/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2017, JGraph Ltd * Copyright (c) 2006-2017, Gaudenz Alder */ (function() { /** * Specifies the app name. Default is document.title. */ Editor.prototype.appName = 'draw.io'; /** * Used in the GraphViewer lightbox. */ Editor.closeImage = (mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' : IMAGE_PATH + '/delete.png'; /** * */ Editor.plusImage = (!mxClient.IS_SVG) ? IMAGE_PATH + '/plus.png' : ''; /** * */ Editor.spinImage = (!mxClient.IS_SVG) ? IMAGE_PATH + '/spin.gif' : ''; /** * Used in the GraphViewer lightbox. */ Editor.tweetImage = (mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' : IMAGE_PATH + '/tweet.png'; /** * Used in the GraphViewer lightbox. */ Editor.facebookImage = (mxClient.IS_SVG) ? '' : IMAGE_PATH + '/facebook.png'; /** * Blank 1x1 pixel transparent PNG image. */ Editor.blankImage = ''; /** * Default value for custom libraries in mxSettings. */ Editor.defaultCustomLibraries = []; /** * Default value for the CSV import dialog. */ Editor.defaultCsvValue = '##\n' + '## Example CSV import. Use ## for comments and # for configuration. Paste CSV below.\n' + '## The following names are reserved and should not be used (or ignored):\n' + '## id, tooltip, placeholder(s), link and label (see below)\n' + '##\n' + '#\n' + '## Node label with placeholders and HTML.\n' + '## Default is \'%name_of_first_column%\'.\n' + '#\n' + '# label: %name%
Email\n' + '#\n' + '## Node style (placeholders are replaced once).\n' + '## Default is the current style for nodes.\n' + '#\n' + '# style: label;image=%image%;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rounded=1;fillColor=%fill%;strokeColor=%stroke%;\n' + '#\n' + '## Uses the given column name as the identity for cells (updates existing cells).\n' + '## Default is no identity (empty value or -).\n' + '#\n' + '# identity: -\n' + '#\n' + '## Connections between rows ("from": source colum, "to": target column).\n' + '## Label, style and invert are optional. Defaults are \'\', current style and false.\n' + '## The target column may contain a comma-separated list of values.\n' + '## Multiple connect entries are allowed.\n' + '#\n' + '# connect: {"from": "manager", "to": "name", "invert": true, "label": "manages", \\\n' + '# "style": "curved=1;endArrow=blockThin;endFill=1;fontSize=11;"}\n' + '# connect: {"from": "refs", "to": "id", "style": "curved=1;fontSize=11;"}\n' + '#\n' + '## Node width. Possible value are px or auto. Default is auto.\n' + '#\n' + '# width: auto\n' + '#\n' + '## Node height. Possible value are px or auto. Default is auto.\n' + '#\n' + '# height: auto\n' + '#\n' + '## Padding for autosize. Default is 0.\n' + '#\n' + '# padding: -26\n' + '#\n' + '## Comma-separated list of ignored columns for metadata. (These can be\n' + '## used for connections and styles but will not be added as metadata.)\n' + '#\n' + '# ignore: id,image,fill,stroke\n' + '#\n' + '## Column to be renamed to link attribute (used as link).\n' + '#\n' + '# link: url\n' + '#\n' + '## Spacing between nodes. Default is 40.\n' + '#\n' + '# nodespacing: 40\n' + '#\n' + '## Spacing between parallel edges. Default is 40.\n' + '#\n' + '# edgespacing: 40\n' + '#\n' + '## Name of layout. Possible values are auto, none, verticaltree, horizontaltree,\n' + '## verticalflow, horizontalflow, organic, circle. Default is auto.\n' + '#\n' + '# layout: auto\n' + '#\n' + '## ---- CSV below this line. First line are column names. ----\n' + 'name,position,id,location,manager,email,fill,stroke,refs,url,image\n' + 'Evan Miller,CFO,emi,Office 1,,me@example.com,#dae8fc,#6c8ebf,,https://www.draw.io,https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/user-avatars-1/512/users-9-2-128.png\n' + 'Edward Morrison,Brand Manager,emo,Office 2,Evan Miller,me@example.com,#d5e8d4,#82b366,,https://www.draw.io,https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/user-avatars-1/512/users-10-3-128.png\n' + 'Ron Donovan,System Admin,rdo,Office 3,Evan Miller,me@example.com,#d5e8d4,#82b366,"emo,tva",https://www.draw.io,https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/user-avatars-1/512/users-2-128.png\n' + 'Tessa Valet,HR Director,tva,Office 4,Evan Miller,me@example.com,#d5e8d4,#82b366,,https://www.draw.io,https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/user-avatars-1/512/users-3-128.png\n'; /** * Global configuration of the Editor * see https://desk.draw.io/solution/articles/16000058316 * * For defaultVertexStyle, defaultEdgeStyle and defaultLibraries, this must be called before * mxSettings.load via global config variable window.mxLoadSettings = false. */ Editor.configure = function(config) { if (config != null) { Menus.prototype.defaultFonts = config.defaultFonts || Menus.prototype.defaultFonts; ColorDialog.prototype.presetColors = config.presetColors || ColorDialog.prototype.presetColors; ColorDialog.prototype.defaultColors = config.defaultColors || ColorDialog.prototype.defaultColors; StyleFormatPanel.prototype.defaultColorSchemes = config.defaultColorSchemes || StyleFormatPanel.prototype.defaultColorSchemes; // Custom CSS injected directly into the page if (config.css != null) { var s = document.createElement('style'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(config.css)); var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); } // Overrides default libraries if (config.defaultLibraries != null) { Sidebar.prototype.defaultEntries = config.defaultLibraries; } // Overrides default custom libraries if (config.defaultCustomLibraries != null) { Editor.defaultCustomLibraries = config.defaultCustomLibraries; } // Overrides default vertex style if (config.defaultVertexStyle != null) { Graph.prototype.defaultVertexStyle = config.defaultVertexStyle; } // Overrides default edge style if (config.defaultEdgeStyle != null) { Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle = config.defaultEdgeStyle; } if (config.emptyDiagramXml) { EditorUi.prototype.emptyDiagramXml = config.emptyDiagramXml; } if (config.thumbWidth) { Sidebar.prototype.thumbWidth = config.thumbWidth; } if (config.thumbHeight) { Sidebar.prototype.thumbHeight = config.thumbHeight; } if (config.emptyLibraryXml) { EditorUi.prototype.emptyLibraryXml = config.emptyLibraryXml; } if (config.sidebarWidth) { EditorUi.prototype.hsplitPosition = config.sidebarWidth; } if (config.fontCss) { var s = document.createElement('style'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(config.fontCss)); var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); Editor.prototype.fontCss = config.fontCss; } if (config.plugins != null) { // Required for callback App.initPluginCallback(); for (var i = 0; i < config.plugins.length; i++) { mxscript(config.plugins[i]); } } } }; /** * Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive. */ Editor.prototype.editButtonLink = (urlParams['edit'] != null) ? decodeURIComponent(urlParams['edit']) : null; /** * */ if (urlParams['dev'] == '1') { Editor.prototype.editBlankUrl = Editor.prototype.editBlankUrl + '&dev=1'; Editor.prototype.editBlankFallbackUrl = Editor.prototype.editBlankFallbackUrl + '&dev=1'; } /** * Adds support for old stylesheets and compressed files */ var editorSetGraphXml = Editor.prototype.setGraphXml; Editor.prototype.setGraphXml = function(node) { node = (node != null && node.nodeName != 'mxlibrary') ? this.extractGraphModel(node) : null; if (node != null) { // Checks input for parser errors var errs = node.getElementsByTagName('parsererror'); if (errs != null && errs.length > 0) { var elt = errs[0]; var divs = elt.getElementsByTagName('div'); if (divs != null && divs.length > 0) { elt = divs[0]; } throw {message: mxUtils.getTextContent(elt)}; } else if (node.nodeName == 'mxGraphModel') { var style = node.getAttribute('style') || 'default-style2'; // Decodes the style if required if (urlParams['embed'] != '1' && (style == null || style == '')) { var node2 = (this.graph.themes != null) ? this.graph.themes['default-old'] : mxUtils.load(STYLE_PATH + '/default-old.xml').getDocumentElement(); if (node2 != null) { var dec2 = new mxCodec(node2.ownerDocument); dec2.decode(node2, this.graph.getStylesheet()); } } else if (style != this.graph.currentStyle) { var node2 = (this.graph.themes != null) ? this.graph.themes[style] : mxUtils.load(STYLE_PATH + '/' + style + '.xml').getDocumentElement() if (node2 != null) { var dec2 = new mxCodec(node2.ownerDocument); dec2.decode(node2, this.graph.getStylesheet()); } } this.graph.currentStyle = style; this.graph.mathEnabled = (urlParams['math'] == '1' || node.getAttribute('math') == '1'); var bgImg = node.getAttribute('backgroundImage'); if (bgImg != null) { bgImg = JSON.parse(bgImg); this.graph.setBackgroundImage(new mxImage(bgImg.src, bgImg.width, bgImg.height)); } else { this.graph.setBackgroundImage(null); } mxClient.NO_FO = (this.graph.mathEnabled) ? true : this.originalNoForeignObject; this.graph.setShadowVisible(node.getAttribute('shadow') == '1', false); } // Calls updateGraphComponents editorSetGraphXml.apply(this, arguments); } else { throw { message: mxResources.get('notADiagramFile') || 'Invalid data', toString: function() { return this.message; } }; } }; /** * Adds persistent style to file */ var editorGetGraphXml = Editor.prototype.getGraphXml; Editor.prototype.getGraphXml = function(ignoreSelection) { ignoreSelection = (ignoreSelection != null) ? ignoreSelection : true; var node = editorGetGraphXml.apply(this, arguments); // Adds the current style if (this.graph.currentStyle != null && this.graph.currentStyle != 'default-style2') { node.setAttribute('style', this.graph.currentStyle); } // Adds the background image if (this.graph.backgroundImage != null) { node.setAttribute('backgroundImage', JSON.stringify(this.graph.backgroundImage)); } node.setAttribute('math', (this.graph.mathEnabled) ? '1' : '0'); node.setAttribute('shadow', (this.graph.shadowVisible) ? '1' : '0'); return node; }; /** * Helper function to extract the graph model XML node. */ Editor.prototype.isDataSvg = function(svg) { try { var svgRoot = mxUtils.parseXml(svg).documentElement; var tmp = svgRoot.getAttribute('content'); if (tmp != null) { if (tmp != null && tmp.charAt(0) != '<' && tmp.charAt(0) != '%') { tmp = unescape((window.atob) ? atob(tmp) : Base64.decode(cont, tmp)); } if (tmp != null && tmp.charAt(0) == '%') { tmp = decodeURIComponent(tmp); } if (tmp != null && tmp.length > 0) { var node = mxUtils.parseXml(tmp).documentElement; return node.nodeName == 'mxfile' || node.nodeName == 'mxGraphModel'; } } } catch (e) { // ignore } return false; }; /** * Helper function to extract the graph model XML node. */ Editor.prototype.extractGraphModel = function(node, allowMxFile) { if (node != null && typeof(pako) !== 'undefined') { var tmp = node.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('div'); var divs = []; if (tmp != null && tmp.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { if (tmp[i].getAttribute('class') == 'mxgraph') { divs.push(tmp[i]); break; } } } if (divs.length > 0) { var data = divs[0].getAttribute('data-mxgraph'); if (data != null) { var config = JSON.parse(data); if (config != null && config.xml != null) { var doc2 = mxUtils.parseXml(config.xml); node = doc2.documentElement; } } else { var divs2 = divs[0].getElementsByTagName('div'); if (divs2.length > 0) { var data = mxUtils.getTextContent(divs2[0]); data = this.graph.decompress(data); if (data.length > 0) { var doc2 = mxUtils.parseXml(data); node = doc2.documentElement; } } } } } if (node != null && node.nodeName == 'svg') { var tmp = node.getAttribute('content'); if (tmp != null && tmp.charAt(0) != '<' && tmp.charAt(0) != '%') { tmp = unescape((window.atob) ? atob(tmp) : Base64.decode(cont, tmp)); } if (tmp != null && tmp.charAt(0) == '%') { tmp = decodeURIComponent(tmp); } if (tmp != null && tmp.length > 0) { node = mxUtils.parseXml(tmp).documentElement; } else { throw {message: mxResources.get('notADiagramFile')}; } } if (node != null && !allowMxFile) { var diagramNode = null; if (node.nodeName == 'diagram') { diagramNode = node; } else if (node.nodeName == 'mxfile') { var diagrams = node.getElementsByTagName('diagram'); if (diagrams.length > 0) { diagramNode = diagrams[Math.max(0, Math.min(diagrams.length - 1, urlParams['page'] || 0))]; } } if (diagramNode != null) { var tmp = this.graph.decompress(mxUtils.getTextContent(diagramNode)); if (tmp != null && tmp.length > 0) { node = mxUtils.parseXml(tmp).documentElement; } } } if (node != null && node.nodeName != 'mxGraphModel' && (!allowMxFile || node.nodeName != 'mxfile')) { node = null; } return node; }; /** * Overrides reset graph. */ var editorResetGraph = Editor.prototype.resetGraph; Editor.prototype.resetGraph = function() { this.graph.mathEnabled = (urlParams['math'] == '1'); this.graph.view.x0 = null; this.graph.view.y0 = null; mxClient.NO_FO = (this.graph.mathEnabled) ? true : this.originalNoForeignObject; editorResetGraph.