/** * $Id: mxAndroid.js,v 1.5 2014/01/21 12:32:06 mate Exp $ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013, JGraph Ltd */ //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Horizontal Tab Bar (LEGACY) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidTabBar(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidTabBar, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst = { MAIN_TEXT : 'mainText', SHAPE_TAB_BAR : 'mxgraph.android.tabBar', TEXT_COLOR : 'textColor', TEXT_COLOR2 : 'textColor2', STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', FILL_COLOR2 : 'fillColor2', SELECTED : '+', //must be 1 char TEXT_SIZE : 'textSize' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var textStrings = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.MAIN_TEXT, '+Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3').toString().split(','); var fontColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR, 'none'); var selectedFontColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR2, 'none'); var fontSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.TEXT_SIZE, '17').toString(); var frameColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, 'none'); var separatorColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, 'none'); var bgColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, 'none'); var selectedFillColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR2, 'none'); var buttonNum = textStrings.length; var buttonWidths = new Array(buttonNum); var buttonTotalWidth = 0; var selectedButton = -1; var labelOffset = 5; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { var buttonText = textStrings[i]; if(buttonText.charAt(0) === mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { buttonText = textStrings[i].substring(1); selectedButton = i; } buttonWidths[i] = mxUtils.getSizeForString(buttonText, fontSize, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY).width; buttonTotalWidth += buttonWidths[i]; } var trueH = Math.max(h, fontSize * 1.5, 7); var minW = 2 * labelOffset * buttonNum + buttonTotalWidth; var trueW = Math.max(w, minW); c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, trueW, trueH, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, frameColor, separatorColor, bgColor, selectedFillColor, selectedButton); c.setShadow(false); c.setFontStyle(mxConstants.FONT_BOLD); var currWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { if (i === selectedButton) { c.setFontColor(selectedFontColor); } else { c.setFontColor(fontColor); } currWidth = currWidth + labelOffset; this.buttonText(c, currWidth, trueH, textStrings[i], buttonWidths[i], fontSize, minW, trueW); currWidth = currWidth + buttonWidths[i] + labelOffset; } }; mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.background = function(c, w, h, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, frameColor, separatorColor, bgColor, selectedFillColor, selectedButton) { c.begin(); //draw the frame c.setStrokeColor(frameColor); c.setFillColor(bgColor); c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); //draw the button separators c.setStrokeColor(separatorColor); c.begin(); for (var i = 1; i < buttonNum; i++) { if (i !== selectedButton && i !== (selectedButton + 1)) { var currWidth = 0; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { currWidth += buttonWidths[j] + 2 * labelOffset; } currWidth = currWidth * w / minW; c.moveTo(currWidth, h * 0.2); c.lineTo(currWidth, h * 0.8); } } c.stroke(); //draw the selected button var buttonLeft = 0; c.setFillColor(selectedFillColor); for (var i = 0; i < selectedButton; i++) { buttonLeft += buttonWidths[i] + 2 * labelOffset; } buttonLeft = buttonLeft * w / minW; var buttonRight = (buttonWidths[selectedButton] + 2 * labelOffset) * w / minW; buttonRight += buttonLeft; c.rect(buttonLeft, 0, buttonRight - buttonLeft, h); c.fill(); c.setAlpha(1); c.setFillColor('#33b5e5'); c.rect(buttonLeft, h * 0.9, buttonRight - buttonLeft, h * 0.1); c.fill(); }; mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.buttonText = function(c, w, h, textString, buttonWidth, fontSize, minW, trueW) { if(textString.charAt(0) === mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { textString = textString.substring(1); } c.begin(); c.setFontSize(fontSize); c.text((w + buttonWidth * 0.5) * trueW / minW, h * 0.5, 0, 0, textString, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes[mxShapeAndroidTabBar.prototype.cst.SHAPE_TAB_BAR] = mxShapeAndroidTabBar; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Android Phone Vertical //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidPhone(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidPhone, mxShape); /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidPhone.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); var rSize = 25; c.roundrect(0, 0, w, h, rSize, rSize); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, x, y, w, h, rSize); }; mxShapeAndroidPhone.prototype.foreground = function(c, x, y, w, h, rSize) { c.rect(w * 0.0625, h * 0.15, w * 0.875, h * 0.7); c.stroke(); c.ellipse(w * 0.4875, h * 0.04125, w * 0.025, h * 0.0125); c.stroke(); c.roundrect(w * 0.375, h * 0.075, w * 0.25, h * 0.01875, w * 0.02, h * 0.01); c.stroke(); c.ellipse(w * 0.4, h * 0.875, w * 0.2, h * 0.1); c.stroke(); c.roundrect(w * 0.4575, h * 0.905, w * 0.085, h * 0.04375, h * 0.00625, h * 0.00625); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['mxgraph.android.phone'] = mxShapeAndroidPhone; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Android Status Bar //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidStatusBar(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidStatusBar, mxShape); /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidStatusBar.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeAndroidStatusBar.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fill(); }; mxShapeAndroidStatusBar.prototype.foreground = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fill(); c.setFontColor(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR, '#222222')); c.setFontSize(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, '5')); c.text(w - 30, h * 0.5 + 1, 0, 0, '12:00', mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); c.setFillColor('#444444'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w - 37, h * 0.5 + 6); c.lineTo(w - 37, h * 0.5 - 5); c.lineTo(w - 36, h * 0.5 - 5); c.lineTo(w - 36, h * 0.5 - 6); c.lineTo(w - 32, h * 0.5 - 6); c.lineTo(w - 32, h * 0.5 - 5); c.lineTo(w - 31, h * 0.5 - 5); c.lineTo(w - 31, h * 0.5 + 6); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, 'none')); c.ellipse(w - 56, h * 0.5 + 2, 2, 2); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(2); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w - 52, h * 0.5 + 1); c.arcTo(3.5, 3.5, 0, 0, 0, w - 58, h * 0.5 + 1); c.stroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w - 50, h * 0.5 - 1); c.arcTo(6, 6, 0, 0, 0, w - 60, h * 0.5 - 1); c.stroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(1); c.rect(w - 51, h * 0.5 + 5, 2, 1); c.fill(); c.rect(w - 48, h * 0.5 + 2, 2, 4); c.fill(); c.rect(w - 45, h * 0.5 - 1, 2, 7); c.fill(); c.rect(w - 42, h * 0.5 - 4, 2, 10); c.fill(); c.rect(w - 37, h * 0.5 - 2, 6, 8); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['mxgraph.android.statusBar'] = mxShapeAndroidStatusBar; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Checkbox Button Group //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup.prototype.cst = { STYLE_TEXTCOLOR2 : 'textColor2', STYLE_STROKECOLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', BUTTON_TEXT : 'buttonText', SELECTED : '+' //has to be one character long }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); var fontColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_TEXTCOLOR, '#666666'); var fontSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, '8').toString(); var optionText = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup.prototype.cst.BUTTON_TEXT, 'Option 1').toString().split(','); var strokeColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, 'none'); var strokeColor2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup.prototype.cst.STYLE_STROKECOLOR2, 'none'); c.setStrokeColor(strokeColor2); var optionNum = optionText.length; var buttonSize = 5; var lineH = Math.max(fontSize * 1.5, buttonSize); var maxTextWidth = 0; var selected = -1; var labelOffset = 2.5; var minH = optionNum * lineH; var trueH = Math.max(h, minH); //get min width and selected option for (var i = 0; i < optionNum; i++) { var currText = optionText[i]; if(currText.charAt(0) === mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { currText = optionText[i].substring(1); selected = i; } var currWidth = mxUtils.getSizeForString(currText, fontSize, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY).width; if (currWidth > maxTextWidth) { maxTextWidth = currWidth; } } var minW = 2 * labelOffset + maxTextWidth + 2 * buttonSize; var trueW = Math.max(w, minW); //draw the background c.roundrect(0, 0, trueW, trueH, 2.5, 2.5); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setShadow(false); c.setFontSize(fontSize); c.setFontColor(fontColor); c.setStrokeColor(strokeColor); for (var i = 0; i < optionNum; i++) { var currHeight = (i * lineH + lineH * 0.5) * trueH / minH; var currText = optionText[i]; if(currText.charAt(0) === mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { currText = optionText[i].substring(1); selected = i; } c.text(buttonSize * 2 + labelOffset, currHeight, 0, 0, currText, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); var iconX = buttonSize * 0.5; var iconY = currHeight - buttonSize * 0.5; if (selected === i) { c.rect(iconX, iconY, buttonSize, buttonSize); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(iconX + buttonSize * 0.25, iconY + buttonSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(iconX + buttonSize * 0.5, iconY + buttonSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(iconX + buttonSize * 0.75, iconY + buttonSize * 0.25); c.stroke(); } else { c.rect(iconX, iconY, buttonSize, buttonSize); c.fillAndStroke(); } selected = -1; } }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['mxgraph.android.checkboxGroup'] = mxShapeAndroidCheckboxGroup; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Radio Button Group //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup.prototype.cst = { STYLE_TEXTCOLOR2 : 'textColor2', STYLE_STROKECOLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', BUTTON_TEXT : 'buttonText', SELECTED : '+' //has to be one character long }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); var fontColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_TEXTCOLOR, '#666666'); var fontSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, '8').toString(); var optionText = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup.prototype.cst.BUTTON_TEXT, 'Option 1').toString().split(','); var strokeColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, 'none'); var strokeColor2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup.prototype.cst.STYLE_STROKECOLOR2, 'none'); c.setStrokeColor(strokeColor2); var optionNum = optionText.length; var buttonSize = 5; var lineH = Math.max(fontSize * 1.5, buttonSize); var maxTextWidth = 0; var selected = -1; var labelOffset = 2.5; var minH = optionNum * lineH; var trueH = Math.max(h, minH); //get min width and selected option for (var i = 0; i < optionNum; i++) { var currText = optionText[i]; if(currText.charAt(0) === mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { currText = optionText[i].substring(1); selected = i; } var currWidth = mxUtils.getSizeForString(currText, fontSize, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY).width; if (currWidth > maxTextWidth) { maxTextWidth = currWidth; } } var minW = 2 * labelOffset + maxTextWidth + 2 * buttonSize; var trueW = Math.max(w, minW); //draw the background c.roundrect(0, 0, trueW, trueH, 2.5, 2.5); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setShadow(false); c.setFontSize(fontSize); c.setFontColor(fontColor); c.setStrokeColor(strokeColor); c.setFillColor(strokeColor); for (var i = 0; i < optionNum; i++) { var currHeight = (i * lineH + lineH * 0.5) * trueH / minH; var currText = optionText[i]; if(currText.charAt(0) === mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { currText = optionText[i].substring(1); selected = i; } c.text(buttonSize * 2 + labelOffset, currHeight, 0, 0, currText, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); var iconX = buttonSize * 0.5; var iconY = currHeight - buttonSize * 0.5; if (selected === i) { c.ellipse(iconX, iconY, buttonSize, buttonSize); c.stroke(); c.ellipse(iconX + buttonSize * 0.25, iconY + buttonSize * 0.25, buttonSize * 0.5, buttonSize * 0.5); c.fillAndStroke(); } else { c.ellipse(iconX, iconY, buttonSize, buttonSize); c.stroke(); } } }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['mxgraph.android.radioGroup'] = mxShapeAndroidRadioGroup; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Menu Bar (LEGACY) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidMenuBar(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidMenuBar, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidMenuBar.prototype.cst = { MENU_TEXT : 'menuText' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidMenuBar.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var textStrings = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidMenuBar.prototype.cst.MENU_TEXT, 'Item 1, Item 2, Item 3').toString().split(','); var fontSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, '12'); var buttonNum = textStrings.length; var maxButtonWidth = 0; var labelOffset = 2.5; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { var buttonText = textStrings[i]; var currWidth = mxUtils.getSizeForString(buttonText, fontSize, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY).width; if (currWidth > maxButtonWidth) { maxButtonWidth = currWidth; } } var minButtonHeight = fontSize * 1.5; var minH = buttonNum * minButtonHeight; var trueH = Math.max(h, minH); var minW = 2 * labelOffset + maxButtonWidth; var trueW = Math.max(w, minW); c.translate(x, y); c.rect(0, 0, w, trueH); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setShadow(false); //draw the button separators c.begin(); for (var i = 1; i < buttonNum; i++) { var currHeight = i * minButtonHeight * trueH / minH; c.moveTo(0, currHeight); c.lineTo(w, currHeight); } c.stroke(); for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { currWidth = currWidth + labelOffset; var currHeight = (i * minButtonHeight + minButtonHeight * 0.5) * trueH / minH; c.text(10, currHeight, 0, 0, textStrings[i], mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); } }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['mxgraph.android.menuBar'] = mxShapeAndroidMenuBar; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Text Selection Handles //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidTextSelHandles(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidTextSelHandles, mxShape); /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidTextSelHandles.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var strokeColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, 'none'); c.translate(x, y); var handleSizeX = 15; var barH = Math.max(0, h - handleSizeX * 1.5); c.setAlpha(0.5); c.rect(handleSizeX, 0, w - 2 * handleSizeX, barH); c.fill(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h - handleSizeX); c.lineTo(handleSizeX * 0.5, h - handleSizeX * 1.5); c.lineTo(handleSizeX, h - handleSizeX); c.close(); c.moveTo(w - handleSizeX, h - handleSizeX); c.lineTo(w - handleSizeX * 0.5, h - handleSizeX * 1.5); c.lineTo(w, h - handleSizeX); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(strokeColor); c.rect(0, h - handleSizeX, handleSizeX, handleSizeX); c.fill(); c.rect(w - handleSizeX, h - handleSizeX, handleSizeX, handleSizeX); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['mxgraph.android.textSelHandles'] = mxShapeAndroidTextSelHandles; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Android Indeterminate Spinner //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidIndeterminateSpinner(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidIndeterminateSpinner, mxShape); /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidIndeterminateSpinner.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeAndroidIndeterminateSpinner.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.setGradient('#aaaaaa', '#dddddd', w * 0.325, 0, w * 0.675, h * 0.5, mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH, 1, 1); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.1); c.arcTo(w * 0.4, h * 0.4, 0, 0, 0, w * 0.5, h * 0.9); c.lineTo(w * 0.5, h); c.arcTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, 0, 0, 1, w * 0.5, 0); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setGradient('#ffffff', '#dddddd', w * 0.325, 0, w * 0.675, h * 0.5, mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH, 1, 1); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.1); c.arcTo(w * 0.4, h * 0.4, 0, 0, 1, w * 0.5, h * 0.9); c.lineTo(w * 0.5, h); c.arcTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, 0, 0, 0, w * 0.5, 0); c.close(); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['mxgraph.android.indeterminateSpinner'] = mxShapeAndroidIndeterminateSpinner; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Anchor (a dummy shape without visuals used for anchoring) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidAnchor(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidAnchor, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidAnchor.prototype.cst = { ANCHOR : 'mxgraph.android.anchor' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidAnchor.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidAnchor.prototype.cst.ANCHOR, mxShapeAndroidAnchor); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Rounded rectangle (adjustable rounding) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidRRect(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidRRect, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidRRect.prototype.cst = { RRECT : 'mxgraph.android.rrect', R_SIZE : 'rSize' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidRRect.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); var rSize = parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeAndroidRRect.prototype.cst.R_SIZE, '10')); c.roundrect(0, 0, w, h, rSize); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidRRect.prototype.cst.RRECT, mxShapeAndroidRRect); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Checkbox //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidCheckbox(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidCheckbox, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidCheckbox.prototype.cst = { CHECKBOX : 'mxgraph.android.checkbox' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidCheckbox.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.8, h * 0.2); c.lineTo(w * 0.4, h * 0.8); c.lineTo(w * 0.25, h * 0.6); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidCheckbox.prototype.cst.CHECKBOX, mxShapeAndroidCheckbox); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Progress Bar //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidProgressBar(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; this.dx1 = 0.8; this.dx2 = 0.6; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidProgressBar, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidProgressBar.prototype.cst = { PROGRESS_BAR : 'mxgraph.android.progressBar' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidProgressBar.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var dx1 = w * Math.max(0, Math.min(w, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'dx1', this.dx1)))); var dx2 = w * Math.max(0, Math.min(w, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'dx2', this.dx2)))); c.translate(x, y); c.save(); c.save(); c.setStrokeColor('#444444'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(w , h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(dx1, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.setStrokeColor('#000000'); c.setAlpha('0.2'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(dx1, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(dx2, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidProgressBar.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_BAR, mxShapeAndroidProgressBar); mxShapeAndroidProgressBar.prototype.constraints = null; Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeAndroidProgressBar.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_BAR] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['dx1'], function(bounds) { var dx1 = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'dx1', this.dx1)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + dx1 * bounds.width, bounds.y + bounds.height / 2); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['dx1'] = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pt.x - bounds.x) / bounds.width))) / 100; })]; var handle2 = Graph.createHandle(state, ['dx2'], function(bounds) { var dx2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'dx2', this.dx1)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + dx2 * bounds.width, bounds.y + bounds.height / 2); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['dx2'] = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pt.x - bounds.x) / bounds.width))) / 100; }); handles.push(handle2); return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Progress Scrubber Disabled //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; this.dx = 0.3; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled.prototype.cst = { PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_DISABLED : 'mxgraph.android.progressScrubberDisabled' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var dx = w * Math.max(0, Math.min(w, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'dx', this.dx)))); c.translate(x, y); c.save(); c.save(); c.setStrokeColor('#444444'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(w, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.setAlpha('0.5'); c.setFillColor('#666666'); c.begin(); var r = Math.min(h, w * 0.1) / 2; c.ellipse(dx - r, h * 0.5 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fill(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); var r = Math.min(h, w * 0.1) / 8; c.ellipse(dx - r, h * 0.5 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_DISABLED, mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled); mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled.prototype.constraints = null; Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberDisabled.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_DISABLED] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['dx'], function(bounds) { var dx = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'dx', this.dx)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + dx * bounds.width, bounds.y + bounds.height / 2); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['dx'] = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pt.x - bounds.x) / bounds.width))) / 100; })]; return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Progress Scrubber Focused //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; this.dx = 0.3; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused.prototype.cst = { PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_FOCUSED : 'mxgraph.android.progressScrubberFocused' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var dx = w * Math.max(0, Math.min(w, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'dx', this.dx)))); var fillColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'fillColor', '#ffffff'); c.translate(x, y); c.save(); c.save(); c.setStrokeColor('#444444'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(w, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.setAlpha('0.75'); c.begin(); var r = Math.min(h, w * 0.1) / 2; c.ellipse(dx - r, h * 0.5 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fill(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.setStrokeColor(fillColor); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(dx, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.begin(); var r = Math.min(h, w * 0.1) / 8; c.ellipse(dx - r, h * 0.5 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_FOCUSED, mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused); mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused.prototype.constraints = null; Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberFocused.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_FOCUSED] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['dx'], function(bounds) { var dx = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'dx', this.dx)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + dx * bounds.width, bounds.y + bounds.height / 2); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['dx'] = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pt.x - bounds.x) / bounds.width))) / 100; })]; return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Progress Scrubber Pressed //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; this.dx = 0.3; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed.prototype.cst = { PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_PRESSED : 'mxgraph.android.progressScrubberPressed' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var dx = w * Math.max(0, Math.min(w, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'dx', this.dx)))); var fillColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'fillColor', '#ffffff'); c.translate(x, y); c.save(); c.save(); c.setStrokeColor('#444444'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(w, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.setStrokeColor(fillColor); c.setAlpha('0.5'); c.begin(); var r = Math.min(h, w * 0.1) / 2; c.ellipse(dx - r, h * 0.5 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fillAndStroke(); c.restore(); c.setShadow(false); c.setStrokeColor(fillColor); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(dx, h * 0.5); c.stroke(); c.begin(); var r = Math.min(h, w * 0.1) / 8; c.ellipse(dx - r, h * 0.5 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_PRESSED, mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed); mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed.prototype.constraints = null; Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeAndroidProgressScrubberPressed.prototype.cst.PROGRESS_SCRUBBER_PRESSED] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['dx'], function(bounds) { var