'Text Selection Handles', null, null, dt + 'text selection handle'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'time_picker;',
150, 230, '', 'Time Picker (Bright)', null, null, dt + 'time picker bright'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'time_picker_dark;',
150, 230, '', 'Time Picker (Dark)', null, null, dt + 'time picker dark'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#33b5e5;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#0099cc;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#aa66cc;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#9933cc;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#99cc00;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#669900;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#ffbb33;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#ff8800;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#ff4444;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'rect;fillColor=#cc0000;',
50, 50, '', 'Color', null, null, dt + 'color')
this.addPalette('android', mxResources.get('android'), false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(content)
for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++)