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Math support. */ Editor.prototype.originalNoForeignObject = mxClient.NO_FO; var editorUpdateGraphComponents = Editor.prototype.updateGraphComponents; Editor.prototype.updateGraphComponents = function() { editorUpdateGraphComponents.apply(this, arguments); mxClient.NO_FO = (this.graph.mathEnabled && Editor.MathJaxRender != null) ? true : this.originalNoForeignObject; }; /** * Initializes math typesetting and loads respective code. */ Editor.initMath = function(src, config) { src = (src != null) ? src : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML'; Editor.mathJaxQueue = []; Editor.doMathJaxRender = function(container) { MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, container]); }; // Disables global typesetting and messages on startup, adds queue for // asynchronous rendering while MathJax is loading window.MathJax = { skipStartupTypeset: true, showMathMenu: false, messageStyle: 'none', AuthorInit: function () { // Specification recommends using SVG over HTML-CSS if browser is known // Check if too inconsistent with image export and print output MathJax.Hub.Config(config || { jax: ['input/TeX', 'input/MathML', 'input/AsciiMath', 'output/HTML-CSS'], extensions: ['tex2jax.js', 'mml2jax.js', 'asciimath2jax.js'], TeX: { extensions: ['AMSmath.js', 'AMSsymbols.js', 'noErrors.js', 'noUndefined.js'] }, // Ignores math in in-place editor tex2jax: { ignoreClass: 'mxCellEditor' }, asciimath2jax: { ignoreClass: 'mxCellEditor' } }); MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('Begin', function() { for (var i = 0; i < Editor.mathJaxQueue.length; i++) { Editor.doMathJaxRender(Editor.mathJaxQueue[i]); } }); } }; // Adds global enqueue method for async rendering Editor.MathJaxRender = function(container) { // Initial rendering when MathJax finished loading if (typeof(MathJax) !== 'undefined' && typeof(MathJax.Hub) !== 'undefined') { Editor.doMathJaxRender(container); } else { Editor.mathJaxQueue.push(container); } }; // Adds global clear queue method Editor.MathJaxClear = function() { Editor.mathJaxQueue = []; }; // Updates typeset after changes var editorInit = Editor.prototype.init; Editor.prototype.init = function() { editorInit.apply(this, arguments); this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.SIZE, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt) { if (this.graph.mathEnabled) { Editor.MathJaxRender(this.graph.container); } })); }; var tags = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = src; tags[0].parentNode.appendChild(script); } }; /** * Return array of string values, or NULL if CSV string not well formed. */ Editor.prototype.csvToArray = function(text) { var re_valid = /^\s*(?:'[^'\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^'\\]*)*'|"[^"\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^"\\]*)*"|[^,'"\s\\]*(?:\s+[^,'"\s\\]+)*)\s*(?:,\s*(?:'[^'\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^'\\]*)*'|"[^"\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^"\\]*)*"|[^,'"\s\\]*(?:\s+[^,'"\s\\]+)*)\s*)*$/; var re_value = /(?!\s*$)\s*(?:'([^'\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^'\\]*)*)'|"([^"\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^"\\]*)*)"|([^,'"\s\\]*(?:\s+[^,'"\s\\]+)*))\s*(?:,|$)/g; // Return NULL if input string is not well formed CSV string. if (!re_valid.test(text)) return null; var a = []; // Initialize array to receive values. text.replace(re_value, // "Walk" the string using replace with callback. function(m0, m1, m2, m3) { // Remove backslash from \' in single quoted values. if (m1 !== undefined) a.push(m1.replace(/\\'/g, "'")); // Remove backslash from \" in double quoted values. else if (m2 !== undefined) a.push(m2.replace(/\\"/g, '"')); else if (m3 !== undefined) a.push(m3); return ''; // Return empty string. }); // Handle special case of empty last value. if (/,\s*$/.test(text)) a.push(''); return a; }; /** * Adds persistence for recent colors */ if (window.ColorDialog) { var colorDialogAddRecentColor = ColorDialog.addRecentColor; ColorDialog.addRecentColor = function(color, max) { colorDialogAddRecentColor.apply(this, arguments); mxSettings.setRecentColors(ColorDialog.recentColors); mxSettings.save(); }; var colorDialogResetRecentColors = ColorDialog.resetRecentColors; ColorDialog.resetRecentColors = function() { colorDialogResetRecentColors.apply(this, arguments); mxSettings.setRecentColors(ColorDialog.recentColors); mxSettings.save(); }; } // Overridden to add edit shape option if (window.StyleFormatPanel != null) { var formatInit = Format.prototype.init; Format.prototype.init = function() { formatInit.apply(this, arguments); var ui = this.editorUi; ui.editor.addListener('fileLoaded', this.update); }; var formatRefresh = Format.prototype.refresh; Format.prototype.refresh = function() { var ui = this.editorUi; if (ui.getCurrentFile() != null || urlParams['embed'] == '1') { formatRefresh.apply(this, arguments); } else { this.clear(); } }; /** * Adds autosave and math typesetting options. */ var diagramFormatPanelAddOptions = DiagramFormatPanel.prototype.addOptions; DiagramFormatPanel.prototype.addOptions = function(div) { div = diagramFormatPanelAddOptions.apply(this, arguments); var ui = this.editorUi; var editor = ui.editor; var graph = editor.graph; if (graph.isEnabled()) { var file = ui.getCurrentFile(); if (file != null && file.isAutosaveOptional()) { var opt = this.createOption(mxResources.get('autosave'), function() { return ui.editor.autosave; }, function(checked) { ui.editor.setAutosave(checked); }, { install: function(apply) { this.listener = function() { apply(ui.editor.autosave); }; ui.editor.addListener('autosaveChanged', this.listener); }, destroy: function() { ui.editor.removeListener(this.listener); } }); div.appendChild(opt); } } return div; }; /** * Configures global color schemes. */ StyleFormatPanel.prototype.defaultColorSchemes = [[null, {fill: '#f5f5f5', stroke: '#666666'}, {fill: '#dae8fc', stroke: '#6c8ebf'}, {fill: '#d5e8d4', stroke: '#82b366'}, {fill: '#ffe6cc', stroke: '#d79b00'}, {fill: '#fff2cc', stroke: '#d6b656'}, {fill: '#f8cecc', stroke: '#b85450'}, {fill: '#e1d5e7', stroke: '#9673a6'}], [null, {fill: '#f5f5f5', stroke: '#666666', gradient: '#b3b3b3'}, {fill: '#dae8fc', stroke: '#6c8ebf', gradient: '#7ea6e0'}, {fill: '#d5e8d4', stroke: '#82b366', gradient: '#97d077'}, {fill: '#ffcd28', stroke: '#d79b00', gradient: '#ffa500'}, {fill: '#fff2cc', stroke: '#d6b656', gradient: '#ffd966'}, {fill: '#f8cecc', stroke: '#b85450', gradient: '#ea6b66'}, {fill: '#e6d0de', stroke: '#996185', gradient: '#d5739d'}], [null, {fill: '#eeeeee', stroke: '#36393d'}, {fill: '#f9f7ed', stroke: '#36393d'}, {fill: '#ffcc99', stroke: '#36393d'}, {fill: '#cce5ff', stroke: '#36393d'}, {fill: '#ffff88', stroke: '#36393d'}, {fill: '#cdeb8b', stroke: '#36393d'}, {fill: '#ffcccc', stroke: '#36393d'}]]; /** * Adds predefiend styles. */ var StyleFormatPanelInit = StyleFormatPanel.prototype.init; StyleFormatPanel.prototype.init = function() { // TODO: Update sstate in Format var sstate = this.format.createSelectionState(); if (sstate.style.shape != 'image') { this.container.appendChild(this.addStyles(this.createPanel())); } StyleFormatPanelInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Overridden to add copy and paste style. */ var styleFormatPanelAddStyleOps = StyleFormatPanel.prototype.addStyleOps; StyleFormatPanel.prototype.addStyleOps = function(div) { var btn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('copyStyle'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.editorUi.actions.get('copyStyle').funct(); })); btn.