dx = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'dx', this.dx)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + dx * bounds.width, bounds.y + bounds.height / 2); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['dx'] = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pt.x - bounds.x) / bounds.width))) / 100; })]; return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Quickscroll //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; this.dy = 0.5; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2.prototype.cst = { QUICKSCROLL : 'mxgraph.android.quickscroll2' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var dy = Math.min(h - 20, Math.max(20, h * Math.max(0, Math.min(h, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'dy', this.dy)))))); var fillColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'fillColor', '#ffffff'); c.translate(x, y); c.save(); c.save(); c.setStrokeColor('#cccccc'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w - 3, 0); c.lineTo(w - 3, h); c.stroke(); c.restore(); c.begin(); c.roundrect(w - 6, dy - 10, 6, 20, 1, 1); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setFillColor('#cccccc'); c.begin(); c.rect(0, dy - 20, w - 18, 40); c.fill(); c.setFillColor('#666666'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w - 18, dy - 20); c.lineTo(w - 6, dy); c.lineTo(w - 18, dy + 20); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFontSize('12'); c.text((w - 18) * 0.5, dy, 0, 00, 'Aa', mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2.prototype.cst.QUICKSCROLL, mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2); mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2.prototype.constraints = null; Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll2.prototype.cst.QUICKSCROLL] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['dy'], function(bounds) { var dy = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'dy', this.dy)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + bounds.width - 3, bounds.y + Math.min(bounds.height - 20, Math.max(20, dy * bounds.height))); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['dy'] = Math.round(1000 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pt.y - bounds.y) / bounds.height))) / 1000; })]; return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Quickscroll2 //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; this.dy = 0.5; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3.prototype.cst = { QUICKSCROLL : 'mxgraph.android.quickscroll3' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var dy = Math.min(h - 10, Math.max(10, h * Math.max(0, Math.min(h, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'dy', this.dy)))))); var fillColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, 'fillColor', '#ffffff'); c.translate(x, y); c.save(); c.setStrokeColor('#cccccc'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5, 0); c.lineTo(w * 0.5, h); c.stroke(); c.restore(); c.begin(); c.roundrect(w * 0.5 - 3, dy - 10, 6, 20, 1, 1); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3.prototype.cst.QUICKSCROLL, mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3); mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3.prototype.constraints = null; Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeAndroidQuickscroll3.prototype.cst.QUICKSCROLL] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['dy'], function(bounds) { var dy = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'dy', this.dy)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + bounds.width * 0.5, bounds.y + Math.min(bounds.height - 10, Math.max(10, dy * bounds.height))); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['dy'] = Math.round(1000 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pt.y - bounds.y) / bounds.height))) / 1000; })]; return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Scrollbars //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidScrollbars2(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidScrollbars2, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidScrollbars2.prototype.cst = { SCROLLBARS : 'mxgraph.android.scrollbars2' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidScrollbars2.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); c.begin(); c.rect(w - 5, 0, 5, h - 7); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.rect(0, h - 5, w - 7, 5); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidScrollbars2.prototype.cst.SCROLLBARS, mxShapeAndroidScrollbars2); mxShapeAndroidScrollbars2.prototype.constraints = null; //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Spinner //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeAndroidSpinner2(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeAndroidSpinner2, mxShape); mxShapeAndroidSpinner2.prototype.cst = { SPINNER : 'mxgraph.android.spinner2' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeAndroidSpinner2.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, h); c.stroke(); var s = Math.min(w / 10, h) c.begin(); c.moveTo(w - s, h); c.lineTo(w, h - s); c.lineTo(w, h); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeAndroidSpinner2.prototype.cst.SPINNER, mxShapeAndroidSpinner2); mxShapeAndroidSpinner2.prototype.constraints = null;