/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2017, JGraph Ltd * Copyright (c) 2006-2017, Gaudenz Alder */ DrawioClient = function(editorUi, cookieName) { mxEventSource.call(this); this.ui = editorUi; this.cookieName = cookieName; this.token = this.getPersistentToken(); }; // Extends mxEventSource mxUtils.extend(DrawioClient, mxEventSource); /** * Token for the current user. */ DrawioClient.prototype.token = null; /** * Token for the current user. */ DrawioClient.prototype.user = null; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ DrawioClient.prototype.setUser = function(user) { this.user = user; this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('userChanged')); }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ DrawioClient.prototype.getUser = function() { return this.user; }; /** * */ DrawioClient.prototype.clearPersistentToken = function() { if (isLocalStorage) { localStorage.removeItem('.' + this.cookieName); } else if (typeof(Storage) != 'undefined') { var expiration = new Date(); expiration.setYear(expiration.getFullYear() - 1); document.cookie = this.cookieName + '=; expires=' + expiration.toUTCString(); } }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ DrawioClient.prototype.getPersistentToken = function() { var token = null; if (isLocalStorage) { token = localStorage.getItem('.' + this.cookieName); } if (token == null && typeof(Storage) != 'undefined') { var cookies = document.cookie; var name = this.cookieName + '='; var start = cookies.indexOf(name); if (start >= 0) { start += name.length; var end = cookies.indexOf(';', start); if (end < 0) { end = cookies.length; } else { postCookie = cookies.substring(end); } var value = cookies.substring(start, end); token = (value.length > 0) ? value : null; if (token != null && isLocalStorage) { // Moves to local storage var expiry = new Date(); expiry.setYear(expiry.getFullYear() - 1); document.cookie = name + '; expires=' + expiry.toUTCString(); localStorage.setItem('.' + this.cookieName, token); } } } return token; }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ DrawioClient.prototype.setPersistentToken = function(token) { if (token != null) { if (isLocalStorage) { localStorage.setItem('.' + this.cookieName, token); } else if (typeof(Storage) != 'undefined') { var expiration = new Date(); expiration.setYear(expiration.getFullYear() + 10); var cookie = this.cookieName + '=' + token +'; path=/; expires=' + expiration.toUTCString(); if (document.location.protocol.toLowerCase() == 'https') { cookie = cookie + ';secure'; } document.cookie = cookie; } } else { this.clearPersistentToken(); } };