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('copyStyle') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('copyStyle').shortcut + ')'); btn.style.marginBottom = '2px'; btn.style.width = '100px'; btn.style.marginRight = '2px'; div.appendChild(btn); var btn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('pasteStyle'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.editorUi.actions.get('pasteStyle').funct(); })); btn.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('pasteStyle') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('pasteStyle').shortcut + ')'); btn.style.marginBottom = '2px'; btn.style.width = '100px'; div.appendChild(btn); mxUtils.br(div); return styleFormatPanelAddStyleOps.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Creates the buttons for the predefined styles. */ StyleFormatPanel.prototype.addStyles = function(div) { var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; var picker = document.createElement('div'); picker.style.whiteSpace = 'normal'; picker.style.paddingLeft = '24px'; picker.style.paddingRight = '20px'; div.style.paddingLeft = '16px'; div.style.paddingBottom = '6px'; div.style.position = 'relative'; div.appendChild(picker); var stylenames = ['plain-gray', 'plain-blue', 'plain-green', 'plain-turquoise', 'plain-orange', 'plain-yellow', 'plain-red', 'plain-pink', 'plain-purple', 'gray', 'blue', 'green', 'turquoise', 'orange', 'yellow', 'red', 'pink', 'purple']; function updateScheme(colorsets) { function addButton(colorset) { var btn = mxUtils.button('', function(evt) { graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { var cells = graph.getSelectionCells(); for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { var style = graph.getModel().getStyle(cells[i]); for (var j = 0; j < stylenames.length; j++) { style = mxUtils.removeStylename(style, stylenames[j]); } if (colorset != null) { style = mxUtils.setStyle(style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, colorset['fill']); style = mxUtils.setStyle(style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, colorset['stroke']); style = mxUtils.setStyle(style, mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR, colorset['gradient']); } else { style = mxUtils.setStyle(style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, '#ffffff'); style = mxUtils.setStyle(style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, '#000000'); style = mxUtils.setStyle(style, mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR, null); } graph.getModel().setStyle(cells[i], style); } } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } }) btn.style.width = '36px'; btn.style.height = '30px'; btn.style.margin = '0px 6px 6px 0px'; if (colorset != null) { if (colorset['gradient'] != null) { if (mxClient.IS_IE && (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS || document.documentMode < 10)) { btn.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient('+ 'StartColorStr=\'' + colorset['fill'] + '\', EndColorStr=\'' + colorset['gradient'] + '\', GradientType=0)'; } else { btn.style.backgroundImage = 'linear-gradient(' + colorset['fill'] + ' 0px,' + colorset['gradient'] + ' 100%)'; } } else { btn.style.backgroundColor = colorset['fill']; } btn.style.border = '1px solid ' + colorset['stroke']; } else { btn.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; btn.style.border = '1px solid #000000'; } picker.appendChild(btn); }; picker.innerHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < colorsets.length; i++) { if (i > 0 && mxUtils.mod(i, 4) == 0) { mxUtils.br(picker); } addButton(colorsets[i]); } }; if (this.editorUi.currentScheme == null) { this.editorUi.currentScheme = 0; } var left = document.createElement('div'); left.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:10px;top:8px;bottom:8px;width:20px;margin:4px;opacity:0.5;' + 'background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-image:url();'; mxEvent.addListener(left, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.editorUi.currentScheme = mxUtils.mod(this.editorUi.currentScheme - 1, this.defaultColorSchemes.length); updateScheme(this.defaultColorSchemes[this.editorUi.currentScheme]); })); var right = document.createElement('div'); right.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:202px;top:8px;bottom:8px;width:20px;margin:4px;opacity:0.5;' + 'background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;background-image:url();'; if (this.defaultColorSchemes.length > 1) { div.appendChild(left); div.appendChild(right); } mxEvent.addListener(right, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.editorUi.currentScheme = mxUtils.mod(this.editorUi.currentScheme + 1, this.defaultColorSchemes.length); updateScheme(this.defaultColorSchemes[this.editorUi.currentScheme]); })); // Hover state function addHoverState(elt) { mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'mouseenter', function() { elt.style.opacity = '1'; }); mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'mouseleave', function() { elt.style.opacity = '0.5'; }); }; addHoverState(left); addHoverState(right); updateScheme(this.defaultColorSchemes[this.editorUi.currentScheme]); return div; }; StyleFormatPanel.prototype.addEditOps = function(div) { var ss = this.format.getSelectionState(); var btn = null; if (this.editorUi.editor.graph.getSelectionCount() == 1) { btn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('editStyle'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.editorUi.actions.get('editStyle').funct(); })); btn.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('editStyle') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('editStyle').shortcut + ')'); btn.style.width = '202px'; btn.style.marginBottom = '2px'; div.appendChild(btn); } var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; var state = graph.view.getState(graph.getSelectionCell()); if (graph.getSelectionCount() == 1 && state != null && state.shape != null && state.shape.stencil != null) { var btn2 = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('editShape'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.editorUi.actions.get('editShape').funct(); })); btn2.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('editShape')); btn2.style.marginBottom = '2px'; if (btn == null) { btn2.style.width = '202px'; } else { btn.style.width = '100px'; btn2.style.width = '100px'; btn2.style.marginLeft = '2px'; } div.appendChild(btn2); } else if (ss.image) { var btn2 = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('editImage'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) { this.editorUi.actions.get('image').funct(); })); btn2.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('editImage')); btn2.style.marginBottom = '2px'; if (btn == null) { btn2.style.width = '202px'; } else { btn.style.width = '100px'; btn2.style.width = '100px'; btn2.style.marginLeft = '2px'; } div.appendChild(btn2); } return div; }; } /** * Changes the default stylename so that it matches the old named style * if one was specified in the XML. */ Graph.prototype.defaultThemeName = 'default-style2'; /** * Contains the last XML that was pasted. */ Graph.prototype.lastPasteXml = null; /** * Contains the number of times the last XML was pasted. */ Graph.prototype.pasteCounter = 0; /** * Graph Overrides */ Graph.prototype.defaultScrollbars = urlParams['sb'] != '0'; /** * Specifies if the page should be visible for new files. Default is true. */ Graph.prototype.defaultPageVisible = urlParams['pv'] != '0'; /** * Specifies if the page should be visible for new files. Default is true. */ Graph.prototype.shadowId = 'dropShadow'; /** * Enables move of bends/segments without selecting. */ Graph.prototype.edgeMode = urlParams['edge'] != 'move'; /** * Adds rack child layout style. */ var graphInit = Graph.prototype.init; Graph.prototype.init = function() { graphInit.apply(this, arguments); // Override insert location for current mouse point var mouseEvent = null; function setMouseEvent(evt) { mouseEvent = evt; // Workaround for member not found in IE8- if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS || document.documentMode == 7 || document.documentMode == 8) { mouseEvent = mxUtils.clone(evt); } }; mxEvent.addListener(this.container, 'mouseenter', setMouseEvent); mxEvent.addListener(this.container, 'mousemove', setMouseEvent); mxEvent.addListener(this.container, 'mouseleave', function(evt) { mouseEvent = null; }); // Extends getInsertPoint to use the current mouse location this.isMouseInsertPoint = function() { return mouseEvent != null; }; var getInsertPoint = this.getInsertPoint; this.getInsertPoint = function() { if (mouseEvent != null) { return this.getPointForEvent(mouseEvent); } return getInsertPoint.apply(this, arguments); }; var layoutManagerGetLayout = this.layoutManager.getLayout; this.layoutManager.getLayout = function(cell) { var state = this.graph.view.getState(cell); var style = (state != null) ? state.style : this.graph.getCellStyle(cell); // mxRackContainer may be undefined as it is dynamically loaded at render time if (typeof(mxRackContainer) != 'undefined' && style['childLayout'] == 'rack') { var rackLayout = new mxStackLayout(this.graph, false); rackLayout.setChildGeometry = function(child, geo) { var unitSize = 20; geo.height = Math.max(geo.height, unitSize); if (geo.height / unitSize > 1) { var mod = geo.height % unitSize; geo.height += mod > unitSize / 2 ? (unitSize - mod) : -mod; } this.graph.getModel().setGeometry(child, geo); }; rackLayout.fill = true; rackLayout.unitSize = mxRackContainer.unitSize | 20; rackLayout.marginLeft = style['marginLeft'] || 0; rackLayout.marginRight = style['marginRight'] || 0; rackLayout.marginTop = style['marginTop'] || 0; rackLayout.marginBottom = style['marginBottom'] || 0; rackLayout.resizeParent = false; return rackLayout; } return layoutManagerGetLayout.apply(this, arguments); } }; /** * Sets default style (used in editor.get/setGraphXml below) */ var graphLoadStylesheet = Graph.prototype.loadStylesheet; Graph.prototype.loadStylesheet = function() { graphLoadStylesheet.apply(this, arguments); this.currentStyle = 'default-style2'; }; /** * Adds support for page links. */ Graph.prototype.isPageLink = function(href) { return href != null && href.substring(0, 10) == 'data:page/'; }; /** * Adds a shadow filter to the given svg root. */ Graph.prototype.addSvgShadow = function(svgRoot, group, createOnly) { createOnly = (createOnly != null) ? createOnly : false; var svgDoc = svgRoot.ownerDocument; var filter = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ? svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'filter') : svgDoc.createElement('filter'); filter.setAttribute('id', this.shadowId); var blur = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ? svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'feGaussianBlur') : svgDoc.createElement('feGaussianBlur'); blur.setAttribute('in', 'SourceAlpha'); blur.setAttribute('stdDeviation', '1.7'); blur.setAttribute('result', 'blur'); filter.appendChild(blur); var offset = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ? svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'feOffset') : svgDoc.createElement('feOffset'); offset.setAttribute('in', 'blur'); offset.setAttribute('dx', '3'); offset.setAttribute('dy', '3'); offset.setAttribute('result', 'offsetBlur'); filter.appendChild(offset); var flood = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ? svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'feFlood') : svgDoc.createElement('feFlood'); flood.setAttribute('flood-color', '#3D4574'); flood.setAttribute('flood-opacity', '0.4'); flood.setAttribute('result', 'offsetColor'); filter.appendChild(flood); var composite = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ? svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'feComposite') : svgDoc.createElement('feComposite'); composite.setAttribute('in', 'offsetColor'); composite.setAttribute('in2', 'offsetBlur'); composite.setAttribute('operator', 'in'); composite.setAttribute('result', 'offsetBlur'); filter.appendChild(composite); var feBlend = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ? svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'feBlend') : svgDoc.createElement('feBlend'); feBlend.setAttribute('in', 'SourceGraphic'); feBlend.setAttribute('in2', 'offsetBlur'); filter.appendChild(feBlend); // Creates defs element if not available var defs = svgRoot.getElementsByTagName('defs'); var defsElt = null; if (defs.length == 0) { defsElt = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ? svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'defs') : svgDoc.createElement('defs'); if (svgRoot.firstChild != null) { svgRoot.insertBefore(defsElt, svgRoot.firstChild); } else { svgRoot.appendChild(defsElt); } } else { defsElt = defs[0]; } defsElt.appendChild(filter); if (!createOnly) { (group || svgRoot.getElementsByTagName('g')[0]).setAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + this.shadowId + ')'); if (!isNaN(parseInt(svgRoot.getAttribute('width')))) { svgRoot.setAttribute('width', parseInt(svgRoot.getAttribute('width')) + 6); svgRoot.setAttribute('height', parseInt(svgRoot.getAttribute('height')) + 6); } } return filter; }; /** * Loads the stylesheet for this graph. */ Graph.prototype.setShadowVisible = function(value, fireEvent) { if (mxClient.IS_SVG) { fireEvent = (fireEvent != null) ? fireEvent : true; this.shadowVisible = value; if (this.shadowVisible) { this.view.getDrawPane().setAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + this.shadowId + ')'); } else { this.view.getDrawPane().removeAttribute('filter'); } if (fireEvent) { this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('shadowVisibleChanged')); } } }; /** * Selects first unlocked layer if one exists */ Graph.prototype.selectUnlockedLayer = function() { if (this.defaultParent == null) { var childCount = this.model.getChildCount(this.model.root); var cell = null; var index = 0; do { cell = this.model.getChildAt(this.model.root, index); } while (index++ < childCount && mxUtils.getValue(this.getCellStyle(cell), 'locked', '0') == '1') if (cell != null) { this.setDefaultParent(cell); } } }; /** * Specifies special libraries that are loaded via dynamic JS. Add cases * where the filename cannot be worked out from the package name. The * standard scheme for this mapping is stencils/packagename.xml. If there * are multiple XML files, any JS files or any anomalies in the filename or * directory that contains the file, then an entry must be added here and * in EmbedServlet2 for the loading of the shapes to work. */ // Required to avoid 404 for mockup.xml since naming of mxgraph.mockup.anchor does not contain // buttons even though it is defined in the mxMockupButtons.js file. This could only be fixed // with aliases for existing shapes or aliases for basenames, but this is essentially the same. mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupButtons.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['arrows2'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxArrows.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['atlassian'] = [STENCIL_PATH + '/atlassian.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['bpmn'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/bpmn/mxBpmnShape2.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/bpmn.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['er'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/er/mxER.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['ios'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupiOS.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['rackGeneral'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/rack/mxRack.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/rack/general.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['rackF5'] = [STENCIL_PATH + '/rack/f5.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['lean_mapping'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxLeanMap.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/lean_mapping.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['basic'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxBasic.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/basic.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['ios7icons'] = [STENCIL_PATH + '/ios7/icons.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['ios7ui'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/ios7/mxIOS7Ui.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/ios7/misc.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['android'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxAndroid.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/android/android.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['electrical/transmission'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxElectrical.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/electrical/transmission.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/buttons'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupButtons.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/containers'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupContainers.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/forms'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupForms.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/graphics'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupGraphics.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/mockup/misc.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/markup'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupMarkup.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/misc'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupMisc.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/mockup/misc.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/navigation'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupNavigation.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/mockup/misc.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['mockup/text'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mockup/mxMockupText.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['floorplan'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxFloorplan.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/floorplan.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['bootstrap'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxBootstrap.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/bootstrap.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['gmdl'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxGmdl.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/gmdl.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['cabinets'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxCabinets.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/cabinets.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['archimate'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxArchiMate.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['archimate3'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxArchiMate3.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['sysml'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxSysML.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['eip'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxEip.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/eip.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['networks'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxNetworks.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/networks.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['aws3d'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/mxAWS3D.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/aws3d.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['pid2inst'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/pid2/mxPidInstruments.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['pid2misc'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/pid2/mxPidMisc.js', STENCIL_PATH + '/pid/misc.xml']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['pid2valves'] = [SHAPES_PATH + '/pid2/mxPidValves.js']; mxStencilRegistry.libraries['pidFlowSensors'] = [STENCIL_PATH + '/pid/flow_sensors.xml']; // Triggers dynamic loading for markers mxMarker.getPackageForType = function(type) { var name = null; if (type != null && type.length > 0) { if (type.substring(0, 2) == 'ER') { name = 'mxgraph.er'; } else if (type.substring(0, 5) == 'sysML') { name = 'mxgraph.sysml'; } } return name; }; var mxMarkerCreateMarker = mxMarker.createMarker; mxMarker.createMarker = function(canvas, shape, type, pe, unitX, unitY, size, source, sw, filled) { if (type != null) { var f = mxMarker.markers[type]; if (f == null) { var name = this.getPackageForType(type); if (name != null) { mxStencilRegistry.getStencil(name); } } } return mxMarkerCreateMarker.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Constructs a new print dialog. */ PrintDialog.prototype.create = function(editorUi, titleText) { var graph = editorUi.editor.graph; var div = document.createElement('div'); var title = document.createElement('h3'); title.style.width = '100%'; title.style.textAlign = 'center'; title.style.marginTop = '0px'; mxUtils.write(title, titleText || mxResources.get('print')); div.appendChild(title); var pageCount = 1; var currentPage = 1; // Pages var pagesSection = document.createElement('div'); pagesSection.style.cssText = 'border-bottom:1px solid lightGray;padding-bottom:12px;margin-bottom:12px;'; var allPagesRadio = document.createElement('input'); allPagesRadio.style.cssText = 'margin-right:8px;margin-bottom:8px;'; allPagesRadio.setAttribute('value', 'all'); allPagesRadio.setAttribute('type', 'radio'); allPagesRadio.setAttribute('name', 'pages-printdialog'); pagesSection.appendChild(allPagesRadio); var span = document.createElement('span'); mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('printAllPages')); pagesSection.appendChild(span); mxUtils.br(pagesSection); // Pages ... to ... var pagesRadio = allPagesRadio.cloneNode(true); allPagesRadio.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); pagesRadio.setAttribute('value', 'range'); pagesSection.appendChild(pagesRadio); var span = document.createElement('span'); mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('pages') + ':'); pagesSection.appendChild(span); var pagesFromInput = document.createElement('input'); pagesFromInput.style.cssText = 'margin:0 8px 0 8px;' pagesFromInput.setAttribute('value', '1'); pagesFromInput.setAttribute('type', 'number'); pagesFromInput.setAttribute('min', '1'); pagesFromInput.style.width = '50px'; pagesSection.appendChild(pagesFromInput); var span = document.createElement('span'); mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('to')); pagesSection.appendChild(span); var pagesToInput = pagesFromInput.cloneNode(true); pagesSection.appendChild(pagesToInput); mxEvent.addListener(pagesFromInput, 'focus', function() { pagesRadio.checked = true; }); mxEvent.addListener(pagesToInput, 'focus', function() { pagesRadio.checked = true; }); function validatePageRange() { pagesToInput.value = Math.max(1, Math.min(pageCount, Math.max(parseInt(pagesToInput.value), parseInt(pagesFromInput.value)))); pagesFromInput.value = Math.max(1, Math.min(pageCount, Math.min(parseInt(pagesToInput.value), parseInt(pagesFromInput.value)))); }; mxEvent.addListener(pagesFromInput, 'change', validatePageRange); mxEvent.addListener(pagesToInput, 'change', validatePageRange); if (editorUi.pages != null) { pageCount = editorUi.pages.length; if (editorUi.currentPage != null) { for (var i = 0; i < editorUi.pages.length; i++) { if (editorUi.currentPage == editorUi.pages[i]) { currentPage = i + 1; pagesFromInput.value = currentPage; pagesToInput.value = currentPage; break; } } } } pagesFromInput.setAttribute('max', pageCount); pagesToInput.setAttribute('max', pageCount); if (pageCount > 1) { div.appendChild(pagesSection); } // Adjust to ... var adjustSection = document.createElement('div'); adjustSection.style.marginBottom = '10px'; var adjustRadio = document.createElement('input'); adjustRadio.style.marginRight = '8px'; adjustRadio.setAttribute('value', 'adjust'); adjustRadio.setAttribute('type', 'radio'); adjustRadio.setAttribute('name', 'printZoom'); adjustSection.appendChild(adjustRadio); var span = document.createElement('span'); mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('adjustTo')); adjustSection.appendChild(span); var zoomInput = document.createElement('input'); zoomInput.style.cssText = 'margin:0 8px 0 8px;'; zoomInput.setAttribute('value', '100 %'); zoomInput.style.width = '50px'; adjustSection.appendChild(zoomInput); mxEvent.addListener(zoomInput, 'focus', function() { adjustRadio.checked = true; }); div.appendChild(adjustSection); // Fit to ... var fitSection = pagesSection.cloneNode(false); var fitRadio = adjustRadio.cloneNode(true); fitRadio.setAttribute('value', 'fit'); adjustRadio.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); var spanFitRadio = document.createElement('div'); spanFitRadio.style.cssText = 'display:inline-block;height:100%;vertical-align:top;padding-top:2px;'; spanFitRadio.appendChild(fitRadio); fitSection.appendChild(spanFitRadio); var table = document.createElement('table'); table.style.display = 'inline-block'; var tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); var row1 = document.createElement('tr'); var row2 = row1.cloneNode(true); var td1 = document.createElement('td'); var td2 = td1.cloneNode(true); var td3 = td1.cloneNode(true); var td4 = td1.cloneNode(true); var td5 = td1.cloneNode(true); var td6 = td1.cloneNode(true); td1.style.textAlign = 'right'; td4.style.textAlign = 'right'; mxUtils.write(td1, mxResources.get('fitTo')); var sheetsAcrossInput = document.createElement('input'); sheetsAcrossInput.style.cssText = 'margin:0 8px 0 8px;'; sheetsAcrossInput.setAttribute('value', '1'); sheetsAcrossInput.setAttribute('min', '1'); sheetsAcrossInput.setAttribute('type', 'number'); sheetsAcrossInput.style.width = '40px'; td2.appendChild(sheetsAcrossInput); var span = document.createElement('span'); mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('fitToSheetsAcross')); td3.appendChild(span); mxUtils.write(td4, mxResources.get('fitToBy')); var sheetsDownInput = sheetsAcrossInput.cloneNode(true); td5.appendChild(sheetsDownInput); mxEvent.addListener(sheetsAcrossInput, 'focus', function() { fitRadio.checked = true; }); mxEvent.addListener(sheetsDownInput, 'focus', function() { fitRadio.checked = true; }); var span = document.createElement('span'); mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('fitToSheetsDown')); td6.appendChild(span); row1.appendChild(td1); row1.appendChild(td2); row1.appendChild(td3); row2.appendChild(td4); row2.appendChild(td5); row2.appendChild(td6); tbody.appendChild(row1); tbody.appendChild(row2); table.appendChild(tbody); fitSection.appendChild(table); div.appendChild(fitSection); // Page scale ... var pageScaleSection = document.createElement('div'); var span = document.createElement('div'); span.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; span.style.marginBottom = '12px'; mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('paperSize')); pageScaleSection.appendChild(span); var span = document.createElement('div'); span.style.marginBottom = '12px'; var accessor = PageSetupDialog.addPageFormatPanel(span, 'printdialog', editorUi.editor.graph.pageFormat || mxConstants.PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAIT); pageScaleSection.appendChild(span); var span = document.createElement('span'); mxUtils.write(span, mxResources.get('pageScale')); pageScaleSection.appendChild(span); var pageScaleInput = document.createElement('input'); pageScaleInput.style.cssText = 'margin:0 8px 0 8px;'; pageScaleInput.setAttribute('value', '100 %'); pageScaleInput.style.width = '60px'; pageScaleSection.appendChild(pageScaleInput); div.appendChild(pageScaleSection); // Buttons var buttons = document.createElement('div'); buttons.style.cssText = 'text-align:right;margin:62px 0 0 0;'; // Overall scale for print-out to account for print borders in dialogs etc function preview(print) { var printScale = parseInt(pageScaleInput.value) / 100; if (isNaN(printScale)) { printScale = 1; pageScaleInput.value = '100 %'; } // Workaround to match available paper size in actual print output printScale *= 0.75; function printGraph(thisGraph, pv, forcePageBreaks) { // Negative coordinates are cropped or shifted if page visible var gb = thisGraph.getGraphBounds(); var border = 0; var x0 = 0; var y0 = 0; var pf = accessor.get(); var scale = 1 / thisGraph.pageScale; var autoOrigin = fitRadio.checked; if (autoOrigin) { var h = parseInt(sheetsAcrossInput.value); var v = parseInt(sheetsDownInput.value); scale = Math.min((pf.height * v) / (gb.height / thisGraph.view.scale), (pf.width * h) / (gb.width / thisGraph.view.scale)); } else { scale = parseInt(zoomInput.value) / (100 * thisGraph.pageScale); if (isNaN(scale)) { printScale = 1 / thisGraph.pageScale; zoomInput.value = '100 %'; } } // Applies print scale pf = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(pf); pf.width = Math.ceil(pf.width * printScale); pf.height = Math.ceil(pf.height * printScale); scale *= printScale; // Starts at first visible page if (!autoOrigin && thisGraph.pageVisible) { var layout = thisGraph.getPageLayout(); x0 -= layout.x * pf.width; y0 -= layout.y * pf.height; } else { autoOrigin = true; } if (pv == null) { pv = PrintDialog.createPrintPreview(thisGraph, scale, pf, border, x0, y0, autoOrigin); pv.pageSelector = false; pv.mathEnabled = false; var writeHead = pv.writeHead; // Overridden to add custom fonts pv.writeHead = function(doc) { writeHead.apply(this, arguments); if (editorUi.editor.fontCss != null) { doc.writeln(''); } }; if (typeof(MathJax) !== 'undefined') { // Adds class to ignore if math is disabled var printPreviewRenderPage = pv.renderPage; pv.renderPage = function(w, h, dx, dy, content, pageNumber) { var result = printPreviewRenderPage.apply(this, arguments); if (this.graph.mathEnabled) { this.mathEnabled = true; } else { result.className = 'geDisableMathJax'; } return result; }; } pv.open(null, null, forcePageBreaks, true); } else { var bg = thisGraph.background; if (bg == null || bg == '' || bg == mxConstants.NONE) { bg = '#ffffff'; } pv.backgroundColor = bg; pv.autoOrigin = autoOrigin; pv.appendGraph(thisGraph, scale, x0, y0, forcePageBreaks, true); } return pv; }; var pagesFrom = pagesFromInput.value; var pagesTo = pagesToInput.value; var ignorePages = !allPagesRadio.checked; var pv = null; if (ignorePages) { ignorePages = pagesFrom == currentPage && pagesTo == currentPage; } if (!ignorePages && editorUi.pages != null && editorUi.pages.length) { var i0 = 0; var imax = editorUi.pages.length - 1; if (!allPagesRadio.checked) { i0 = parseInt(pagesFrom) - 1; imax = parseInt(pagesTo) - 1; } for (var i = i0; i <= imax; i++) { var page = editorUi.pages[i]; var tempGraph = (page == editorUi.currentPage) ? graph : null; if (tempGraph == null) { tempGraph = editorUi.createTemporaryGraph(graph.getStylesheet()); // Restores graph settings that are relevant for printing var pageVisible = true; var mathEnabled = false; var bg = null; var bgImage = null; if (page.viewState == null && page.mapping == null) { // Workaround to extract view state from XML node // This changes the state of the page and parses // the XML for the graph model even if not needed. if (page.root == null) { editorUi.updatePageRoot(page); } } if (page.viewState != null) { pageVisible = page.viewState.pageVisible; mathEnabled = page.viewState.mathEnabled; bg = page.viewState.background; bgImage = page.viewState.backgroundImage; } else if (page.mapping != null && page.mapping.diagramMap != null) { // Default pageVisible in realtime is true mathEnabled = page.mapping.diagramMap.get('mathEnabled') != '0'; bg = page.mapping.diagramMap.get('background'); var temp = page.mapping.diagramMap.get('backgroundImage'); bgImage = (temp != null && temp.length > 0) ? JSON.parse(temp) : null; } tempGraph.background = bg; tempGraph.backgroundImage = (bgImage != null) ? new mxImage(bgImage.src, bgImage.width, bgImage.height) : null; tempGraph.pageVisible = pageVisible; tempGraph.mathEnabled = mathEnabled; // Redirects placeholders to current page var graphGetGlobalVariable = tempGraph.getGlobalVariable; tempGraph.getGlobalVariable = function(name) { if (name == 'page') { return page.getName(); } else if (name == 'pagenumber') { return i + 1; } return graphGetGlobalVariable.apply(this, arguments); }; document.body.appendChild(tempGraph.container); editorUi.updatePageRoot(page); tempGraph.model.setRoot(page.root); } pv = printGraph(tempGraph, pv, i != imax); if (tempGraph != graph) { tempGraph.container.parentNode.removeChild(tempGraph.container); } } } else { pv = printGraph(graph); } if (pv.mathEnabled) { var doc = pv.wnd.document; doc.writeln(''); doc.writeln(''); } pv.closeDocument(); if (!pv.mathEnabled && print) { PrintDialog.printPreview(pv); } }; var cancelBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('cancel'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); }); cancelBtn.className = 'geBtn'; if (editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { buttons.appendChild(cancelBtn); } if (!editorUi.isOffline()) { var helpBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('help'), function() { window.open('https://desk.draw.io/support/solutions/articles/16000048947'); }); helpBtn.className = 'geBtn'; buttons.appendChild(helpBtn); } if (PrintDialog.previewEnabled) { var previewBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('preview'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); preview(false); }); previewBtn.className = 'geBtn'; buttons.appendChild(previewBtn); } var printBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get((!PrintDialog.previewEnabled) ? 'ok' : 'print'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); preview(true); }); printBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; buttons.appendChild(printBtn); if (!editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { buttons.appendChild(cancelBtn); } div.appendChild(buttons); this.container = div; }; })();